Public Member Functions | List of all members
cras::NodeletBase< BaseNodelet > Class Template Reference

Base template which adds all defined mixins to BaseNodelet class. More...

#include <nodelet_utils.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for cras::NodeletBase< BaseNodelet >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 ~NodeletBase () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::NodeletWithDiagnostics< BaseNodelet >
 NodeletWithDiagnostics ()
virtual ~NodeletWithDiagnostics ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer< BaseNodelet >
::cras::NodeletAwareTFBuffergetBuffer () const override
 Get the TF buffer used by the nodelet. If none has been set by setBuffer(), a buffer is automatically created. More...
 NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer ()
void setBuffer (const ::std::shared_ptr<::tf2_ros::Buffer > &buffer) override
 Set the TF buffer to be used by the nodelet. If this method is not called, a standalone buffer is created. More...
bool usesSharedBuffer () const override
 Whether the buffer set using setBuffer() is used or a standalone buffer has been automatically created. More...
virtual ~NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet< BaseNodelet >
 ~ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::NodeletParamHelper< BaseNodelet >
 NodeletParamHelper ()
 ~NodeletParamHelper () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::ParamHelper
::cras::LogHelperPtr getLogger () const
 Return the log helper used for logging. More...
template<typename ResultType , typename ParamServerType = typename ::cras::DefaultParamServerType<ResultType>::type, ::cras::check_get_param_types< ResultType, ParamServerType > * = nullptr>
ResultType getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}) const
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value (if not nullopt), and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
template<typename ResultType , typename ParamServerType = typename ::cras::DefaultParamServerType<ResultType>::type, ::cras::check_get_param_types< ResultType, ParamServerType > * = nullptr>
ResultType getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}) const
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value, and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char *> &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}) const
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value (if not nullopt), and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}) const
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value, and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
template<typename ResultType , typename ParamServerType = typename ::cras::DefaultParamServerType<ResultType>::type, ::cras::check_get_param_types< ResultType, ParamServerType > * = nullptr>
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}) const
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value (if not nullopt), and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
template<typename ResultType , typename ParamServerType = typename ::cras::DefaultParamServerType<ResultType>::type, ::cras::check_get_param_types< ResultType, ParamServerType > * = nullptr>
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}) const
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value, and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char *> &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}) const
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value (if not nullopt), and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}) const
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value, and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
 ParamHelper (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
void setLogger (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &logger)
 Set the log helper used for logging. More...
virtual ~ParamHelper ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::HasLogger
::cras::LogHelperConstPtr getCrasLogger () const
 This is the function picked up by CRAS_* logging macros. More...
 HasLogger (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
 Associate the logger with this interface. More...
void setCrasLogger (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
 Set the logger to be used for logging. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::StatefulNodelet< BaseNodelet >
bool ok () const override
 Whether it is OK to continue sleeping. If false, a pending sleep() should stop as soon as possible. More...
void requestStop () override
 Call this function to request stopping this nodelet. ok() should return false after calling this. It terminates all ongoing sleeps called by this->sleep(). More...
void shutdown ()
virtual ~StatefulNodelet ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::InterruptibleSleepInterface
 InterruptibleSleepInterface ()
virtual bool sleep (const ::ros::Duration &duration) const
 Sleep for the given duration or until ok() returns false. More...
virtual ~InterruptibleSleepInterface ()
 Destroy the object waiting for a pending sleep() call to finish. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from cras::NodeletWithDiagnostics< BaseNodelet >
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 Advertise a topic and setup up an automatic topic diagnostic task for it. More...
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, this->getDefaultDiagNh(subscriberNh, diagNamespace),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(defaultDiagParams, diagNamespace,))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(this->getNodeHandle(),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(defaultDiagParams, diagNamespace,))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, diagNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >>(), diagNamespace,))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, this->getDefaultDiagNh(subscriberNh, diagNamespace),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >>(), diagNamespace,))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(this->getNodeHandle(),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >>(), diagNamespace,))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, diagNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG("",))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, this->getDefaultDiagNh(subscriberNh, ""),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG("",))
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< T > > createDiagnosedPublisher (::ros::NodeHandle nh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, const ::std::string &paramNamespace, const ::ros::Rate &defaultRate, const ::ros::Rate &defaultMinRate, const ::ros::Rate &defaultMaxRate)
 Create a diagnosed publisher for a message type without header. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< T > > createDiagnosedPublisher (::ros::NodeHandle nh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, const ::std::string &paramNamespace, const ::ros::Rate &defaultRate)
 Create a diagnosed publisher for a message type with header. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< T > > createDiagnosedPublisher (::ros::NodeHandle nh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, const ::std::string &paramNamespace)
 Create a diagnosed publisher for a message type with header. More...
::ros::NodeHandle getDefaultDiagNh (const ::ros::NodeHandle &pubSubNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace)
 Get the default node handle for reading diagnostic task configuration. More...
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr getDiagParams (const ::ros::NodeHandle &nh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic)
 Get the parameters configuring a diagnosed publisher or subscriber. More...
::cras::DiagnosticUpdatergetDiagUpdater (bool forceNew=false) const
 Get a diagnostic updater to be used with this nodelet. More...
void startDiagTimer () const
 Start periodic updates of the diagnostics updater. More...
void startDiagTimer (const ::ros::NodeHandle &nh) const
 Start periodic updates of the diagnostics updater. More...
void stopDiagTimer () const
 Stop the automatic updates of the diagnostic updater. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(*cb)(M), ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
 Subscribe to the given topic, automatically updating the diagnostic task every time a message is received. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber< Message > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, const ::boost::function< void(const ::boost::shared_ptr< Message > &)> &cb, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
 Subscribe to the given topic, automatically updating the diagnostic task every time a message is received. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< C > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< C >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, const ::boost::function< void(C)> &cb, ::ros::VoidConstPtr obj={}, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
 Subscribe to the given topic, automatically updating the diagnostic task every time a message is received. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*cb)(M), T *obj, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
 Subscribe to the given topic, automatically updating the diagnostic task every time a message is received. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*cb)(M) const, T *obj, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
 Subscribe to the given topic, automatically updating the diagnostic task every time a message is received. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*cb)(M), const ::boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
 Subscribe to the given topic, automatically updating the diagnostic task every time a message is received. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*cb)(M) const, const ::boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
 Subscribe to the given topic, automatically updating the diagnostic task every time a message is received. More...
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber< Message > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::SubscribeOptions &options)
 Subscribe to the given topic, automatically updating the diagnostic task every time a message is received. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cras::ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet< BaseNodelet >
void updateThreadName () const
 Set custom name of the current thread to this nodelet's name. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cras::NodeletParamHelper< BaseNodelet >
ResultType getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value (if not nullopt), and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
ResultType getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value, and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value (if not nullopt), and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value, and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value (if not nullopt), and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value, and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value (if not nullopt), and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
 Get the value of the given ROS parameter, falling back to the specified default value, and print out a ROS log message with the loaded values (if specified). More...
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr params (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &ns="") const
 Creates a version of this param helper "bound" to the given node handle, so that it is not needed to specify the node handle in the subsequent getParam() calls. More...
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr paramsForNodeHandle (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node) const
 Creates a version of this param helper "bound" to the given node handle, so that it is not needed to specify the node handle in the subsequent getParam() calls. More...
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr privateParams (const ::std::string &ns="") const
 Creates a version of this param helper "bound" to the private nodelet parameters, so that it is not needed to specify the node handle in the subsequent getParam() calls. More...
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr publicParams (const ::std::string &ns="") const
 Creates a version of this param helper "bound" to the public nodelet parameters, so that it is not needed to specify the node handle in the subsequent getParam() calls. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from cras::HasLogger
::cras::LogHelperPtr log
 Log helper. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from cras::InterruptibleSleepInterface
::ros::WallDuration pollDuration {0, 1000000}
 How long to wait between querying the ok() status and other conditions. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename BaseNodelet>
class cras::NodeletBase< BaseNodelet >

Base template which adds all defined mixins to BaseNodelet class.

Template Parameters
BaseNodeletType of the nodelet that should be the parent class of this one.

Definition at line 89 of file nodelet_utils.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~NodeletBase()

template<typename BaseNodelet>
cras::NodeletBase< BaseNodelet >::~NodeletBase ( )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sat Jun 17 2023 02:32:53