Class ServerManager

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public std::enable_shared_from_this< ServerManager >

Class Documentation

class ServerManager : public std::enable_shared_from_this<ServerManager>

Manager for ecal_service::server instances.

The ServerManager keeps track of and manages all ecal_service::server instances that it created. It is used to create and stop servers. The user doesn’t need to manage the servers manually, e.g. for stopping them from a central place.

The ServerManager is only available as shared_ptr. It must be created using the static create() method.

  • Upon creation, the ServerManager will create a work object for the given io_context. This will keep the io_context alive, even if there are no servers running.

  • For creating a server, the create_server() method must be used. This will create a new server instance and return a shared_ptr to it.

  • For stopping all servers, the stop() method must be used. This will stop all servers and delete the internal work object, so the thread executing it can be joined.

Important: Do not stop the io_context. This may cause undefined behavior. Instead, stop the server manager and wait for the

io_context to run out of work on its own.

Example code:

// Create a server manager
auto server_manager = ecal_service::ServerManager::create(io_context);

// Create and start an io_context thread.
std::thread io_context_thread([&io_context]() { io_context->run(); });

// Create actual server instances
auto server1 = server_manager->create_server(...)
auto server2 = server_manager->create_server(...)


// Stop ALL servers from a common place
// Join the io_context thread. The io_context does not need to be stopped.

Public Functions

ServerManager(const ServerManager&) = delete
ServerManager(ServerManager&&) = delete
ServerManager &operator=(const ServerManager&) = delete
ServerManager &operator=(ServerManager&&) = delete
std::shared_ptr<Server> create_server(std::uint8_t protocol_version, std::uint16_t port, const Server::ServiceCallbackT &service_callback, bool parallel_service_calls_enabled, const Server::EventCallbackT &event_callback)

Create a new server instance, which is managed by this server manager.

The server manager will keep track of the create server internally. The server (and all other servers, that have been created by this manager) can be stopped via the stop() method.

  • protocol_version – The protocol version, that will be used by this server

  • port – The port, that the server will listen on. If 0, the OS will choose a free port.

  • service_callback – The callback, that will be called for each incoming service call. The callback will be executed in the io_context thread.

  • parallel_service_calls_enabled – If true, the server will handle incoming service calls in parallel. If false, the server will handle incoming service calls sequentially.

  • event_callback – The callback, that will be called whenever a client connects or disconnects. The callback will be executed in the io_context thread.


a shared pointer to the created server

size_t server_count() const

Get the number of servers, that are currently managed by this server manager.


The number of servers

void stop()

Stop all servers that are currently managed by this server manager.

This will also delete the internal work object, so the thread executing the io_context can be joined. The io context will run out of work on its own. Obviously, this is only true if no other managers etc. use the io_context.

bool is_stopped() const

Returns true, if the server manager is stopped.

If stopped, the server manager cannot be restarted. Create a new one instead. Make sure, that the io_context is executed by a thread again, when creating a new server manger.


true, if the server_manager is stopped. False otherwise.

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<ServerManager> create(const std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> &io_context, const LoggerT &logger = default_logger("Service Server"))

Create a new server manager, that can be used to create and stop servers.

After creation, the server manager will create a work object for the given io_context. This will keep the io_context alive, even if there are no servers running. When stopping the servers, that work object will be deleted and the io_context will run out of work on its own.

  • io_context – The io context, that will be used for all servers

  • logger – A logger-function that will be used for by all servers


A shared_ptr to the created server manager

Protected Functions

ServerManager(const std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> &io_context, const LoggerT &logger)