File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
cod_decod.cpp [code]This is the parent class for the actual CodDecod objects for every ethercat slave device. The main functions are update, which decodes the data buffer coming from the ethercat device and updates the fields of the HardwareInterface, and build_command, which encodes the command data for the ethercat device (reading from HardwareInterface) and writes it to the buffer
cod_decod.hpp [code]This is the parent class for the actual CodDecod objects for every ethercat slave device. The main functions are update, which decodes the data buffer coming from the ethercat device and updates the fields of the HardwareInterface, and build_command, which encodes the command data for the ethercat device (reading from HardwareInterface) and writes it to the buffer
cod_decod_manager.cpp [code]An instance of this class will be created by the driver of every ethercat slave. Depending on the configuration read from the parameter server (defined in cod_decod_config.yaml) It will instantiate an object of the corresponding subclass of CodDecod. The update and build_command functions will call the corresponding functions of the CodDecod object
cod_decod_manager.hpp [code]An instance of this class will be created by the driver of every ethercat slave. Depending on the configuration read from the parameter server (defined in cod_decod_config.yaml) It will instantiate an object of the corresponding subclass of CodDecod. The update and build_command functions will call the corresponding functions of the CodDecod object
cod_decod_std_io.cpp [code]
cod_decod_std_io.hpp [code]This is an intermediate CodDecod class for any ethercat slave device that only has digital and analog (16bit) inputs and outputs. It decodes and encodes the status and commands, publishes the inputs of the device to a topic and reads commands from a topic to set the outputs of the device (this may be incompatible with the system functionality and will probably have to be removed). This object is not interacting in any way with the HardwareInterface. Its children (e.g. cod_decod_01) will [code]
ronex_utils.hpp [code]A set of useful functions for the RoNeX drivers. This library is relying on the ethercat_hardware package that's why we keep it separate from the sr_ronex_utilities library (to keep sr_ronex_utilities really light)
sr_board_0x.cpp [code]Generic driver for a Shadow Robot EtherCAT Slave board. Drivers for every kind of device should inherit from this class
sr_board_0x.h [code]Generic driver for a standard EtherCAT Slave. Reads information about inputs and outputs from the SII (in eeprom memory) of the slave Drivers for every kind of device should inherit from this class
sr_board_mk2_gio.cpp [code]Driver for the RoNeX mk2 General I/O module
sr_board_mk2_gio.hpp [code]Driver for the RoNeX mk2 General I/O module
sr_spi.cpp [code]Driver for the RoNeX mk2 General I/O module
sr_spi.hpp [code]Driver for the RoNeX SPI module
sr_tcat.cpp [code]Driver for the RoNeX TCAT module
sr_tcat.hpp [code]Driver for the RoNeX TCAT module
standard_ethercat_device.cpp [code]Generic driver for a standard EtherCAT Slave. Reads information about inputs and outputs from the SII (in eeprom memory) of the slave Drivers for every kind of standard ethercat device should inherit from this class
standard_ethercat_device.h [code]Generic driver for a standard EtherCAT Slave. Reads information about inputs and outputs from the SII (in eeprom memory) of the slave Drivers for every kind of standard ethercat device should inherit from this class
test_ethercat_drivers.cpp [code]

Author(s): Ugo Cupcic, Toni Oliver, Mark Pitchless
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 13:12:23