Template Function beluga::nearest_obstacle_distance_map
Defined in File distance_map.hpp
Function Documentation
template<class Range, class DistanceFunction, class NeighborsFunction>
auto beluga::nearest_obstacle_distance_map(Range &&obstacle_mask, DistanceFunction &&distance_function, NeighborsFunction &&neighbors_function, std::invoke_result_t<DistanceFunction, std::size_t, std::size_t> max_distance_value) Returns a map where the value of each cell is the distance to the nearest obstacle.
The algorithm uses O(N) time and memory, where
.- Template Parameters:
Range – A sized range. Its value type must be bool.
DistanceFunction – A callable type, its prototype must be (std::size_t, std::size_t) -> DistanceType. DistanceType must be an scalar type.
NeighborsFunction – A callabe type, its prototype must be (std::size_t) -> NeighborsT, where NeighborsT is a Range with value type std::size_t.
- Parameters:
obstacle_mask – A mask that represents obstacles in an environment. If the value of a cell is True, the cell has an obstacle.
distance_function – Given the indexes of two cells in the map i and j, obstacle_map(i, j) must return the distance between the two cells.
neighbors_function – Given the index i of one cell in the map, neighbors_function(i) returns the cell indexes of neighbor cells in the obstacle map.
max_distance_value – The maximum distance anywhere in the map. Values over this will be truncated to this value.
- Returns:
A map where each cell value is the distance to the nearest object.