▼Nrobot_model_services | This namespace contains all generally usable classes |
CAngleApproximationIKRatingModule | AngleApproximationIKRatingModule uses an approximation of the total angle delta during the mild movement for the rating |
CDebugHelper | Responsible for debug output |
CIKRatingModule | IKRatingModule is a generalization for the rating of the inverse kinematic parameters |
CMapHelper | |
CMathHelper | MathHelper unites the generally needed math operations |
CMILDRobotModel | MILDRobotModel implements a model of pan tilt unit robot |
CMILDRobotModelWithApproximatedIK | MILDRobotModelWithApproximatedIK implements a model of pan tilt unit robot where the inverse kinematic is defined by an approximation function |
CMILDRobotModelWithApproximatedIKFactory | |
CMILDRobotModelWithExactIK | |
CMILDRobotModelWithExactIKFactory | |
CMILDRobotState | |
CNavigationPathIKRatingModule | NavigationPathIKRatingModule implements the functionlities offered by IKRatingModule |
CRayTracingIndex | |
CRobotModel | RobotModel generalizes a robot model |
CRobotModelAbstractFactory | |
CRobotState | |
CSimpleIKRatingModule | SimpleIKRatingModule uses the difference between the start and target angle for the rating |
CTypeHelper | |
CBaseTest | |
CIKTest |