Go to the documentation of this file.
11 #include <frames.hpp>
12 #include <frames_io.hpp>
13 #include <trajectory.hpp>
14 #include <trajectory_segment.hpp>
16 #include <trajectory_composite.hpp>
17 #include <trajectory_composite.hpp>
18 #include <velocityprofile_trap.hpp>
21 #include <utilities/error.h>
22 #include <utilities/utility.h>
23 #include <trajectory_composite.hpp>
25 int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
26  using namespace KDL;
27  // Create the trajectory:
28  // use try/catch to catch any exceptions thrown.
29  // NOTE: exceptions will become obsolete in a future version.
30  try {
31  // Path_RoundedComposite defines the geometric path along
32  // which the robot will move.
33  //
35  // The routines are now robust against segments that are parallel.
36  // When the routines are parallel, no rounding is needed, and no attempt is made
37  // add constructing a rounding arc.
38  // (It is still not possible when the segments are on top of each other)
39  // Note that you can only rotate in a deterministic way over an angle less then PI!
40  // With an angle == PI, you cannot predict over which side will be rotated.
41  // With an angle > PI, the routine will rotate over 2*PI-angle.
42  // If you need to rotate over a larger angle, you need to introduce intermediate points.
43  // So, there is a common use case for using parallel segments.
44  path->Add(Frame(Rotation::RPY(PI,0,0), Vector(-1,0,0)));
45  path->Add(Frame(Rotation::RPY(PI_2,0,0), Vector(-0.5,0,0)));
46  path->Add(Frame(Rotation::RPY(0,0,0), Vector(0,0,0)));
47  path->Add(Frame(Rotation::RPY(0.7,0.7,0.7), Vector(1,1,1)));
48  path->Add(Frame(Rotation::RPY(0,0.7,0), Vector(1.5,0.3,0)));
49  path->Add(Frame(Rotation::RPY(0.7,0.7,0), Vector(1,1,0)));
51  // always call Finish() at the end, otherwise the last segment will not be added.
52  path->Finish();
54  // Trajectory defines a motion of the robot along a path.
55  // This defines a trapezoidal velocity profile.
56  VelocityProfile* velpref = new VelocityProfile_Trap(0.5,0.1);
57  velpref->SetProfile(0,path->PathLength());
58  Trajectory* traject = new Trajectory_Segment(path, velpref);
62  ctraject->Add(traject);
63  ctraject->Add(new Trajectory_Stationary(1.0,Frame(Rotation::RPY(0.7,0.7,0), Vector(1,1,0))));
65  // use the trajectory
66  double dt=0.1;
67  std::ofstream of("./trajectory.dat");
68  for (double t=0.0; t <= traject->Duration(); t+= dt) {
69  Frame current_pose;
70  current_pose = traject->Pos(t);
71  for (int i=0;i<4;++i)
72  for (int j=0;j<4;++j)
73  of << current_pose(i,j) << "\t";
74  of << "\n";
75  // also velocities and accelerations are available !
76  //traject->Vel(t);
77  //traject->Acc(t);
78  }
79  of.close();
81  // you can get some meta-info on the path:
82  for (int segmentnr=0; segmentnr < path->GetNrOfSegments(); segmentnr++) {
83  double starts,ends;
84  Path::IdentifierType pathtype;
85  if (segmentnr==0) {
86  starts = 0.0;
87  } else {
88  starts = path->GetLengthToEndOfSegment(segmentnr-1);
89  }
90  ends = path->GetLengthToEndOfSegment(segmentnr);
91  pathtype = path->GetSegment(segmentnr)->getIdentifier();
92  std::cout << "segment " << segmentnr << " runs from s="<<starts << " to s=" <<ends;
93  switch(pathtype) {
94  case Path::ID_CIRCLE:
95  std::cout << " circle";
96  break;
97  case Path::ID_LINE:
98  std::cout << " line ";
99  break;
100  default:
101  std::cout << " unknown ";
102  break;
103  }
104  std::cout << std::endl;
105  }
106  std::cout << " trajectory written to the ./trajectory.dat file " << std::endl;
108  delete ctraject;
109  } catch(Error& error) {
110  std::cout <<"I encountered this error : " << error.Description() << std::endl;
111  std::cout << "with the following type " << error.GetType() << std::endl;
112  }
114 }
void Add(const Frame &F_base_point)
const double PI_2
the value of pi/2
virtual void Add(Trajectory *elem)
const double PI
the value of pi
virtual int GetType() const
Definition: error.h:65
A concrete implementation of a 3 dimensional vector class.
Definition: frames.hpp:160
static Rotation RPY(double roll, double pitch, double yaw)
Definition: frames.cpp:237
virtual Frame Pos(double time) const =0
Definition: path.hpp:61
virtual const char * Description() const
Definition: error.h:63
virtual IdentifierType getIdentifier() const =0
virtual double Duration() const =0
represents a frame transformation in 3D space (rotation + translation)
Definition: frames.hpp:570
virtual void SetProfile(double pos1, double pos2)=0
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
virtual double GetLengthToEndOfSegment(int i)

autogenerated on Fri Mar 12 2021 03:05:44