Beluga named requirements: RandomStateDistribution

A RandomStateDistribution is a function object returning random states according to a probability density function p(x) or a discrete probability distribution P(xi).

The requirements are very similar to the standard RandomNumberDistribution, the main difference being that the result type does not need to be an arithmetic type.


The type D satisfies RandomStateDistribution if:


  • T, the type named by D::result_type

  • P, the type named by D::param_type, which

    • satisfies CopyConstructible

    • satisfies CopyAssignable

    • satisfies EqualityComparable

    • has a constructor taking identical arguments as each of the constructors of D that take arguments corresponding to the distribution parameters

    • has a member function with the identical name, type, and semantics, as every member function of D that returns a parameter of the distribution

    • declares a member typedef using distribution_type = D;

  • d, a value of type D

  • x and y, (possibly const) values of type D

  • p, a (possibly const) value of type P

  • g, lvalue of a type satisfying UniformRandomBitGenerator

The following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects:

  • D::result_type

  • D::param_type

  • D() creates a distribution indistinguishable from any other default-constructed D

  • D(p) creates a distribution indistinguishable from D constructed directly from the values used to construct p

  • d.reset() resets the internal state of the distribution

  • d.param() returns p such that D(p).param() == p

  • d.param(p) sets a new parameter set

  • d(g) returns random objects according to the distribution parametrized by d.param()

  • d(g, p) returns random objects according to the distribution parametrized by p

  • x == y returns true if x.param() == y.param() and future infinite sequences of values that would be generated by repeated invocations of x(g1) and y(g2) would be equal as long as g1 == g2

  • x != y returns !(x == y)