Class MarkerLabeler
Defined in File markerlabeler.h
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
public aruco::DictionaryBased
(Class DictionaryBased)public aruco::FractalMarkerLabeler
(Class FractalMarkerLabeler)
Class Documentation
class MarkerLabeler
Subclassed by aruco::DictionaryBased, aruco::FractalMarkerLabeler
Public Functions
virtual bool detect(const cv::Mat &in, int &marker_id, int &nRotations, std::string &additionalInfo) = 0
function that identifies a marker.
- Parameters:
in – input image to analyze
marker_id – id of the marker (if valid)
nRotations – : output parameter nRotations must indicate how many times the marker must be rotated clockwise 90 deg to be in its ideal position. (The way you would see it when you print it). This is employed to know always which is the corner that acts as reference system.
- Returns:
true marker valid, false otherwise
inline virtual int getBestInputSize()
getBestInputSize if desired, you can set the desired input size to the detect function
- Returns:
-1 if detect accept any type of input, or a size otherwise
inline virtual int getNSubdivisions() const
getNSubdivisions returns the number of subdivisions in each axis that the iamge will be subject to. This is in dictionary based labelers, equals to the number of bits in each dimension plus the border bits.
- Returns:
virtual std::string getName() const = 0
inline virtual ~MarkerLabeler()
Public Static Functions
static cv::Ptr<MarkerLabeler> create(Dictionary::DICT_TYPES dict_type, float error_correction_rate = 0)
Factory function that returns a labeler for a given dictionary
If you want correction capabilities and not sure how much, use 0.5 in this parameter
- Parameters:
dict_type – type of dictionary
error_correction_rate – some dictionaries are subsceptible of error correction. This params specify the correction rate. 0 means no correction at all. 1 means full correction (maximum correction bits = (tau-1) /2, tau= predefined mimum intermarker distance).
static cv::Ptr<MarkerLabeler> create(std::string detector, std::string params = "")
create Factory function that returns the desired detector
Factory function that returns the desired detector
- Parameters:
detector –
Possible names implemented are: ARUCO,CHILITAGS….: original aruco markers (0-1024) SVM:
- Returns:
virtual bool detect(const cv::Mat &in, int &marker_id, int &nRotations, std::string &additionalInfo) = 0