Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <iostream>
00002 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
00003 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
00004 #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
00005 #include "robot_instance/StringUtilities.h"
00006 #include "robot_instance/RobotInstanceFactory.h"
00007 #include "robot_instance/CoeffMapLoader.h"
00008 #include <ros/package.h>
00010 using namespace std;
00012 class CoeffMapLoaderTest : public ::testing::Test
00013 {
00014 protected:
00015     virtual void SetUp()
00016     {
00017         packagePath      = ros::package::getPath("robot_instance");
00018         configPath       = packagePath + "/test/config";
00019         configSafetyPath = packagePath + "/test/configSafety";
00020         fileName         = "TestRobotInstance.xml";
00021         instance         = RobotInstanceFactory::createRobotInstanceFromFile(configPath, configSafetyPath, fileName);
00023         motorCoeffMap     = boost::make_shared<CoeffMap>();
00024         brainstemCoeffMap = boost::make_shared<CoeffMap>();
00025     }
00027     virtual void TearDown()
00028     {
00029     }
00031     string           packagePath, configPath, configSafetyPath, fileName;
00032     RobotInstancePtr instance;
00033     CoeffMapPtr      motorCoeffMap;
00034     CoeffMapPtr      brainstemCoeffMap;
00035 };
00037 TEST_F(CoeffMapLoaderTest, LoadElements)
00038 {
00039     CoeffMapLoader::loadElements(instance, motorCoeffMap, brainstemCoeffMap);
00041     EXPECT_EQ(1222, motorCoeffMap->size());
00042     EXPECT_EQ(144, brainstemCoeffMap->size());
00044     // Normal assertions to check good data
00045     // std::vector<std::string> names;
00046     // for(CoeffMap::iterator it = motorCoeffMap->begin(); it != motorCoeffMap->end(); ++it)
00047     // {
00048     //     //cout << it->first << " " << it->second << endl;
00049     //     names.push_back(it->first);
00050     // }
00051     // EXPECT_EQ(1093, names.size());  //                (TestSafety==14 * 9) =  126
00052     //                 (TestClass==45 * 5) =  225
00053     //            (TestThumbClass==75 * 1) =   75
00054     //    (TestPrimaryFingerClass==75 * 1) =   75
00055     // (TestSecondaryFingersClass==53 * 1) =   53
00056     //       (TestRightWristClass==89 * 1) =   89
00057     //           (TestCalibration==50 * 9) =  450 +
00058     //                                       ====
00059     //                                       1093
00061     // Breakdown by mechanism
00062     //  /r2/left_leg/joint0
00063     //            TestClass ==  42
00064     //      TestCalibration ==  48
00065     //           TestSafety ==  14
00066     //                         === +
00067     //                         104
00068     //
00069     //  /r2/left_leg/joint1
00070     //            TestClass ==  42
00071     //      TestCalibration ==  48
00072     //           TestSafety ==  14
00073     //                         === +
00074     //                         104
00075     //
00076     //  /r2/right_leg/gripper/joint0
00077     //            TestClass ==  42
00078     //      TestCalibration ==  48
00079     //           TestSafety ==  14
00080     //                         === +
00081     //                         104
00082     //
00083     //  /r2/left_arm/joint0
00084     //            TestClass ==  42
00085     //      TestCalibration ==  48
00086     //           TestSafety ==  14
00087     //                         === +
00088     //                         104
00089     //
00090     //  /r2/left_arm/joint1
00091     //            TestClass ==  42
00092     //      TestCalibration ==  48
00093     //           TestSafety ==  14
00094     //                         === +
00095     //                         104
00096     //
00097     //  /r2/right_arm/hand/thumb
00098     //       TestThumbClass ==  75
00099     //      TestCalibration ==  48
00100     //           TestSafety ==  14
00101     //                         === +
00102     //                         137
00103     //
00104     //  /r2/right_arm/hand/index
00105     //      TestPrimaryFingerClass ==  75
00106     //             TestCalibration ==  48
00107     //                  TestSafety ==  14
00108     //                                === +
00109     //                                137
00110     //
00111     //  /r2/right_arm/hand/ringlittle
00112     //      TestSecondaryFingersClass ==  53
00113     //                TestCalibration ==  48
00114     //                     TestSafety ==  14
00115     //                                   === +
00116     //                                   115
00117     //
00118     //  /r2/right_arm/wrist
00119     //      TestRightWristClass ==  89
00120     //          TestCalibration ==  48
00121     //               TestSafety ==  14
00122     //                             === +
00123     //                             151
00125     // sort(names.begin(), names.end()); // The underlying map can be in any order; sort to make sure
00127     // EXPECT_STREQ("/r2/left_arm/joint0/APS1_BiasComp_Offset", names[0].c_str());
00128     // EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, motorCoeffMap->operator[](names[0]));
00130     // EXPECT_STREQ("/r2/left_arm/joint0/APS1_C_COS_OFFSET", names[1].c_str());
00131     // EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2064.822523, motorCoeffMap->operator[](names[1]));
00133     // // skip the middle...
00135     // commented out because Dustin said so
00136     //    EXPECT_STREQ("/r2/right_leg/gripper/joint0/YawGain", names[1058].c_str());
00137     //    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1, motorCoeffMap->operator[](names[1058]));
00139     //    EXPECT_STREQ("/r2/right_leg/gripper/joint0/YawOffset", names[1059].c_str());
00140     //    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, motorCoeffMap->operator[](names[1059]));
00142     // // Example for how to generate location of coeff on associated Robonet node
00143     // std::string coeffName = "/r2/left_leg/joint0/Velocity_Limit";
00144     // std::string mechanism = StringUtilities::getRoboDynEverythingButJoint(coeffName);  //! @todo should use method for getting everything but element...
00145     // std::string node      = instance->mechanismNodeMap[mechanism];
00146     // std::string element   = StringUtilities::getRoboDynJoint(coeffName);
00147     // EXPECT_STREQ("/left_leg/node0/Velocity_Limit", StringUtilities::makeFullyQualifiedRobonetElement(node, element).c_str());
00148 }
00150 int main(int argc, char** argv)
00151 {
00152     testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
00153     return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
00154 }

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:43:12