Template Function beluga::detail::weighted_average_quaternion

Function Documentation

template<class QuaternionRange, class WeightsRange, class Scalar = typename ranges::range_value_t<QuaternionRange>::Scalar>
Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> beluga::detail::weighted_average_quaternion(const QuaternionRange &quaternions, const WeightsRange &normalized_weights)

Given a range with quaternions and a normalized range of weights, compute the weighted average quaternion.

Template Parameters:
  • QuaternionRange – A sized range type whose value type is Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar>.

  • WeightsRange – A sized range type whose value type is Scalar.

  • Scalar – The scalar type, matching those of the weights.

  • quaternions – Range of quaternions to compute the weighted average from.

  • normalized_weights – Range of normalized weights. With matching indices wrt quaternions . Non-normalized weights will yield incorrect results.


The average quaternion.