Npsen_scan_v2 | Root namespace for the ROS part |
▼Npsen_scan_v2_standalone | Root namespace in which the software components to communicate with the scanner (firmware-version: 2) are realised/implemented |
Ncommunication_layer | Namespace for the primitive communication layer implementation |
▼Nconfiguration | Namespace for configuration defaults and definitions |
Nxml_config_parsing | Namespace for parsing xml configuration files exported from the psenScan Configurator |
▼Ndata_conversion_layer | Contains the data serialization and deserialization layer |
▼Nmonitoring_frame | Namespace containing all things about the MonitoringFrame data strucure |
Ndiagnostic | Contains all types, etc. needed to describe the diagnostics information contained in a data_conversion_layer::monitoring_frame::Message |
Nio | Contains all types, etc. needed to describe the IOs information contained in a data_conversion_layer::monitoring_frame::Message |
Nraw_processing | Contains functions, etc. needed to transform higher level data to raw data (sent to or received from scanner) or vice versa |
Nscanner_reply | Contains all things needed to define and implement a data_conversion_layer::scanner_reply::Message |
Nstart_request | Contains all things needed to define and implement a data_conversion_layer::start_request::Message |
Nstop_request | Contains all things needed to define and implement a scanner stop request |
▼Nprotocol_layer | Namespace for the implementation of the scanner protocol state machine |
Nscanner_events | Contains the events needed to define and implement the scanner protocol |
Nutil | Namespace containing utilities like the watchdog and barrier |