File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
basic_controller_old.cpp [code]
computer_vision.cpp [code]
computer_vision.h [code]Computer vision header file
controller.cpp [code]
controller.h [code]Controller for the ardrone: performs position control
controller_custom.cpp [code]
drone_role.cpp [code]
drone_role.h [code]This header file defines the class to handle drone role objects
DroneRole.h [code]
DroneRoles.h [code]
frame.cpp [code]
frame.h [code]Header file wich defines the Frame class
image_processor.h [code]Hheader file for the main class in the computer vision node
keyframe.cpp [code]
keyframe.h [code]This header file contains KeyFrame class definition In this file, 3D points refer to points in world coordinates, and 2D points refer to points in the calibrated image coordinates
map_keyframe_based.cpp [code]
map_keyframe_based.h [code]This header file defines classes for the mapping node and visual pose estimation (keyframe-based)
multi_strategy.cpp [code]
multi_strategy.h [code]Basic strategy for multi-agent flight. Specify the mission and the drone roles
opencv_utils.cpp [code]
opencv_utils.h [code]Opencv_utils contains functions to handle frame transformation with opencv according with the Pose3D message definition
path_planning.cpp [code]
path_planning.h [code]
path_planning_custom.cpp [code]
PointXYZRGBSIFT.h [code]PointXYZRGBSIFT is a PCL PointXYZ with additionnal fields like a (SIFT) descriptor of the point (computed by opencv)
pose_estimation.cpp [code]
pose_estimation.h [code]Pose estimation node of the drone (x,y,z,theta,phi,psi) in an absolute coordinate frame. At the present: on the basis of the Odometry received from ardrone_autonomy and Visual pose estimation from the mapping node In future developpment: Kalman filters, visual odometry, raw sensors, etc
processed_image.cpp [code]
processed_image.h [code]
profiling.h [code]Common definition for PROFILING MACRO
projection_2D.cpp [code]
projection_2D.h [code]Workspace transformation from the image coordinates to the world coordinates Simple ground projection is used
read_from_launch.cpp [code]
read_from_launch.h [code]This header file defines a class to read some parameters in the launch file like the camera calibration matrix
simple_map.cpp [code]
strategy.cpp [code]
strategy.h [code]
target.cpp [code]
target.h [code]Header file for the Target class which wraps all procedures to detect a predfined target
ucl_drone.h [code]Common definitions for all nodes in the package ucl_drone
vision_gui.cpp [code]
vision_gui.h [code]Node for displaying images super-imposed to 2D features and stuff

Author(s): dronesinma
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:51:53