►Nalvar | Main ALVAR namespace |
►Nplugins | Dynamically loaded plugins namespace |
CCaptureCmu | Implementation of Capture interface for Cmu plugin |
►CCaptureDSCapture | Implementation of Capture interface for DSCapture plugin |
CVideoSampler | |
CCaptureFile | Implementation of Capture interface for File plugin |
CCaptureHighgui | Implementation of Capture interface for Highgui plugin |
CCapturePluginCmu | Implementation of CapturePlugin interface for Cmu plugin |
CCapturePluginDSCapture | Implementation of CapturePlugin interface for DSCapture plugin |
CCapturePluginFile | Implementation of CapturePlugin interface for File plugin |
CCapturePluginHighgui | Implementation of CapturePlugin interface for Highgui plugin |
CCapturePluginPtgrey | Implementation of CapturePlugin interface for Ptgrey plugin |
CCapturePtgrey | Implementation of Capture interface for Ptgrey plugin |
CAlvarException | ALVAR exception class |
CAlvarLoader | |
CBitset | Bitset is a basic class for handling bit sequences |
CBitsetExt | An extended Bitset ( BitsetExt ) for handling e.g. Hamming encoding/decoding |
CCamera | Simple Camera class for calculating distortions, orientation or projections with pre-calibrated camera |
CCameraEC | Version of Camera using external container |
CCameraMoves | |
CCapture | Capture interface that plugins must implement |
CCaptureDevice | CaptureDevice holder for camera information |
►CCaptureFactory | CaptureFactory for creating Capture classes |
CCaptureFactoryDestroyer | CaptureFactoryDestroyer for deleting the CaptureFactory singleton |
CCaptureFactoryPrivate | |
CCapturePlugin | CapturePlugin interface that plugins must implement |
►CContainer3d | Generic container to store any information in 3D (features, photos, ...) |
CIterator | Iterator for going through the items in Container3d in the specified order |
CContainer3dLimitDist | Functor class for Container3d Limit() to limit the search space with distance |
CContainer3dSortDist | Functor class for Container3d Sort() to sort the search base using distance to specified origin |
CContainer3dSortSize | Functor class for Container3d Sort() to sort the search base using content size |
CDirectoryIterator | DirectoryIterator for iterating over files and directories |
CDirectoryIteratorPrivate | |
CDirectoryIteratorPrivateData | |
CDoEraseTest | This is default functor for testing which items in the container should be erased |
CDoHandleTest | This is a default functor for testing which items in the container should be handled by each method |
CExternalContainer | Basic structure to be usable with EC methods |
CFernClassifierWrapper | FernClassifier subclass that implements binary reading and writting |
CFernImageDetector | Image detector based on a Fern classifier |
CFernPoseEstimator | Pose estimation class for FernImageDetector |
CFileFormatUtils | Utility functions for file reading / writing |
CFilter | Filter is pure virtual class describing the basic virtual interface for all filters |
CFilterArray | Class for handling an array of filtered values |
CFilterAverage | FilterAverage provides an average filter |
CFilterDoubleExponentialSmoothing | FilterDoubleExponentialSmoothing provides an weighted running average filter |
CFilterMedian | FilterMedian provides an median filter |
CFilterRunningAverage | FilterRunningAverage provides an weighted running average filter |
CHistogram | Class for N-dimensional Histograms |
CHistogramSubpixel | N-dimensional Histograms calculating also the subpixel average for max bin |
CHomography | Simple Homography class for finding and projecting points between two planes |
CIndex | Class for N-dimensional index to be used e.g. with STL maps |
CIndexRansac | Implementation of a general RANdom SAmple Consensus algorithm with implicit parameters |
CIntegralGradient | IntegralGradient is used for calculating rectangular image gradients rapidly |
CIntegralImage | IntegralImage is used for calculating rectangular image sums and averages rapidly |
CIntIndex | Class for calculating "evenly spaced" integer indices for data sequence |
CKalman | Kalman implementation |
CKalmanCore | Core implementation for Kalman |
CKalmanEkf | Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) implementation |
CKalmanSensor | Kalman sensor implementation |
CKalmanSensorCore | Core implementation for Kalman sensor |
CKalmanSensorEkf | Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) sensor implementation |
CKalmanVisualize | Class for visualizing Kalman filter |
CLabeling | Base class for labeling connected components from binary image |
CLabelingCvSeq | Labeling class that uses OpenCV routines to find connected components |
CLine | Struct representing a line. The line is parametrized by its center and direction vector |
CLock | Lock for simplifying mutex handling |
CMarker | Basic 2D Marker functionality |
CMarkerArtoolkit | MarkerArtoolkit for using matrix markers similar with the ones used in ARToolkit |
CMarkerData | MarkerData contains matrix of Hamming encoded data |
CMarkerDetector | MarkerDetector for detecting markers of type M |
CMarkerDetectorEC | Version of MarkerDetector using external container |
CMarkerDetectorImpl | Templateless version of MarkerDetector. Please use MarkerDetector instead |
CMarkerIterator | Iterator type for traversing templated Marker vector without the template |
CMarkerIteratorImpl | Iterator implementation for traversing templated Marker vector without the template |
CMultiMarker | Base class for using MultiMarker |
CMultiMarkerBundle | Multi marker that uses bundle adjustment to refine the 3D positions of the markers (point cloud) |
CMultiMarkerEC | Version of MultiMarker using external container |
CMultiMarkerFiltered | Multi marker that is constructed by first calculating the marker poses directly relative to base marker and then filtering the results using e.g. median filter |
►CMultiMarkerInitializer | Initializes multi marker by estimating their relative positions from one or more images |
CMarkerMeasurement | MarkerMeasurement that holds the maker id |
CMutex | Mutex for synchronizing multiple threads |
CMutexPrivate | |
CMutexPrivateData | |
COptimization | Non-linear optimization routines. There are three methods implemented that include Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt and Tukey m-estimator |
CPlugin | Plugin for loading dynamic libraries |
CPluginPrivate | |
CPluginPrivateData | |
CPoint | Simple Point class meant to be inherited from OpenCV point-classes. For example: Point<CvPoint2D64f> p |
CPose | Pose representation derived from the Rotation class |
CProjectParams | |
CProjPoints | Simple structure for collecting 2D and 3D points e.g. for camera calibration |
CRansac | Implementation of a general RANdom SAmple Consensus algorithm |
CRansacImpl | Internal implementation of RANSAC. Please use Ransac or IndexRansac |
CRotation | Rotation structure and transformations between different parameterizations |
CSerialization | Class for serializing class content to/from file or std::iostream |
CSerializationFormatterXml | |
►CSimpleSfM | Simple structure from motion implementation using CameraEC , MarkerDetectorEC and TrackerFeaturesEC |
CFeature | Extended version of ExternalContainer structure used internally in SimpleSfM |
CStartThreadParameters | |
CThreads | Threads vector for handling multiple threads |
CThreadsPrivate | |
CThreadsPrivateData | |
CTimer | Timer for measuring execution time |
CTimerPrivate | |
CTimerPrivateData | |
CTracker | Pure virtual base class for tracking optical flow |
CTrackerFeatures | TrackerFeatures tracks features using OpenCV's cvGoodFeaturesToTrack and cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK |
CTrackerFeaturesEC | Version of TrackerFeatures using external container |
►CTrackerOrientation | Track orientation based only on features in the image plane |
CFeature | |
CTrackerPsa | TrackerPsa implements a very simple PSA tracker |
CTrackerPsaRot | TrackerPsaRot implements a slightly extended version of a TrackerPsa which can also detect sideways rotation |
CTrackerStat | TrackerStat deduces the optical flow based on tracked features using Seppo Valli's statistical tracking |
CTrackerStatRot | TrackerStatRot implements a slightly extended version of TrackerStat which can also detect sideways rotation |
CTrifocalTensor | Trifocal tensor works for three images like a fundamental matrix works for two images |
CUncopyable | Uncopyable for preventing object copies |
CUnscentedKalman | Implementation of unscented kalman filter (UKF) for filtering non-linear processes |
CUnscentedObservation | Observation model for an unscented kalman filter |
CUnscentedProcess | Process model for an unscented kalman filter |
►Nar_track_alvar | |
CMedianFilter | |
CPlaneFitResult | |
►Ntest_ar | |
CTestArAlvarRos | |
►CCvTestbed | CvTestbed is a class for making quick OpenCV test applications |
CImage | Image structure to store the images internally |
CDrawable | |
CKalmanOwn | |
CKalmanSensorOwn | |
COwnDrawable | |
CState | |