Program Listing for File PclLoaderParameters.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/grid_map_pcl/PclLoaderParameters.hpp)

 * PclLoaderParameters.hpp
 *  Created on: Nov 7, 2019
 *      Author: Edo Jelavic
 *      Institute: ETH Zurich, Robotic Systems Lab


#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>

#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>

#include <memory>
#include <string>

namespace grid_map

class GridMapPclLoader;

namespace grid_map_pcl

class PointcloudProcessor;

class PclLoaderParameters
  struct DownsamplingParameters
    Eigen::Vector3d voxelSize_ {0.05, 0.05, 0.05};
    bool isDownsampleCloud_ = false;

  struct ClusterExtractionParameters
    double clusterTolerance_ = 0.3;
    unsigned int minNumPoints_ = 2;
    unsigned int maxNumPoints_ = 1000000;

  struct OutlierRemovalParameters
    bool isRemoveOutliers_ = false;
    double meanK_ = 10.0;
    double stddevThreshold_ = 1.0;

  struct RigidBodyTransformation
    Eigen::Vector3d translation_ {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

    // intrinsic rotation (opposite from the ROS convention), order X-Y-Z
    Eigen::Vector3d rpyIntrinsic_ {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

  struct GridMapParameters
    double resolution_ = 0.1;
    unsigned int minCloudPointsPerCell_ = 2;
    // 0: Smallest value among the average values ​​of each cluster
    // 1: Mean value of the cluster with the most points
    unsigned int height_type_ = 0;
    // For height_type 1
    double height_thresh_ = 1.0;

  struct Parameters
    unsigned int numThreads_ = 4;
    RigidBodyTransformation cloudTransformation_;
    OutlierRemovalParameters outlierRemoval_;
    ClusterExtractionParameters clusterExtraction_;
    DownsamplingParameters downsampling_;
    GridMapParameters gridMap_;

  friend class grid_map::GridMapPclLoader;
  friend class grid_map::grid_map_pcl::PointcloudProcessor;

  explicit PclLoaderParameters(const rclcpp::Logger & node_logger);
  ~PclLoaderParameters() = default;

  bool loadParameters(const std::string & filename);

  void handleYamlNode(const YAML::Node & yamlNode);

  const Parameters & get() const;

  // Parameters for the GridMapPclLoader class.
  Parameters parameters_;

  // Node logger
  rclcpp::Logger node_logger_;

}  // namespace grid_map_pcl

}  // namespace grid_map