Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
cras Namespace Reference




class  BoundParamHelper
class  ChangeHeaderNodelet
 Nodelet for relaying messages and changing their header. More...
class  ConditionalSubscriber
 A lazy subscriber that subscribes only when a condition is met. More...
class  CountMessagesNodelet
 Nodelet for counting messages and their size. More...
struct  DefaultParamServerType
struct  DefaultToParamFn
struct  DefaultToResultFn
class  DiagnosedPublisher
class  DiagnosedPubSub
class  DiagnosedSubscriber
class  DiagnosticUpdater
class  DurationStatus
struct  DurationStatusParam
struct  DurationType
struct  DurationType< ros::SteadyTime >
struct  DurationType< ros::Time >
struct  DurationType< ros::WallTime >
class  FilterBase
class  FilterChain
class  FilterChainDiagnostics
class  FilterChainNodelet
struct  FilterGetParamAdapter
class  FilterLogHelper
class  FrequencyStatusParam
struct  from_chars_result
class  GenericLazyPubSub
 A pair of lazy subscriber and publisher which use the same message type (unknown at compile time). More...
struct  GetParamAdapter
class  GetParamException
struct  GetParamOptions
struct  GetParamResult
struct  GetParamResultInfo
class  HasLogger
class  HeartbeatNodelet
 Nodelet that republishes heartbeat of a topic with header. More...
struct  InterruptibleSleepInterface
class  InterruptibleTFBuffer
struct  is_any
struct  is_any<::cras::any >
struct  is_c_string
struct  is_c_string< char * >
struct  is_c_string< char *const >
struct  is_c_string< char[I]>
struct  is_c_string< const char * >
struct  is_c_string< const char *const >
struct  is_c_string< const char[I]>
struct  is_cras_expected
struct  is_cras_expected<::cras::expected< T, E > >
struct  is_optional
struct  is_optional<::cras::optional< T > >
struct  is_string
struct  is_string< T, ::std::enable_if_t<::cras::is_c_string< typename std::decay< T >::type >::value > >
struct  is_string< T, ::std::enable_if_t<::std::is_same< typename std::decay< T >::type, ::std::string >::value > >
class  LazySubscriber
 Lazy subscriber that subscribes only when a paired publisher has subscribers. More...
class  LazySubscriberBase
 Base for lazy subscribers that subscribes only when a paired publisher has subscribers. More...
class  LoaderROS
class  LogHelper
class  MemoryLogHelper
class  NodeHandle
struct  NodeHandleGetParamAdapter
class  NodeHandleWithDiagnostics
class  Nodelet
class  NodeletAwareTFBuffer
class  NodeletBase
class  NodeletLogHelper
class  NodeletManager
class  NodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer
class  NodeletParamHelper
struct  NodeletWithDiagnostics
struct  NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer
struct  NodeletWithSharedTfBufferInterface
class  NodeLogHelper
class  NodeParamHelper
class  NodeWithOptionalMaster
class  OfflineDiagUpdater
class  ParamHelper
struct  ParamToStringFn
class  PriorityMux
 A class for priority-based muxing of topics. More...
class  PriorityMuxNodelet
 Priority-based muxer nodelet for topics. More...
class  RateLimiter
class  RelayNodelet
 Nodelet for relaying messages on a different topic. More...
class  RepeatMessagesNodelet
 Nodelet for repeating messages coming at a slower rate (or even just a single message). More...
class  Resettable
class  ReverseSemaphore
class  RosconsoleLogHelper
class  RunningStats
class  SemaphoreGuard
class  ShapeShifter
 ShapeShifter class with fixed behavior on copy/move on Melodic. Use this class everywhere possible to prevent memory corruption. It seamlessly converts to topic_tools::ShapeShifter; More...
struct  SimpleDurationStatusParam
struct  SimpleTopicStatusParamNoHeader
struct  SimpleTopicStatusParamWithHeader
class  SmallMap
class  SmallSet
class  StatefulNodelet
struct  StatefulNodeletInterface
class  TempLocale
class  TfMessageFilter
class  ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet
class  ThrottleLimiter
class  ThrottleMessagesNodelet
 Nodelet for throttling messages on a topic. More...
class  TimeJumpResettable
class  TokenBucketLimiter
class  TopicStatus
struct  TopicStatusParams
class  TopicStatusParamWithHeader
class  WrapperLogHelper
struct  XmlRpcValueGetParamAdapter
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< bool >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< char * >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< char >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< const char * >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< double >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< float >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< int >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< long >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< long double >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< long long >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< short >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< signed char >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< typename ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::BinaryData >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned char >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned int >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned long >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned long long >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned short >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::array< T, N >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::list< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::map<::std::string, T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::set< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::string >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::unordered_map<::std::string, T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::unordered_set< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::vector< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
struct  XmlRpcValueTraits<::tm >


typedef void *(* allocator_t) (size_t)
typedef typename ::ros::ParameterAdapter< M >::Message BaseMessage
typedef ::std::shared_ptr<::cras::BoundParamHelperBoundParamHelperPtr
typedef typename std::enable_if_t< !::cras::is_optional< ResultType >::value &&!::cras::is_c_string< ResultType >::value &&!::cras::is_c_string< ParamServerType >::value > check_get_param_types
typedef ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 Cloud
typedef ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstIterator< float > CloudConstIter
typedef ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstIterator< intCloudIndexConstIter
typedef ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iterator< intCloudIndexIter
typedef ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iterator< float > CloudIter
typedef ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Modifier CloudModifier
typedef ::std::shared_ptr<::cras::DurationStatusDurationStatusPtr
typedef ::cras::impl::GenericCloudConstIterator GenericCloudConstIter
typedef ::cras::impl::GenericCloudIterator GenericCloudIter
typedef ::std::shared_ptr<::cras::GetParamAdapterGetParamAdapterPtr
typedef ::ros::message_traits::IsMessage<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > IsMessageParam
typedef ::cras::LogHelper::ConstPtr LogHelperConstPtr
typedef ::cras::LogHelper::Ptr LogHelperPtr
typedef ::std::shared_ptr<::cras::ParamHelperParamHelperPtr
typedef ::std::conditional_t<::ros::message_traits::HasHeader< Message >::value, ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParamWithHeader, ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParamNoHeaderSimpleTopicStatusParam
typedef ::std::conditional_t<::ros::message_traits::HasHeader< Message >::value, ::cras::TopicStatusParamWithHeader, ::cras::FrequencyStatusParamTopicStatusParam
typedef ::std::shared_ptr<::cras::TopicStatus< Message > > TopicStatusPtr
typedef ::std::function<::std::string(const T &)> ToStringFn


enum  chars_format
enum  CloudChannelType { CloudChannelType::POINT, CloudChannelType::DIRECTION, CloudChannelType::SCALAR }
enum  ReplacePosition { ReplacePosition::EVERYWHERE, ReplacePosition::START, ReplacePosition::END }


 __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 0))) inline
 __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 2))) inline
::std::string appendIfNonEmpty (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &suffix)
auto bind_front (F &&f, Args &&... args)
::std::string cleanTypeName (const ::std::string &typeName)
bool contains (const ::std::string &str, char c)
bool contains (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &needle)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, ::dynamic_reconfigure::Config &v, bool skipNonConvertible, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, ::std::array< T, N > &v, bool skipNonConvertible=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, ::std::list< T > &v, bool skipNonConvertible=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, ::std::map<::std::string, T > &v, bool skipNonConvertible=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, ::std::set< T > &v, bool skipNonConvertible=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, ::std::unordered_map<::std::string, T > &v, bool skipNonConvertible=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, ::std::unordered_set< T > &v, bool skipNonConvertible=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, ::std::vector< T > &v, bool skipNonConvertible=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &v, bool=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, bool &v, bool=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, double &v, bool=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, int &v, bool=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
bool convert (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &x, std::string &v, bool=false, ::std::list<::std::string > *errors=nullptr)
D1 convertDuration (const D2 &duration)
T1 convertTime (const T2 &time)
void copyChannelData (const ::cras::Cloud &in, ::cras::Cloud &out, const ::std::string &fieldName)
void copyShapeShifter (const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &in, ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &out)
 Copy in ShapeShifter to out. More...
void copyShapeShifter (const topic_tools::ShapeShifter &in, topic_tools::ShapeShifter &out)
 DEFINE_CONVERTING_GET_PARAM (::Eigen::Vector3d, ::std::vector< double >, "",[](const ::std::vector< double > &v){ checkSize(v, 3, "vector");return ::Eigen::Vector3d(;}) DEFINE_CONVERTING_GET_PARAM(
 DEFINE_CONVERTING_GET_PARAM (::Eigen::Vector4d, ::std::vector< double >, "",[](const ::std::vector< double > &v){ checkSize(v, 4, "vector");return ::Eigen::Vector4d(;}) DEFINE_CONVERTING_GET_PARAM(
 DEFINE_CONVERTING_GET_PARAM (::geometry_msgs::Quaternion, ::std::vector< double >, "",[](const ::std::vector< double > &v) { if(v.size() !=3 &&v.size() !=4) throw ::std::runtime_error(::cras::format("Cannot load %s parameter from an array of length %lu", "geometry_msgs::Quaternion", v.size()));::geometry_msgs::Quaternion m;if(v.size()==4) { m.x=v[0];m.y=v[1];m.z=v[2];m.w=v[3];} else { ::tf2::Quaternion q;q.setRPY(v[0], v[1], v[2]);m.x=q.getX();m.y=q.getY();m.z=q.getZ();m.w=q.getW();} return m;}) DEFINE_CONVERTING_GET_PARAM(
 DEFINE_CONVERTING_GET_PARAM (::tf2::Vector3, ::std::vector< double >, "",[](const ::std::vector< double > &v) { if(v.size() !=3) throw ::std::runtime_error(::cras::format("Cannot load %s parameter from an array of length %lu", "tf2::Vector3", v.size()));return ::tf2::Vector3(v[0], v[1], v[2]);}) DEFINE_CONVERTING_GET_PARAM(
::std::string demangle (const ::std::string &mangled)
bool endsWith (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &suffix)
inline ::std::string format (::std::string format, ::va_list args)
inline ::std::string format (::std::string format,...)
double frequency (const ::ros::Rate &rate, bool maxCycleTimeMeansZero=false)
double frequency (const ::ros::WallRate &rate, bool maxCycleTimeMeansZero=false)
inline ::cras::from_chars_result from_chars (const ::std::string &string, double &value, ::cras::chars_format fmt=::cras::chars_format::general) noexcept
inline ::cras::from_chars_result from_chars (const ::std::string &string, float &value, ::cras::chars_format fmt=::cras::chars_format::general) noexcept
::cras::from_chars_result from_chars (const char *first, const char *last, double &value, ::cras::chars_format fmt=::cras::chars_format::general) noexcept
::cras::from_chars_result from_chars (const char *first, const char *last, float &value, ::cras::chars_format fmt=::cras::chars_format::general) noexcept
::cras::expected<::ros::Time, ::std::string > fromStructTm (const ::tm &time)
uint8_t * getBuffer (::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
 Get the internal buffer with serialized message data. More...
const uint8_t * getBuffer (const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
 Get the internal buffer with serialized message data. More...
const uint8_t * getBuffer (const topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
uint8_t * getBuffer (topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
size_t getBufferLength (const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
 Get the length of the internal buffer with serialized message data. More...
size_t getBufferLength (const topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
::sensor_msgs::PointField & getField (::cras::Cloud &cloud, const ::std::string &fieldName)
const ::sensor_msgs::PointField & getField (const ::cras::Cloud &cloud, const ::std::string &fieldName)
::cras::optional<::std_msgs::HeadergetHeader (const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
 Get the header field of the given message, if it has any. More...
cras::optional< std_msgs::HeadergetHeader (const topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}, const ::cras::LogHelper *const logger=nullptr)
ResultType getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}, const ::cras::LogHelper *const logger=nullptr)
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}, const ::cras::LogHelper *const logger=nullptr)
ResultType getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}, const ::cras::LogHelper *const logger=nullptr)
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
ResultType getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< std::string > &options={})
ResultType getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > GetParamConvertingOptions (const ::cras::ToStringFn< ResultType > &resultToStr, const typename ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType >::ToResultFn &toResult)
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}, const ::cras::LogHelper *const logger=nullptr)
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}, const ::cras::LogHelper *const logger=nullptr)
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}, const ::cras::LogHelper *const logger=nullptr)
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}, const ::cras::LogHelper *const logger=nullptr)
GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
double getPitch (const ::geometry_msgs::Quaternion &quat)
double getPitch (const ::tf2::Quaternion &quat)
double getRoll (const ::geometry_msgs::Quaternion &quat)
double getRoll (const ::tf2::Quaternion &quat)
void getRPY (const ::geometry_msgs::Quaternion &quat, double &roll, double &pitch, double &yaw)
void getRPY (const ::tf2::Quaternion &quat, double &roll, double &pitch, double &yaw)
std::string getThreadName ()
inline ::std::string getTypeName ()
::std::string getTypeName (const ::std::type_info &typeInfo)
double getYaw (const ::geometry_msgs::Quaternion &quat)
double getYaw (const ::tf2::Quaternion &quat)
int getYear (const ::ros::SteadyTime &time)
int getYear (const ::ros::Time &time)
int getYear (const ::ros::WallTime &time)
bool hasField (const ::cras::Cloud &cloud, const ::std::string &fieldName)
bool hasHeader (const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
 Tell whether the given message has header field. More...
bool hasHeader (const topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
::std::string iconvConvert (const ::std::string &toEncoding, const ::std::string &fromEncoding, const ::std::string &inText, bool translit=false, bool ignore=false, double initialOutbufSizeScale=1.0, double outbufEnlargeCoef=2.0, const ::cras::optional<::std::string > &localeName=::cras::nullopt)
bool isLegalBaseName (const ::std::string &name)
bool isLegalName (const ::std::string &name)
bool isNodeletUnloading (const ::nodelet::Nodelet &nodelet)
bool isSetIntersectionEmpty (const ::std::set< T > &set1, const ::std::set< T > &set2)
::std::string join (const T &strings, const ::std::string &delimiter)
int8_t logLevelToRosgraphMsgLevel (::ros::console::Level rosLevel)
::boost::shared_ptr< T > make_shared_from_fast_pool (Args &&... args)
::boost::shared_ptr< T > make_shared_from_pool (Args &&... args)
template<typename T , typename EnableT >
void msgToShapeShifter (const T &msg, ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &shifter)
 Copy the message instance into the given ShapeShifter. More...
inline ::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr nodeParams (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &ns="")
::ros::Time nowFallbackToWall ()
size_t numPoints (const ::cras::Cloud &cloud)
uint8_t * outputByteBuffer (allocator_t allocator, const std::vector< uint8_t > &bytes)
uint8_t * outputByteBuffer (allocator_t allocator, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t length)
uint8_t * outputRosMessage (allocator_t allocator, const Message &msg)
char * outputString (allocator_t allocator, const char *string, size_t length)
char * outputString (allocator_t allocator, const std::string &string)
inline ::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr paramsForNodeHandle (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node)
double parseDouble (const ::std::string &string)
double parseDouble (const char *string)
parseDuration (const ::std::string &s)
float parseFloat (const ::std::string &string)
float parseFloat (const char *string)
int16_t parseInt16 (const char *string)
int16_t parseInt16 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
int16_t parseInt16 (const std::string &string)
int16_t parseInt16 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
int32_t parseInt32 (const char *string)
int32_t parseInt32 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
int32_t parseInt32 (const std::string &string)
int32_t parseInt32 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
int64_t parseInt64 (const char *string)
int64_t parseInt64 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
int64_t parseInt64 (const std::string &string)
int64_t parseInt64 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
int8_t parseInt8 (const char *string)
int8_t parseInt8 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
int8_t parseInt8 (const std::string &string)
int8_t parseInt8 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
parseTime (const ::std::string &s, const ::cras::optional< typename ::cras::DurationType< T >::value > &timezoneOffset={}, const T &referenceDate={})
parseTimezoneOffset (const ::std::string &s)
uint16_t parseUInt16 (const char *string)
uint16_t parseUInt16 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
uint16_t parseUInt16 (const std::string &string)
uint16_t parseUInt16 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
uint32_t parseUInt32 (const char *string)
uint32_t parseUInt32 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
uint32_t parseUInt32 (const std::string &string)
uint32_t parseUInt32 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
uint64_t parseUInt64 (const char *string)
uint64_t parseUInt64 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
uint64_t parseUInt64 (const std::string &string)
uint64_t parseUInt64 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
uint8_t parseUInt8 (const char *string)
uint8_t parseUInt8 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
uint8_t parseUInt8 (const std::string &string)
uint8_t parseUInt8 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
::std::string prependIfNonEmpty (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &prefix)
inline ::std::string quoteIfStringType (const ::std::string &s, const T &)
void registerCloudChannelType (const ::std::string &channelPrefix, ::cras::CloudChannelType type)
::ros::Duration remainingTime (const ::ros::Time &query, const ::ros::Duration &timeout)
::ros::Duration remainingTime (const ::ros::Time &query, double timeout)
::std::string removePrefix (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &prefix, bool *hadPrefix=nullptr)
::std::string removeSuffix (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &suffix, bool *hadSuffix=nullptr)
void replace (::std::string &str, const ::std::string &from, const ::std::string &to, const ::cras::ReplacePosition &where=::cras::ReplacePosition::EVERYWHERE)
::std::string replace (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &from, const ::std::string &to, const ::cras::ReplacePosition &where=::cras::ReplacePosition::EVERYWHERE)
void resizeBuffer (::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg, size_t newLength)
 Resize the internal buffer of the message. More...
void resizeBuffer (topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg, size_t newLength)
::ros::console::Level rosgraphMsgLevelToLogLevel (uint8_t msgLevel)
::ros::Rate safeRate (double frequency)
::ros::WallRate safeWallRate (double frequency)
::ros::SteadyTime saturateAdd (const ::ros::SteadyTime &time, const ::ros::WallDuration &duration)
::ros::Time saturateAdd (const ::ros::Time &time, const ::ros::Duration &duration)
::ros::WallTime saturateAdd (const ::ros::WallTime &time, const ::ros::WallDuration &duration)
bool setHeader (::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg, ::std_msgs::Header &header)
 Change the header field of the given message, if it has any. More...
bool setHeader (topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg, std_msgs::Header &header)
void setThreadName (const std::string &name)
size_t sizeOfPointField (const ::sensor_msgs::PointField &field)
size_t sizeOfPointField (int datatype)
::std::vector<::std::string > split (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &delimiter, int maxSplits=-1)
bool startsWith (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &prefix)
void strip (::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
::std::string strip (const ::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
void stripLeading (::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
::std::string stripLeading (const ::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
void stripLeadingSlash (::std::string &s, bool warn=false)
::std::string stripLeadingSlash (const ::std::string &s, bool warn=false)
void stripTrailing (::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
::std::string stripTrailing (const ::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
constexpr const char * to_cstring (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::Type &value)
::std::string to_pretty_string (const T &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (char *value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::Eigen::RotationBase< Derived, Dim > &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::Eigen::Transform< Scalar, Dim, Mode, Options > &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::std::array< T, N > &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::std::map< K, V > &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::std::string &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::std::unordered_map< K, V > &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::tf2::Matrix3x3 &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::tf2::Quaternion &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::tf2::Transform &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::tf2::Vector3 &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::Type &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const bool &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const char *value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const char value[I])
inline ::std::string to_string (const double &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const float &value)
inline ::std::string to_string (const long double &value)
std::string to_string (const M &msg)
inline ::std::string to_string (const T &value)
::Eigen::Isometry3d toEigen (const ::urdf::Pose &pose)
::Eigen::Quaterniond toEigen (const ::urdf::Rotation &rotation)
::Eigen::Translation3d toEigen (const ::urdf::Vector3 &position)
::std::string toLower (const ::std::string &str)
inline ::tm toStructTm (const ::ros::SteadyTime &time)
::tm toStructTm (const ::ros::Time &time)
inline ::tm toStructTm (const ::ros::WallTime &time)
::std::string toUpper (const ::std::string &str)
::urdf::Pose toURDF (const ::Eigen::Isometry3d &pose)
::urdf::Rotation toURDF (const ::Eigen::Quaterniond &rotation)
::urdf::Vector3 toURDF (const ::Eigen::Translation3d &translation)
::urdf::Vector3 toURDF (const ::Eigen::Vector3d &vector)
::std::string toValidRosName (const ::std::string &text, bool baseName=true, const ::cras::optional<::std::string > &fallbackName=::cras::nullopt)
void transformChannel (::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &cloud, const ::geometry_msgs::Transform &transform, const ::std::string &channelPrefix, ::cras::CloudChannelType type)
::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 & transformOnlyChannels (const ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &in, ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &out, const ::geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &tf, const ::std::unordered_map<::std::string, ::cras::CloudChannelType > &channels)
::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 & transformOnlyXYZ (const ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &in, ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &out, const ::geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &tf)
::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 & transformWithChannels (const ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &in, ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &out, const ::geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &tf)
::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 & transformWithChannels (const ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &in, ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &out, const ::geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &tf, const ::std::unordered_map<::std::string, ::cras::CloudChannelType > &channels)
::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 & transformWithChannels (const ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &in, ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &out, const ::tf2_ros::Buffer &tfBuffer, const ::std::string &targetFrame)
::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 & transformWithChannels (const ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &in, ::sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &out, const ::tf2_ros::Buffer &tfBuffer, const ::std::string &targetFrame, const ::std::unordered_map<::std::string, ::cras::CloudChannelType > &channels)
::std::string transliterateToAscii (const ::std::string &text)
void unregisterCloudChannelType (const ::std::string &channelPrefix)


constexpr auto DEFAULT_NONE_TOPIC = "__none"
constexpr auto DEFAULT_OUT_TOPIC = "mux_out"
const ParamHelper paramHelper (::std::make_shared<::cras::NodeLogHelper >())

Function Documentation

◆ copyShapeShifter() [1/2]

void cras::copyShapeShifter ( const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter in,
::topic_tools::ShapeShifter out 

Copy in ShapeShifter to out.

[in]inInput message.
[in]outOutput message.
This is a workaround for which has not been merged into Melodic.

◆ copyShapeShifter() [2/2]

void cras::copyShapeShifter ( const topic_tools::ShapeShifter in,
topic_tools::ShapeShifter out 

Definition at line 93 of file shape_shifter.cpp.

◆ getBuffer() [1/4]

uint8_t* cras::getBuffer ( ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Get the internal buffer with serialized message data.

[in]msgThe shape shifter object.
The internal buffer.
The buffer can stop being valid after a ShapeShifter::read() operation or when the shifter is destroyed.

◆ getBuffer() [2/4]

const uint8_t* cras::getBuffer ( const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Get the internal buffer with serialized message data.

[in]msgThe shape shifter object.
The internal buffer.
The buffer can stop being valid after a ShapeShifter::read() operation or when the shifter is destroyed.

◆ getBuffer() [3/4]

const uint8_t* cras::getBuffer ( const topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Definition at line 67 of file shape_shifter.cpp.

◆ getBuffer() [4/4]

uint8_t* cras::getBuffer ( topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Definition at line 62 of file shape_shifter.cpp.

◆ getBufferLength() [1/2]

size_t cras::getBufferLength ( const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Get the length of the internal buffer with serialized message data.

[in]msgThe shape shifter object.
The internal buffer length.
The buffer can stop being valid after a ShapeShifter::read() operation or when the shifter is destroyed.

◆ getBufferLength() [2/2]

size_t cras::getBufferLength ( const topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Definition at line 103 of file shape_shifter.cpp.

◆ getHeader() [1/2]

::cras::optional<::std_msgs::Header> cras::getHeader ( const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Get the header field of the given message, if it has any.

[in]msgThe shape shifter object.
The header of the represented message. If there is no header, nullopt is returned.
This function can have some "false positives", as it doesn't actually know whether the message has a header or not. There is a high chance that if the message does not have a header, the reading of Header data will fail, but there are corner cases when the message data will be interpretable as a Header. It is advised to check whether the message type has a header via introspection, hasHeader() or some other kind of information.

◆ getHeader() [2/2]

cras::optional<std_msgs::Header> cras::getHeader ( const topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Definition at line 122 of file shape_shifter.cpp.

◆ hasHeader() [1/2]

bool cras::hasHeader ( const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Tell whether the given message has header field.

[in]msgThe shape shifter object.
Whether there is a header field in the message.
This function might be slow. Do not call it on receipt of every message on high-frequency topics.

◆ hasHeader() [2/2]

bool cras::hasHeader ( const topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg)

Definition at line 108 of file shape_shifter.cpp.

◆ msgToShapeShifter()

template<typename T , typename EnableT >
void cras::msgToShapeShifter ( const T &  msg,
::topic_tools::ShapeShifter shifter 

Copy the message instance into the given ShapeShifter.

Template Parameters
TType of the message.
[in]msgThe message to copy.
[out]shifterThe ShapeShifter to copy to.
All old references to the shifter's internal buffer have to be treated as invalid after calling this function.

Definition at line 22 of file shape_shifter.hpp.

◆ resizeBuffer() [1/2]

void cras::resizeBuffer ( ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg,
size_t  newLength 

Resize the internal buffer of the message.

[in,out]msgThe message to change.
[in]newLengthNew length of the internal buffer.
If the new size is the same as the old one, nothing happens. If the new one is longer, the buffer is reallocated and the contents of the old buffer are copied to it. If the new one is shorter, the contained data are cropped to the new length.
Use this function with care. After calling it, the message object becomes invalid until you fix it.

◆ resizeBuffer() [2/2]

void cras::resizeBuffer ( topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg,
size_t  newLength 

Definition at line 72 of file shape_shifter.cpp.

◆ setHeader() [1/2]

bool cras::setHeader ( ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg,
::std_msgs::Header header 

Change the header field of the given message, if it has any.

[in,out]msgThe message to change.
[in]headerThe header to set.
Whether setting the new header has succeeded. It will fail if either the message does not seem to have a header field, or if some serialization/deserialization error occurs. If the function returns false, the message has to be considered invalid and has to be discarded. The caller should use getHeader() or other information sources to make sure the message type actually does have a header.
This function does not (de)serialize the whole message, it only serializes its header part.
If the new header is shorter or same length as the old one, there is no memory allocation happening.

◆ setHeader() [2/2]

bool cras::setHeader ( topic_tools::ShapeShifter msg,
std_msgs::Header header 

Definition at line 139 of file shape_shifter.cpp.

Variable Documentation


constexpr auto cras::DEFAULT_NONE_TOPIC = "__none"

Definition at line 35 of file priority_mux.cpp.


constexpr auto cras::DEFAULT_OUT_TOPIC = "mux_out"

Definition at line 34 of file priority_mux.cpp.

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Wed Jan 8 2025 03:50:28