Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
00002 // Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
00011 #include "rsutil.h"
00012 #include "rscore.hpp"
00013 #include <cmath>
00014 #include <cstdint>
00015 #include <cstring>
00016 #include <sstream>
00017 #include <stdexcept>
00018 #include <functional>
00019 #include <vector>
00021 namespace rs
00022 {
00024     enum class stream : int32_t
00025     {
00026         depth                           ,  
00027         color                           ,  
00028         infrared                        ,  
00029         infrared2                       ,  
00030         fisheye                         ,  
00031         points                          ,  
00032         rectified_color                 ,  
00033         color_aligned_to_depth          ,  
00034         infrared2_aligned_to_depth      ,  
00035         depth_aligned_to_color          ,  
00036         depth_aligned_to_rectified_color,  
00037         depth_aligned_to_infrared2         
00038     };
00042     enum class format : int32_t
00043     {
00044         any         ,  
00045         z16         ,  
00046         disparity16 ,  
00047         xyz32f      ,  
00048         yuyv        ,  
00049         rgb8        ,  
00050         bgr8        ,  
00051         rgba8       ,  
00052         bgra8       ,  
00053         y8          ,  
00054         y16         ,  
00055         raw10       ,  
00056         raw16       ,  
00057         raw8           
00058     };
00061     enum class output_buffer_format : int32_t
00062     {
00063         continous      , 
00064         native           
00065     };
00068     enum class preset : int32_t
00069     {
00070         best_quality     ,
00071         largest_image    ,
00072         highest_framerate 
00073     };
00076     enum class distortion : int32_t
00077     {
00078         none                  , 
00079         modified_brown_conrady, 
00080         inverse_brown_conrady,  
00081         distortion_ftheta       
00082     };
00087     enum class option : int32_t
00088     {
00089         color_backlight_compensation                    ,  
00090         color_brightness                                ,  
00091         color_contrast                                  ,  
00092         color_exposure                                  ,  
00093         color_gain                                      ,  
00094         color_gamma                                     ,  
00095         color_hue                                       ,  
00096         color_saturation                                ,  
00097         color_sharpness                                 ,  
00098         color_white_balance                             ,  
00099         color_enable_auto_exposure                      ,  
00100         color_enable_auto_white_balance                 ,  
00101         f200_laser_power                                , 
00102         f200_accuracy                                   , 
00103         f200_motion_range                               , 
00104         f200_filter_option                              , 
00105         f200_confidence_threshold                       , 
00106         f200_dynamic_fps                                , 
00107         sr300_auto_range_enable_motion_versus_range     , 
00108         sr300_auto_range_enable_laser                   , 
00109         sr300_auto_range_min_motion_versus_range        , 
00110         sr300_auto_range_max_motion_versus_range        , 
00111         sr300_auto_range_start_motion_versus_range      , 
00112         sr300_auto_range_min_laser                      , 
00113         sr300_auto_range_max_laser                      , 
00114         sr300_auto_range_start_laser                    , 
00115         sr300_auto_range_upper_threshold                , 
00116         sr300_auto_range_lower_threshold                , 
00117         r200_lr_auto_exposure_enabled                   , 
00118         r200_lr_gain                                    , 
00119         r200_lr_exposure                                , 
00120         r200_emitter_enabled                            , 
00121         r200_depth_units                                , 
00122         r200_depth_clamp_min                            , 
00123         r200_depth_clamp_max                            , 
00124         r200_disparity_multiplier                       , 
00125         r200_disparity_shift                            , 
00126         r200_auto_exposure_mean_intensity_set_point     , 
00127         r200_auto_exposure_bright_ratio_set_point       , 
00128         r200_auto_exposure_kp_gain                      , 
00129         r200_auto_exposure_kp_exposure                  , 
00130         r200_auto_exposure_kp_dark_threshold            , 
00131         r200_auto_exposure_top_edge                     , 
00132         r200_auto_exposure_bottom_edge                  , 
00133         r200_auto_exposure_left_edge                    , 
00134         r200_auto_exposure_right_edge                   , 
00135         r200_depth_control_estimate_median_decrement    , 
00136         r200_depth_control_estimate_median_increment    , 
00137         r200_depth_control_median_threshold             , 
00138         r200_depth_control_score_minimum_threshold      , 
00139         r200_depth_control_score_maximum_threshold      , 
00140         r200_depth_control_texture_count_threshold      , 
00141         r200_depth_control_texture_difference_threshold , 
00142         r200_depth_control_second_peak_threshold        , 
00143         r200_depth_control_neighbor_threshold           , 
00144         r200_depth_control_lr_threshold                 , 
00145         fisheye_exposure                                , 
00146         fisheye_gain                                    , 
00147         fisheye_strobe                                  , 
00148         fisheye_external_trigger                        , 
00149         fisheye_color_auto_exposure                     , 
00150         fisheye_color_auto_exposure_mode                , 
00151         fisheye_color_auto_exposure_rate                , 
00152         fisheye_color_auto_exposure_sample_rate         , 
00153         fisheye_color_auto_exposure_skip_frames         , 
00154         frames_queue_size                               , 
00155         hardware_logger_enabled                         , 
00156         total_frame_drops                               , 
00157     };
00160     enum class frame_metadata
00161     {
00162         actual_exposure, 
00163         actual_fps       
00164     };
00169     enum class capabilities : int32_t
00170     {
00171         depth,                      
00172         color,                      
00173         infrared,                   
00174         infrared2,                  
00175         fish_eye,                   
00176         motion_events,              
00177         motion_module_fw_update,    
00178         adapter_board,              
00179         enumeration,                
00180     };
00183     enum class blob_type 
00184     {
00185         motion_module_firmware_update 
00186     };
00192     enum class camera_info {
00193         device_name                   , 
00194         serial_number                 , 
00195         camera_firmware_version       , 
00196         adapter_board_firmware_version, 
00197         motion_module_firmware_version, 
00198         camera_type                   , 
00199         oem_id                        , 
00200         isp_fw_version                , 
00201         content_version               , 
00202         module_version                , 
00203         imager_model_number           , 
00204         build_date                    , 
00205         calibration_date              , 
00206         program_date                  , 
00207         focus_alignment_date          , 
00208         emitter_type                  , 
00209         focus_value                   , 
00210         lens_type                     , 
00211         third_lens_type               , 
00212         lens_coating_type             , 
00213         third_lens_coating_type       , 
00214         lens_nominal_baseline         , 
00215         third_lens_nominal_baseline     
00216     };
00219     enum class source : uint8_t
00220     {
00221         video      , 
00222         motion_data, 
00223         all_sources, 
00224     };
00227     enum class event : uint8_t
00228     {
00229         event_imu_accel     , 
00230         event_imu_gyro      , 
00231         event_imu_depth_cam , 
00232         event_imu_motion_cam, 
00233         event_imu_g0_sync   , 
00234         event_imu_g1_sync   , 
00235         event_imu_g2_sync     
00236     };
00242     enum class timestamp_domain
00243     {
00244         camera,         
00245         microcontroller 
00246     };
00248     struct float2 { float x,y; };
00249     struct float3 { float x,y,z; };
00252     struct intrinsics : rs_intrinsics
00253     {
00254         float       hfov() const                                                        { return (atan2f(ppx + 0.5f, fx) + atan2f(width - (ppx + 0.5f), fx)) * 57.2957795f; }
00255         float       vfov() const                                                        { return (atan2f(ppy + 0.5f, fy) + atan2f(height - (ppy + 0.5f), fy)) * 57.2957795f; }
00256         distortion  model() const                                                       { return (distortion)rs_intrinsics::model; }
00258                     // Helpers for mapping between pixel coordinates and texture coordinates
00259         float2      pixel_to_texcoord(const float2 & pixel) const                       { return {(pixel.x+0.5f)/width, (pixel.y+0.5f)/height}; }
00260         float2      texcoord_to_pixel(const float2 & coord) const                       { return {coord.x*width - 0.5f, coord.y*height - 0.5f}; }
00262                     // Helpers for mapping from image coordinates into 3D space
00263         float3      deproject(const float2 & pixel, float depth) const                  { float3 point = {}; rs_deproject_pixel_to_point(&point.x, this, &pixel.x, depth); return point; }
00264         float3      deproject_from_texcoord(const float2 & coord, float depth) const    { return deproject(texcoord_to_pixel(coord), depth); }
00266                     // Helpers for mapping from 3D space into image coordinates
00267         float2      project(const float3 & point) const                                 { float2 pixel = {}; rs_project_point_to_pixel(&pixel.x, this, &point.x); return pixel; }
00268         float2      project_to_texcoord(const float3 & point) const                     { return pixel_to_texcoord(project(point)); }
00270         bool        operator == (const intrinsics & r) const                            { return memcmp(this, &r, sizeof(r)) == 0; }
00272     };
00275     struct motion_intrinsics : rs_motion_intrinsics
00276     {
00277         motion_intrinsics(){};
00278     };
00281     struct extrinsics : rs_extrinsics
00282     {
00283         bool        is_identity() const                                                 { return (rotation[0] == 1) && (rotation[4] == 1) && (translation[0] == 0) && (translation[1] == 0) && (translation[2] == 0); }
00284         float3      transform(const float3 & point) const                               { float3 p = {}; rs_transform_point_to_point(&p.x, this, &point.x); return p; }
00285     };
00288     struct timestamp_data : rs_timestamp_data
00289     {
00290         timestamp_data(rs_timestamp_data orig) : rs_timestamp_data(orig) {}
00291         timestamp_data() {}
00292     };
00295     struct motion_data : rs_motion_data
00296     {
00297         motion_data(rs_motion_data orig) : rs_motion_data(orig) {}
00298         motion_data() {}
00299     };
00301     class context;
00302     class device;
00304     class error : public std::runtime_error
00305     {
00306         std::string function, args;
00307     public:
00308         error(rs_error * err) : std::runtime_error(rs_get_error_message(err))
00309         { 
00310             function = (nullptr != rs_get_failed_function(err)) ? rs_get_failed_function(err) : std::string();
00311             args = (nullptr != rs_get_failed_args(err)) ? rs_get_failed_args(err) : std::string();
00312             rs_free_error(err);
00313         }
00314         const std::string & get_failed_function() const { return function; }
00315         const std::string & get_failed_args() const { return args; }
00316         static void handle(rs_error * e) { if(e) throw error(e); }
00317     };
00319     class context
00320     {
00321         rs_context * handle;
00322         context(const context &) = delete;
00323         context & operator = (const context &) = delete;
00324     public:
00327         context()
00328         {
00329             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00330             handle = rs_create_context(RS_API_VERSION, &e);
00331             error::handle(e);
00332         }
00334         explicit context(rs_context * handle) : handle(handle) {}
00336         ~context()
00337         {
00338             rs_delete_context(handle, nullptr);
00339         }
00343         int get_device_count() const
00344         {
00345             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00346             auto r = rs_get_device_count(handle, &e);
00347             error::handle(e);
00348             return r;
00349         }
00354         device * get_device(int index)
00355         {
00356             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00357             auto r = rs_get_device(handle, index, &e);
00358             error::handle(e);
00359             return (device *)r;
00360         }
00361     };  
00363     class motion_callback : public rs_motion_callback
00364     {
00365         std::function<void(motion_data)> on_event_function;
00366     public:
00367         explicit motion_callback(std::function<void(motion_data)> on_event) : on_event_function(on_event) {}
00369         void on_event(rs_motion_data e) override
00370         {
00371             on_event_function(motion_data(e));
00372         }
00374         void release() override { delete this; }
00375     };
00377     class timestamp_callback : public rs_timestamp_callback
00378     {
00379         std::function<void(timestamp_data)> on_event_function;
00380     public:
00381         explicit timestamp_callback(std::function<void(timestamp_data)> on_event) : on_event_function(on_event) {}
00383         void on_event(rs_timestamp_data data) override
00384         {
00385             on_event_function(std::move(data));
00386         }
00388         void release() override { delete this; }
00389     };
00392     class frame
00393     {
00394         rs_device * device;
00395         rs_frame_ref * frame_ref;
00397         frame(const frame &) = delete;
00399     public:
00400         frame() : device(nullptr), frame_ref(nullptr) {}
00401         frame(rs_device * device, rs_frame_ref * frame_ref) : device(device), frame_ref(frame_ref) {}
00402         frame(frame&& other) : device(other.device), frame_ref(other.frame_ref) { other.frame_ref = nullptr; }
00403         frame& operator=(frame other)
00404         {
00405             swap(other);
00406             return *this;
00407         }
00408         void swap(frame& other)
00409         {
00410             std::swap(device, other.device);
00411             std::swap(frame_ref, other.frame_ref);
00412         }
00414         ~frame()
00415         {
00416             if (device && frame_ref)
00417             {
00418                 rs_error * e = nullptr;
00419                 rs_release_frame(device, frame_ref, &e);
00420                 error::handle(e);
00421             }
00422         }
00426         double get_timestamp() const
00427         {
00428             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00429             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_timestamp(frame_ref, &e);
00430             error::handle(e);
00431             return r;
00432         }
00436         timestamp_domain get_frame_timestamp_domain() const
00437         {
00438             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00439             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_timestamp_domain(frame_ref, &e);
00440             error::handle(e);
00441             return static_cast<timestamp_domain>(r);
00442         }
00447         double get_frame_metadata(rs_frame_metadata frame_metadata) const
00448         {
00449             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00450             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_metadata(frame_ref, (rs_frame_metadata)frame_metadata, &e);
00451             error::handle(e);
00452             return r;
00453         }
00458         bool supports_frame_metadata(rs_frame_metadata frame_metadata) const
00459         {
00460             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00461             auto r = rs_supports_frame_metadata(frame_ref, frame_metadata, &e);
00462             error::handle(e);
00463             return r != 0;
00464         }
00468         unsigned long long get_frame_number() const
00469         {
00470             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00471             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_number(frame_ref, &e);
00472             error::handle(e);
00473             return r;
00474         }
00478         const void * get_data() const
00479         {
00480             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00481             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_data(frame_ref, &e);
00482             error::handle(e);
00483             return r;
00484         }
00487         int get_width() const
00488         {
00489             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00490             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_width(frame_ref, &e);
00491             error::handle(e);
00492             return r;
00493         } 
00496         int get_height() const
00497         {
00498             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00499             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_height(frame_ref, &e);
00500             error::handle(e);
00501             return r;
00502         }
00505         int get_framerate() const
00506         {
00507             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00508             auto r = rs_get_detached_framerate(frame_ref, &e);
00509             error::handle(e);
00510             return r;
00511         }
00514         int get_stride() const
00515         {
00516             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00517             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_stride(frame_ref, &e);
00518             error::handle(e);
00519             return r;
00520         }
00524         int get_bpp() const
00525         {
00526             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00527             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_bpp(frame_ref, &e);
00528             error::handle(e);
00529             return r;
00530         }
00534         format get_format() const
00535         {
00536             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00537             auto r = rs_get_detached_frame_format(frame_ref, &e);
00538             error::handle(e);
00539             return static_cast<format>(r);
00540         }
00544         stream get_stream_type() const
00545         {
00546             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00547             auto s = rs_get_detached_frame_stream_type(frame_ref, &e);
00548             error::handle(e);
00549             return static_cast<stream>(s);
00550         }
00551     };
00553     class frame_callback : public rs_frame_callback
00554     {
00555         std::function<void(frame)> on_frame_function;
00556     public:
00557         explicit frame_callback(std::function<void(frame)> on_frame) : on_frame_function(on_frame) {}
00559         void on_frame(rs_device * device, rs_frame_ref * fref) override
00560         {
00561             on_frame_function(std::move(frame(device, fref)));
00562         }
00564         void release() override { delete this; }
00565     };
00567     class device
00568     {
00569         device() = delete;
00570         device(const device &) = delete;
00571         device & operator = (const device &) = delete;
00572         ~device() = delete;
00575     public:
00578         const char * get_name() const
00579         {
00580             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00581             auto r = rs_get_device_name((const rs_device *)this, &e);
00582             error::handle(e);
00583             return r;
00584         }
00588         const char * get_serial() const
00589         {
00590             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00591             auto r = rs_get_device_serial((const rs_device *)this, &e);
00592             error::handle(e);
00593             return r;
00594         }
00598         const char * get_usb_port_id() const
00599         {
00600             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00601             auto r = rs_get_device_usb_port_id((const rs_device *)this, &e);
00602             error::handle(e);
00603             return r;
00604         }
00608         const char * get_firmware_version() const
00609         {
00610             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00611             auto r = rs_get_device_firmware_version((const rs_device *)this, &e);
00612             error::handle(e);
00613             return r;
00614         }
00618         const char * get_info(camera_info info) const
00619         {
00620             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00621             auto r = rs_get_device_info((const rs_device *)this, (rs_camera_info)info, &e);
00622             error::handle(e);
00623             return r;
00624         }
00630         extrinsics get_extrinsics(stream from_stream, stream to_stream) const
00631         {
00632             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00633             extrinsics extrin;
00634             rs_get_device_extrinsics((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)from_stream, (rs_stream)to_stream, &extrin, &e);
00635             error::handle(e);
00636             return extrin;
00637         }
00642         extrinsics get_motion_extrinsics_from(stream from_stream) const
00643         {
00644             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00645             extrinsics extrin;
00646             rs_get_motion_extrinsics_from((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)from_stream, &extrin, &e);
00647             error::handle(e);
00648             return extrin;
00649         }
00653         float get_depth_scale() const
00654         {
00655             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00656             auto r = rs_get_device_depth_scale((const rs_device *)this, &e);
00657             error::handle(e);
00658             return r;
00659         }
00664         bool supports_option(option option) const
00665         {
00666             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00667             auto r = rs_device_supports_option((const rs_device *)this, (rs_option)option, &e);
00668             error::handle(e);
00669             return r != 0;
00670         }
00675         int get_stream_mode_count(stream stream) const
00676         {
00677             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00678             auto r = rs_get_stream_mode_count((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
00679             error::handle(e);
00680             return r;
00681         }
00690         void get_stream_mode(stream stream, int index, int & width, int & height, format & format, int & framerate) const
00691         {
00692             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00693             rs_get_stream_mode((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, index, &width, &height, (rs_format *)&format, &framerate, &e);
00694             error::handle(e);
00695         }
00704         void enable_stream(stream stream, int width, int height, format format, int framerate, output_buffer_format output_buffer_type = output_buffer_format::continous)
00705         {
00706             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00707             rs_enable_stream_ex((rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, width, height, (rs_format)format, framerate, (rs_output_buffer_format)output_buffer_type, &e);
00708             error::handle(e);
00709         }
00714         void enable_stream(stream stream, preset preset)
00715         {
00716             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00717             rs_enable_stream_preset((rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, (rs_preset)preset, &e);
00718             error::handle(e);
00719         }
00723         void disable_stream(stream stream)
00724         {
00725             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00726             rs_disable_stream((rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
00727             error::handle(e);
00728         }
00733         bool is_stream_enabled(stream stream) const
00734         {
00735             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00736             auto r = rs_is_stream_enabled((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
00737             error::handle(e);
00738             return r != 0;
00739         }
00744         int get_stream_width(stream stream) const
00745         {
00746             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00747             auto r = rs_get_stream_width((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
00748             error::handle(e);
00749             return r;
00750         }
00755         int get_stream_height(stream stream) const
00756         {
00757             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00758             auto r = rs_get_stream_height((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
00759             error::handle(e);
00760             return r;
00761         }
00766         format get_stream_format(stream stream) const
00767         {
00768             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00769             auto r = rs_get_stream_format((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
00770             error::handle(e);
00771             return (format)r;
00772         }
00777         int get_stream_framerate(stream stream) const
00778         {
00779             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00780             auto r = rs_get_stream_framerate((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
00781             error::handle(e);
00782             return r;
00783         }
00788         intrinsics get_stream_intrinsics(stream stream) const
00789         {
00790             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00791             intrinsics intrin;
00792             rs_get_stream_intrinsics((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &intrin, &e);
00793             error::handle(e);
00794             return intrin;
00795         }
00799         motion_intrinsics get_motion_intrinsics() const
00800         {
00801             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00802             motion_intrinsics intrinsics;
00803             rs_get_motion_intrinsics((const rs_device *)this, &intrinsics, &e);
00804             error::handle(e);
00805             return intrinsics;
00806         }
00817         void set_frame_callback(rs::stream stream, std::function<void(frame)> frame_handler)
00818         {
00819             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00820             rs_set_frame_callback_cpp((rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, new frame_callback(frame_handler), &e);
00821             error::handle(e);
00822         }
00841         void enable_motion_tracking(std::function<void(motion_data)> motion_handler, std::function<void(timestamp_data)> timestamp_handler)
00842         {
00843             rs_error * e = nullptr;            
00844             rs_enable_motion_tracking_cpp((rs_device *)this, new motion_callback(motion_handler), new timestamp_callback(timestamp_handler), &e);
00845             error::handle(e);
00846         }
00853         void enable_motion_tracking(std::function<void(motion_data)> motion_handler)
00854         {
00855             rs_error * e = nullptr;            
00856             rs_enable_motion_tracking_cpp((rs_device *)this, new motion_callback(motion_handler), new timestamp_callback([](rs::timestamp_data data) {}), &e);
00857             error::handle(e);
00858         }
00861         void disable_motion_tracking(void)
00862         {
00863             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00864             rs_disable_motion_tracking((rs_device *)this, &e);
00865             error::handle(e);
00866         }
00869         int is_motion_tracking_active()
00870         {
00871             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00872             auto result = rs_is_motion_tracking_active((rs_device *)this,&e);
00873             error::handle(e);
00874             return result;
00875         }
00879         void start(rs::source source = rs::source::video)
00880         {            
00881             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00882             rs_start_source((rs_device *)this, (rs_source)source, &e);
00883             error::handle(e);
00884         }
00887         void stop(rs::source source = rs::source::video)
00888         {
00889             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00890             rs_stop_source((rs_device *)this, (rs_source)source, &e);
00891             error::handle(e);
00892         }
00896         bool is_streaming() const
00897         {
00898             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00899             auto r = rs_is_device_streaming((const rs_device *)this, &e);
00900             error::handle(e);
00901             return r != 0;
00902         }
00909         void get_option_range(option option, double & min, double & max, double & step)
00910         {
00911             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00912             rs_get_device_option_range((rs_device *)this, (rs_option)option, &min, &max, &step, &e);
00913             error::handle(e);
00914         }
00922         void get_option_range(option option, double & min, double & max, double & step, double & def)
00923         {
00924             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00925             rs_get_device_option_range_ex((rs_device *)this, (rs_option)option, &min, &max, &step, &def, &e);
00926             error::handle(e);
00927         }
00933         void get_options(const option * options, size_t count, double * values)
00934         {
00935             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00936             rs_get_device_options((rs_device *)this, (const rs_option *)options, (unsigned int)count, values, &e);
00937             error::handle(e);
00938         }
00944         void set_options(const option * options, size_t count, const double * values)
00945         {
00946             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00947             rs_set_device_options((rs_device *)this, (const rs_option *)options, (unsigned int)count, values, &e);
00948             error::handle(e);
00949         }
00954         double get_option(option option)
00955         {
00956             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00957             auto r = rs_get_device_option((rs_device *)this, (rs_option)option, &e);
00958             error::handle(e);
00959             return r;
00960         }
00965         const char * get_option_description(option option)
00966         {
00967             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00968             auto r = rs_get_device_option_description((rs_device *)this, (rs_option)option, &e);
00969             error::handle(e);
00970             return r;
00971         }
00976         void set_option(option option, double value)
00977         {
00978             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00979             rs_set_device_option((rs_device *)this, (rs_option)option, value, &e);
00980             error::handle(e);
00981         }
00985         void wait_for_frames()
00986         {
00987             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00988             rs_wait_for_frames((rs_device *)this, &e);
00989             error::handle(e);
00990         }
00994         bool poll_for_frames()
00995         {
00996             rs_error * e = nullptr;
00997             auto r = rs_poll_for_frames((rs_device *)this, &e);
00998             error::handle(e);
00999             return r != 0;
01000         }
01005         bool supports(capabilities capability) const
01006         {
01007             rs_error * e = nullptr;
01008             auto r = rs_supports((rs_device *)this, (rs_capabilities)capability, &e);
01009             error::handle(e);
01010             return r? true: false;
01011         }
01017         bool supports(camera_info info_param) const
01018         {
01019             rs_error * e = nullptr;
01020             auto r = rs_supports_camera_info((rs_device *)this, (rs_camera_info)info_param, &e);
01021             error::handle(e);
01022             return r ? true : false;
01023         }
01028         double get_frame_timestamp(stream stream) const
01029         {
01030             rs_error * e = nullptr;
01031             auto r = rs_get_frame_timestamp((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
01032             error::handle(e);
01033             return r;
01034         }
01039         unsigned long long get_frame_number(stream stream) const
01040         {
01041             rs_error * e = nullptr;
01042             auto r = rs_get_frame_number((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
01043             error::handle(e);
01044             return r;
01045         }
01050         const void * get_frame_data(stream stream) const
01051         {
01052             rs_error * e = nullptr;
01053             auto r = rs_get_frame_data((const rs_device *)this, (rs_stream)stream, &e);
01054             error::handle(e);
01055             return r;
01056         }
01062         void send_blob_to_device(rs::blob_type type, void * data, int size)
01063         {
01064             rs_error * e = nullptr;
01065             rs_send_blob_to_device((rs_device *)this, (rs_blob_type)type, data, size, &e);
01066             error::handle(e);
01067         }
01068     };
01070     inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & o, stream stream) { return o << rs_stream_to_string((rs_stream)stream); }
01071     inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & o, format format) { return o << rs_format_to_string((rs_format)format); }
01072     inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & o, preset preset) { return o << rs_preset_to_string((rs_preset)preset); }
01073     inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & o, distortion distortion) { return o << rs_distortion_to_string((rs_distortion)distortion); }
01074     inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & o, option option) { return o << rs_option_to_string((rs_option)option); }    
01075     inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & o, capabilities capability) { return o << rs_capabilities_to_string((rs_capabilities)capability); }
01076     inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & o, source src) { return o << rs_source_to_string((rs_source)src); }
01077     inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & o, event evt) { return o << rs_event_to_string((rs_event_source)evt); }
01080     enum class log_severity : int32_t
01081     {
01082         debug = 0, 
01083         info  = 1, 
01084         warn  = 2, 
01085         error = 3, 
01086         fatal = 4, 
01087         none  = 5, 
01088     };
01090     class log_callback : public rs_log_callback
01091     {
01092         std::function<void(log_severity, const char *)> on_event_function;
01093     public:
01094         explicit log_callback(std::function<void(log_severity, const char *)> on_event) : on_event_function(on_event) {}
01096         void on_event(rs_log_severity severity, const char * message) override
01097         {
01098             on_event_function((log_severity)severity, message);
01099         }
01101         void release() override { delete this; }
01102     };
01104     inline void log_to_console(log_severity min_severity)
01105     {
01106         rs_error * e = nullptr;
01107         rs_log_to_console((rs_log_severity)min_severity, &e);
01108         error::handle(e);
01109     }
01111     inline void log_to_file(log_severity min_severity, const char * file_path)
01112     {
01113         rs_error * e = nullptr;
01114         rs_log_to_file((rs_log_severity)min_severity, file_path, &e);
01115         error::handle(e);
01116     }
01118     inline void log_to_callback(log_severity min_severity, std::function<void(log_severity, const char *)> callback)
01119     {
01120         rs_error * e = nullptr;
01121         rs_log_to_callback_cpp((rs_log_severity)min_severity, new log_callback(callback), &e);
01122         error::handle(e);
01123     }
01125     // Additional utilities
01126     inline void apply_depth_control_preset(device * device, int preset) { rs_apply_depth_control_preset((rs_device *)device, preset); }
01127     inline void apply_ivcam_preset(device * device, rs_ivcam_preset preset) { rs_apply_ivcam_preset((rs_device *)device, preset); }
01128     inline void apply_ivcam_preset(device * device, int preset) { rs_apply_ivcam_preset((rs_device *)device, (rs_ivcam_preset)preset); } // duplicate for better backward compatibility with existing applications
01129 }
01130 #endif

Author(s): Sergey Dorodnicov , Mark Horn , Reagan Lopez
autogenerated on Tue Jun 25 2019 19:54:39