53 f <<
dot(x) == -x - 1.0;
60 integrator.
init( f, j );
66 double x_start[1] = { 0.0 };
78 integrator.
integrate( t_start, t_end, x_start );
81 integrator.
returnValue getX(DVector &xEnd) const
virtual returnValue init(const DifferentialEquation &rhs_)
returnValue set(OptionsName name, int value)
virtual returnValue print(std::ostream &stream=std::cout, const std::string &name=DEFAULT_LABEL, const std::string &startString=DEFAULT_START_STRING, const std::string &endString=DEFAULT_END_STRING, uint width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, uint precision=DEFAULT_PRECISION, const std::string &colSeparator=DEFAULT_COL_SEPARATOR, const std::string &rowSeparator=DEFAULT_ROW_SEPARATOR) const
virtual returnValue freezeAll()
Expression dot(const Expression &arg)
returnValue getBackwardSensitivities(DVector &Dx_x0, DVector &Dx_p, DVector &Dx_u, DVector &Dx_w, int order) const
Implements the Runge-Kutta-45 scheme for integrating ODEs.
Allows to setup and evaluate transition functions based on SymbolicExpressions.
returnValue integrateSensitivities()
returnValue setBackwardSeed(const int &order, const DVector &seed)
returnValue integrate(double t0, double tend, double *x0, double *xa=0, double *p=0, double *u=0, double *w=0)
Allows to setup and evaluate differential equations (ODEs and DAEs) based on SymbolicExpressions.