Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  *  This file is part of ucl_drone 2016.
00003  *  For more information, refer
00004  *  to the corresponding header file.
00005  *
00006  *  \author Arnaud Jacques & Alexandre Leclere
00007  *  \date 2016
00008  *
00009  */
00011 #include <ucl_drone/map/map_keyframe_based.h>
00013 Frame::Frame()
00014 {
00015 }
00017 Frame::Frame(ucl_drone::ProcessedImageMsg::ConstPtr msg)
00018 {
00019   this->msg = *msg;
00021   // convert msg to opencv format
00022   this->imgPoints.resize(msg->keypoints.size());
00023   this->descriptors = cv::Mat_< float >(msg->keypoints.size(), DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
00025   for (unsigned i = 0; i < msg->keypoints.size(); ++i)
00026   {
00027     this->imgPoints[i].x = (double)msg->keypoints[i].point.x;
00028     this->imgPoints[i].y = (double)msg->keypoints[i].point.y;
00030     // ROS_DEBUG("POINT[%d] (%f;%f) vs (%f;%f)", i, this->imgPoints[i].x, this->imgPoints[i].y,
00031     //           msg->keypoints[i].point.x, msg->keypoints[i].point.y);
00033     for (unsigned j = 0; j < DESCRIPTOR_SIZE; ++j)
00034     {
00035       this->< float >(i, j) = (float)msg->keypoints[i].descriptor[j];
00036     }
00037   }
00038 }
00040 Frame::~Frame()
00041 {
00042 }
00045 // //! \param[in] map Map to compare
00046 // //! \param[out] idx_matching_points vector of pairs of indexes: (i,j) with i the index in the
00047 // map, j
00048 // //! the index in the frame
00049 // //! \param[out] idx_unknown_points vector of indexes in the frame
00050 // //! \param[out] map_matching_points
00051 // //! \param[out] frame_matching_points
00052 // //! \param[out] frame_unknown_points
00053 // void Frame::matchWithMap(Map& map, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > >& idx_matching_points,
00054 //                          std::vector< int >& idx_unknown_points,
00055 //                          std::vector< cv::Point3f >& map_matching_points,
00056 //                          std::vector< cv::Point2f >& frame_matching_points,
00057 //                          std::vector< cv::Point2f >& frame_unknown_points)
00058 // {
00059 //   bool use_ratio_test = false;
00060 //
00061 //   std::vector< int > idx;
00062 //   if (this->descriptors.rows == 0)
00063 //   {
00064 //     return;
00065 //   }
00066 //
00067 //   cv::Mat map_descriptors;
00068 //   std::vector< int > map_idx;
00069 //   map.getDescriptors(this->msg.pose, map_descriptors, map_idx);
00070 //   if (map_descriptors.rows == 0)
00071 //   {
00072 //     idx_unknown_points.resize(this->imgPoints.size());
00073 //     frame_unknown_points.resize(this->imgPoints.size());
00074 //     for (unsigned k = 0; k < this->imgPoints.size(); k++)
00075 //     {
00076 //       idx_unknown_points[k] = k;
00077 //       frame_unknown_points[k] = this->imgPoints[k];
00078 //     }
00079 //     return;
00080 //   }
00081 //   else
00082 //   {
00083 //     cv::FlannBasedMatcher matcher;
00084 //     if (use_ratio_test)
00085 //     {
00086 //       std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch > > knn_matches;
00087 //       matcher.knnMatch(this->descriptors, map_descriptors, knn_matches, 2);
00088 //
00089 //       // ratio_test + threshold test
00090 //       for (unsigned k = 0; k < knn_matches.size(); k++)
00091 //       {
00092 //         if (knn_matches[k][0].distance / knn_matches[k][1].distance < 0.9)
00093 //         {
00094 //           if (knn_matches[k][0].distance < DIST_THRESHOLD)
00095 //           {
00096 //             std::pair< int, int > p(map_idx[knn_matches[k][0].trainIdx],
00097 //                                     knn_matches[k][0].queryIdx);
00098 //             idx_matching_points.push_back(p);
00099 //
00100 //             cv::Point3f map_point;
00101 //             pcl::PointXYZRGBSIFT pcl_point =
00102 //   >points[map_idx[knn_matches[k][0].trainIdx]];
00103 //             map_point.x = pcl_point.x;
00104 //             map_point.y = pcl_point.y;
00105 //             map_point.z = pcl_point.z;
00106 //             map_matching_points.push_back(map_point);
00107 //             frame_matching_points.push_back(this->imgPoints[knn_matches[k][0].queryIdx]);
00108 //           }
00109 //           else
00110 //           {
00111 //             idx_unknown_points.push_back(knn_matches[k][0].queryIdx);
00112 //             frame_unknown_points.push_back(this->imgPoints[knn_matches[k][0].queryIdx]);
00113 //           }
00114 //         }
00115 //       }
00116 //     }
00117 //     else
00118 //     {
00119 //       std::vector< cv::DMatch > simple_matches;
00120 //       matcher.match(this->descriptors, map_descriptors, simple_matches);
00121 //
00122 //       // threshold test
00123 //       for (unsigned k = 0; k < simple_matches.size(); k++)
00124 //       {
00125 //         if (simple_matches[k].distance < DIST_THRESHOLD)
00126 //         {
00127 //           std::pair< int, int > p(map_idx[simple_matches[k].trainIdx],
00128 //           simple_matches[k].queryIdx);
00129 //           idx_matching_points.push_back(p);
00130 //
00131 //           cv::Point3f map_point;
00132 //           pcl::PointXYZRGBSIFT pcl_point =
00133 // >points[map_idx[simple_matches[k].trainIdx]];
00134 //           map_point.x = pcl_point.x;
00135 //           map_point.y = pcl_point.y;
00136 //           map_point.z = pcl_point.z;
00137 //           map_matching_points.push_back(map_point);
00138 //           frame_matching_points.push_back(this->imgPoints[simple_matches[k].queryIdx]);
00139 //         }
00140 //         else
00141 //         {
00142 //           idx_unknown_points.push_back(simple_matches[k].queryIdx);
00143 //           frame_unknown_points.push_back(this->imgPoints[simple_matches[k].queryIdx]);
00144 //         }
00145 //       }
00146 //     }
00147 //   }
00148 // }
00150 // \param[in] idx_points index of points in this->imgPoints to convert
00151 // \param[out] pointcloud points converted to PointXYZRGBSIFT
00152 void Frame::convertToPcl(std::vector< int >& idx_points, std::vector< cv::Point3f > points_out,
00153                          int keyframe_ID, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBSIFT >::Ptr& pointcloud)
00154 {
00155   pointcloud->points.resize(idx_points.size());  // prepares output structure
00156   // for each points selected by idx_points
00157   for (unsigned i = 0; i < idx_points.size(); i++)
00158   {
00159     int j = idx_points[i];
00161     pcl::PointXYZRGBSIFT point;  // initialize a new PCL point
00163     // Fill coordinates
00164     point.x = points_out[i].x;
00165     point.y = points_out[i].y;
00166     point.z = points_out[i].z;
00168     // Other fields
00169     point.view_count = 1;
00170     point.keyframe_ID = keyframe_ID;
00172     int rgb_ = 255 << 16 | 0 << 8 | 0;  // red by default
00173     point.rgb = *reinterpret_cast< float* >(&rgb_);
00175     // Fill the corresponding description
00176     for (int k = 0; k < DESCRIPTOR_SIZE; k++)
00177     {
00178       point.descriptor[k] = this->< float >(j, k);
00179     }
00181     // add the PCL point to the output
00182     pointcloud->points[i] = point;
00183   }
00184 }
00186 void Frame::convertToPcl(std::vector< cv::Point3f > points_out, int keyframe_id,
00187                          pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBSIFT >::Ptr& pointcloud)
00188 {
00189   // call the other definition of Frame::convertToPcl
00190   std::vector< int > idx_points;
00191   idx_points.resize(this->imgPoints.size());
00192   for (unsigned k = 0; k < this->imgPoints.size(); k++)
00193   {
00194     idx_points[k] = k;
00195   }
00196   convertToPcl(idx_points, points_out, keyframe_id, pointcloud);
00197 }

Author(s): dronesinma
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:51:53