Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
cras::ThrottleLimiter Class Reference

The (not so clever) algorithm used by topic_tools/throttle node. More...

#include <rate_limiter.h>

Inheritance diagram for cras::ThrottleLimiter:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

void reset () override
 Reset the rate-limiter as if it were newly created with the same parameters. More...
bool shouldPublish (const ::ros::Time &stamp) override
 Call this function whenever a message is received. It tells whether the message has passed the rate-limiting and should be published, or whether it should be skipped. More...
 ThrottleLimiter (const ::ros::Rate &rate)
 ThrottleLimiter (const ::ros::Duration &period)
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::RateLimiter
 RateLimiter (const ::ros::Rate &rate)
 Create limiter with the given rate. More...
 RateLimiter (const ::ros::Duration &period)
 Create limiter with rate corresponding to the given period. More...
void setJumpBackTolerance (const ::ros::Duration &tolerance)
 Set the limit for telling between small and large backwards time jumps. Small jumps result in ignoring the messages, while a large jump results in a reset of the rate-limter. More...

Protected Attributes

::ros::Time lastPublishTime {0, 0}
 Stamp of the last message for which shouldPublish() returned trued. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from cras::RateLimiter
::ros::Duration jumpBackTolerance {3, 0}
 Threshold for jump back detection. More...
::ros::Duration period
 The desired period between message (1/rate). More...
::ros::Rate rate
 The desired rate (1/period). More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from cras::RateLimiter
bool jumpedBack (const ::ros::Time &stamp, const ::ros::Time &previousStamp) const
 Decide whether the newly coming message should be treated as a backwards jump in time. More...

Detailed Description

The (not so clever) algorithm used by topic_tools/throttle node.

It is not very good at achieving the requested if it isn't orders of magnitude smaller than the incoming rate.

Definition at line 80 of file rate_limiter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ThrottleLimiter() [1/2]

cras::ThrottleLimiter::ThrottleLimiter ( const ::ros::Rate rate)

◆ ThrottleLimiter() [2/2]

cras::ThrottleLimiter::ThrottleLimiter ( const ::ros::Duration period)

Member Function Documentation

◆ reset()

void cras::ThrottleLimiter::reset ( )

Reset the rate-limiter as if it were newly created with the same parameters.

Implements cras::RateLimiter.

◆ shouldPublish()

bool cras::ThrottleLimiter::shouldPublish ( const ::ros::Time stamp)

Call this function whenever a message is received. It tells whether the message has passed the rate-limiting and should be published, or whether it should be skipped.

[in]stampTime when the message should be sent (usually not header.stamp!).
Whether to continue publishing the message.

Implements cras::RateLimiter.

Member Data Documentation

◆ lastPublishTime

::ros::Time cras::ThrottleLimiter::lastPublishTime {0, 0}

Stamp of the last message for which shouldPublish() returned trued.

Definition at line 91 of file rate_limiter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sat Jun 17 2023 02:32:53