00001 /* 00002 * Copyright (c) 2008, Willow Garage, Inc. 00003 * All rights reserved. 00004 * 00005 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00006 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 00007 * 00008 * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00009 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00010 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 00011 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 00012 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 00013 * * Neither the name of the Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its 00014 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from 00015 * this software without specific prior written permission. 00016 * 00017 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" 00018 * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 00019 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 00020 * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE 00021 * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 00022 * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 00023 * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 00024 * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN 00025 * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 00026 * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 00027 * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00028 * 00029 */ 00030 00039 #include <semanticmodel/blob_store.h> 00040 #include "blob_properties.h" 00041 #include <boost/foreach.hpp> 00042 #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h> 00043 #include <opencv/cv.h> 00044 #include <pcl16/ros/conversions.h> 00045 #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h> 00046 #include <boost/optional.hpp> 00047 #include <tf/exceptions.h> 00048 #include <pcl16/features/normal_3d.h> 00049 #include <pcl16/filters/extract_indices.h> 00050 00051 namespace semanticmodel 00052 { 00053 00054 namespace mr=mongo_ros; 00055 namespace sm=sensor_msgs; 00056 namespace enc=sensor_msgs::image_encodings; 00057 namespace gm=geometry_msgs; 00058 00059 using std::vector; 00060 using std::string; 00061 using std::map; 00062 using std::max; 00063 using std::min; 00064 00065 typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock Lock; 00066 typedef vector<float> Color; 00067 typedef map<string, Color> ColorMap; 00068 typedef pcl16::PointXYZRGB Point; 00069 typedef pcl16::PointCloud<Point> PointCloud; 00070 typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock Lock; 00071 00072 BlobStore::BlobStore (const string& canonical_frame, 00073 const string& rgb_camera_frame, 00074 const string& db_name, 00075 const string& collection_namespace) 00076 : canonical_frame_(canonical_frame), 00077 rgb_camera_frame_(rgb_camera_frame), 00078 base_frame_("/base_footprint"), 00079 db_name_(db_name), 00080 max_head_angular_speed_(0.3), 00081 it_(nh_), 00082 tf_(ros::Duration(600)), 00083 pub_(it_.advertise("last_added_blob", 10)), 00084 switch_srv_(nh_.advertiseService("switch_blob_db", 00085 &BlobStore::switchDb, this)) 00086 { 00087 // ROS_INFO_STREAM("storing collections in " << db_name << "/" << 00088 // collection_namespace); 00089 SwitchDB::Request req; 00090 SwitchDB::Response resp; 00091 req.collection_namespace = collection_namespace; 00092 switchDb(req, resp); 00093 } 00094 00095 bool BlobStore::switchDb (SwitchDB::Request& req, 00096 SwitchDB::Response& resp) 00097 { 00098 Lock l(mutex_); 00099 images_.reset( 00100 new ImageCollection(db_name_, req.collection_namespace + "_images")); 00101 blobs_.reset( 00102 new BlobCollection(db_name_, req.collection_namespace + "_blobs")); 00103 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED ("blob_store", "Successfully switched to " << 00104 req.collection_namespace); 00105 return true; 00106 } 00107 00108 gm::PointStamped makePoint(const Point& p, const ros::Time& t, const string& f) 00109 { 00110 gm::PointStamped pt; 00111 pt.point.x = p.x; 00112 pt.point.y = p.y; 00113 pt.point.z = p.z; 00114 pt.header.stamp = t; 00115 pt.header.frame_id = f; 00116 return pt; 00117 } 00118 00119 btQuaternion BlobStore::headAngleAt (const ros::Time& t) 00120 { 00121 const ros::Duration timeout(0.5); 00122 const string base = "/map"; 00123 00124 // no need to wait: see previous comment 00125 //tf_.waitForTransform(base, camera, t, timeout); 00126 tf::StampedTransform trans; 00127 tf_.lookupTransform(base, rgb_camera_frame_, t, trans); 00128 return trans.getRotation().asBt(); 00129 } 00130 00131 // To get a single number summarizing how fast the head is moving wrt the map, 00132 // take the norm of the vector of the rates of change of the Euler angles 00133 double BlobStore::headAngularSpeed (const ros::Time& t) 00134 { 00135 try 00136 { 00137 const double DT=0.5; 00138 ros::Duration d(DT); 00139 btMatrix3x3 m0(headAngleAt(t-d)); 00140 btMatrix3x3 m1(headAngleAt(t+d)); 00141 double a0, b0, c0, a1, b1, c1; 00142 m0.getEulerYPR(a0, b0, c0); 00143 m1.getEulerYPR(a1, b1, c1); 00144 const double da = (a1-a0)/(2*DT); 00145 const double db = (b1-b0)/(2*DT); 00146 const double dc = (c1-c0)/(2*DT); 00147 return sqrt(da*da+db*db+dc*dc); 00148 } 00149 catch (tf::TransformException& e) 00150 { 00151 ROS_WARN_STREAM("Received tf exception when computing head speed for time " 00152 << t << ", so returning large value (42)." 00153 << " Exception was " << e.what()); 00154 return 42; 00155 } 00156 00157 } 00158 00159 sm::Image::Ptr BlobStore::highlightBlobInImage(const Blob& blob, 00160 const sm::Image& img, 00161 const sm::CameraInfo& info) 00162 { 00163 const ros::Time acquisition_time = img.header.stamp; 00164 00165 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED ("blob_store", 00166 "Highlighting in image with acquisition time " 00167 << acquisition_time); 00168 00169 // Convert to open cv 00170 cv_bridge::CvImagePtr image; 00171 image = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(img, enc::BGR8); 00172 00173 // Cam model initialize from info 00174 cam_model_.fromCameraInfo(info); 00175 const string target_frame = cam_model_.tfFrame(); 00176 00177 // Figure out corners of bounding box 00178 ROS_ASSERT(!blob.cloud->points.empty()); 00179 boost::optional<double> min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y; 00180 00181 // Wait for the transform that we'll need inside the loop 00182 // Actually not 00183 /* 00184 const ros::Duration timeout(0.5); 00185 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_THROTTLE_NAMED (1.0, "blob_store", 00186 "Waiting for transform to " << target_frame 00187 << " from " << canonical_frame_ << " at " 00188 << acquisition_time); 00189 tf_.waitForTransform(target_frame, canonical_frame_, 00190 acquisition_time, timeout); 00191 */ 00192 00193 tf::StampedTransform trans; 00194 tf_.lookupTransform(target_frame, canonical_frame_, 00195 acquisition_time, trans); 00196 00197 vector<cv::Point> points; 00198 BOOST_FOREACH (const Point& pcl16_pt, blob.cloud->points) 00199 { 00200 const tf::Point in(pcl16_pt.x, pcl16_pt.y, pcl16_pt.z); 00201 const tf::Point out = trans*in; 00202 00203 // Convert to open cv 00204 cv::Point3d pt_cv(out.x(), out.y(), out.z()); 00205 cv::Point2d image_pt = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(pt_cv); 00206 points.push_back(image_pt); 00207 00208 if (!min_x || *min_x > image_pt.x) 00209 min_x = image_pt.x; 00210 if (!min_y || *min_y > image_pt.y) 00211 min_y = image_pt.y; 00212 if (!max_x || *max_x < image_pt.x) 00213 max_x = image_pt.x; 00214 if (!max_y || *max_y < image_pt.y) 00215 max_y = image_pt.y; 00216 } 00217 cv::Mat points_mat(points); 00218 vector<int> hull; 00219 cv::convexHull(points_mat, hull); 00220 const int n = hull.size(); 00221 00222 cv::Point* poly = new cv::Point[n]; 00223 for (int i=0; i<n; i++) 00224 poly[i] = points[hull[i]]; 00225 cv::polylines(image->image, (const cv::Point**) &poly, &n, 1, true, 00226 CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 2); 00227 00228 ROS_ASSERT(min_x && min_y && max_x && max_y); 00229 /*cv::rectangle(image->image, cv::Point2d(*min_x, *min_y), 00230 cv::Point2d(*max_x, *max_y), CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 2);*/ 00231 00232 00233 delete [] poly; 00234 00235 // Convert back to ros message and return 00236 return image->toImageMsg(); 00237 } 00238 00239 double entropy(const vector<unsigned>& hist) 00240 { 00241 double sum=0; 00242 const unsigned n = hist.size(); 00243 BOOST_FOREACH (const unsigned c, hist) 00244 sum += c; 00245 double ent=0; 00246 for (unsigned i=0; i<n; i++) 00247 { 00248 const double p = (float)hist[i]/sum; 00249 // ROS_INFO ("Normalizing %u to %.2f", hist[i], p); 00250 if (hist[i]>0) 00251 ent -= p*log(p)/log(2); 00252 } 00253 // ROS_INFO ("Entropy is %.2f", ent); 00254 return ent; 00255 } 00256 00257 void normalize (const pcl16::Normal& n, double* x, double* y, double* z) 00258 { 00259 *x = n.normal[0]; 00260 *y = n.normal[1]; 00261 *z = n.normal[2]; 00262 const double r = sqrt(pow(*x, 2) + pow(*y, 2) + pow(*z, 2)); 00263 *x = n.normal[0]/r; 00264 *y = n.normal[1]/r; 00265 *z = n.normal[2]/r; 00266 } 00267 00268 unsigned numNormalDirections (const vector<unsigned>& hist) 00269 { 00270 unsigned n=0; 00271 const unsigned NORMAL_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD=50; 00272 BOOST_FOREACH (const unsigned i, hist) 00273 if (i>NORMAL_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD) 00274 n++; 00275 return n; 00276 } 00277 00278 mr::Metadata blobMetadata (const Blob& blob) 00279 { 00280 // ROS_INFO ("Computing blob metadata"); 00281 // Set up normal estimation class 00282 pcl16::NormalEstimation<Point, pcl16::Normal> ne; 00283 ne.setInputCloud(blob.cloud); 00284 00285 // We only want normals at a subset of the points for efficiency 00286 const unsigned MAX_NUMBER_POINTS = 1000; 00287 const unsigned num_points = blob.cloud->points.size(); 00288 pcl16::PointIndices::Ptr indices(new pcl16::PointIndices()); 00289 const unsigned step = ceil((double)num_points/MAX_NUMBER_POINTS); 00290 // ROS_INFO ("Num points is %u, using step %u", num_points, step); 00291 for (unsigned ind=0; ind<num_points; ind+=step) 00292 indices->indices.push_back(ind); 00293 // ROS_INFO ("Using %zu indices", indices->indices.size()); 00294 ne.setIndices(indices); 00295 00296 // Do the normal computation 00297 pcl16::search::KdTree<Point>::Ptr tree(new pcl16::search::KdTree<Point>); 00298 ne.setSearchMethod(tree); 00299 pcl16::PointCloud<pcl16::Normal>::Ptr normals(new pcl16::PointCloud<pcl16::Normal>()); 00300 ne.setRadiusSearch(0.03); 00301 ne.compute(*normals); 00302 // ROS_INFO ("Computed %zu normals", normals->size()); 00303 //const pcl16::Normal& n = normals->points[0]; 00304 // ROS_INFO ("First normal is %.2f, %.2f %.2f, with curvature %.2f", 00305 // n.normal[0], n.normal[1], n.normal[2], n.curvature); 00306 00307 // Geometry analysis 00308 unsigned num_vertical = 0; 00309 const double VERTICALITY_THRESHOLD=0.9; 00310 vector<unsigned> c(10); 00311 const unsigned NUM_LONGITUDE_BINS=10; 00312 vector<unsigned> longitude_hist(NUM_LONGITUDE_BINS); 00313 BOOST_FOREACH (const pcl16::Normal& n, normals->points) 00314 { 00315 double x=42, y=42, z=42; 00316 normalize(n, &x, &y, &z); 00317 unsigned i = n.curvature < 0.5 ? floor(n.curvature*20) : 9; 00318 c.at(i)++; 00319 if (z>VERTICALITY_THRESHOLD) 00320 num_vertical++; 00321 else 00322 { 00323 const double PI=3.1415; 00324 const double longitude = atan2(y, x); 00325 const double normalized = min(0.999, max((longitude+PI)/(2*PI), 0.0)); 00326 const unsigned ind=floor(normalized*NUM_LONGITUDE_BINS); 00327 longitude_hist.at(ind)++; 00328 } 00329 } 00330 00331 // Compute other info and return 00332 const GeometricInfo geom_info = centroidAndDiameter(*blob.cloud); 00333 const double np=normals->points.size(); 00334 return mr::Metadata().append("color", blobColorName(blob)). 00335 append("id", blob.id). 00336 append("diameter", geom_info.d). 00337 append("x", geom_info.x). 00338 append("y", geom_info.y). 00339 append("z", geom_info.z). 00340 append("num_normals", np). 00341 append("num_vertical", num_vertical). 00342 append("c01", (c[0]+c[1])/np). 00343 append("c0", c[0]/np). 00344 append("c23", (c[2]+c[3])/np). 00345 append("c2", c[2]/np). 00346 append("c4", (c[4]+c[5]+c[6]+c[7]+c[8]+c[9])/np). 00347 append("num_normal_directions", numNormalDirections(longitude_hist)); 00348 } 00349 00350 00351 00352 mr::Metadata imageMetadata (const Blob& blob, const gm::Pose2D& viewpoint) 00353 { 00354 return mr::Metadata("cluster_id", blob.id, "x", 00355 viewpoint.x, "y", viewpoint.y, 00356 "theta", viewpoint.theta); 00357 } 00358 00359 vector<gm::Point> projectPoints (const Blob& blob) 00360 { 00361 vector<gm::Point> points; 00362 BOOST_FOREACH (const Point& pt, blob.hull->points) 00363 { 00364 gm::Point p; 00365 p.x = pt.x; 00366 p.y = pt.y; 00367 p.z = -42.424242; 00368 points.push_back(p); 00369 } 00370 return points; 00371 } 00372 00373 gm::Pose2D BlobStore::getViewpoint (const sm::Image& img) 00374 { 00375 const ros::Time& acquisition_time = img.header.stamp; 00376 const ros::Duration timeout(0.5); 00377 // No need to wait: it's old, so if we don't have it now we won't get it later 00378 // tf_.waitForTransform(canonical_frame_, base_frame_, acquisition_time, timeout); 00379 00380 tf::StampedTransform tr; 00381 tf_.lookupTransform(canonical_frame_, base_frame_, acquisition_time, tr); 00382 00383 gm::Pose2D pose; 00384 pose.x = tr.getOrigin().x(); 00385 pose.y = tr.getOrigin().y(); 00386 pose.theta = tf::getYaw(tr.getRotation()); 00387 return pose; 00388 } 00389 00390 void BlobStore::update (const vector<Blob*>& blobs, 00391 const sm::Image& img, 00392 const sm::CameraInfo& img_info) 00393 00394 { 00395 Lock l(mutex_); 00396 ROS_ASSERT_MSG (blobs_ && images_, "Update was called on BlobStore, but" 00397 " DB collections have not been initialized yet. Skipping."); 00398 const double head_angular_speed = headAngularSpeed(img.header.stamp); 00399 00400 typedef mr::MessageWithMetadata<BlobMessage>::ConstPtr BlobWithMetadata; 00401 std::set<int> seen_ids, existing_ids; 00402 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED( 00403 "blob_store", 00404 "Received update at " << img.header.stamp << " with " << 00405 blobs.size() << " blobs; head angular speed is " << 00406 head_angular_speed); 00407 BOOST_FOREACH (Blob* blob, blobs) 00408 { 00409 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED ("blob_store", "Processing blob " << blob->id); 00410 seen_ids.insert(blob->id); 00411 mr::Query q("id", blob->id); 00412 vector<BlobWithMetadata> matches = blobs_->pullAllResults(q); 00413 if (matches.empty()) 00414 { 00415 mr::Metadata metadata = blobMetadata(*blob); 00416 metadata.append("head_speed", head_angular_speed); 00417 00418 try 00419 { 00420 sm::Image::Ptr updated = highlightBlobInImage(*blob, img, img_info); 00421 gm::Pose2D viewpoint = getViewpoint(img); 00422 BlobMessage m; 00423 pcl16::toROSMsg(*blob->cloud, m.points); 00424 m.image = *updated; 00425 m.hull = projectPoints(*blob); 00426 blobs_->insert(m, metadata); 00427 pub_.publish(updated); 00428 images_->insert(*updated, imageMetadata(*blob, viewpoint)); 00429 } 00430 catch (tf::TransformException& e) 00431 { 00432 ROS_WARN_STREAM ("Transform exception when storing blob: " << e.what()); 00433 } 00434 } 00435 00436 // If there is already a cluster with the given id, possibly update its 00437 // info 00438 else 00439 { 00440 ROS_ASSERT(matches.size()==1); 00441 PointCloud existing; 00442 const int id = matches[0]->lookupInt("id"); 00443 00444 // Get metadata for the existing image so we can delete it later 00445 typedef mr::MessageWithMetadata<sm::Image>::ConstPtr ImageWithMetadata; 00446 vector<ImageWithMetadata> image_matches = 00447 images_->pullAllResults(mr::Query("cluster_id", id)); 00448 ROS_ASSERT(image_matches.size()==1); 00449 00450 // Convert cloud to pcl16. Note pcl16 conversion dies on empty clouds 00451 if (matches[0]->points.data.empty()) 00452 { 00453 ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("blob_store", "Skipping empty cloud"); 00454 continue; 00455 } 00456 pcl16::fromROSMsg(matches[0]->points, existing); 00457 00458 // Quick check: if number of points has not changed, we won't update the 00459 // data for this object. This also ensures that the object is visible 00460 // in the image 00461 const size_t num_points = blob->cloud->points.size(); 00462 const size_t num_existing = existing.points.size(); 00463 if (num_existing==num_points) 00464 { 00465 ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("blob_store", "No new points for %d; skipping", id); 00466 continue; 00467 } 00468 00469 // Try to update the metadata and store an image with the object 00470 // highlighted. This can fail due to transform timeouts (between the 00471 // camera and map frames), in which case we just skip this object this 00472 // time. 00473 try 00474 { 00475 mr::Metadata metadata = blobMetadata(*blob); 00476 const double prev_speed = matches[0]->lookupDouble("head_speed"); 00477 00478 // These next two could theoretically throw tf exceptions 00479 const sm::Image::Ptr updated = 00480 highlightBlobInImage(*blob, img, img_info); 00481 const gm::Pose2D viewpoint = getViewpoint(img); 00482 00483 BlobMessage m; 00484 pcl16::toROSMsg(*blob->cloud, m.points); 00485 m.image = *updated; 00486 m.hull = projectPoints(*blob); 00487 00488 // If the head is moving fast relative to the base, we don't store the 00489 // image because it's likely to be blurred. 00490 if (prev_speed < head_angular_speed - max_head_angular_speed_/5) 00491 { 00492 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED ("blob_store", "For " << id << ", speed " << 00493 head_angular_speed << " too high relative to " 00494 << prev_speed << "; not updating image"); 00495 metadata.append("head_speed", prev_speed); 00496 } 00497 else 00498 { 00499 images_->insert(*updated, imageMetadata(*blob, viewpoint)); 00500 metadata.append("head_speed", head_angular_speed); 00501 00502 const unsigned num_removed = 00503 images_->removeMessages(image_matches[0]->metadata); 00504 ROS_ASSERT(num_removed==1); 00505 } 00506 00507 // Regardless of the head speed, we'll update the semantic metadata, 00508 // by inserting the new cluster and removing the old one. Note that 00509 // due to the lack of transactions in mongo, both messages coexist in 00510 // the db temporarily. Queries by id should therefore always only use 00511 // the most recent message for a given id. 00512 blobs_->insert(m, metadata); 00513 const unsigned num_removed = 00514 blobs_->removeMessages(matches[0]->metadata); 00515 ROS_ASSERT(num_removed==1); 00516 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED ("blob_store", "Removed message " << 00517 matches[0]->metadata); 00518 00519 } 00520 catch (tf::TransformException& e) 00521 { 00522 ROS_WARN_STREAM("Transform exception when updating blob: " << e.what()); 00523 } 00524 } 00525 } 00526 00527 // Remove dangling ids 00528 BOOST_FOREACH (BlobWithMetadata b, blobs_->queryResults(mr::Query(), true)) 00529 existing_ids.insert(b->lookupInt("id")); 00530 00531 BOOST_FOREACH (const int id, existing_ids) 00532 { 00533 if (seen_ids.find(id)==seen_ids.end()) 00534 { 00535 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED ("blob_store", "Removing id " << id); 00536 blobs_->removeMessages(mr::Query("id", id)); 00537 images_->removeMessages(mr::Query("cluster_id", id)); 00538 } 00539 } 00540 } 00541 00542 } // namespace 00543