Class ExecutableBase

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

  • public mrpt::system::COutputLogger

  • public mrpt::rtti::CObject

  • private std::enable_shared_from_this< ExecutableBase >

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class ExecutableBase : public mrpt::system::COutputLogger, public mrpt::rtti::CObject, private std::enable_shared_from_this<ExecutableBase>

Base virtual class for all executable (nodelet-like) units inside a SLAM system.

Subclassed by mola::BackEndBase, mola::FrontEndBase, mola::MolaViz, mola::NavStateFilter, mola::RawDataSourceBase, mola::WorldModel

Directory services


std::function<Ptr(const std::string&)> nameServer_

A name server function to search for other ExecutableBase objects in my running system. Empty during ctor, should be usable from initialize_common() and initialize().

See also



In a standard system, this is implemented by MolaLauncherApp::nameServerImpl()

template<class Interface>
std::vector<Ptr> findService() const

Finds (an)other ExecutableBase(s) by its expected Interface, that is, a virtual base class.

See also


void setModuleInstanceName(const std::string &s)
std::string getModuleInstanceName() const

Virtual interface of any ExecutableBase


virtual void initialize(const Yaml &cfg) = 0

This must be implemented to read all the required parameters

virtual void spinOnce() = 0

Runs any required action on a timely manner

inline virtual int launchOrderPriority() const

Modules will be initialized in the order determined by:

  • First: the “order priority”, which is the number returned here.

  • Second: modules with the same “priority”, will be sorted by ascending lexicographical order or their “instance names”.

inline virtual void onQuit()

Called while destroying the SLAM system. A perfect placeholder for saving data to filesystem, clean up, etc. before any module destructor has been actually beeing invoked.

names_values Is a YAML map from <tt>names</tt> to <tt>values</tt>.

Called by an external entity to change parameters of this module.


New in MOLA v1.4.0

inline virtual void onParameterUpdate(const mrpt::containers::yaml &names_values)
mrpt::containers::yaml getModuleParameters() const

Returns the current list of all known parameters and their values, in the same format than used in exposeParameters(). An empty YAML map will be returned if no parameter exists.

See also



New in MOLA v1.4.0

void changeParameters(const mrpt::containers::yaml &names_values)
void exposeParameters(const mrpt::containers::yaml &names_values)

Public Functions

virtual ~ExecutableBase()
inline Ptr getAsPtr()

Get as shared_ptr via enable_shared_from_this<>

inline bool requestedShutdown() const
auto module_move_out_diagnostics_messages() -> std::vector<DiagnosticsOutput>

Public Members

std::optional<ProfilerSaverAtDtor> profiler_dtor_save_stats_

Enabled from mola-cli with --profiler-whole to save full profile stats to .m files at program end.

Profiler profiler_ = {false}

Time profiler (disabled by default). All profilers can be globally enabled from MolaLauncherApp.

Public Static Functions

static Ptr Factory(const std::string &classname)

Class factory. Register using MOLA_REGISTER_MODULE()

Protected Functions

inline void requestShutdown()
void module_publish_diagnostics(const DiagnosticsOutput &msg)
bool module_is_time_to_publish_diagnostics() const

Protected Attributes

double module_diagnostics_period_sec_ = 1.0

Period (seconds) to publish loop diagnostics. Zero means disabled.

struct DiagnosticsOutput

Diagnostics message: a human-readabale label, and “any” content.

Public Functions

DiagnosticsOutput() = default

Public Members

mrpt::Clock::time_point timestamp
std::string label
std::any value