Class BaseReadInterface

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class BaseReadInterface

Subclassed by rosbag2_storage::storage_interfaces::ReadOnlyInterface

Public Functions

virtual ~BaseReadInterface() = default
virtual bool set_read_order(const ReadOrder &read_order) = 0

Set the order to iterate messages in the storage. This affects the outcome of has_next and read_next. Note that when setting to reverse order, this will not change the read head, so user must first seek() to the end in order to read messages from the end.


read_order – The order in which to return messages.


runtime_error – if the reader is not open.


true if the requested read order has been successfully set.

virtual bool has_next() = 0
virtual std::shared_ptr<SerializedBagMessage> read_next() = 0
virtual std::vector<TopicMetadata> get_all_topics_and_types() = 0
virtual void get_all_message_definitions(std::vector<MessageDefinition> &definitions) = 0