File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 calibrator.cppCalibrator node implementing a quick compute service, a compute service and 2 subscribers to world_effector_topic and camera_object_topic
 calibrator.hCalibrator node implementing a quick compute service, a compute service and 2 subscribers to world_effector_topic and camera_object_topic
 calibrator_main.cppEntry point for calibrator node
 client.cppClient node calling a quick compute service, a compute service and 2 publishing to world_effector_topic and camera_object_topic
 client.hClient node calling a quick compute service, a compute service and 2 publishing to world_effector_topic and camera_object_topic

Author(s): Filip Novotny
autogenerated on Wed Jul 3 2019 19:48:05