Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 Npsen_scan_v2Root namespace for the ROS part
 CActiveZonesetNodeROS Node that continuously publishes a marker for the active_zoneset
 CConfigServerNodeROS Node that publishes a latched topic containing the configured zonesets
 CParamMissingOnServerException thrown if a parameter of a certain type cannot be found on the ROS parameter server
 CROSScannerNodeTROS Node that continuously publishes scan data of a single PSENscan laser scanner
 CWrongParameterTypeException thrown if a parameter can be found on the ROS parameter server but with an unexpected type
 Npsen_scan_v2_standaloneRoot namespace in which the software components to communicate with the scanner (firmware-version: 2) are realised/implemented
 Ncommunication_layerNamespace for the primitive communication layer implementation
 CUdpClientImplHelper for asynchronously sending and receiving data via UDP
 CCloseConnectionFailureException thrown if the UDP socket cannot be closed
 COpenConnectionFailureException thrown if the UDP socket cannot be opened
 NconfigurationNamespace for configuration defaults and definitions
 Nxml_config_parsingNamespace for parsing xml configuration files exported from the psenScan Configurator
 CZoneSetA set of simultanously active zones
 CZoneSetSpeedRangeThe speedrange at which a ZoneSet is active
 Ndata_conversion_layerContains the data serialization and deserialization layer
 Nmonitoring_frameNamespace containing all things about the MonitoringFrame data strucure
 NdiagnosticContains all types, etc. needed to describe the diagnostics information contained in a data_conversion_layer::monitoring_frame::Message
 CErrorLocationDefines a byte and bit position of an error in the diagnostic chunk
 CMessageDefines an Diagnostic message by defining the ErrorLocation and a scanner ID
 NioContains all types, etc. needed to describe the IOs information contained in a data_conversion_layer::monitoring_frame::Message
 CPinDataRepresents the IO PIN field of a monitoring frame
 CAdditionalFieldHeaderDefinition for the type and length of an additional field in a monitoring frame
 CAdditionalFieldMissingException thrown if an additional field was missing during deserialization of a Message
 CAdditionalFieldUnexpectedSizeException thrown on problems with the additional fields with fixed size
 CDecodingFailureException thrown on problems during the extraction of the measurement data
 CFixedFieldsThe information included in every single monitoring frame
 CMessageHigher level data type representing a single monitoring frame
 CMessageStampedWrapping class for a Message and its corresponding timestamp
 Nraw_processingContains functions, etc. needed to transform higher level data to raw data (sent to or received from scanner) or vice versa
 CStringStreamFailureException thrown if the incoming data from the scanner cannot be processed
 Nscanner_replyContains all things needed to define and implement a data_conversion_layer::scanner_reply::Message
 CCRCMismatchException thrown if an incorrect CRC is detected during deserialization of a data_conversion_layer::scanner_reply::Message
 CMessageHigher level data type representing a reply message from the scanner
 Nstart_requestContains all things needed to define and implement a data_conversion_layer::start_request::Message
 CMessageHigher level data type representing a scanner start request
 CDeviceSettingsClass describing the fundamental settings of the master and subscriber devices, like id and diagnostics
 CLaserScanSettingsClass describing the scan settings of the master and subscriber devices
 CLaserScanConverter: Responsible for converting Monitoring frames into LaserScan messages
 CScannerProtocolViolationError: Exception thrown if data received from the scanner hardware could not be processed according to protocol
 Nprotocol_layerNamespace for the implementation of the scanner protocol state machine
 Nscanner_eventsContains the events needed to define and implement the scanner protocol
 CMonitoringFrameReceivedErrorTriggered whenever the receiving of a monitoring frame failes
 CMonitoringFrameTimeoutTimeout while waiting for MonitoringFrame
 CRawMonitoringFrameReceivedReceived monitoring frame from scanner device
 CRawReplyReceivedReceived Start- or Stop-Reply message from scanner device
 CReplyReceiveErrorTriggered whenever the receiving of a reply message failes
 CStartRequestUser requests scanner to start
 CStartTimeoutTimeout while waiting for scanner device to start
 CStopRequestUser requests scanner to stop
 CIWatchdogFactoryInterface to create event timeout callbacks
 COutdatedMessageErrorException thrown if the incoming frame has an outdated scan_counter
 CScanBufferBuffers and validates monitoring frames for a scan round
 CScannerProtocolDefDefinition of the scanner protocol. It is initialized using the StateMachineArgs class
 CInternalScannerReplyErrorException thrown when something goes wrong with the scanner reply
 Ctransition_tableTable describing the state machine which is specified in the scanner protocol
 CScanRoundEndedEarlyErrorException thrown if a new scan round started without the last one finishing
 CScanRoundErrorException indicating problems with the monitoring frames of a scan round
 CScanRoundOversaturatedErrorException thrown if a scan round has to many messages
 CWatchdogFactoryWatchdog factory implementation for scanner interaction timeouts
 NutilNamespace containing utilities like the watchdog and barrier
 CBarrierHelper class to simplify the synchronization between different threads
 CTenthOfDegreeHelper class representing angles in tenth of degree
 CWatchdogWatchdog which continuously calls the specified timeout callback
 CIOStateRepresents the set of all I/Os of the scanner and their states
 CIScannerThis is the API definition for external interaction with the scanner driver
 CLaserScanThis class represents a single laser scan in the <tf_prefix> target frame
 CPinStateRepresents a single I/O pin
 CScannerConfigurationHigher level data type storing the configuration details of the scanner like scanner IP, port, scan range, etc
 CScannerConfigurationBuilderHelper class to simplify/improve the construction of the psen_scan_v2_standalone::ScannerConfiguration
 CScannerV2This is the implementation of the Scanner API defined by IScanner
 CScanRangeTemplatedHigher level data type storing the range in which the scanner takes measurements

Author(s): Pilz GmbH + Co. KG
autogenerated on Sat Jun 22 2024 02:46:12