20 #ifndef __BINARY_LOGS_H__ 21 #define __BINARY_LOGS_H__ 24 #include "../sbgEComIds.h" This file is used to parse received GPS binary logs.
This file is used to parse received DVL binary logs.
SbgLogEkfNavData ekfNavData
SbgLogEkfEulerData ekfEulerData
This file is used to parse received debug frames.
SbgLogEkfQuatData ekfQuatData
This file is used to parse received EKF compued data binary logs.
This file is used to parse received event markers binary logs.
This file is used to parse received UTC binary logs.
SbgErrorCode sbgEComBinaryLogParse(SbgEComClass msgClass, SbgEComMsgId msg, const void *pPayload, size_t payloadSize, SbgBinaryLogData *pOutputData)
This file is used to parse received device status binary logs.
SbgLogOdometerData odometerData
This file is used to parse received magnetometer binary logs.
This file is used to parse received Pressure binary logs.
This file is used to parse received ship motion binary logs.
union _SbgBinaryLogData SbgBinaryLogData
This file is used to parse received odometer binary logs.
Main header file for SBG Systems common C library.
SbgLogMagCalib magCalibData
This file is used to parse received IMU binary logs.
SbgLogDebug0Data debug0Data
SbgLogPressureData pressureData
SbgLogFastImuData fastImuData
enum _SbgEComClass SbgEComClass
SbgLogShipMotionData shipMotionData
This file is used to parse received USBL binary logs.
SbgLogStatusData statusData
enum _SbgErrorCode SbgErrorCode