File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
collision_check.cpp [code]This defines a cost function for collision checking
collision_check.h [code]This defines a cost function for collision checking
control_cost_projection.cpp [code]This defines a control cost projection update filter
control_cost_projection.h [code]This defines a control cost projection update filter
joint_limits.cpp [code]This defines a joint limit filter
joint_limits.h [code]This defines a joint limit filter
kinematics.h [code]This defines kinematic related utilities
multi_trajectory_visualization.cpp [code]This defines a multi trajectory visualizer for publishing the noisy trajectories
multi_trajectory_visualization.h [code]This defines a multi trajectory visualizer for publishing the noisy trajectories
multivariate_gaussian.h [code]
normal_distribution_sampling.cpp [code]This a normial distribution noisy trajectory update generator
normal_distribution_sampling.h [code]This a normial distribution noisy trajectory update generator
obstacle_distance_gradient.cpp [code]This defines a Robot Model for the Stomp Planner
obstacle_distance_gradient.h [code]This defines a Robot Model for the Stomp Planner
polynomial.cpp [code]TODO
polynomial.h [code]TODO
polynomial_smoother.cpp [code]This defines a polynomial smoother update filter
polynomial_smoother.h [code]This defines a polynomial smoother update filter
rosdoc.yaml [code]
stomp_config_example.yaml [code]
stomp_cost_function.h [code]This is the base class for all stomp cost functions
stomp_noise_generator.h [code]This is the base class for all stomp noisy generators
stomp_noisy_filter.h [code]This is the base class for all stomp filters
stomp_optimization_task.cpp [code]This defines stomp's optimization task
stomp_optimization_task.h [code]This defines stomp's optimization task
stomp_planner.cpp [code]This defines the stomp planner for MoveIt
stomp_planner.h [code]This defines the stomp planner for MoveIt
stomp_planner_manager.cpp [code]This defines the stomp planning manager for MoveIt
stomp_planner_manager.h [code]This defines the stomp planning manager for MoveIt
stomp_update_filter.h [code]This is the base class for all stomp update filters
trajectory_visualization.cpp [code]This defines a trajectory visualizer for publishing the smooth trajectory
trajectory_visualization.h [code]This defines a trajectory visualizer for publishing the smooth trajectory
update_logger.cpp [code]This defines a update trajectory logger which writes the data to a file
update_logger.h [code]This defines a update trajectory logger which writes the data to a file

Author(s): Jorge Nicho
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:24:01