Class BaseIOInterface

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class BaseIOInterface

Subclassed by rosbag2_storage::storage_interfaces::ReadOnlyInterface

Public Functions

virtual ~BaseIOInterface() = default
virtual void open(const StorageOptions &storage_options, IOFlag io_flag) = 0

Opens the storage plugin.

  • storage_options – contains necessary info such as file uri and storage plugin.

  • io_flag – is a hint for the type of storage plugin to open depending on the io operations requested.

  • config_file_uri – is a path to a storage specific file path. If IOFlag::READ_ONLY is passed, then only read operations are guaranteed. The uri passed should be the exact relative path to the bagfile. If IOFlag::READ_WRITE is passed, then a new bagfile is created with guaranteed read and write operations. The storage plugin will append the uri in the case of creating a new bagfile backing. The storage can load specific configurations by accessing a config file given in the config_file_uri parameter.