Struct rclc_executor_t_s

Struct Documentation

struct rclc_executor_t_s

Container for RCLC-Executor.

Public Members

rclc_executor_type_t type

Type of Executor.

rcl_context_t *context

Context (to get information if ROS is up-and-running)

rclc_executor_handle_t *handles

Container for dynamic array for DDS-handles.

size_t max_handles

Maximum size of array ‘handles’.

size_t index

Index to the next free element in array handles.

const rcl_allocator_t *allocator

Container to memory allocator for array handles.

rcl_wait_set_t wait_set

Wait set (is initialized only in the first call of the rclc_executor_spin_some function)

rclc_executor_handle_counters_t info

Statistics objects about total number of subscriptions, timers, clients, services, etc.

uint64_t timeout_ns

timeout in nanoseconds for rcl_wait() used in rclc_executor_spin_once(). Default 100ms

rcutils_time_point_value_t invocation_time

timepoint used for spin_period()

rclc_executor_trigger_t trigger_function

trigger function, when to process new data

void *trigger_object

application specific data structure for trigger function

rclc_executor_semantics_t data_comm_semantics

data communication semantics

void *custom

pointer to custom executor data structure