Function eCAL::UDP::V1::topic2mcast
Defined in File ecal_udp_topic2mcast.h
Function Documentation
inline std::string eCAL::UDP::V1::topic2mcast(const std::string &tname_, const std::string &mcast_base_, const std::string &mcast_mask_)
This is the legacy way to compute the mcast address based on the topic name It behaves incorrectly (meaning not what the user would expect) It is kept here for compatibility purposes (can be activated in the ini file)
- Parameters:
tname_ – The topic name.
mcast_base_ – Multicast group base address (e.g. 239.x.x.x).
mcast_mask_ – Multicast group mask (e.g. x.255.255.255).
- Returns:
The multicast address (e.g. “”).