struct | apply_compose |
struct | apply_compose< double > |
class | AutoTicToc |
class | BinaryExpression |
| Binary Expression. More...
class | BinarySumNode |
| Binary Sum Expression. More...
struct | CallRecord |
struct | CallRecordImplementor |
class | ConstantExpression |
| Constant Expression. More...
struct | ConvertToDynamicIf |
struct | ConvertToDynamicIf< false > |
struct | DoglegState |
struct | DynamicTraits |
class | ExecutionTrace |
class | ExpressionNode |
struct | FastDefaultAllocator |
| Default allocator for list, map, and set types. More...
struct | FastDefaultVectorAllocator |
| Default allocator for vector types (we never use boost pool for vectors) More...
struct | FixedSizeMatrix |
struct | GetDimensionImpl |
| Extra manifold traits for fixed-dimension types. More...
struct | GetDimensionImpl< Class, Eigen::Dynamic > |
| Extra manifold traits for variable-dimension types. More...
struct | handle |
struct | handle< Eigen::Matrix< double, M, N > > |
struct | handle_matrix |
struct | handle_matrix< Eigen::Matrix< double, M, N >, false > |
struct | handle_matrix< Eigen::Matrix< double, M, N >, true > |
struct | HasManifoldPrereqs |
| Requirements on type to pass it to Manifold template below. More...
struct | HasVectorSpacePrereqs |
| Requirements on type to pass it to Manifold template below. More...
struct | Jacobian |
| meta-function to generate fixed-size JacobianTA type More...
class | JacobianMap |
class | LeafExpression |
| Leaf Expression, if no chart is given, assume default chart and value_type is just the plain value. More...
struct | LevenbergMarquardtState |
struct | LieGroup |
| Both LieGroupTraits and Testable. More...
struct | LieGroupTraits |
struct | LogDeterminantData |
| Struct to help with traversing the Bayes Tree for log-determinant computation. Records the data which is passed to the child nodes in pre-order visit. More...
struct | Manifold |
| Both ManifoldTraits and Testable. More...
struct | ManifoldTraits |
struct | NonlinearOptimizerState |
class | ScalarMultiplyNode |
| Expression for scalar multiplication. More...
struct | ScalarTraits |
class | TernaryExpression |
| Ternary Expression. More...
class | TimingOutline |
class | UnaryExpression |
| Unary Function Expression. More...
struct | UseBlockIf |
struct | UseBlockIf< false, Derived > |
| Handle Leaf Case for Dynamic Matrix type (slower) More...
struct | VectorSpace |
| VectorSpace provides both Testable and VectorSpaceTraits. More...
struct | VectorSpaceImpl |
| VectorSpaceTraits Implementation for Fixed sizes. More...
struct | VectorSpaceImpl< Class, Eigen::Dynamic > |
| VectorSpaceTraits implementation for dynamic types. More...
struct | VectorSpaceTraits |
static Similarity3 | align (const Point3Pairs &d_abPointPairs, const Rot3 &aRb, const Point3Pair ¢roids) |
| This method estimates the similarity transform from differences point pairs,. More...
static Similarity2 | Align (const Point2Pairs &d_abPointPairs, const Rot2 &aRb, const Point2Pair ¢roids) |
| This method estimates the similarity transform from differences point pairs, given a known or estimated rotation and point centroids. More...
static Similarity3 | alignGivenR (const Point3Pairs &abPointPairs, const Rot3 &aRb) |
| This method estimates the similarity transform from point pairs, given a known or estimated rotation. More...
static Similarity2 | AlignGivenR (const Point2Pairs &abPointPairs, const Rot2 &aRb) |
| This method estimates the similarity transform from point pairs, given a known or estimated rotation. Refer to: http://www5.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/Forschung/Publikationen/2005/Zinsser05-PSR.pdf Chapter 3. More...
Rot3 | attitude (const NavState &X, OptionalJacobian< 3, 9 > H) |
static Matrix2 | CalculateH (const Point2Pairs &d_abPointPairs) |
| Form outer product H. More...
static Matrix3 | calculateH (const Point3Pairs &d_abPointPairs) |
| Form outer product H. More...
NonlinearFactorGraph | calculateMarginalFactors (const NonlinearFactorGraph &graph, const Values &theta, const KeySet &remainingKeys, const GaussianFactorGraph::Eliminate &eliminateFunction) |
static double | CalculateScale (const Point2Pairs &d_abPointPairs, const Rot2 &aRb) |
| Form inner products x and y and calculate scale. More...
static double | calculateScale (const Point3Pairs &d_abPointPairs, const Rot3 &aRb) |
| Form inner products x and y and calculate scale. More...
constexpr int | DimensionSO (int N) |
| Calculate dimensionality of SO<N> manifold, or return Dynamic if so. More...
template<class FACTOR > |
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< SymbolicConditional >, std::shared_ptr< SymbolicFactor > > | EliminateSymbolic (const FactorGraph< FACTOR > &factors, const Ordering &keys) |
GTSAM_EXPORT std::weak_ptr< TimingOutline > | gCurrentTimer (gTimingRoot) |
size_t | getTicTocID (const char *descriptionC) |
GTSAM_EXPORT std::shared_ptr< TimingOutline > | gTimingRoot (new TimingOutline("Total", getTicTocID("Total"))) |
template<typename Derived > |
void | handleLeafCase (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &dTdA, JacobianMap &jacobians, Key key) |
| Handle Leaf Case: reverse AD ends here, by writing a matrix into Jacobians. More...
template<class BAYESTREE > |
double | logDeterminant (const typename BAYESTREE::sharedClique &clique) |
LogDeterminantData & | logDeterminant (const GaussianBayesTreeClique::shared_ptr &clique, LogDeterminantData &parentSum) |
constexpr int | NSquaredSO (int N) |
template<class BAYESTREE > |
void | optimizeInPlace (const typename BAYESTREE::sharedClique &clique, VectorValues &result) |
static void | optimizeInPlace (const ISAM2::sharedClique &clique, VectorValues *result) |
Point3 | position (const NavState &X, OptionalJacobian< 3, 9 > H) |
template<class T , class A > |
static void | PrintJacobianAndTrace (const std::string &indent, const typename Jacobian< T, A >::type &dTdA, const ExecutionTrace< A > trace) |
template<class CAMERA , class POINT > |
Point2 | project4 (const CAMERA &camera, const POINT &p, OptionalJacobian< 2, CAMERA::dimension > Dcam, OptionalJacobian< 2, FixedDimension< POINT >::value > Dpoint) |
template<class CALIBRATION , class POINT > |
Point2 | project6 (const Pose3 &x, const Point3 &p, const Cal3_S2 &K, OptionalJacobian< 2, 6 > Dpose, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 > Dpoint, OptionalJacobian< 2, 5 > Dcal) |
Rot3 | rotation (const Pose3 &pose, OptionalJacobian< 3, 6 > H) |
bool | structureCompareOp (const VectorValues::value_type &a, const VectorValues::value_type &b) |
static Point3Pairs | subtractCentroids (const Point3Pairs &abPointPairs, const Point3Pair ¢roids) |
| Subtract centroids from point pairs. More...
static Point2Pairs | SubtractCentroids (const Point2Pairs &abPointPairs, const Point2Pair ¢roids) |
| Subtract centroids from point pairs. More...
template<typename T > |
bool | testExpressionJacobians (const std::string &name_, const gtsam::Expression< T > &expression, const gtsam::Values &values, double nd_step, double tolerance) |
bool | testFactorJacobians (const std::string &name_, const NoiseModelFactor &factor, const gtsam::Values &values, double delta, double tolerance) |
void | tic (size_t id, const char *labelC) |
void | toc (size_t id, const char *labelC) |
Point3 | translation (const Pose3 &pose, OptionalJacobian< 3, 6 > H) |
template<typename T > |
T & | upAlign (T &value, unsigned requiredAlignment=TraceAlignment) |
template<typename T > |
T | upAligned (T value, unsigned requiredAlignment=TraceAlignment) |
void | updateRgProd (const ISAM2::sharedClique &clique, const KeySet &replacedKeys, const VectorValues &grad, VectorValues *RgProd, size_t *varsUpdated) |
Velocity3 | velocity (const NavState &X, OptionalJacobian< 3, 9 > H) |