Class NormalDeltaPose3DCostFunctor

Class Documentation

class NormalDeltaPose3DCostFunctor

Implements a cost function that models a difference between 3D pose variables.

A single pose involves two variables: a 3D position and a 3D orientation. This cost function computes the difference using standard 3D transformation math:

cost(x) = || A * [ q1^-1 * (p2 - p1) - b(0:2) ] ||^2 || [ AngleAxis(b(3:6)^-1 * q1^-1 * q2) ] ||

where p1 and p2 are the position variables, q1 and q2 are the quaternion orientation variables, and the matrix A and the vector b are fixed. In case the user is interested in implementing a cost function of the form:

cost(X) = (X - mu)^T S^{-1} (X - mu)

where, mu is a vector and S is a covariance matrix, then, A = S^{-1/2}, i.e the matrix A is the square root information matrix (the inverse of the covariance).

Note that the cost function’s quaternion components are only concerned with the imaginary components (qx, qy, qz).

Public Functions

NormalDeltaPose3DCostFunctor(const fuse_core::Matrix6d &A, const fuse_core::Vector7d &b)


  • A[in] The residual weighting matrix, most likely the square root information matrix in order (dx, dy, dz, dqx, dqy, dqz)

  • b[in] The exposed pose difference in order (dx, dy, dz, dqw, dqx, dqy, dqz)

template<typename T>
bool operator()(const T *const position1, const T *const orientation1, const T *const position2, const T *const orientation2, T *residual) const

Compute the cost values/residuals using the provided variable/parameter values.