Struct STopicMon

Struct Documentation

struct STopicMon

Public Members

int32_t registration_clock = {0}

registration clock (heart beat)

std::string host_name

host name

std::string shm_transport_domain

shm transport domain

int32_t process_id = {0}

process id

std::string process_name

process name

std::string unit_name

unit name

EntityIdT topic_id = {0}

topic id

std::string topic_name

topic name

std::string direction

direction (publisher, subscriber)

SDataTypeInformation datatype_information

topic datatype information (name, encoding, descriptor)

std::vector<STransportLayer> transport_layer

transport layer details

int32_t topic_size = {0}

topic size

int32_t connections_local = {0}

number of local connected entities

int32_t connections_external = {0}

number of external connected entities

int32_t message_drops = {0}

dropped messages

int64_t data_id = {0}

data send id (publisher setid)

int64_t data_clock = {0}

data clock (send / receive action)

int32_t data_frequency = {0}

data frequency (send / receive samples per second) [mHz]