Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nrobot_calibration | Calibration code lives under this namespace |
CCalibrationOffsetParser | Combined parser and configuration for calibration offsets. Holds the configuration of what is to be calibrated, and and parses the actual adjustments from the free parameters |
CCamera3dModel | Model of a camera on a kinematic chain |
CChain3dToChain3d | Error block for computing the residual error between two 3d data sources. This can be used to calibrate 3d cameras to arms, or 3d cameras to other 3d cameras |
CChain3dToPlane | Error block for computing the fit between a set of projected points and a plane (aX + bY + cZ + d = 0). Typically used to align sensor with the ground, but could be used to align with a flat robot base, etc |
▼CChainManager | Manages moving joints to a new pose, determining when they are settled, and returning current joint_states |
CChainController | |
CChainModel | Model of a kinematic chain. This is the basic instance where we transform the world observations into the proper root frame |
CCheckerboardFinder | This class processes the point cloud input to find a checkerboard |
CDepthCameraInfoManager | Base class for a feature finder |
CFeatureFinder | Base class for a feature finder |
CFeatureFinderLoader | Load feature finders, based on param server config |
▼CLedFinder | This class processes the point cloud input to find the LED |
CCloudDifferenceTracker | Internally used within LED finder to track each of several LEDs |
▼COptimizationParams | Class to hold parameters for optimization |
CFreeFrameInitialValue | |
CFreeFrameParams | |
CParams | |
COptimizer | Class to do optimization |
COutrageousError | Error block to restrict the offsets generated by ceres-solver from becoming outrageously large |
CPlaneFinder | |
CPlaneToPlaneError | Error block for computing the fit between two sets of projected points and their planar models plane (aX + bY + cZ + d = 0). Typically used to align multiple 3d cameras when they are not able to see high-resolution checkerboards, but can see a common plane (wall/floor/etc) |
CBaseCalibration | |
CHardIronOffsetError | Cost functor for magnetometer sample when doing only hard iron offsets |
CMagnetometerCapture | |