Template Class Ray2d

Class Documentation

template<class OccupancyGrid, typename Algorithm = Bresenham2i>
class Ray2d

Castable 2D ray.

Template Parameters:
  • OccupancyGrid – A 2D occupancy grid

  • Algorithm – A callable type, taking start and end grid cells for a ray and returning the full trace.

Public Functions

inline explicit Ray2d(const OccupancyGrid &grid, const Sophus::SE2d &source_pose, double max_range) noexcept

Constructs 2D ray with default ray tracing algorithm.

See Ray2d(const OccupancyGrid &, Algorithm, const Sophus::SE2d&, double) for further reference on constructor arguments.

inline explicit Ray2d(const OccupancyGrid &grid, Algorithm algorithm, const Sophus::SE2d &source_pose, double max_range) noexcept

Constructs 2D ray with an specific ray tracing algorithm.

  • grid – Grid on which to perform ray casting.

  • algorithm – Ray tracing algorithm implementation.

  • source_pose – Pose of the source of the ray in the same frame as that on which the grid origin is defined.

  • max_range – Maximum range for the ray, in meters.

inline auto trace(const Sophus::SO2d &bearing) const

Computes ray trace along a given direction.


bearing – Direction for ray tracing.


Full range of grid cells traced by the ray. That is, regardless of grid cells’ state.

inline std::optional<double> cast(const Sophus::SO2d &bearing) const

Casts ray along a given direction.

Distances are measured from cell centroid to cell centroid.


bearing – Direction for ray casting.


Distance in meters to first non free cell hit by the ray, if any.