
Set of rviz plugins for ROS4HRI data visualization



This package provides a list of rviz2 plugins for human-related data visualisation. It is part of the ROS4HRI ecosystem.



A plugin for visualising 2D information overlayed on a camera stream (ideally, the stream used to detect it). Currently, the plugin can visualise:

  • Face bounding boxes

  • Face landmarks

  • Body bounding boxes

  • 2D skeleton keypoints

Humans plugin

How to use it
  1. If not already available, add a Displays panel;

  2. press the Add button at the bottom to istantiate a new plugin;

  3. select By topic;

  4. among the available topics, select the Humans plugin for the camera stream you are interested in;

  5. once created the plugin, select which type of information you want to visualise (face bounging boxes, skeleton landmarks, etc.);

  6. enjoy!


A plugin for visualising the estimated 3D poses of the detected humans.

Skeletons3D plugin

How to use it
  1. If not already available, add a Displays panel;

  2. press the Add button at the bottom to istantiate a new plugin;

  3. select By display type;

  4. select Skeletons3D;

  5. enjoy!


A plugin for visualising the human-related TF frames. These are higly dynamical, appearing and disappearing in a matter of seconds. Using the classic TF plugin would result in a crowded and chaotic frames visualisation. This plugin:

  • looks over the detected faces and bodies;

  • only displays the face and bodies TF frames for the currently detected bodies and faces;

  • readily remove the TF frames for those bodies and faces that are no more tracked, avoiding the disappearing phase observed in the original TF frame for the non-updated frames. It is possible to select which human frames to visualise among:

  • face frames;

  • gaze frames;

  • body frames;

TF_HRI plugin

How to use it
  1. If not already available, add a Displays panel;

  2. press the Add button at the bottom to istantiate a new plugin;

  3. select By display type;

  4. select TF_HRI;

  5. enjoy!


To test the hri_rviz plugins:

  1. Download hri_face_detect and hri_fullbody;

  2. build them;

  3. start an RGB camera stream;

  4. start face and body detection: - ros2 launch hri_face_detect filtering_frame:=<camera_frame> rgb_camera:=<rgb_camera_stream_ns> - ros2 launch hri_fullbody rgb_camera:=<rgb_camera_stream_ns> where <rgb_camera_stream_ns> is the RGB camera stream namespace (e.g., /camera/color). This expects the raw RGB images to be published on <rgb_camera_stream_ns>/image_raw. Check the launch files parameters for different options.

  5. start the plugins as previously described.