Multi marker that is constructed by first calculating the marker poses directly relative to base marker and then filtering the results using e.g. median filter.
void | MeasurementsReset () |
| Reset the measurements. More...
| MultiMarkerFiltered (std::vector< int > &indices) |
| Constructor. More...
void | PointCloudAverage (int marker_id, double edge_length, Pose &pose) |
| Updates the 3D point cloud by averaging the calculated results. More...
template<class M > |
double | Update (const std::vector< M > *markers, Camera *cam, Pose &pose, IplImage *image=0) |
| Updates the marker field and camera pose. More...
| ~MultiMarkerFiltered () |
| Destructor. More...
double | _GetPose (MarkerIterator &begin, MarkerIterator &end, Camera *cam, Pose &pose, IplImage *image) |
int | _SetTrackMarkers (MarkerDetectorImpl &marker_detector, Camera *cam, Pose &pose, IplImage *image) |
int | get_id_index (int id, bool add_if_missing=false) |
std::vector< int > | getIndices () |
int | getMasterId () |
template<class M > |
double | GetPose (const std::vector< M, Eigen::aligned_allocator< M > > *markers, Camera *cam, Pose &pose, IplImage *image=0) |
| Calculates the pose of the camera from multi marker. Method uses the true 3D coordinates of markers to get the initial pose and then optimizes it by minimizing the reprojection error. More...
bool | IsValidMarker (int marker_id) |
| Returns true if the marker is in the point cloud. More...
bool | Load (const char *fname, FILE_FORMAT format=FILE_FORMAT_DEFAULT) |
| Loads multi marker configuration from a text file. More...
| MultiMarker (std::vector< int > &indices) |
| Constructor. More...
| MultiMarker () |
| Default constructor. More...
int | pointcloud_index (int marker_id, int marker_corner, bool add_if_missing=false) |
void | PointCloudAdd (int marker_id, double edge_length, Pose &pose) |
| Adds marker corners to 3D point cloud of multi marker. More...
void | PointCloudCopy (const MultiMarker *m) |
| Copies the 3D point cloud from other multi marker object. More...
void | PointCloudCorners3d (double edge_length, Pose &pose, CvPoint3D64f corners[4]) |
| Calculates 3D coordinates of marker corners relative to given pose (camera). More...
void | PointCloudGet (int marker_id, int point, double &x, double &y, double &z) |
| Returns 3D co-ordinates of one corner point of a marker. More...
bool | PointCloudIsEmpty () |
| Returns true if the are not points in the 3D opint cloud. More...
void | PointCloudReset () |
| Reserts the 3D point cloud of the markers. More...
virtual void | Reset () |
| Resets the multi marker. More...
bool | Save (const char *fname, FILE_FORMAT format=FILE_FORMAT_DEFAULT) |
| Saves multi marker configuration to a text file. More...
template<class M > |
int | SetTrackMarkers (MarkerDetector< M > &marker_detector, Camera *cam, Pose &pose, IplImage *image=0) |
| Set new markers to be tracked for MarkerDetector Sometimes the MultiMarker implementation knows more about marker locations compared to MarkerDetector . Then this method can be used to reset the internal state of MarkerDetector for tracking also these markers. More...
size_t | Size () |
| Return the number of markers added using PointCloudAdd. More...
template<class M > |
double | Update (const std::vector< M, Eigen::aligned_allocator< M > > *markers, Camera *cam, Pose &pose, IplImage *image=0) |
| Calls GetPose to obtain camera pose. More...
Multi marker that is constructed by first calculating the marker poses directly relative to base marker and then filtering the results using e.g. median filter.
This can be used to initialize the marker field for MultiMarkerBundle class.
Definition at line 45 of file MultiMarkerFiltered.h.