Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of RGBDSLAM.
00002  * 
00003  * RGBDSLAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00004  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00005  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00006  * (at your option) any later version.
00007  * 
00008  * RGBDSLAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00009  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00011  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00012  * 
00013  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00014  * along with RGBDSLAM.  If not, see <>.
00015  */
00018 #ifdef HEMACLOUDS
00019 #define PCL_NO_PRECOMPILE
00020 #endif
00021 #include "parameter_server.h"
00022 //Documentation see header file
00023 #include "pcl/ros/conversions.h"
00024 #include <pcl/common/distances.h>
00025 #include <pcl/io/io.h>
00026 #include <pcl/io/impl/pcd_io.hpp>
00027 //#include "pcl/common/transform.h"
00028 #include "pcl_ros/transforms.h"
00029 #include "openni_listener.h"
00030 #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>
00031 #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
00032 #include <iostream>
00033 #include <sstream>
00034 #include <algorithm> // std::min
00035 #include <string>
00036 #include <cv.h>
00037 //#include <ctime>
00038 #include <sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.h>
00039 #include <Eigen/Core>
00040 #include "node.h"
00041 #include "misc.h"
00042 #include "features.h"
00043 //#include <image_geometry/pinhole_camera_model.h>
00044 //#include "pcl/ros/for_each_type.h"
00046 //For rosbag reading
00047 #include <rosbag/view.h>
00048 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
00051 #include "scoped_timer.h"
00052 //for comparison with ground truth from mocap and movable cameras on robots
00053 #include <tf/transform_listener.h>
00055 typedef message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::Image> image_sub_type;      
00056 typedef message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo> cinfo_sub_type;      
00057 typedef message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> pc_sub_type;      
00058 typedef message_filters::Subscriber<nav_msgs::Odometry> odom_sub_type;
00064 void addTFMessageDirectlyToTransformer(tf::tfMessageConstPtr msg, tf::Transformer* transformer)
00065 {
00066   for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->transforms.size(); i++)
00067   {
00068     if(msg->transforms[i].header.frame_id == "/world"
00069        || msg->transforms[i].header.frame_id == "/kinect")
00070     {
00071       continue;//HACK for non-tree tf-graph of rgbd_benchmark
00072     }
00074     try
00075     {
00076       tf::StampedTransform stTrans;
00077       tf::transformStampedMsgToTF(msg->transforms[i], stTrans);
00079       transformer->setTransform(stTrans);
00080       ROS_DEBUG("Set transform from %s to %s with timestamp %20.10f", 
00081                msg->transforms[i].header.frame_id.c_str(), 
00082                msg->transforms[i].child_frame_id.c_str(), 
00083                stTrans.stamp_.toSec());
00084     }
00085     catch (tf::TransformException& ex)
00086     {
00087       ROS_ERROR("Failure to set recieved transform from %s to %s with error: %s\n", msg->transforms[i].child_frame_id.c_str(), msg->transforms[i].header.frame_id.c_str(), ex.what());
00088     }
00089   }
00090 }
00093 void OpenNIListener::visualize_images(cv::Mat visual_image, cv::Mat depth_image){
00094   if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("visualize_mono_depth_overlay")){
00095     cv::Mat visual_edges = cv::Mat( visual_image.rows, visual_image.cols, CV_8UC1); 
00096     cv::Mat depth_edges  = cv::Mat( depth_image.rows, depth_image.cols, CV_8UC1); 
00097     overlay_edges(visual_image, depth_image, visual_edges, depth_edges);
00098     Q_EMIT newDepthImage(cvMat2QImage(depth_image,depth_image, depth_image+visual_edges, 1)); //show registration by edge overlay
00099     cv::Mat monochrome; 
00100     if(visual_image.type() != CV_8UC1) {
00101       monochrome = cv::Mat( visual_image.rows, visual_image.cols, CV_8UC1); 
00102       cv::cvtColor(visual_image, monochrome, CV_RGB2GRAY);
00103     } else {
00104       monochrome = visual_image; 
00105     }
00106     Q_EMIT newVisualImage(cvMat2QImage(monochrome, monochrome + depth_edges, monochrome, 0)); //visual_idx=0
00107   } else { // No overlay
00108     Q_EMIT newVisualImage(cvMat2QImage(visual_image, 0)); //visual_idx=0
00109     Q_EMIT newDepthImage(cvMat2QImage(depth_image, 1)); 
00110   }
00111 }
00114 OpenNIListener::OpenNIListener(GraphManager* graph_mgr)
00115 : graph_mgr_(graph_mgr),
00116   stereo_sync_(NULL), kinect_sync_(NULL), no_cloud_sync_(NULL),
00117   visua_sub_(NULL), depth_sub_(NULL), cloud_sub_(NULL),
00118   depth_mono8_img_(cv::Mat()),
00119   pause_(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("start_paused")),
00120   getOneFrame_(false),
00121   first_frame_(true),
00122   data_id_(0),
00123   num_processed_(0),
00124   image_encoding_("rgb8")
00125 {
00126   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00127   if(ps->get<bool>("encoding_bgr")){
00128     image_encoding_ = "bgr8";//used in conversion to qimage. exact value does not matter, just not rgb8
00129   }
00130   detector_ = createDetector(ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type"));
00131   extractor_ = createDescriptorExtractor(ps->get<std::string>("feature_extractor_type"));
00132   setupSubscribers();
00133 }
00138 void OpenNIListener::setupSubscribers(){
00139   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00140   int q = ps->get<int>("subscriber_queue_size");
00141   ros::NodeHandle nh;
00142   tflistener_ = new tf::TransformListener(nh);
00143   std::string bagfile_name = ps->get<std::string>("bagfile_name");
00144   if(bagfile_name.empty()){
00145     std::string visua_tpc = ps->get<std::string>("topic_image_mono");
00146     std::string depth_tpc = ps->get<std::string>("topic_image_depth");
00147     std::string cinfo_tpc = ps->get<std::string>("camera_info_topic");
00148     std::string cloud_tpc = ps->get<std::string>("topic_points");
00149     std::string widev_tpc = ps->get<std::string>("wide_topic");
00150     std::string widec_tpc = ps->get<std::string>("wide_cloud_topic");
00152     //All information from Kinect
00153     if(!visua_tpc.empty() && !depth_tpc.empty() && !cloud_tpc.empty())
00154     {   
00155         visua_sub_ = new image_sub_type(nh, visua_tpc, q);
00156         depth_sub_ = new image_sub_type (nh, depth_tpc, q);
00157         cloud_sub_ = new pc_sub_type (nh, cloud_tpc, q);  
00158         kinect_sync_ = new message_filters::Synchronizer<KinectSyncPolicy>(KinectSyncPolicy(q),  *visua_sub_, *depth_sub_, *cloud_sub_),
00159         kinect_sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&OpenNIListener::kinectCallback, this, _1, _2, _3));
00160         ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Listening to " << visua_tpc << ", " << depth_tpc << " and " << cloud_tpc);
00161     } 
00162     //No cloud, but visual image and depth
00163     else if(!visua_tpc.empty() && !depth_tpc.empty() && !cinfo_tpc.empty() && cloud_tpc.empty())
00164     {   
00165         visua_sub_ = new image_sub_type(nh, visua_tpc, q);
00166         depth_sub_ = new image_sub_type(nh, depth_tpc, q);
00167         cinfo_sub_ = new cinfo_sub_type(nh, cinfo_tpc, q);
00168         no_cloud_sync_ = new message_filters::Synchronizer<NoCloudSyncPolicy>(NoCloudSyncPolicy(q),  *visua_sub_, *depth_sub_, *cinfo_sub_);
00169         no_cloud_sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&OpenNIListener::noCloudCallback, this, _1, _2, _3));
00170         ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Listening to " << visua_tpc << " and " << depth_tpc);
00171     } 
00173     //All information from stereo                                               
00174     if(!widec_tpc.empty() && !widev_tpc.empty())
00175     {   
00176       visua_sub_ = new image_sub_type(nh, widev_tpc, q);
00177       cloud_sub_ = new pc_sub_type(nh, widec_tpc, q);
00178       stereo_sync_ = new message_filters::Synchronizer<StereoSyncPolicy>(StereoSyncPolicy(q), *visua_sub_, *cloud_sub_);
00179       stereo_sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&OpenNIListener::stereoCallback, this, _1, _2));
00180       ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Listening to " << widev_tpc << " and " << widec_tpc );
00181     } 
00182     if(ps->get<bool>("use_robot_odom")){
00183         odom_sub_= new odom_sub_type(nh, ps->get<std::string>("odometry_tpc"), 3);
00184       ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Listening to odometry on " << ps->get<std::string>("odometry_tpc"));
00185         odom_sub_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&OpenNIListener::odomCallback,this,_1));
00186     }
00187   } 
00188   else {
00189     ROS_WARN("RGBDSLAM loads a bagfile - therefore doesn't subscribe to topics.");
00190   }
00191 }
00193 static std::vector<std::string> createTopicsVector(const std::string& visua_tpc,
00194                                                    const std::string& depth_tpc,
00195                                                    const std::string& points_tpc,
00196                                                    const std::string& cinfo_tpc,
00197                                                    const std::string& odom_tpc,
00198                                                    const std::string& tf_tpc)
00199 {
00200   // Image topics to load for bagfiles
00201   std::vector<std::string> topics;
00202   topics.push_back(visua_tpc);
00203   topics.push_back(depth_tpc);
00204   if(points_tpc.empty()){
00205     topics.push_back(cinfo_tpc);
00206   } else {
00207     topics.push_back(points_tpc);
00208   }
00209   topics.push_back(tf_tpc);
00210   if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_robot_odom")){
00211     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Using odometry on topic " << odom_tpc);
00212     topics.push_back(odom_tpc);
00213   }
00214   return topics;
00215 } 
00217 void OpenNIListener::processBagfile(std::string filename,
00218                                     const std::string& visua_tpc,
00219                                     const std::string& depth_tpc,
00220                                     const std::string& points_tpc,
00221                                     const std::string& cinfo_tpc,
00222                                     const std::string& odom_tpc,
00223                                     const std::string& tf_tpc)
00224 {
00225   ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Loading Bagfile %s", filename.c_str());
00226   Q_EMIT iamBusy(4, "Loading Bagfile", 0);
00227   { //bag will be destructed after this block (hopefully frees memory for the optimizer)
00228     rosbag::Bag input_bag;
00229     try{
00230, rosbag::bagmode::Read);
00231     } catch(rosbag::BagIOException ex) {
00232       ROS_FATAL("Opening Bagfile %s failed: %s Quitting!", filename.c_str(), ex.what());
00233       ros::shutdown();
00234       return;
00235     }
00236     ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Opened Bagfile %s", filename.c_str());
00238     std::vector<std::string> topics; 
00239     topics = createTopicsVector(visua_tpc, depth_tpc, points_tpc, cinfo_tpc, odom_tpc, tf_tpc);
00240     rosbag::View view(input_bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topics));
00241     Q_EMIT iamBusy(4, "Processing Bagfile", view.size());
00242     // Simulate sending of the messages in the bagfile
00243     std::deque<sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr> vis_images;
00244     std::deque<sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr> dep_images;
00245     std::deque<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr> cam_infos;
00246     std::deque<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr> pointclouds;
00247     std::deque<nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr> odometries;
00248     //ros::Time last_tf=ros::Time(0);
00249     ros::Time last_tf=ros::TIME_MIN;
00253     bool tf_available = false;
00254     int counter = 0;
00255     BOOST_FOREACH(rosbag::MessageInstance const m, view)
00256     {
00257       Q_EMIT progress(4, "Processing Bagfile", counter++);
00258       do{ 
00259         usleep(10);
00260         if(!ros::ok()) return;
00261       } while(pause_);
00262       ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Processing %s of type %s with timestamp %f", m.getTopic().c_str(), m.getDataType().c_str(), m.getTime().toSec());
00264       if (m.getTopic() == odom_tpc || ("/" + m.getTopic() == odom_tpc)) {
00265         ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Processing %s of type %s with timestamp %f", m.getTopic().c_str(), m.getDataType().c_str(), m.getTime().toSec());
00266         nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odommsg = m.instantiate<nav_msgs::Odometry>();
00267         if (odommsg) odometries.push_back(odommsg);
00268       }
00269       else if (m.getTopic() == visua_tpc || ("/" + m.getTopic() == visua_tpc))
00270       {
00271         sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr rgb_img = m.instantiate<sensor_msgs::Image>();
00272         if (rgb_img) vis_images.push_back(rgb_img);
00273         ROS_DEBUG("Found Message of %s", visua_tpc.c_str());
00274       }
00275       else if (m.getTopic() == depth_tpc || ("/" + m.getTopic() == depth_tpc))
00276       {
00277         sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr depth_img = m.instantiate<sensor_msgs::Image>();
00278         //if (depth_img) depth_img_sub_->newMessage(depth_img);
00279         if (depth_img) dep_images.push_back(depth_img);
00280         ROS_DEBUG("Found Message of %s", depth_tpc.c_str());
00281       }
00282       else if (m.getTopic() == points_tpc || ("/" + m.getTopic() == points_tpc))
00283       {
00284         sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr pointcloud = m.instantiate<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>();
00285         //if (cam_info) cam_info_sub_->newMessage(cam_info);
00286         if (pointcloud) pointclouds.push_back(pointcloud);
00287         ROS_DEBUG("Found Message of %s", points_tpc.c_str());
00288       }
00289       else if (m.getTopic() == cinfo_tpc || ("/" + m.getTopic() == cinfo_tpc))
00290       {
00291         sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr cam_info = m.instantiate<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>();
00292         //if (cam_info) cam_info_sub_->newMessage(cam_info);
00293         if (cam_info) cam_infos.push_back(cam_info);
00294         ROS_DEBUG("Found Message of %s", cinfo_tpc.c_str());
00295       }
00296       else if (m.getTopic() == tf_tpc|| ("/" + m.getTopic() == tf_tpc)){
00297         tf::tfMessage::ConstPtr tf_msg = m.instantiate<tf::tfMessage>();
00298         if (tf_msg) {
00299           tf_available = true;
00300           addTFMessageDirectlyToTransformer(tf_msg, tflistener_);
00301           last_tf = tf_msg->transforms[0].header.stamp;
00302           last_tf -= ros::Duration(0.1);
00303         }
00304       }
00305       if (last_tf == ros::TIME_MIN){//If not a valid time yet, set to something before first message's stamp
00306         last_tf = m.getTime();
00307         last_tf -= ros::Duration(0.1);
00308       }
00309       //last_tf = m.getTime();//FIXME: No TF -> no processing
00310       while(!odometries.empty() && odometries.front()->header.stamp < last_tf){
00311           ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Sending Odometry message");
00312           odomCallback(odometries.front());
00313           odometries.pop_front();
00314       }
00315       while(!vis_images.empty() && vis_images.front()->header.stamp < last_tf){
00316           ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Forwarding buffered visual message from time %12f", vis_images.front()->header.stamp.toSec());
00317           rgb_img_sub_->newMessage(vis_images.front());
00318           vis_images.pop_front();
00319       }
00320       while(!dep_images.empty() && dep_images.front()->header.stamp < last_tf){
00321           ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Forwarding buffered depth message from time %12f", dep_images.front()->header.stamp.toSec());
00322           depth_img_sub_->newMessage(dep_images.front());
00323           dep_images.pop_front();
00324       }
00325       while(!cam_infos.empty() && cam_infos.front()->header.stamp < last_tf){
00326           ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Forwarding buffered cam info message from time %12f", cam_infos.front()->header.stamp.toSec());
00327           cam_info_sub_->newMessage(cam_infos.front());
00328           cam_infos.pop_front();
00329       }
00330       while(!pointclouds.empty() && pointclouds.front()->header.stamp < last_tf){
00331           pc_sub_->newMessage(pointclouds.front());
00332           pointclouds.pop_front();
00333       }
00335     }
00336     ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished processing of Bagfile");
00337     input_bag.close();
00338   }
00339 }
00341 void OpenNIListener::loadBagFakeSubscriberSetup(const std::string& visua_tpc,
00342                                                 const std::string& depth_tpc,
00343                                                 const std::string& points_tpc,
00344                                                 const std::string& cinfo_tpc,
00345                                                 const std::string& odom_tpc,
00346                                                 const std::string& tf_tpc)
00347 {
00349   int q = ParameterServer::instance()->get<int>("subscriber_queue_size");
00351   ros::NodeHandle nh;
00352   tf_pub_ = nh.advertise<tf::tfMessage>(tf_tpc, 10);
00353   //All information from Kinect
00354   if(!visua_tpc.empty() && !depth_tpc.empty() && !cinfo_tpc.empty() && points_tpc.empty())
00355   {   
00356     // Set up fake subscribers to capture images
00357     depth_img_sub_ = new BagSubscriber<sensor_msgs::Image>();
00358     rgb_img_sub_ = new BagSubscriber<sensor_msgs::Image>();
00359     cam_info_sub_ = new BagSubscriber<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>();
00360     no_cloud_sync_ = new message_filters::Synchronizer<NoCloudSyncPolicy>(NoCloudSyncPolicy(q),  *rgb_img_sub_, *depth_img_sub_, *cam_info_sub_);
00361     no_cloud_sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&OpenNIListener::noCloudCallback, this, _1, _2, _3));
00362     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Listening to " << visua_tpc << ", " << depth_tpc << " and " << cinfo_tpc);
00363   } 
00364   else if(!visua_tpc.empty() && !depth_tpc.empty() && !points_tpc.empty())
00365   {   
00366     // Set up fake subscribers to capture images
00367     depth_img_sub_ = new BagSubscriber<sensor_msgs::Image>();
00368     rgb_img_sub_ = new BagSubscriber<sensor_msgs::Image>();
00369     pc_sub_ = new BagSubscriber<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>();
00370     kinect_sync_ = new message_filters::Synchronizer<KinectSyncPolicy>(KinectSyncPolicy(q),  *rgb_img_sub_, *depth_img_sub_, *pc_sub_);
00371     kinect_sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&OpenNIListener::kinectCallback, this, _1, _2, _3));
00372     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Listening to " << visua_tpc << ", " << depth_tpc << " and " << points_tpc);
00373   } 
00374   else {
00375     ROS_ERROR("Missing required information: Topic names.");
00376     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Visual: " << visua_tpc);
00377     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Camera Info (Optional if Points given): " << cinfo_tpc);
00378     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Depth: " << depth_tpc);
00379     ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Points (Optional if Cam Info given): " << points_tpc);
00380   }
00381 }
00387 void OpenNIListener::loadBag(std::string filename)
00388 {
00389   ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
00391   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00392   bool eval_landmarks = ps->get<bool>("optimize_landmarks");
00393   ps->set<bool>("optimize_landmarks", false);
00395   std::string visua_tpc  = ps->get<std::string>("topic_image_mono");
00396   std::string depth_tpc  = ps->get<std::string>("topic_image_depth");
00397   std::string points_tpc = ps->get<std::string>("topic_points");
00398   std::string cinfo_tpc  = ps->get<std::string>("camera_info_topic");
00399   std::string odom_tpc   = ps->get<std::string>("odometry_tpc");
00400   std::string tf_tpc     = std::string("/tf");
00402   loadBagFakeSubscriberSetup(visua_tpc, depth_tpc, points_tpc, cinfo_tpc, odom_tpc, tf_tpc);
00403   processBagfile(filename, visua_tpc, depth_tpc, points_tpc, cinfo_tpc, odom_tpc, tf_tpc);
00405   waitAndEvaluate(filename);
00406 }
00408 void OpenNIListener::waitAndEvaluate(const std::string& filename)
00409 {
00410   Q_EMIT progress(4, "Processing Bagfile", 1e6);
00411   do{ 
00412     if(!future_.isFinished()){
00413       future_.waitForFinished(); //Wait if GraphManager ist still computing. 
00414     }
00415     usleep(1000000); //give it a chance to receive further messages
00416     if(!ros::ok()) return;
00417     ROS_WARN("Waiting for processing to finish.");
00418   } while(graph_mgr_->isBusy());
00420   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00421   if(ps->get<bool>("batch_processing")){
00422     evaluation(filename);
00423   }
00424   if(!ps->get<bool>("use_gui")){
00425     Q_EMIT bagFinished();
00426     usleep(10);//10usec to allow all threads to finish (don't know how much is required)
00427   }
00428 }
00430 void OpenNIListener::evaluation(std::string filename)
00431 {
00432     graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(-1, true);//Non threaded call to make last "online" optimization (using "inaffected" strategy)
00433     graph_mgr_->setOptimizerVerbose(true);
00434     graph_mgr_->saveTrajectory(QString(filename.c_str()) + "iteration_" + QString::number(0));
00435     ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished with optimization iteration %i.", 0);
00438     ParameterServer::instance()->set<std::string>("pose_relative_to", std::string("first"));
00439     graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(-100, true);//Non threaded call
00440     graph_mgr_->saveTrajectory(QString(filename.c_str()) + "iteration_" + QString::number(1));
00441     ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished with optimization iteration %i.", 1);
00443     if(graph_mgr_->pruneEdgesWithErrorAbove(5) > 0){//Mahalanobis Distance
00444       graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(-100, true);//Non threaded call
00445     } else {//if nothing has changed through pruning, only do one optimization iteration to get the same log output
00446       graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(1, true);//Non threaded call
00447     }
00448     graph_mgr_->saveTrajectory(QString(filename.c_str()) + "iteration_" + QString::number(2));
00449     ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished with optimization iteration %i.", 2);
00451     if(graph_mgr_->pruneEdgesWithErrorAbove(1) > 0){//Mahalanobis Distance
00452       graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(-100, true);//Non threaded call
00453     } else {//if nothing has changed through pruning, only do one optimization iteration to get the same log output
00454       graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(1, true);//Non threaded call
00455     }
00456     graph_mgr_->saveTrajectory(QString(filename.c_str()) + "iteration_" + QString::number(3));
00457     ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished with optimization iteration %i.", 3);
00459     if(graph_mgr_->pruneEdgesWithErrorAbove(0.25) > 0){//Mahalanobis Distance
00460       graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(-100, true);//Non threaded call
00461     } else {//if nothing has changed through pruning, only do one optimization iteration to get the same log output
00462       graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(1, true);//Non threaded call
00463     }
00464     graph_mgr_->saveTrajectory(QString(filename.c_str()) + "iteration_" + QString::number(4));
00465     ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished with optimization iteration %i.", 4);
00467     if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("optimize_landmarks")){ //LANDMARK OPTIMIZATION
00468       ParameterServer::instance()->set<bool>("optimize_landmarks", true);
00469       graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(-100, true);//Non threaded call
00470       graph_mgr_->saveTrajectory(QString(filename.c_str()) + "iteration_" + QString::number(3));
00471       ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished with optimization iteration %i.", 3);
00472     }
00473 /* EmpiricalCovariances evaluation
00474     graph_mgr_->setEmpiricalCovariances();
00475     graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(-100, true);//Non threaded call
00477     graph_mgr_->saveTrajectory(QString(filename.c_str()) + "iteration_empiricalCov");
00478     graph_mgr_->saveG2OGraph(QString(filename.c_str()) + "empiricalCov.g2o");
00479     ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished with optimization iteration empiricalCov.");
00481     graph_mgr_->setEmpiricalCovariances();
00482     graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(-100, true);//Non threaded call
00484     graph_mgr_->saveTrajectory(QString(filename.c_str()) + "iteration_empiricalCov2");
00485     graph_mgr_->saveG2OGraph(QString(filename.c_str()) + "empiricalCov2.g2o");
00486     ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished with optimization iteration empiricalCov2.");
00487 */
00488     /* OCTOMAP
00489     if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("octomap_online_creation")){
00490       graph_mgr_->writeOctomap(QString(filename.c_str()) + "-online.ot");
00491       //Now recreate (to have all clouds optimally positioned
00492       ParameterServer::instance()->set<bool>("octomap_online_creation", false);
00493       graph_mgr_->saveOctomap(QString(filename.c_str()) + "-offline.ot", false);
00494     }
00495     */
00496     /*
00497     if(graph_mgr_->pruneEdgesWithErrorAbove(1) > 0){//Mahalanobis Distance
00498       graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(-100, true);//Non threaded call
00499     } else {//if nothing has changed through pruning, only do one optimization iteration to get the same log output
00500       graph_mgr_->optimizeGraph(1, true);//Non threaded call
00501     }
00502     graph_mgr_->saveTrajectory(QString(filename.c_str()) + "iteration_" + QString::number(4));
00503     ROS_WARN_NAMED("eval", "Finished with optimization iteration %i.", 4);
00505     */
00506     /*
00507     if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("store_pointclouds")){
00508       graph_mgr_->saveIndividualClouds(QString(filename.c_str()), false);//not threaded
00509     }
00510     */
00512     if(!ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_gui")){
00513       Q_EMIT bagFinished();
00514       usleep(10);//10sec to allow all threads to finish (don't know how much is required)
00515     }
00516   std::cerr << "Evaluation Done\n";
00517 }
00519 static void calculateDepthMask(cv::Mat_<uchar>& depth_img, const pointcloud_type::Ptr point_cloud)
00520 {
00521     //calculate depthMask
00522     float value;
00523     for(unsigned int y = 0; y < depth_img.rows; y++){
00524         for(unsigned int x = 0; x < depth_img.cols; x++){
00525             value = point_cloud->at(x,y).z; 
00526             if(value != value){//isnan
00527       <uchar>(y,x) = 0;
00528             }else{
00529       <uchar>(y,x) = static_cast<uchar>(value*50.0); //Full white at ~5 meter
00530             }
00531         }
00532     }
00533 }
00535 void OpenNIListener::pcdCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr visual_img_msg, 
00536                                  //sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::Ptr point_cloud)
00537                                  pointcloud_type::Ptr pcl_cloud)
00538 {
00539     ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
00540     ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Received data from pcd file reader");
00541     ROS_WARN_ONCE_NAMED("eval", "First RGBD-Data Received");
00543     //pointcloud_type::Ptr pcl_cloud(new pointcloud_type());//will belong to node
00544     //pcl::fromROSMsg(*point_cloud,*pcl_cloud);
00545     //Get images into OpenCV format
00546     cv::Mat visual_img =  cv_bridge::toCvCopy(visual_img_msg)->image;
00547     cv::Mat_<uchar> depth_img(visual_img_msg->height, visual_img_msg->width);
00548     calculateDepthMask(depth_img, pcl_cloud);
00549     depth_mono8_img_ = depth_img;
00551     if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_gui")){
00552       Q_EMIT newVisualImage(cvMat2QImage(visual_img, 0)); //visual_idx=0
00553       Q_EMIT newDepthImage (cvMat2QImage(depth_img,1));//overwrites last cvMat2QImage
00554     }
00555     cameraCallback(visual_img, pcl_cloud, depth_img);
00556 }
00558 void OpenNIListener::stereoCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& visual_img_msg, 
00559                                     const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& point_cloud)
00560 {
00561     ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
00562     ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Received data from stereo cam");
00563     ROS_WARN_ONCE_NAMED("eval", "First RGBD-Data Received");
00564     ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00565     if(++data_id_ < ps->get<int>("skip_first_n_frames") 
00566        || data_id_ % ps->get<int>("data_skip_step") != 0){ 
00567       ROS_INFO_THROTTLE_NAMED(1, "OpenNIListener", "Skipping Frame %i because of data_skip_step setting (this msg is only shown once a sec)", data_id_);
00568       if(ps->get<bool>("use_gui")){//Show the image, even if not using it
00569         cv::Mat visual_img =  cv_bridge::toCvCopy(visual_img_msg)->image;
00570         Q_EMIT newVisualImage(cvMat2QImage(visual_img, 0)); //visual_idx=0
00571       }
00572       return;
00573     }
00575     //calculate depthMask
00576     pointcloud_type::Ptr pc_col(new pointcloud_type());//will belong to node
00577     pcl::fromROSMsg(*point_cloud,*pc_col);
00578     cv::Mat_<uchar> depth_img(visual_img_msg->height, visual_img_msg->width);
00579     calculateDepthMask(depth_img, pc_col);
00581     //Get images into OpenCV format
00582     //sensor_msgs::CvBridge bridge;
00583     cv::Mat visual_img =  cv_bridge::toCvCopy(visual_img_msg, "mono8")->image;
00584     if(visual_img.rows != depth_img.rows ||
00585        visual_img.cols != depth_img.cols ||
00586        point_cloud->width != (uint32_t) visual_img.cols ||
00587        point_cloud->height != (uint32_t) visual_img.rows){
00588       ROS_ERROR("PointCloud, depth and visual image differ in size! Ignoring Data");
00589       return;
00590     }
00592     cameraCallback(visual_img, pc_col, depth_img);
00593 }
00595 OpenNIListener::~OpenNIListener(){
00596   delete tflistener_;
00597 }
00599 void OpenNIListener::noCloudCallback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& visual_img_msg,
00600                                       const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth_img_msg,
00601                                       const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& cam_info_msg) 
00602 {
00603   ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
00604   ROS_WARN_ONCE_NAMED("eval", "First RGBD-Data Received");
00605   ROS_DEBUG("Received data from kinect");
00606   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00608   if(++data_id_ < ps->get<int>("skip_first_n_frames") 
00609      || data_id_ % ps->get<int>("data_skip_step") != 0)
00610   { 
00611   // If only a subset of frames are used, skip computations but visualize if gui is running
00612     ROS_INFO_THROTTLE_NAMED(1, "OpenNIListener", "Skipping Frame %i because of data_skip_step setting (this msg is only shown once a sec)", data_id_);
00613     if(ps->get<bool>("use_gui")){//Show the image, even if not using it
00614       //cv::Mat depth_float_img = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(depth_img_msg)->image;
00615       cv::Mat visual_img =  cv_bridge::toCvCopy(visual_img_msg)->image;
00616       //if(visual_img.rows != depth_float_img.rows || 
00617       //   visual_img.cols != depth_float_img.cols){
00618       //  ROS_ERROR("depth and visual image differ in size! Ignoring Data");
00619       //  return;
00620       //}
00621       //depthToCV8UC1(depth_float_img, depth_mono8_img_); //float can't be visualized or used as mask in float format TODO: reprogram keypoint detector to use float values with nan to mask
00622       //image_encoding_ = visual_img_msg->encoding;
00623       //Q_EMIT newVisualImage(cvMat2QImage(visual_img, 0)); //visual_idx=0
00624       //Q_EMIT newDepthImage (cvMat2QImage(depth_mono8_img_,1));//overwrites last cvMat2QImage
00625     }
00626     return;
00627   }
00630   //Convert images to OpenCV format
00631   //sensor_msgs::CvBridge bridge;
00632   //cv::Mat depth_float_img = bridge.imgMsgToCv(depth_img_msg);
00633   //cv::Mat visual_img =  bridge.imgMsgToCv(visual_img_msg);
00634   cv::Mat depth_float_img = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(depth_img_msg)->image;
00635   //const cv::Mat& depth_float_img_big = cv_bridge::toCvShare(depth_img_msg)->image;
00636   cv::Mat visual_img;
00637   if(image_encoding_ == "bayer_grbg8"){
00638     cv_bridge::toCvShare(visual_img_msg);
00639     ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Converting from Bayer to RGB");
00640     cv::cvtColor(cv_bridge::toCvCopy(visual_img_msg)->image, visual_img, CV_BayerGR2RGB, 3);
00641   } else{
00642     ROS_INFO_STREAM("Encoding: " << visual_img_msg->encoding);
00643     visual_img =  cv_bridge::toCvCopy(visual_img_msg)->image;
00644   }
00645   //const cv::Mat& visual_img_big =  cv_bridge::toCvShare(visual_img_msg)->image;
00646   //cv::Size newsize(320, 240);
00647   //cv::Mat visual_img(newsize, visual_img_big.type()), depth_float_img(newsize, depth_float_img_big.type());
00648   //cv::resize(visual_img_big, visual_img, newsize);
00649   //cv::resize(depth_float_img_big, depth_float_img, newsize);
00650   if(visual_img.rows != depth_float_img.rows || 
00651      visual_img.cols != depth_float_img.cols){
00652     ROS_WARN("depth and visual image differ in size! Rescaling Depth Data");
00653     cv::resize(depth_float_img, depth_float_img, visual_img.size(), 0,0,cv::INTER_NEAREST);
00654     //return;
00655   }
00656   image_encoding_ = visual_img_msg->encoding;
00658   depthToCV8UC1(depth_float_img, depth_mono8_img_); //float can't be visualized or used as mask in float format TODO: reprogram keypoint detector to use float values with nan to mask
00660   if(asyncFrameDrop(depth_img_msg->header.stamp, visual_img_msg->header.stamp)) 
00661     return;
00664   if(pause_ && !getOneFrame_){ 
00665     if(ps->get<bool>("use_gui")){
00666       Q_EMIT newVisualImage(cvMat2QImage(visual_img, 0)); //visual_idx=0
00667       Q_EMIT newDepthImage (cvMat2QImage(depth_mono8_img_,1));//overwrites last cvMat2QImage
00668     }
00669     return;
00670   }
00671   noCloudCameraCallback(visual_img, depth_float_img, depth_mono8_img_, visual_img_msg->header, cam_info_msg);
00672 }
00675 void OpenNIListener::kinectCallback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& visual_img_msg,
00676                                      const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth_img_msg,   
00677                                      const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& point_cloud) 
00678 {
00680   ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
00681   ROS_DEBUG("Received data from kinect");
00682   ROS_WARN_ONCE_NAMED("eval", "First RGBD-Data Received");
00683   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00685   if(++data_id_ < ps->get<int>("skip_first_n_frames") 
00686      || data_id_ % ps->get<int>("data_skip_step") != 0)
00687   { 
00688   // If only a subset of frames are used, skip computations but visualize if gui is running
00689     ROS_INFO_THROTTLE_NAMED(1, "OpenNIListener", "Skipping Frame %i because of data_skip_step setting (this msg is only shown once a sec)", data_id_);
00690     if(ps->get<bool>("use_gui")){//Show the image, even if not using it
00691       //cv::Mat depth_float_img = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(depth_img_msg)->image;
00692       cv::Mat visual_img =  cv_bridge::toCvCopy(visual_img_msg)->image;
00693       //if(visual_img.rows != depth_float_img.rows || 
00694       //   visual_img.cols != depth_float_img.cols){
00695       //  ROS_ERROR("depth and visual image differ in size! Ignoring Data");
00696       //  return;
00697       //}
00698       //depthToCV8UC1(depth_float_img, depth_mono8_img_); //float can't be visualized or used as mask in float format TODO: reprogram keypoint detector to use float values with nan to mask
00699       //image_encoding_ = visual_img_msg->encoding;
00700       //Q_EMIT newVisualImage(cvMat2QImage(visual_img, 0)); //visual_idx=0
00701       //Q_EMIT newDepthImage (cvMat2QImage(depth_mono8_img_,1));//overwrites last cvMat2QImage
00702     }
00703     return;
00704   }
00706   //Get images into OpenCV format
00707   //sensor_msgs::CvBridge bridge;
00708   //cv::Mat depth_float_img = bridge.imgMsgToCv(depth_img_msg);
00709   //cv::Mat visual_img =  bridge.imgMsgToCv(visual_img_msg);
00710   cv::Mat depth_float_img = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(depth_img_msg)->image;
00711   cv::Mat visual_img =  cv_bridge::toCvCopy(visual_img_msg)->image;
00712   if(visual_img.rows != depth_float_img.rows || 
00713      visual_img.cols != depth_float_img.cols ||
00714      point_cloud->width != (uint32_t) visual_img.cols ||
00715      point_cloud->height != (uint32_t) visual_img.rows){
00716     ROS_ERROR("PointCloud, depth and visual image differ in size! Ignoring Data");
00717     return;
00718   }
00719   image_encoding_ = visual_img_msg->encoding;
00720   depthToCV8UC1(depth_float_img, depth_mono8_img_); //float can't be visualized or used as mask in float format TODO: reprogram keypoint detector to use float values with nan to mask
00722   if(asyncFrameDrop(depth_img_msg->header.stamp, visual_img_msg->header.stamp)) 
00723     return;
00726   if(pause_ && !getOneFrame_){ 
00727     if(ps->get<bool>("use_gui")){
00728       Q_EMIT newVisualImage(cvMat2QImage(visual_img, 0)); //visual_idx=0
00729       Q_EMIT newDepthImage (cvMat2QImage(depth_mono8_img_,1));//overwrites last cvMat2QImage
00730     }
00731     return;
00732   }
00734   pointcloud_type::Ptr pc_col(new pointcloud_type());//will belong to node
00735   pcl::fromROSMsg(*point_cloud,*pc_col);
00736   cameraCallback(visual_img, pc_col, depth_mono8_img_);
00737 }
00742 void OpenNIListener::cameraCallback(cv::Mat visual_img, 
00743                                     pointcloud_type::Ptr point_cloud, 
00744                                     cv::Mat depth_mono8_img)
00745 {
00746   ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
00747   ROS_WARN_COND(point_cloud ==NULL, "Nullpointer for pointcloud");
00748   if(getOneFrame_) { getOneFrame_ = false; }//if getOneFrame_ is set, unset it and skip check for  pause
00749   else if(pause_) { return; }//Visualization and nothing else
00751   //######### Main Work: create new node ##############################################################
00752   //Q_EMIT setGUIStatus("Computing Keypoints and Features");
00753   Node* node_ptr = new Node(visual_img, detector_, extractor_, point_cloud, depth_mono8_img);
00755   retrieveTransformations(pcl_conversions::fromPCL(point_cloud->header), node_ptr);
00756   callProcessing(visual_img, node_ptr);
00757 }
00764 void OpenNIListener::noCloudCameraCallback(cv::Mat visual_img, 
00765                                            cv::Mat depth, 
00766                                            cv::Mat depth_mono8_img,
00767                                            std_msgs::Header depth_header,
00768                                            const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& cam_info)
00769 {
00770   if(getOneFrame_) { //if getOneFrame_ is set, unset it and skip check for  pause
00771       getOneFrame_ = false;
00772   } else if(pause_) { //Visualization and nothing else
00773     return; 
00774   }
00775   ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
00776   //######### Main Work: create new node ##############################################################
00777   //Q_EMIT setGUIStatus("Computing Keypoints and Features");
00778   Node* node_ptr = new Node(visual_img, depth, depth_mono8_img, cam_info, depth_header, detector_, extractor_);
00780   retrieveTransformations(depth_header, node_ptr);//Retrieve the transform between the lens and the base-link at capturing time;
00781   callProcessing(visual_img, node_ptr);
00782 }
00786 //Call function either regularly or as background thread
00787 void OpenNIListener::callProcessing(cv::Mat visual_img, Node* node_ptr)
00788 {
00789   if(!future_.isFinished()){
00790     ScopedTimer s("New Node is ready, waiting for graph manager.");
00791     future_.waitForFinished(); //Wait if GraphManager ist still computing. 
00792   }
00794   //update for visualization of the feature flow
00795   visualization_img_ = visual_img; //No copy
00796   visualization_depth_mono8_img_ = depth_mono8_img_;//No copy
00797   //With this define, processNode runs in the background and after finishing visualizes the results
00798   //Thus another Callback can be started in the meantime, to create a new node in parallel
00799   if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("concurrent_node_construction")) {
00800     ROS_DEBUG("Processing Node in parallel to the construction of the next node");
00801     if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_gui")){
00802       //visual_img points to the data received in the callback - which might be deallocated after the callback returns. 
00803       //This will happen before visualization if processNode is running in background, therefore the data needs to be cloned
00804       visualization_img_ = visual_img.clone();
00805       visualization_depth_mono8_img_ = depth_mono8_img_.clone();
00806       visualize_images(visualization_img_, depth_mono8_img_);
00807     }
00808     future_ = QtConcurrent::run(this, &OpenNIListener::processNode, node_ptr); 
00809   }
00810   else { //Non-concurrent
00811     processNode(node_ptr);//regular function call
00812   }
00813 }
00816 void OpenNIListener::processNode(Node* new_node)
00817 {
00818   ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
00819   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00820   Q_EMIT setGUIStatus("Adding Node to Graph");
00821   bool has_been_added = graph_mgr_->addNode(new_node);
00822   ++num_processed_;
00823   Q_EMIT setGUIInfo2(QString("Frames processed: ")+QString::number(num_processed_));
00826   if(has_been_added && !ps->get<std::string>("odom_frame_name").empty()){
00827     ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Verifying Odometry Information");
00828     ros::Time latest_odom_time;
00829     std::string odom_frame  = ps->get<std::string>("odom_frame_name");
00830     std::string base_frame  = ps->get<std::string>("base_frame_name");
00831     std::string error_msg;
00832     int ev = tflistener_->getLatestCommonTime(odom_frame, base_frame, latest_odom_time, &error_msg); 
00833     if(ev == tf::NO_ERROR){
00834       graph_mgr_->addOdometry(latest_odom_time, tflistener_);
00835     } else {
00836       ROS_WARN_STREAM("Couldn't get time of latest tf transform between " << odom_frame << " and " << base_frame << ": " << error_msg);
00837     }
00838   }
00841   //######### Visualization code  #############################################
00842   if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_gui")){
00843     if(has_been_added){
00844       cv::Mat kp_img = visualization_img_.clone();
00845       graph_mgr_->drawFeatureFlow(visualization_img_, cv::Scalar(0,0,255), cv::Scalar(0,128,0) );
00846       //graph_mgr_->drawFeatureFlow(depth_mono8_img_, cv::Scalar(0,0,255), cv::Scalar(0,128,0) );
00847       Q_EMIT newFeatureFlowImage(cvMat2QImage(visualization_img_, 5)); //show registration
00848       //Q_EMIT newDepthImage(cvMat2QImage(depth_mono8_img_, 6)); //show registration
00849       cv::drawKeypoints(visualization_img_, new_node->feature_locations_2d_, kp_img, cv::Scalar(0,255,0), 5);
00850       Q_EMIT newFeatureImage(cvMat2QImage(kp_img, 4)); //show registration
00851     } else {
00852       cv::drawKeypoints(visualization_img_, new_node->feature_locations_2d_, visualization_img_, cv::Scalar(0, 100,0), 5);
00853       Q_EMIT newFeatureFlowImage(cvMat2QImage(visualization_img_, 2)); //show registration
00854     }
00855   }
00856   if(!has_been_added) {
00857     delete new_node; 
00858     new_node = NULL;
00859   }
00860 }
00863 void OpenNIListener::togglePause(){
00864   pause_ = !pause_;
00865   ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Pause toggled to: %s", pause_? "true":"false");
00866   if(pause_) Q_EMIT setGUIStatus("Processing Thread Paused");
00867   else Q_EMIT setGUIStatus("Processing Thread Running");
00868 }
00871 void OpenNIListener::getOneFrame(){
00872   getOneFrame_=true;
00873 }
00877 QImage OpenNIListener::cvMat2QImage(const cv::Mat& channel1, const cv::Mat& channel2, const cv::Mat& channel3, unsigned int idx)
00878 {
00879   if(rgba_buffers_.size() <= idx){
00880       rgba_buffers_.resize(idx+1);
00881   }
00882   if(channel2.rows != channel1.rows || channel2.cols != channel1.cols ||
00883      channel3.rows != channel1.rows || channel3.cols != channel1.cols){
00884      ROS_ERROR("Image channels to be combined differ in size");
00885   }
00886   if(channel1.rows != rgba_buffers_[idx].rows || channel1.cols != rgba_buffers_[idx].cols){
00887     ROS_DEBUG("Created new rgba_buffer with index %i", idx);
00888     rgba_buffers_[idx] = cv::Mat( channel1.rows, channel1.cols, CV_8UC4); 
00889     //printMatrixInfo(rgba_buffers_[idx]);
00890   }
00891   cv::Mat mono_channel1 = channel1; 
00892   if(channel1.type() != CV_8UC1) {
00893     mono_channel1 = cv::Mat( channel1.rows, channel1.cols, CV_8UC1); 
00894     cv::cvtColor(channel1, mono_channel1, CV_RGB2GRAY);
00895   }
00896   std::vector<cv::Mat> input;
00897   cv::Mat alpha( channel1.rows, channel1.cols, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(255)); //TODO this could be buffered for performance
00898   input.push_back(mono_channel1);
00899   input.push_back(channel2);
00900   input.push_back(channel3);
00901   input.push_back(alpha);
00902   cv::merge(input, rgba_buffers_[idx]);
00903   //printMatrixInfo(rgba_buffers_[idx]);
00904   return QImage((unsigned char *)(rgba_buffers_[idx].data), 
00905                 rgba_buffers_[idx].cols, rgba_buffers_[idx].rows, 
00906                 rgba_buffers_[idx].step, QImage::Format_RGB32 );
00907 }
00912 QImage OpenNIListener::cvMat2QImage(const cv::Mat& image, unsigned int idx)
00913 {
00914   ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Converting Matrix of type " << openCVCode2String(image.type()) << " to RGBA");
00915   if(rgba_buffers_.size() <= idx){
00916       rgba_buffers_.resize(idx+1);
00917   }
00918   ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Target Matrix is of type " << openCVCode2String(rgba_buffers_[idx].type()));
00919   if(image.rows != rgba_buffers_[idx].rows || image.cols != rgba_buffers_[idx].cols){
00920     ROS_DEBUG("Created new rgba_buffer with index %i", idx);
00921     rgba_buffers_[idx] = cv::Mat( image.rows, image.cols, CV_8UC4); 
00922     //printMatrixInfo(rgba_buffers_[idx], "for QImage Buffering");
00923   }
00924   char red_idx = 0, green_idx = 1, blue_idx = 2;
00925   if("rgb8") == 0) { red_idx = 2; blue_idx = 0; }
00926   cv::Mat alpha( image.rows, image.cols, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(255)); //TODO this could be buffered for performance
00927   cv::Mat in[] = { image, alpha };
00928   // rgba[0] -> bgr[2], rgba[1] -> bgr[1],
00929   // rgba[2] -> bgr[0], rgba[3] -> alpha[0]
00931   if(image.type() == CV_8UC1){
00932     int from_to[] = { 0,0,  0,1,  0,2,  1,3 };
00933     mixChannels( in , 2, &rgba_buffers_[idx], 1, from_to, 4 );
00934   } else {
00935     int from_to[] = { red_idx,0,  green_idx,1,  blue_idx,2,  3,3 }; //BGR+A -> RGBA
00936     mixChannels( in , 2, &rgba_buffers_[idx], 1, from_to, 4 );
00937   }
00938   //printMatrixInfo(rgba_buffers_[idx], "for QImage Buffering");
00939   return QImage((unsigned char *)(rgba_buffers_[idx].data), 
00940                 rgba_buffers_[idx].cols, rgba_buffers_[idx].rows, 
00941                 rgba_buffers_[idx].step, QImage::Format_RGB32 );
00942 }
00946 //Retrieve the transform between the lens and the base-link at capturing time
00947 void OpenNIListener::retrieveTransformations(std_msgs::Header depth_header, Node* node_ptr)
00948 {
00949   ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
00950   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00951   std::string base_frame  = ps->get<std::string>("base_frame_name");
00952   std::string odom_frame  = ps->get<std::string>("odom_frame_name");
00953   std::string gt_frame    = ps->get<std::string>("ground_truth_frame_name");
00954   std::string depth_frame_id = depth_header.frame_id;
00955   ros::Time depth_time = depth_header.stamp;
00956   tf::StampedTransform base2points;
00958   try{
00959     tflistener_->waitForTransform(base_frame, depth_frame_id, depth_time, ros::Duration(0.005));
00960     tflistener_->lookupTransform(base_frame, depth_frame_id, depth_time, base2points);
00961     base2points.stamp_ = depth_time;
00962   }
00963   catch (tf::TransformException ex){
00964     ROS_WARN("%s",ex.what());
00965     ROS_WARN("Using Standard kinect /openni_camera -> /openni_rgb_optical_frame as transformation (This message is throttled to 1 per 5 seconds)");
00966     //emulate the transformation from kinect openni_camera frame to openni_rgb_optical_frame
00967     base2points.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(-1.57,0,-1.57));
00968     base2points.setOrigin(tf::Point(0,-0.04,0));
00969     base2points.stamp_ = depth_time;
00970     base2points.frame_id_ = base_frame;
00971     base2points.child_frame_id_ = depth_frame_id;
00972   }
00973   node_ptr->setBase2PointsTransform(base2points);
00975   if(!gt_frame.empty()){ 
00976     //Retrieve the ground truth data. For the first frame it will be
00977     //set as origin. the rest will be used to compare
00978     tf::StampedTransform ground_truth_transform;
00979     try{
00980       tflistener_->waitForTransform(gt_frame, "/openni_camera", depth_time, ros::Duration(0.005));
00981       tflistener_->lookupTransform(gt_frame, "/openni_camera", depth_time, ground_truth_transform);
00982       ground_truth_transform.stamp_ = depth_time;
00983       tf::StampedTransform b2p;
00984       //HACK to comply with Jürgen Sturm's Ground truth, though I can't manage here to get the full transform from tf
00985       b2p.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(-1.57,0,-1.57));
00986       b2p.setOrigin(tf::Point(0,-0.04,0));
00987       ground_truth_transform *= b2p;
00988     }
00989     catch (tf::TransformException ex){
00990       ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5, "%s - Using Identity for Ground Truth (This message is throttled to 1 per 5 seconds)",ex.what());
00991       ground_truth_transform = tf::StampedTransform(tf::Transform::getIdentity(), depth_time, "missing_ground_truth", "/openni_camera");
00992     }
00993     printTransform("Ground Truth", ground_truth_transform);
00994     node_ptr->setGroundTruthTransform(ground_truth_transform);
00995   }
00996   if(!odom_frame.empty()){ 
00997     //Retrieve the ground truth data. For the first frame it will be
00998     //set as origin. the rest will be used to compare
00999     tf::StampedTransform current_odom_transform;
01000     try{
01001       tflistener_->waitForTransform(depth_frame_id, odom_frame, depth_time, ros::Duration(0.005));
01002       tflistener_->lookupTransform( depth_frame_id, odom_frame, depth_time, current_odom_transform);
01003     }
01004     catch (tf::TransformException ex){
01005       ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5, "%s - No odometry available (This message is throttled to 1 per 5 seconds)",ex.what());
01006       current_odom_transform = tf::StampedTransform(tf::Transform::getIdentity(), depth_time, "missing_odometry", depth_frame_id);
01007       current_odom_transform.stamp_ = depth_time;
01008     }
01009     printTransform("Odometry", current_odom_transform);
01010     node_ptr->setOdomTransform(current_odom_transform);
01011   }
01012   // End: Fill in Transformation -----------------------------------------------------------------------
01013 }
01016 //bool readOneFile(const QString& qfilename, pointcloud_type& cloud)
01017 bool readOneFile(const QString& qfilename, sensor_msgs::PointCloud2& cloud)
01018 {
01019     if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile(qPrintable(qfilename), cloud) == -1) 
01020     {
01021       ROS_ERROR ("Couldn't read file %s", qPrintable(qfilename));
01022       return false;
01023     } 
01024     //Hackish fix for bad dimensions
01025     if(cloud.width == 1 || cloud.height == 1){
01026       if(cloud.width * cloud.height == 640*480){
01027         cloud.width = 640;
01028         cloud.height = 480;
01029       } else {
01030         ROS_ERROR("Cloud has \"flat\" dimensions: %d x %d", cloud.width, cloud.height);
01031         return false;
01032       }
01033     }
01034     return true;
01035 }
01037 bool readOneFile(const QString& qfilename, pointcloud_type::Ptr cloud){
01038   static int index = 0;
01039   if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile<point_type>(qPrintable(qfilename), *cloud) == -1) 
01040   {
01041     ROS_ERROR ("Couldn't read file %s", qPrintable(qfilename));
01042     return false;
01043   } 
01044   //Hackish fix for missing header
01045   ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Frame Id: " << cloud->header.frame_id << " Stamp: " << cloud->header.stamp);
01046   if( cloud->header.frame_id.empty()){
01047     myHeader header(index++, ros::Time::now(),  "/pcd_file_frame");
01048     cloud->header = header;
01049   }
01050   if(cloud->width == 1 || cloud->height == 1){
01051     if(cloud->height * cloud->width == 640*480) { //Hackish Fix for usual case
01052       cloud->width = 640;
01053       cloud->height = 480;
01054     } else {
01055       ROS_ERROR("Cloud has \"flat\" dimensions: %d x %d", cloud->width, cloud->height);
01056       return false;
01057     }
01058   }
01059   return true;
01060 }
01062 void OpenNIListener::loadPCDFiles(QStringList file_list)
01063 {
01064     QtConcurrent::run(this, &OpenNIListener::loadPCDFilesAsync, file_list);
01065 }
01067 void OpenNIListener::loadPCDFilesAsync(QStringList file_list)
01068 {
01069   bool prior_state = pause_;
01070   pause_ = false;
01072   Q_EMIT iamBusy(3, "Loading PCD files", file_list.size());
01073   for (int i = 0; i < file_list.size(); i++)
01074   {
01075     Q_EMIT progress(3, "Loading PCD files", i);
01076     try{
01077       do{ 
01078         usleep(150);
01079         if(!ros::ok()) return;
01080       } while(pause_);
01082       ROS_INFO_NAMED("OpenNIListener", "Processing file %s", qPrintable(; 
01083       //Create shared pointers to data structures
01084       sensor_msgs::Image::Ptr sm_img(new sensor_msgs::Image());
01085       sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::Ptr currentROSCloud(new sensor_msgs::PointCloud2());
01086       pointcloud_type::Ptr currentPCLCloud(new pointcloud_type());
01088       if (!readOneFile(, currentPCLCloud)) {
01089         continue;
01090       } else {
01091         //std::string filename(qPrintable(;
01092         //pcl::io::loadPCDFile<point_type>(filename, *currentPCLCloud);
01093         //currentPCLCloud->width=640;
01094         //currentPCLCloud->height=480;
01095         pcl::toROSMsg<point_type>(*currentPCLCloud, *currentROSCloud);
01096         pcl::toROSMsg(*currentROSCloud, *sm_img);
01097         sm_img->encoding = "bgr8";
01098         this->image_encoding_ = "bgr8";
01099         pcdCallback(sm_img, currentPCLCloud);
01100       }
01101     } catch (...) {
01102       ROS_ERROR("Caught exception when processing pcd file %s",qPrintable(;
01103     }
01104   }
01105   Q_EMIT progress(3, "Loading PCD files", 1e6);
01107   pause_ = prior_state;
01109 }
01111 void OpenNIListener::loadBagFileFromGUI(QString file)
01112 {
01113     QtConcurrent::run(this, &OpenNIListener::loadBag, file.toStdString());
01114 }
01118 void OpenNIListener::odomCallback(const nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr& odom_msg){
01119   tf::Transform tfTransf;
01120   tf::poseMsgToTF (odom_msg->pose.pose, tfTransf);
01121   tf::StampedTransform stTransf(tfTransf, odom_msg->header.stamp, odom_msg->header.frame_id, odom_msg->child_frame_id); 
01122   printTransform("Odometry Transformation", stTransf);
01123   tflistener_->setTransform(stTransf);
01124   //Is done now after creation of Node
01125         //graph_mgr_->addOdometry(odom_msg->header.stamp,tflistener_);
01126 }

Author(s): Felix Endres, Juergen Hess, Nikolas Engelhard
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:49:45