Model of a kinematic chain. This is the basic instance where we transform the world observations into the proper root frame.
Model of a kinematic chain. This is the basic instance where we transform the world observations into the proper root frame.
Each world observation is an estimated point in some frame. In the case of the four led gripper, each led has an absolutely known location in the gripper_led_frame. The ordering of the points is:
_ _
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | gripper | |
| |
| 0 3 |
| |
| X <------------ gripper_led_frame
| |
| 2 1 |
| |
When using a checkerboard, each interesection on the checkerboard is an observation point. Even though checkerboard should be flat, the code assumes that each checkerboard intersection has 3 degrees of translational freedom. The gripper_led_frame to checkerboard_frame transformation becomes a set of free parameters in the calibration.
Based on the 6x5 checkboard, the ordering of the oberservation points produced by the OpenCV chessboard finder is always the same:
| |
| ### ### ### ### |
| ### ### ### ### |
| ### ### ### LL## | 11 First Observation Point
| ### ### ##LL ### | 11
| ### ### ### ### |
| ### ### ### ### | 22 Second Observation Point
| ### ### ### ### | 22
| ### ### ### ### |
| ##22 ### ### ### | LL Last (20th) Obervation Point
| 22## ### ### ### | LL
| ### ### ### ### |
| 11## ### ### ### |
| ##11 ### ### ### |
| ### ### ### ### | gripper_link
| ### ### ### ### | X-axis (increasing row)
| | ^
| _____ | | gripper_link
| | | | | ----> Z-axis (increasing col)
| | |
| | 0<----- gripper_link frame origin
|__________| |___________
| |
| |
| Gripper |
| |
For the ideal checkboard:
- All the checkerboard points should fall on or near Y=0 plane.
- The intersection points are spread appart by 25mm
- The X-offset from the gripper frame to the first observation point is 100mm
- The Z-offset from the gripper frame to the first observation point is -50mm The checkboard points are numberered so that the lowest Z value are the first points
Definition at line 107 of file chain.h.