39 #include "Eigen/Eigenvalues" 45 #include <boost/format.hpp> 53 PointMatcher<T>::DataPointsFilter(
93 const int pointsCount(cloud.
94 const int featDim(cloud.
100 for(
unsigned int i = 0; i < labelDim ; ++i)
102 if (insertDim != descDim)
103 throw InvalidField(
"SurfaceNormalDataPointsFilter: Error, descriptor labels do not match descriptor data");
106 const int dimNormals(featDim-1);
107 const int dimDensities(1);
108 const int dimEigValues(featDim-1);
109 const int dimEigVectors((featDim-1)*(featDim-1));
111 const int dimMeanDist(1);
113 boost::optional<View> normals;
114 boost::optional<View> densities;
115 boost::optional<View> eigenValues;
116 boost::optional<View> eigenVectors;
117 boost::optional<View> matchedValues;
118 boost::optional<View> matchIds;
119 boost::optional<View> meanDists;
123 cloudLabels.push_back(Label(
"normals", dimNormals));
125 cloudLabels.push_back(Label(
"densities", dimDensities));
127 cloudLabels.push_back(Label(
"eigValues", dimEigValues));
129 cloudLabels.push_back(Label(
"eigVectors", dimEigVectors));
131 cloudLabels.push_back(Label(
133 cloudLabels.push_back(Label(
"meanDists", dimMeanDist));
154 boost::assign::insert(param) (
knn) );
158 KDTreeMatcher matcher(param);
161 Matches matches(
typename Matches::Dists(
knn, pointsCount),
typename Matches::Ids(
knn, pointsCount));
162 matches = matcher.findClosests(cloud);
165 int degenerateCount(0);
166 for (
int i = 0; i < pointsCount; ++i)
168 bool isDegenerate =
173 for(
int j = 0; j < int(
knn); ++j)
175 if (matches.dists(j,i) != Matches::InvalidDist)
177 const int refIndex(matches.ids(j,i));
178 d.col(realKnn) = cloud.
features.block(0, refIndex, featDim-1, 1);
182 d.conservativeResize(Eigen::NoChange, realKnn);
184 const Vector mean = d.rowwise().sum() / T(realKnn);
185 const Matrix NN = d.colwise() - mean;
187 const Matrix C(NN * NN.transpose());
188 Vector eigenVa = Vector::Zero(featDim-1, 1);
189 Matrix eigenVe = Matrix::Zero(featDim-1, featDim-1);
193 if(C.fullPivHouseholderQr().rank()+1 >= featDim-1)
195 const Eigen::EigenSolver<Matrix> solver(C);
196 eigenVa = solver.eigenvalues().real();
197 eigenVe = solver.eigenvectors().real();
201 const std::vector<size_t> idx = sortIndexes<T>(eigenVa);
202 const size_t idxSize = idx.size();
203 Vector tmp_eigenVa = eigenVa;
204 Matrix tmp_eigenVe = eigenVe;
205 for(
size_t i=0; i<idxSize; ++i)
207 eigenVa(i,0) = tmp_eigenVa(idx[i], 0);
208 eigenVe.col(i) = tmp_eigenVe.col(idx[i]);
223 normals->col(i) = eigenVe.col(0);
225 normals->col(i) = computeNormal<T>(eigenVa, eigenVe);
228 normals->col(i) = normals->col(i).cwiseMax(-1.0).cwiseMin(1.0);
233 (*densities)(0, i) = 0.;
235 (*densities)(0, i) = computeDensity<T>(NN);
238 eigenValues->col(i) = eigenVa;
240 eigenVectors->col(i) = serializeEigVec<T>(eigenVe);
244 (*meanDists)(0, i) = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
248 (*meanDists)(0, i) = (point - mean).norm();
256 matchIds.get() = matches.ids.template cast<T>();
261 for (
int i = 0; i < pointsCount; ++i)
263 const Vector currentNormal = normals->col(i);
264 Vector mean = Vector::Zero(featDim-1);
266 for(
int j = 0; j < int(
knn); ++j)
268 if (matches.dists(j,i) != Matches::InvalidDist)
270 const int refIndex(matches.ids(j,i));
271 const Vector normal = normals->col(refIndex);
272 if(currentNormal.dot(normal) > 0.)
281 normals->col(i) = mean / T(n);
"WARNING: Matrix C needed for eigen decomposition was degenerated in " << degenerateCount <<
" points over " << pointsCount <<
" (" <<
float(pointsCount) <<
" %)");
bool param(const std::string ¶m_name, T ¶m_val, const T &default_val)
Matrix descriptors
descriptors of points in the cloud, might be empty
std::string toParam(const S &value)
Return the a string value using lexical_cast.
ConstView getDescriptorViewByName(const std::string &name) const
Get a const view on a descriptor by name, throw an exception if it does not exist.
PointMatcher< T >::Matrix Matrix
The name for a certain number of dim.
virtual void inPlaceFilter(DataPoints &cloud)
Apply these filters to a point cloud without copying.
SurfaceNormalDataPointsFilter(const Parameters ¶ms=Parameters())
std::map< std::string, Parameter > Parameters
Parameters stored as a map of string->string.
Functions and classes that are not dependant on scalar type are defined in this namespace.
Functions and classes that are dependant on scalar type are defined in this templatized class...
virtual DataPoints filter(const DataPoints &input)
Apply filters to input point cloud. This is the non-destructive version and returns a copy...
Result of the data-association step (Matcher::findClosests), before outlier rejection.
const M::mapped_type & get(const M &m, const typename M::key_type &k)
#define LOG_WARNING_STREAM(args)
The superclass of classes that are constructed using generic parameters. This class provides the para...
Eigen::Block< Matrix > View
A view on a feature or descriptor.
const bool keepMatchedIds
Surface normals estimation. Find the normal for every point using eigen-decomposition of neighbour po...
const bool keepEigenVectors
PointMatcher< T >::Vector Vector
Parametrizable::Parameters Parameters
Matrix features
features of points in the cloud
void allocateDescriptors(const Labels &newLabels)
Make sure a vector of descriptors of given names exist.
const bool keepEigenValues
PointMatcher< T >::DataPoints::InvalidField InvalidField
Labels descriptorLabels
labels of descriptors