
ompl_ros_interface Namespace Reference


namespace  msg


class  KinematicStateToOmplStateMapping
struct  OmplPlannerDiagnostics_
class  OmplRos
 Initializes a bunch of planners for different groups (collections of joints and links, e.g. a robot arm). This class gets all its parameters from the ROS parameter server. After initializing, just call run on the class to start it running. More...
class  OmplRosIKSampleableRegion
 Inherits from ompl::base::GoalSampleableRegion and can be used to sample goals using IK. More...
class  OmplRosIKSampler
class  OmplRosIKStateTransformer
 A state trasformer that uses forward and inverse kinematics to convert to and from ompl and physical robot states. More...
class  OmplRosJointPlanner
 A joint planner - this is the planner that most applications will use. More...
class  OmplRosJointStateValidityChecker
 This class implements a state validity checker in joint space. More...
class  OmplRosPlanningGroup
 An instantiation of a particular planner for a specific group. More...
class  OmplRosProjectionEvaluator
 A projection evaluator specifically designed for the ROS interface to OMPL while using a compound state space. More...
class  OmplRosRPYIKStateTransformer
class  OmplRosRPYIKTaskSpacePlanner
class  OmplRosStateTransformer
class  OmplRosStateValidityChecker
 A ROS wrapper around a ompl::base::StateValidityChecker object. More...
class  OmplRosTaskSpacePlanner
 A generic task space planner. More...
class  OmplRosTaskSpaceValidityChecker
 This class implements a state validity checker in task space. More...
class  OmplStateToKinematicStateMapping
class  OmplStateToRobotStateMapping
class  PlannerConfig
 A class to define a planner configuration. More...
class  PlannerConfigMap
 A map from group name to planner configuration names. This class is used internally and is not intended for external use. More...
class  RobotStateToKinematicStateMapping
class  RobotStateToOmplStateMapping


< std::allocator< void > > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ::ompl_ros_interface::OmplPlannerDiagnostics
const > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ::ompl_ros_interface::OmplPlannerDiagnostics
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ompl_ros_interface::OmplRosStateValidityChecker



enumeration of different mapping types for ompl



bool addToOmplStateSpace (const planning_models::KinematicModel *kinematic_model, const std::string &joint_name, ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &ompl_state_space)
 Add a state to the ompl state space.
bool constraintsToOmplState (const arm_navigation_msgs::Constraints &constraints, ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_scoped_state, const bool &fail_if_match_not_found=true)
 Convert a set of constraints to an ompl scoped state.
bool getJointStateGroupToOmplStateMapping (planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup *joint_state_group, const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state, ompl_ros_interface::KinematicStateToOmplStateMapping &mapping)
 Create a mapping from the kinematic state to an ompl state.
bool getJointStateToOmplStateMapping (const sensor_msgs::JointState &joint_state, const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state, ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping &mapping, const bool &fail_if_match_not_found=true)
 Create a mapping from the ROS message joint_state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
ompl_ros_interface::MAPPING_TYPE getMappingType (const ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &state_space)
ompl_ros_interface::MAPPING_TYPE getMappingType (const ompl::base::StateSpace *state_space)
ompl_ros_interface::MAPPING_TYPE getMappingType (const planning_models::KinematicModel::JointModel *joint_model)
bool getOmplStateToJointStateGroupMapping (const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state, planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup *joint_state_group, ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToKinematicStateMapping &mapping)
 Create a mapping from the ompl state to a kinematic state.
bool getOmplStateToJointStateMapping (const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state, const sensor_msgs::JointState &joint_state, ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping &mapping, const bool &fail_if_match_not_found=true)
 Create a mapping from an ompl state to the ROS message robot_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
bool getOmplStateToJointTrajectoryMapping (const ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &state_space, const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &joint_trajectory, ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping &mapping)
 Get the mapping from an ompl state space to a JointTrajectory message.
bool getOmplStateToRobotStateMapping (const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state, const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState &robot_state, ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping &mapping, const bool &fail_if_match_not_found=true)
 Create a mapping from an ompl state to the ROS message robot_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
bool getOmplStateToRobotTrajectoryMapping (const ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &state_space, const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotTrajectory &robot_trajectory, ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping &mapping)
 Get the mapping from an ompl state space to a RobotTrajectory message.
bool getRobotStateToJointModelGroupMapping (const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState &robot_state, const planning_models::KinematicModel::JointModelGroup *joint_model_group, ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToKinematicStateMapping &mapping)
 Get the mapping from a RobotState message to a JointModelGroup.
bool getRobotStateToOmplStateMapping (const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState &robot_state, const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state, ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping &mapping, const bool &fail_if_match_not_found=true)
 Create a mapping from the ROS message robot_state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and an ompl state object by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
bool jointConstraintsToOmplState (const std::vector< arm_navigation_msgs::JointConstraint > &joint_constraints, ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_scoped_state)
 Convert a set of joint constraints to an ompl scoped state.
ompl::base::StateSpacePtr jointGroupToOmplStateSpacePtr (const planning_models::KinematicModel::JointModelGroup *joint_group, ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToKinematicStateMapping &ompl_kinematic_mapping, ompl_ros_interface::KinematicStateToOmplStateMapping &kinematic_ompl_mapping)
 create a object of type ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace from an object of type planning_models::KinematicModel::JointGroup
bool jointStateGroupToRobotTrajectory (planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup *joint_state_group, arm_navigation_msgs::RobotTrajectory &robot_trajectory)
 Create a RobotTrajectory message from a joint state group.
bool jointStateToRealVectorState (const sensor_msgs::JointState &joint_state, const ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping &mapping, ompl::base::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType &real_vector_state, const bool &fail_if_match_not_found=true)
 Convert a ROS message joint state to an ompl real vector state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
bool kinematicStateGroupToOmplState (const planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup *joint_state_group, const ompl_ros_interface::KinematicStateToOmplStateMapping &mapping, ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state)
 Convert a kinematic state to an ompl scoped state given the appropriate mapping.
bool omplPathGeometricToRobotTrajectory (const ompl::geometric::PathGeometric &path, const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping &mapping, arm_navigation_msgs::RobotTrajectory &robot_trajectory)
 Convert an ompl path to a RobotTrajectory message.
bool omplPathGeometricToRobotTrajectory (const ompl::geometric::PathGeometric &path, const ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &state_space, arm_navigation_msgs::RobotTrajectory &robot_trajectory)
 Convert an ompl path to a RobotTrajectory message.
bool omplRealVectorStateToJointState (const ompl::base::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType &ompl_state, const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping &mapping, sensor_msgs::JointState &joint_state)
 Convert an ompl state to the ROS message joint_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
bool omplStateToKinematicStateGroup (const ompl::base::State *ompl_state, const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToKinematicStateMapping &mapping, planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup *joint_state_group)
 Convert an ompl state to a kinematic state given the appropriate mapping.
bool omplStateToKinematicStateGroup (const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state, const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToKinematicStateMapping &mapping, planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup *joint_state_group)
 Convert an ompl scoped state to a kinematic state given the appropriate mapping.
bool omplStateToRobotState (const ompl::base::State &ompl_state, const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping &mapping, arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState &robot_state)
 Convert an ompl state to the ROS message robot_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
bool omplStateToRobotState (const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state, const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping &mapping, arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState &robot_state)
 Convert an ompl state to the ROS message robot_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
template<typename ContainerAllocator >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ::ompl_ros_interface::OmplPlannerDiagnostics_< ContainerAllocator > &v)
void poseMsgToSE3StateSpace (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose_msg, ompl::base::SE3StateSpace::StateType &pose)
 Convert a pose message to a SE3StateSpace::StateType.
void quaternionMsgToSO3StateSpace (const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &quaternion_msg, ompl::base::SO3StateSpace::StateType &quaternion)
 Convert a quaternion message to a SO3StateSpace::StateType.
bool robotStateToJointStateGroup (const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState &robot_state, const ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToKinematicStateMapping &robot_state_to_joint_state_group_mapping, planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup *joint_state_group)
 Convert from a RobotState to a JointStateGroup.
bool robotStateToOmplState (const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState &robot_state, ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_scoped_state, const bool &fail_if_match_not_found=true)
 Convert a ROS message robot state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
bool robotStateToOmplState (const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState &robot_state, const ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping &mapping, ompl::base::State *ompl_state, const bool &fail_if_match_not_found=true)
 Convert a ROS message robot state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
bool robotStateToOmplState (const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState &robot_state, const ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping &mapping, ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &ompl_state, const bool &fail_if_match_not_found=true)
 Convert a ROS message robot state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.
void SE2StateSpaceToPoseMsg (const ompl::base::SE2StateSpace::StateType &pose, geometry_msgs::Pose &pose_msg)
 Convert a SE2StateSpace::StateType to a pose message.
void SE3StateSpaceToPoseMsg (const ompl::base::SE3StateSpace::StateType &pose, geometry_msgs::Pose &pose_msg)
 Convert a SE3StateSpace::StateType to a pose message.
void SO3StateSpaceToPoseMsg (const ompl::base::SO3StateSpace::StateType &quaternion, geometry_msgs::Pose &pose_msg)
 Convert a SO3StateSpace::StateType to a pose message.
void SO3StateSpaceToQuaternionMsg (const ompl::base::SO3StateSpace::StateType &quaternion, geometry_msgs::Quaternion &quaternion_msg)
 Convert a SO3StateSpace::StateType to a quaternion message.

Detailed Description

Sachin Chitta, Ioan Sucan
Sachin Chitta
E.Gil Jones

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 149 of file OmplPlannerDiagnostics.h.

Definition at line 152 of file OmplPlannerDiagnostics.h.

Definition at line 151 of file OmplPlannerDiagnostics.h.

Definition at line 115 of file ompl_ros_state_validity_checker.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enumeration of different mapping types for ompl


Definition at line 68 of file ompl_ros_conversions.h.

Function Documentation

bool ompl_ros_interface::addToOmplStateSpace ( const planning_models::KinematicModel kinematic_model,
const std::string &  joint_name,
ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &  ompl_state_space 

Add a state to the ompl state space.

kinematic_model - the kinematic model to use for getting properties of the particular joint
joint_name - The joint name to add
ompl_state_space - The state space to add joints to
false if any error occured

Definition at line 141 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::constraintsToOmplState ( const arm_navigation_msgs::Constraints constraints,
ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_scoped_state,
const bool &  fail_if_match_not_found = true 

Convert a set of constraints to an ompl scoped state.

constraints The input joint constraints
ompl_scoped_state The output scoped state
fail_if_match_not_found - if true, fail if no matching joint was found for any of the joints specified in the constraints
false if any error occured

Definition at line 1123 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::getJointStateGroupToOmplStateMapping ( planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup joint_state_group,
const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_state,
ompl_ros_interface::KinematicStateToOmplStateMapping mapping 

Create a mapping from the kinematic state to an ompl state.

kinematic_state The kinematic state to create the mapping from
ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping to
mapping The resultant mapping

Definition at line 269 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::getJointStateToOmplStateMapping ( const sensor_msgs::JointState joint_state,
const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_state,
ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping mapping,
const bool &  fail_if_match_not_found = true 

Create a mapping from the ROS message joint_state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

robot_state The joint state message to create the mapping from
ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping to
mapping The resultant mapping

Definition at line 428 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

ompl_ros_interface::MAPPING_TYPE ompl_ros_interface::getMappingType ( const ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &  state_space  ) 

Definition at line 263 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

ompl_ros_interface::MAPPING_TYPE ompl_ros_interface::getMappingType ( const ompl::base::StateSpace *  state_space  ) 

Definition at line 233 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

ompl_ros_interface::MAPPING_TYPE ompl_ros_interface::getMappingType ( const planning_models::KinematicModel::JointModel joint_model  ) 

Definition at line 211 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::getOmplStateToJointStateGroupMapping ( const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_state,
planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup joint_state_group,
ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToKinematicStateMapping mapping 

Create a mapping from the ompl state to a kinematic state.

ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping from
joint_state_group The kinematic state to create the mapping to
mapping The resultant mapping

Definition at line 333 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::getOmplStateToJointStateMapping ( const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_state,
const sensor_msgs::JointState joint_state,
ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping mapping,
const bool &  fail_if_match_not_found = true 

Create a mapping from an ompl state to the ROS message robot_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping from
joint_state The joint state message to create the mapping to
mapping The resultant mapping

Definition at line 480 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::getOmplStateToJointTrajectoryMapping ( const ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &  state_space,
const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory joint_trajectory,
ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping mapping 

Get the mapping from an ompl state space to a JointTrajectory message.

state_space The state space
joint_trajectory The JointTrajectory message to find the mapping for
mapping The mapping from the state_space to the robot trajectory
false if any error occured

Definition at line 1031 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::getOmplStateToRobotStateMapping ( const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_state,
const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState robot_state,
ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping mapping,
const bool &  fail_if_match_not_found = true 

Create a mapping from an ompl state to the ROS message robot_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping from
robot_state The joint state message to create the mapping to
mapping The resultant mapping

Definition at line 549 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::getOmplStateToRobotTrajectoryMapping ( const ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &  state_space,
const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotTrajectory robot_trajectory,
ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping mapping 

Get the mapping from an ompl state space to a RobotTrajectory message.

state_space The state space
robot_trajectory The RobotTrajectory message to find the mapping for
mapping The mapping from the state_space to the robot trajectory
false if any error occured

Definition at line 997 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::getRobotStateToJointModelGroupMapping ( const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState robot_state,
const planning_models::KinematicModel::JointModelGroup joint_model_group,
ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToKinematicStateMapping mapping 

Get the mapping from a RobotState message to a JointModelGroup.

robot_state - The input RobotState
joint_model_group - The resultant joint model group
mapping - The mapping from the robot state to the joint model
false if any error occured

Definition at line 1142 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::getRobotStateToOmplStateMapping ( const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState robot_state,
const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_state,
ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping mapping,
const bool &  fail_if_match_not_found = true 

Create a mapping from the ROS message robot_state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and an ompl state object by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

robot_state The robot state to create the mapping from
ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping to
mapping The resultant mapping

Definition at line 392 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::jointConstraintsToOmplState ( const std::vector< arm_navigation_msgs::JointConstraint > &  joint_constraints,
ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_scoped_state 

Convert a set of joint constraints to an ompl scoped state.

joint_constraints The input joint constraints
ompl_scoped_state The output scoped state
false if any error occured

Definition at line 1106 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

ompl::base::StateSpacePtr ompl_ros_interface::jointGroupToOmplStateSpacePtr ( const planning_models::KinematicModel::JointModelGroup joint_group,
ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToKinematicStateMapping ompl_kinematic_mapping,
ompl_ros_interface::KinematicStateToOmplStateMapping kinematic_ompl_mapping 

create a object of type ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace from an object of type planning_models::KinematicModel::JointGroup

joint_group The joint group to construct this from
state_space The output state space
ompl_kinematic_mapping Mapping from the ompl state to the corresponding kinematic state
kinematic_ompl_mapping Mapping from the kinematic state to the corresponding ompl state

Definition at line 41 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::jointStateGroupToRobotTrajectory ( planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup joint_state_group,
arm_navigation_msgs::RobotTrajectory robot_trajectory 

Create a RobotTrajectory message from a joint state group.

Create a robot trajectory message for a joint state group.

joint_state_group The kinematic state to convert from
robot_trajectory The robot trajectory that was created
false if any error occured
joint_state_group The input group
robot_trajectory The output robot trajectory

Definition at line 892 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::jointStateToRealVectorState ( const sensor_msgs::JointState joint_state,
const ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping mapping,
ompl::base::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType &  real_vector_state,
const bool &  fail_if_match_not_found = true 

Convert a ROS message joint state to an ompl real vector state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

joint_state The joint state message to create the mapping to
real_vector_state The ompl state to create the mapping from
mapping The mapping to use for this conversion

Definition at line 657 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::kinematicStateGroupToOmplState ( const planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup joint_state_group,
const ompl_ros_interface::KinematicStateToOmplStateMapping mapping,
ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_scoped_state 

Convert a kinematic state to an ompl scoped state given the appropriate mapping.

Convert a kinematic state to an ompl state given the appropriate mapping.

joint_state_group The kinematic state to convert from
mapping The given mapping
ompl_state The ompl scoped state to convert to
joint_state_group The kinematic state to convert from
mapping The given mapping
ompl_scoped_state The ompl state to convert to

Definition at line 731 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::omplPathGeometricToRobotTrajectory ( const ompl::geometric::PathGeometric &  path,
const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping mapping,
arm_navigation_msgs::RobotTrajectory robot_trajectory 

Convert an ompl path to a RobotTrajectory message.

path The ompl path
mapping The mapping from the path to the robot trajectory
robot_trajectory The RobotTrajectory message to convert the path to
false if any error occured

Definition at line 939 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::omplPathGeometricToRobotTrajectory ( const ompl::geometric::PathGeometric &  path,
const ompl::base::StateSpacePtr &  state_space,
arm_navigation_msgs::RobotTrajectory robot_trajectory 

Convert an ompl path to a RobotTrajectory message.

path The ompl path
state_space The state space corresponding to the path
robot_trajectory The RobotTrajectory message to convert the path to
false if any error occured

Definition at line 922 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::omplRealVectorStateToJointState ( const ompl::base::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType &  ompl_state,
const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping mapping,
sensor_msgs::JointState joint_state 

Convert an ompl state to the ROS message joint_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping from
mapping The mapping to use for this conversion
joint_state The joint state message to create the mapping to

Definition at line 599 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::omplStateToKinematicStateGroup ( const ompl::base::State *  ompl_state,
const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToKinematicStateMapping mapping,
planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup joint_state_group 

Convert an ompl state to a kinematic state given the appropriate mapping.

ompl_state The ompl state to convert to
mapping The given mapping
joint_state_group The kinematic state to convert from

Definition at line 837 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::omplStateToKinematicStateGroup ( const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_scoped_state,
const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToKinematicStateMapping mapping,
planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup joint_state_group 

Convert an ompl scoped state to a kinematic state given the appropriate mapping.

Convert an ompl state to a kinematic state given the appropriate mapping.

ompl_state The ompl scoped state to convert from
mapping The given mapping
joint_state_group The kinematic state to convert to
ompl_scoped_state The ompl state to convert to
mapping The given mapping
joint_state_group The kinematic state to convert from

Definition at line 780 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::omplStateToRobotState ( const ompl::base::State &  ompl_state,
const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping mapping,
arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState robot_state 

Convert an ompl state to the ROS message robot_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping from
mapping The mapping to use for this conversion
robot_state The robot state message to create the mapping to
bool ompl_ros_interface::omplStateToRobotState ( const ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_state,
const ompl_ros_interface::OmplStateToRobotStateMapping mapping,
arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState robot_state 

Convert an ompl state to the ROS message robot_state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping from
mapping The mapping to use for this conversion
robot_state The robot state message to create the mapping to

Definition at line 579 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

template<typename ContainerAllocator >
std::ostream& ompl_ros_interface::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const ::ompl_ros_interface::OmplPlannerDiagnostics_< ContainerAllocator > &  v 
) [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file OmplPlannerDiagnostics.h.

void ompl_ros_interface::poseMsgToSE3StateSpace ( const geometry_msgs::Pose pose_msg,
ompl::base::SE3StateSpace::StateType &  pose 

Convert a pose message to a SE3StateSpace::StateType.

pose_msg - the input pose message
pose - the resultant object of type SE3StateSpace::StateType

Definition at line 707 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

void ompl_ros_interface::quaternionMsgToSO3StateSpace ( const geometry_msgs::Quaternion quaternion_msg,
ompl::base::SO3StateSpace::StateType &  quaternion 

Convert a quaternion message to a SO3StateSpace::StateType.

pose_msg - the resultant quaternion message
pose - an object of type SO3StateSpace::StateType

Definition at line 716 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::robotStateToJointStateGroup ( const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState robot_state,
const ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToKinematicStateMapping robot_state_to_joint_state_group_mapping,
planning_models::KinematicState::JointStateGroup joint_state_group 

Convert from a RobotState to a JointStateGroup.

robot_state - The input RobotState
robot_state_to_joint_state_group_mapping - The mapping from the robot state to the joint state group
joint_state_group - The resultant joint state group
false if any error occured

Definition at line 1185 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::robotStateToOmplState ( const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState robot_state,
ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_scoped_state,
const bool &  fail_if_match_not_found = true 

Convert a ROS message robot state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

robot_state The robot state message to create the mapping to
ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping from

Definition at line 647 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::robotStateToOmplState ( const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState robot_state,
const ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping mapping,
ompl::base::State *  ompl_state,
const bool &  fail_if_match_not_found = true 

Convert a ROS message robot state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

robot_state The robot state message to create the mapping to
mapping The mapping to use for this conversion
ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping from

Definition at line 618 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

bool ompl_ros_interface::robotStateToOmplState ( const arm_navigation_msgs::RobotState robot_state,
const ompl_ros_interface::RobotStateToOmplStateMapping mapping,
ompl::base::ScopedState< ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace > &  ompl_state,
const bool &  fail_if_match_not_found = true 

Convert a ROS message robot state to an ompl state. This function is intended to help in efficient conversion between ROS messages and OMPL state objects by providing a mapping that can be cached and used frequently.

robot_state The robot state message to create the mapping to
mapping The mapping to use for this conversion
ompl_state The ompl state to create the mapping from

Definition at line 610 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

void ompl_ros_interface::SE2StateSpaceToPoseMsg ( const ompl::base::SE2StateSpace::StateType &  pose,
geometry_msgs::Pose pose_msg 

Convert a SE2StateSpace::StateType to a pose message.

pose - an object of type SE2StateSpace::StateType
pose_msg - the resultant pose message

Definition at line 689 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

void ompl_ros_interface::SE3StateSpaceToPoseMsg ( const ompl::base::SE3StateSpace::StateType &  pose,
geometry_msgs::Pose pose_msg 

Convert a SE3StateSpace::StateType to a pose message.

pose - an object of type SE3StateSpace::StateType
pose_msg - the resultant pose message

Definition at line 668 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

void ompl_ros_interface::SO3StateSpaceToPoseMsg ( const ompl::base::SO3StateSpace::StateType &  quaternion,
geometry_msgs::Pose pose_msg 

Convert a SO3StateSpace::StateType to a pose message.

pose - an object of type SO3StateSpace::StateType
pose_msg - the resultant pose message

Definition at line 683 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

void ompl_ros_interface::SO3StateSpaceToQuaternionMsg ( const ompl::base::SO3StateSpace::StateType &  quaternion,
geometry_msgs::Quaternion quaternion_msg 

Convert a SO3StateSpace::StateType to a quaternion message.

pose - an object of type SO3StateSpace::StateType
quaternion_msg - the resultant quaternion message

Definition at line 698 of file ompl_ros_conversions.cpp.

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Author(s): Sachin Chitta
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 14:20:53 2013