Class VariableConstraints

Class Documentation

class VariableConstraints

Holds the per-variable constraint list.

Each variable is represented by a unique index. The indices are expected to be “small and

compact”, i.e. sequentially numbered starting from zero. Failure to meet this expectation will result in excess memory allocation.

Public Functions

void reserve(const size_t variable_count)

Pre-allocate enough memory to hold a specified number of variables.

bool empty() const

Return true if no variables or constraints have been added.

size_t size() const

The total number of unique (variable id, constraint id) pairs.

unsigned int nextVariableIndex() const

The next available variable index.

This is one larger than the current maximum variable index

void insert(const unsigned int constraint, const unsigned int variable)

Add this constraint to a single variable.

void insert(const unsigned int constraint, std::initializer_list<unsigned int> variable_list)

Add this constraint to all variables in the provided list.

template<typename VariableIndexIterator>
void insert(const unsigned int constraint, VariableIndexIterator first, VariableIndexIterator last)

Add this constraint to all variables in the provided range.

void insert(const unsigned int variable)

Add a single orphan variable, i.e. a variable without constraints.

template<typename OutputIterator>
OutputIterator getConstraints(const unsigned int variable_id, OutputIterator result) const

Insert all of the constraints connected to the requested variable into the provided container.

Accessing a variable id that is not part of this container results in undefined behavior

void print(std::ostream &stream = std::cout) const

Print a human-readable description of the variable constraints to the provided stream.


stream[out] The stream to write to. Defaults to stdout.