Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2013, Fraunhofer FKIE
00003  *
00004  * Authors: Bastian Gaspers
00005  *
00006  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00007  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
00008  *
00009  * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
00010  *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00011  * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
00012  *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
00013  *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
00014  * * Neither the name of the Fraunhofer FKIE nor the names of its
00015  *   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
00016  *   this software without specific prior written permission.
00017  *
00018  * This file is part of the StructureColoring ROS package.
00019  *
00020  * The StructureColoring ROS package is free software:
00021  * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
00022  * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
00023  * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00024  * (at your option) any later version.
00025  *
00026  * The StructureColoring ROS package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00027  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00029  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00030  *
00031  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00032  * along with The StructureColoring ROS package.
00033  * If not, see <>.
00034  */
00036 #ifndef _StructureColoring_h_
00037 #define _StructureColoring_h_
00039 #include <structureColoring/OcTree.h>
00040 #include <structureColoring/grids/GridMap.h>
00041 #include <structureColoring/grids/ConnectedComponent.h>
00042 #include <structureColoring/structures/CylinderPatch.h>
00043 #include <structureColoring/structures/PlanePatch.h>
00044 #include <structureColoring/segcomp/rangeimageio.h>
00045 #include <structureColoring/StrColParams.h>
00046 #include <ros/ros.h>
00047 #include <sensor_msgs/PointCloud.h>
00048 #include <sensor_msgs/point_cloud_conversion.h>
00049 #include <pcl/point_types.h>
00050 #include <pcl/PointIndices.h>
00051 #include <opencv/highgui.h>
00052 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
00053 #include <string>
00054 #include <vector>
00055 #include <utility>
00056 #include <QtCore/QMutex>
00057 #include <omp.h>
00058 #include <Eigen/Dense>
00059 #include <Eigen/StdVector>
00061 // forward declarations:
00062 class RosVisualization;
00063 class SphereUniformSampling;
00064 class NodePair;
00066 class StructureColoring {
00067 public:
00068         typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB PointT;
00069         typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointT> PointCloud;
00070         typedef boost::shared_ptr<PointCloud> PointCloudPtr;
00072         typedef Plane3D::Plane3DPtr Plane3DPtr;
00073         typedef PlanePatch::PlanePatches PlanePatches;
00074         typedef PlanePatch::PlanePatchPtr PlanePatchPtr;
00075         typedef std::vector<PlanePatchPtr> PlanePatchVector;
00077         typedef Cylinder3D::Cylinder3DPtr Cylinder3DPtr;
00078         typedef CylinderPatch::CylinderPatches CylinderPatches;
00079         typedef CylinderPatch::CylinderPatchPtr CylinderPatchPtr;
00080         typedef std::vector<CylinderPatchPtr> CylinderPatchVector;
00082         typedef std::vector<NodePair> NodePairs;
00089         StructureColoring(ros::NodeHandle& n, int argc, char* argv[]);
00095         StructureColoring(int argc, char* argv[]): mVis(NULL){init(argc, argv);}
00099         StructureColoring(): mVis(NULL){init();}
00101         void init(ros::NodeHandle& n, int argc, char* argv[]);
00103         void init(int argc, char* argv[]);
00105         void init();
00109         virtual ~StructureColoring();
00113         bool waitOnKinectMsgs(){return mParams.mKinect;}
00117         bool waitOnLaserMsgs(){return mParams.mLaser;}
00122         void pointCloud2Callback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& msg);
00127         void pointCloudCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloudConstPtr& msg);
00129         void readPointCloudFromPCD(PointCloud& pointCloud, const std::string& filename, unsigned int& width,
00130                         unsigned int& height, std::vector<unsigned int>& undefPoints, const float& zMin, const float& zMax);
00131         void filterCloud(PointCloud& pointCloud, std::vector<unsigned int>& undefPoints, const float& zMin, const float& zMax);
00135         void getPointsFromFile();
00137         void doSegmentation(PointCloudPtr pointCloud, PlanePatchVector& pointMapping, PlanePatches& extractedPlanes,
00138                         CylinderPatchVector& pointMappingCylinders, CylinderPatches& extractedCylinders);
00140         void filterMsgSetupCloud(PointCloud& pointCloud, const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& pMsg, double zMin, double zMax, bool fromKinect, bool writePic = false, const std::string& picFilename = "", unsigned int picCounter = 0);
00142         void setParams(StrColParams params){ mParams = params; }
00143 protected:
00144         typedef boost::shared_ptr<GridMap> GridMapPtr;
00145         typedef OcTree::NodePtr NodePtr;
00146         typedef OcTree::ValueClass ValueClass;
00147         typedef OcTree::OctreePtr OctreePtr;
00148         typedef OcTree::Allocator OctreeAllocator;
00149         typedef OcTree::SamplingMap OctreeSamplingMap;
00150         typedef OcTree::NodePointers NodePointers;
00151         typedef OcTree::NodePointerList NodePointerList;
00152         typedef std::vector<int> NodeIndices;
00153         typedef std::vector<int> PointIndices;
00154         typedef Eigen::Vector3f Vec3;
00155         typedef Eigen::Matrix3f Mat3;
00156         typedef std::vector<Vec3, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Vec3> > Points;
00157         typedef std::pair<PlanePatches::iterator, bool> PatchIterBoolPair;
00158         typedef std::vector<PatchIterBoolPair> PatchIterBoolPairVector;
00159         typedef std::vector<unsigned int> uints;
00160         typedef std::pair<PlanePatches::iterator, NodePointers> PatchIterNodePointersPair;
00161         typedef std::vector<PatchIterNodePointersPair> PatchIterNodePointersPairs;
00162         typedef std::list<NodePtr> NodePtrList;
00163         typedef std::vector<NodePtrList::iterator> NodePtrListIters;
00164         typedef std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> Pair2ui;
00165         typedef pcl::PointIndices pclPointIndices;
00166         typedef std::pair<PlanePatches::iterator, PointIndices > PlanePatchIterPointIndicesPair;
00167         typedef std::vector<PlanePatchIterPointIndicesPair> PlanePatchIterPointIndicesPairs;
00168         typedef std::map<PlanePatchPtr, NodePointers, CompPlanePtr> PatchToNodePointersMap;
00169         typedef std::vector<PlanePatchVector> NodeIndexToPlanePatchPointers;
00170         typedef std::map<PlanePatchPtr, NodeIndices, CompPlanePtr> PatchToNodeIndicesMap;
00171         typedef std::map<PlanePatchPtr, PointIndices, CompPlanePtr> PatchToPointIndicesMap;
00172         typedef std::vector<SphereUniformSampling> SphereUniformSamplings;
00173         typedef std::vector<int> PairIndices;
00175         struct SphereBin{
00176                 unsigned int rho;
00177                 unsigned int i; //(phi)
00178                 unsigned int j; //(theta)
00179                 std::list<int>::iterator pit;
00180                 std::list<float>::iterator wit;
00181         };
00182         typedef std::vector<SphereBin> SphereBins;
00183         typedef std::vector<SphereBins> SphereBinsVec;
00190         static NodePointers getNodesFromIndices(const NodeIndices& nodeIndices, const NodePointers& nodes);
00197         static Points getPointsFromIndices(const PointIndices& pointIndices, const PointCloud& cloud);
00204         static void markAsSegmented(NodePtr currentNode, NodePtr nextNode = NULL, void* data = NULL);
00210         static void flipToViewport(Vec3& vec, const Vec3& viewport);
00212         void parseInput(std::string& paramFilename, std::string& inputFilename, std::string& outputFilename, int argc, char* argv[]);
00213         void initNode(ros::NodeHandle& n);
00214         void initParams();
00215         void initOctree();
00216 //      void parseParamFile(std::string filename);
00218         template<typename PointMappingT>
00219         void initSegmentation(PointMappingT& pointMapping, const PointCloud& pointCloud);
00221         double segmentPlanes(PlanePatches& extractedPlanes, PlanePatchVector& pointMapping, OcTree& octree, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud);
00222         double segmentPlanesSAC(PlanePatches& extractedPlanes, PlanePatchVector& pointMapping, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud);
00223         double segmentCylinders(CylinderPatches& cylinderPatches, CylinderPatchVector& pointMapping, OcTree& octree, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud);
00224     double segmentCylindersSAC(CylinderPatches& cylinderPatches, CylinderPatchVector& pointMapping, OcTree& octree, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud);
00225         void generateTextures(const PlanePatches& extractedPlanes, const PointCloud& pointCloud);
00226         void callPublisher(const OcTree& octree, PlanePatches& extractedPlanes, const CylinderPatches& extractedCylinders , const PointCloudPtr pointCloud,
00227                         const PlanePatchVector& pointMapping, const CylinderPatchVector& cylinderPointMapping);
00229         void filterConnectedNodes(std::vector<NodePointers>& CCInlierNodes, const Plane3D& pp, const NodePointers& octreeNodes,
00230                         float cellSize, GridMap* oldGridMap = NULL, NodePointers* notConnectedNodesOutput = NULL);
00232         void estimatePlane(const pclPointIndices::Ptr& inliers, PlanePatchPtr& planePatch, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud,
00233                         const float& sacDist);
00234         void estimateCylinder(pclPointIndices& inliers, CylinderPatchPtr& cylinder, unsigned int& numPointsBefRansac, const NodePointers& octreeNodes,
00235                         const OcTree& octree, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud, const float& sacDist,
00236                         const float& normalDistanceWeight, const float& minRadius, const float& maxRadius);
00237         void estimateCylinderNNNormals(CylinderPatchPtr& cylinder,
00238                         const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud, const float& sacDist,
00239                         const float& normalDistanceWeight, const float& minRadius, 
00240             const float& maxRadius, float searchRadius, const Vec3& initialAxis);
00241         void estimateCylinderFromNodes(NodeIndices& inliers, CylinderPatchPtr& cylinder, const NodePointers& octreeNodes,
00242                         const OcTree& octree, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud, const float& sacDist, const float& normalDistanceWeight,
00243                         const float& minRadius, const float& maxRadius);
00244         void generateSingleSphereOctreeHTBins(SphereUniformSamplings& houghBins, SphereBinsVec& pointNeighborBins,
00245                         const NodePointers& octreeNodes);
00246         void estimatePlaneSingleSphereOctreeHT(pclPointIndices& inliers, Plane3DPtr& planePatch,
00247                         const SphereUniformSamplings& houghBins, const SphereBinsVec& pointNeighborBins, const NodePointers& octreeNodes,
00248                         NodeIndices& inlierNodes, const PointCloud& pointCloud, const OcTree& octree, const unsigned int& depth,
00249                         const PlanePatchVector& pointMapping);
00250         void updateHTBins(const NodeIndices& inliers, SphereUniformSamplings& houghBins, SphereBinsVec& pointNeighborBins);
00259         void generateNeighboringNodePairs(NodePairs& nodePairs, NodePointers& octreeNodes, const unsigned int neighborhoodSize,
00260                         const unsigned int& currentOctreeDepth, const OcTree& octree);
00267         void generateCylinderOrientationHB(SphereUniformSampling& cylinderOrientationBins, SphereBinsVec& binNeighborhood,
00268                         const NodePairs& nodePairs);
00278         void estimateCylinderHT(const SphereUniformSampling& cylinderOrientationBins, const NodePairs& nodePairs,
00279                         PairIndices& inlierIndices, CylinderPatchPtr& cylinder, const unsigned int& depth, const OcTree& octree,
00280                         const CylinderPatchVector& pointMapping, const PointCloud& pointCloud, const float& minRadius, const float& maxRadius);
00287         void updateCylinderHTBins(SphereUniformSampling& cylinderOrientationBins, const PairIndices& inlierIndices,
00288                         SphereBinsVec& binNeighborhood);
00290         template<typename StructurePtrT>
00291         void updatePointMappingAndInliers(std::vector<StructurePtrT>& pointMapping, PointIndices& pointIndices, const StructurePtrT& structurePointer);
00293         template<typename StructurePtrT>
00294         void updatePointMapping(std::vector<StructurePtrT>& pointMapping, const PointIndices& pointIndices, const StructurePtrT& structurePointer);
00296     template<typename StructurePtrT, typename Structures>
00297     void rebuildPointMapping(std::vector<StructurePtrT>& pointMapping, const Structures& structures);
00305         template<typename PointMappingT>
00306         void getPointsFromNodes(PointIndices& pointIndices, const NodePointers& octreeNodes,
00307                         const OcTree& octree, const PointCloud& pointCloud, const PointMappingT& pointMapping);
00314         void getAllPointsFromNodes(PointIndices& pointIndices, const NodePointers& octreeNodes, const OcTree& octree,
00315                         const PointCloud& pointCloud);
00324         void getAllPointsFromNodes(PointIndices& pointIndices, const NodeIndices& nodeIndices, const NodePointers& octreeNodes,
00325                         const OcTree& octree, const PointCloud& pointCloud);
00331         void addNodesToPlane(PlanePatchPtr& plane, const NodePointers& nodes, const OcTree& octree,
00332                         const PointCloud& pointCloud, PlanePatchVector& pointMapping);
00339         void markNodesAsSegmented(const PlanePatch& pp, const NodePointers& nodes, const OcTree& octree,
00340                         const PointCloud& pointCloud, const float& maxDistance, const float& ratio);
00351         void assignNodesToPlanes(NodePointers& notAssignedOctreeNodes, const unsigned int& octreeDepth,
00352                         const OcTree& octree, PlanePatches& extractedPlanes, const PointCloud& pointCloud, PlanePatchVector& pointMapping);
00361         void extractOctreePlanesFromCloud(PlanePatches& extractedPlanes, PlanePatchVector& pointMapping,
00362                         const OcTree& octree, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud);
00368         void assignNodesToCylinders(NodePointers& octreeNodes, CylinderPatches& extractedCylinders,
00369                         CylinderPatchVector& pointMapping, const OcTree& octree, const PointCloud& pointCloud);
00378         void extractOctreeCylindersFromCloud(CylinderPatches& extractedCylinders, CylinderPatchVector& pointMapping,
00379                         const OcTree& octree, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud);
00381         void getNodesFromPairs(NodePointers& nodePointers, const PairIndices& pairIndices, const NodePairs& nodePairs);
00389         void spreadNodes(const OcTree& octree, PlanePatches& extractedPlanes, PlanePatchVector& pointMapping,
00390                         const PointCloud& pointCloud);
00391         void spreadPoints();
00392         void splitIntoConnectedCompononents();
00393         void mergePlanes(PlanePatches& extractedPlanes, PlanePatchVector& pointMapping, const PointCloud& pointCloud);
00400         bool planesAreConnected(const PlanePatch& pp1, const PlanePatch& pp2, const PointCloud& pointCloud);
00401         void addPlanePatchesAndUpdateSegmented(PlanePatches& extractedPlanes, PlanePatchVector& pointMapping,
00402                         const PlanePatches& planePatches);
00404         template<typename PointMappingT, typename StructureContainerT>
00405         void writeSegments(const unsigned int& width, const unsigned int& height,
00406                         const std::vector<unsigned int>& undefPoints, const PointMappingT& pointMapping, const std::string& outFilename,
00407                         const StructureContainerT& extractedStructures);
00415         float getSACDistanceFromDepth(const unsigned int& depth, const OcTree& octree);
00423         float getHTDistanceFromDepth(const unsigned int& depth, const OcTree& octree);
00425         void getMinMaxRadiusFromDepth(float& minRadius, float& maxRadius, const OcTree& octree, const float& depth);
00433         float getAngleEpsFromDepth(const unsigned int& depth, const OcTree& octree);
00441         void determineCandidatePlanes(PatchToNodeIndicesMap& outIndicesMap, PatchToNodePointersMap& outPointersMap,
00442                         const NodePointers& octreeNodes, PlanePatches& extractedPlanes);
00443         void determineCandidatePlanes(NodeIndexToPlanePatchPointers& nodeToPlaneCandidates, const NodePointers& octreeNodes,
00444                         PlanePatches& extractedPlanes);
00455         void refineAssignmentWithCCs(NodeIndexToPlanePatchPointers& nodeToPlaneCandidates, const PatchToNodeIndicesMap& nodeIndicesMap,
00456                         const PatchToNodePointersMap& nodePointersMap, const NodePointers& octreeNodes, PlanePatches& extractedPlanes);
00463         void calculateMiddlePlane(Plane3D& outParams, const PlanePatch& firstPPP, const PlanePatch& secondPPP);
00472         void refineEdges(PatchToNodePointersMap& finalPlaneNodeAssignmentMap, PatchToPointIndicesMap& finalPlanePointAssignment,
00473                         const NodeIndexToPlanePatchPointers& nodeToPlaneCandidates, const NodePointers& octreeNodes, const OcTree& octree,
00474                         const PointCloud& pointCloud);
00476     bool checkCylinder(const CylinderPatchPtr& cylinder, const PointCloudPtr& pointCloud) const;
00477     bool checkCylinderDimensions(const CylinderPatchPtr& cylinder) const;
00479         ros::NodeHandle* mNodeHandle;
00480         std::string mKinectTopic;
00481         ros::Subscriber mPointCloud2Subscriber;
00482         ros::Subscriber mPointCloudSubscriber;
00484         PointCloudPtr mPointCloud;
00485         PlanePatchVector mPointMapping;
00486         QMutex mPointCloudMutex;
00487         PlanePatches mPlanePatches;
00488         QMutex mPlanePatchesMutex;
00489         CylinderPatches mCylinderPatches;
00490         QMutex mCylinderPatchesMutex;
00492     typedef boost::shared_ptr<OcTree> OcTreePtr;
00493         OcTreePtr mOcTree;
00495         RosVisualization* mVis;
00497         SphereBinsVec mPointNeighborBins;
00499         StrColParams mParams;
00500         float mLastCellSizeWithNormals;
00501 };
00503 /*****************************************************************************/
00505 inline StructureColoring::NodePointers StructureColoring::getNodesFromIndices(const NodeIndices& nodeIndices, const NodePointers& nodes){
00506         NodePointers outNodes;
00507         for(NodeIndices::const_iterator nit = nodeIndices.begin(); nit != nodeIndices.end(); ++nit)
00508                 outNodes.push_back(nodes[*nit]);
00509         return outNodes;
00510 }
00512 /*****************************************************************************/
00514 inline StructureColoring::Points StructureColoring::getPointsFromIndices(const PointIndices& pointIndices, const PointCloud& cloud){
00515         Points outPoints;
00516         for(PointIndices::const_iterator pit = pointIndices.begin(); pit != pointIndices.end(); ++pit)
00517                 outPoints.push_back(cloud.points[*pit].getVector3fMap());
00518         return outPoints;
00519 }
00521 /*****************************************************************************/
00523 inline void StructureColoring::markAsSegmented(NodePtr currentNode, NodePtr nextNode, void* data){
00524         currentNode->value_.segmented = true;
00525         (void)nextNode;
00526         (void)data;
00527 }
00529 /*****************************************************************************/
00531 template<typename PointMappingT>
00532 void StructureColoring::getPointsFromNodes(PointIndices& pointIndices, const NodePointers& octreeNodes,
00533                 const OcTree& octree, const PointCloud& pointCloud, const PointMappingT& pointMapping) {
00534         pointIndices.clear();
00535         pointIndices.reserve(pointCloud.points.size());
00536         for (NodePointers::const_iterator node_it = octreeNodes.begin(); node_it != octreeNodes.end(); node_it++) {
00537                 NodePointers leaf_nodes;
00538                 octree.getAllLeafs(leaf_nodes, (*node_it));
00539                 for (NodePointers::const_iterator leaf_it = leaf_nodes.begin(); leaf_it != leaf_nodes.end(); leaf_it++) {
00540                         const PointIndices& points = octree.getPointsFromNodePtr(*leaf_it);
00541                         for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator point_it = points.begin(); point_it != points.end(); point_it++) {
00542                                 if (!pointMapping[*point_it])
00543                                         pointIndices.push_back(*point_it);
00544                         }
00545                 }
00546         }
00547 }
00549 /*****************************************************************************/
00551 template<typename PointMappingT>
00552 void StructureColoring::initSegmentation(PointMappingT& pointMapping, const PointCloud& pointCloud) {
00553         pointMapping.resize(pointCloud.points.size());
00554 }
00556 /*****************************************************************************/
00558 template<typename PointMappingT, typename StructureContainerT>
00559 void StructureColoring::writeSegments(const unsigned int& width, const unsigned int& height,
00560                 const std::vector<unsigned int>& undefPoints, const PointMappingT& pointMapping, const std::string& outFilename,
00561                 const StructureContainerT& extractedStructures) {
00562         size_t id = 10; // plane ids start at 10
00563         for (typename StructureContainerT::const_iterator it = extractedStructures.begin(); it != extractedStructures.end(); ++it) {
00564                 if ((*it)->getInliers().empty())
00565                         ROS_ERROR("writeSegments() empty structure!");
00566                 else {
00567                         (*it)->setId(id++);
00568                 }
00569         }
00570         std::vector<unsigned char> outData;
00571         outData.resize(width * height, 0);
00572         unsigned int up_counter = 0;
00573         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
00574                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
00575                         unsigned int pos = j * width + i;
00576                         unsigned int outDataPos = pos + up_counter;
00577                         while ((up_counter < undefPoints.size()) && (outDataPos == undefPoints[up_counter])) {
00578                                 up_counter++;
00579                                 outDataPos++;
00580                         }
00581                         if ((pos < pointMapping.size()) && (pointMapping[pos])) {
00582                                 outData[outDataPos] = pointMapping[pos]->getId();
00583                         }
00584                 }
00585         }
00586         if (mParams.mPGM)
00587                 writePGM(outFilename, width, height, outData);
00588         else
00589                 writeRasterfile(outFilename, width, height, outData);
00590 }
00592 /*****************************************************************************/
00594 template<typename StructurePtrT>
00595 void StructureColoring::updatePointMappingAndInliers(std::vector<StructurePtrT>& pointMapping, PointIndices& pointIndices, const StructurePtrT& structurePointer){
00596         if (!structurePointer)return;
00597         PointIndices indicesToAdd;
00598         indicesToAdd.reserve(pointIndices.size());
00599         for(PointIndices::const_iterator pit = pointIndices.begin(); pit != pointIndices.end(); ++pit){
00600                 assert((size_t)*pit < pointMapping.size());
00601                 if (pointMapping[*pit] != structurePointer){
00602                         pointMapping[*pit] = structurePointer;
00603                         indicesToAdd.push_back(*pit);
00604                 }
00605         }
00606         pointIndices.swap(indicesToAdd);
00607 }
00609 /*****************************************************************************/
00611 template<typename StructurePtrT>
00612 void StructureColoring::updatePointMapping(std::vector<StructurePtrT>& pointMapping, const PointIndices& pointIndices, const StructurePtrT& structurePointer){
00613         if (!structurePointer) return;
00614 // assuming pointIndices does not contain duplicate entries, parallising is safe:
00615 #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) 
00616         for(size_t i = 0; i < pointIndices.size(); ++i){
00617                 assert((size_t)pointIndices[i] < pointMapping.size());
00618                 pointMapping[pointIndices[i]] = structurePointer;
00619         }
00620 }
00622 /*****************************************************************************/
00624 template<typename StructurePtrT, typename Structures>
00625 void StructureColoring::rebuildPointMapping(std::vector<StructurePtrT>& pointMapping, const Structures& structures)
00626 {
00627     for (size_t i = 0; i < pointMapping.size(); ++i)
00628         pointMapping[i].reset();
00629     for (typename Structures::const_iterator it = structures.begin();
00630             it != structures.end(); ++it)
00631     {
00632         updatePointMapping(pointMapping, (*it)->getInliers(), *it);
00633     }
00634 }
00637 #endif /*_StructureColoring_h_*/

Author(s): Bastian Gaspers
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 11:38:09