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GENAPI_NAMESPACE Namespace Reference

Lexical analyzer for CIntSwissKnife. More...




class  _autovector_impl
struct  AttachStatistics_t
 Delivers information about the attached chunks and nodes. More...
class  AutoLock
class  BaseT
 Implementation of the IBase interface. More...
class  BooleanT
 Implementation of the IBoolean interface. More...
class  CBaseRefT
class  CBoolean
class  CBooleanImpl
 IBoolean implementation. More...
class  CBooleanPolyRef
 A reference to a bool which can bei either an bool variable, or a pointer to an IInteger, an IEnumeration, or an IBoolean. More...
class  CBooleanRefT
class  CBooleanSelectorDigit
class  CBooleanValueArray
 Concrete value array implementation to be used with IBoolean based target value nodes. More...
class  CCategory
class  CCategoryImpl
 Holds a list of features and sub-categories. More...
class  CCategoryRefT
class  CChunkAdapter
 Connects a chunked buffer to a node map. More...
class  CChunkAdapterDcam
 Connects a chunked DCAM buffer to a node map. More...
class  CChunkAdapterGenDC
 Connects a GenDC Metadata GenICam Chunk Part buffer to a node map. More...
class  CChunkAdapterGeneric
 Connects a generic chunked buffer to a node map. More...
class  CChunkAdapterGEV
 Connects a chunked DCAM buffer to a node map. More...
class  CChunkAdapterU3V
 Connects a chunked U3V buffer to a node map. More...
class  CChunkPort
 Port attachable to a chunk in a buffer. More...
class  CCommand
class  CCommandImpl
 ICommand implementation. More...
class  CCommandRefT
class  CConverter
 class implementing the converter object More...
class  CConverterImpl
 IFloat implementation with integrated conversion. More...
class  CDcamAccessCtrlReg
class  CDcamAccessCtrlRegImpl
 Implements the IIDC DCAM Access Control Register for Advanced Features. More...
class  CEnumEntry
 Implements the EnumEntry node. More...
class  CEnumEntryImpl
 Mapping of Enum Values to symbolic values. More...
class  CEnumEntryRefT
class  CEnumeration
class  CEnumerationImpl
class  CEnumerationTRef
class  CEnumSelectorDigit
 A selector set counter digit formed by an enumeration. More...
class  CEventAdapter
 Delivers Events to ports. More...
class  CEventAdapter1394
 Distribute the events to the node map. More...
class  CEventAdapterCL
 Connects a U3V Event to a node map. More...
class  CEventAdapterGeneric
 Connects a generic event to a node map. More...
class  CEventAdapterGEV
 Connects a GigE Event to a node map. More...
class  CEventAdapterU3V
 Connects a U3V Event to a node map. More...
class  CEventPort
 Port attachable to an event. More...
class  CFeatureBag
 Bag holding streamable features of a nodetree. More...
class  CFeatureBagger
 Class use to bag features. More...
class  CFirmwareUpdateDefaultInfoCollector
 Represents a sink collecting all firmware updates contained in a guf file in a vector. More...
class  CFirmwareUpdateInfo
 Identifies a single firmware update and holds information about the firmware update. More...
class  CFirmwareUpdater
 The CFirmwareUpdater is responsible for running firmware updates. More...
class  CFloat
 Float node implementation. More...
class  CFloatImpl
 Core pf the Float node implementation. More...
class  CFloatPolyRef
 A reference to a float which can be either a double variable, or a pointer to an IFloat, IInteger, or an IEnumeration interface. More...
class  CFloatPtr
 SmartPointer for IFloat interface pointer. More...
class  CFloatRefT
class  CFloatValueArray
 Concrete value array implementation to be used with IFloat based target value nodes. More...
class  CFltReg
 the clkass implementing the FltReg node More...
class  CFltRegImpl
 IFloat implementation for a register. More...
class  CGeneric_XMLLoaderParams
 Empty base class used by class CNodeMapRef as generic template argument. More...
class  CIEEE1212Parser
class  CIEEE1212ParserImpl
class  CInt64Lexer
class  CInt64MathParser
 Parser and evaluator for CIntSwissKnife. More...
class  CIntConverter
 class implementingthe converter object More...
class  CIntConverterImpl
 IInteger implementation with integrated conversion. More...
class  CInteger
 Integer node implementation. More...
class  CIntegerImpl
 Core of the Integer node implementation. More...
class  CIntegerOffsetPolyRef
class  CIntegerPolyRef
 A reference to an int64 which can bei either an int64 variable, or a pointer to an IInteger, an IEnumeration, an IBoolean, or a IFloat. More...
class  CIntegerRefT
class  CIntegerValueArray
 Concrete value array implementation to be used with IInteger based target value nodes. More...
class  CIntKey
class  CIntKeyImpl
 IInteger implementation for IEEE1212 integer entries. More...
class  CIntReg
 implements the IntReg node More...
class  CIntRegImpl
 IInteger implementation for a register. More...
class  CIntSelectorDigit
 A selector set counter digit formed by an integer. More...
class  CIntSwissKnife
class  CIntSwissKnifeImpl
 IInteger implementation for a SwissKnife used for formula evaluation. More...
 CL/GenCP command header. More...
 CL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITHOUT event specific data. More...
struct  CL_EVENT_DATA1
 CL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITH event specific data. More...
 Entire event data message. More...
class  CLexer
class  CLock
 A lock class. More...
class  CLockEx
 This class is for testing purposes only. It should not be used for client code because it exists only for Windows but not for Linux since it uses internal data structures of a Win32 object. More...
class  CMaskedIntReg
class  CMaskedIntRegImpl
 IInteger implementation for a masked register. More...
class  CMathParser
 Expression parser and evaluator of CSwissKnife. More...
class  CNodeCallback
 callback body instance for INode pointers More...
class  CNodeImpl
 Standard implementation for the INode and the ISelector interface. More...
class  CNodeMap
 Hold a map of all nodes. More...
class  CNodeMapFactory
 The node map factory is used for creating node maps from camera description files. More...
class  CNodeMapRef
 Smartpointer for NodeMaps with create function. More...
class  CNodeMapRefT
 Smartpointer template for NodeMaps with create function. More...
class  CNodeWriteConcatenator
class  CNodeWriteConcatenatorRef
 Reference object for CNodeWriteConcatenator create with NewNodeWriteConcatenator function of nodemap objects. More...
class  CommandT
 Implementation of the ICommand interface. More...
class  Counter
class  CPointer
 Encapsulates a GenApi pointer dealing with the dynamic_cast automatically. More...
class  CPort
class  CPortImpl
class  CPortImplIntern
 Standard IPort implementation. More...
class  CPortRecorderRefT
class  CPortRefT
class  CPortStackedImpl
class  CPortStackedRefT
class  CPortWriteList
 Container holding a list of port write commands. More...
class  CReferenceT
 Reference to an IBase derived pointer. More...
class  CRegister
class  CRegisterImpl
 Standard IRegister implementation Provides a chunk of memory which acts as a proxy to the register. More...
class  CRegisterRefT
class  CRegisterSetHelper
 Copies data from buffer to variables in a typesafe manner. More...
class  CSelectorRefT
class  CSelectorSet
 The set of selectors selecting a given node. More...
class  CSelectorState
class  CSmartFeature
class  CSmartFeatureImpl
 Implements the Basler Smart Feature class. More...
class  CStaticFuncMapDouble
class  CStaticFuncMapInt64
class  CStringNode
class  CStringNodeImpl
 Implements a floating string node. More...
class  CStringPolyRef
 A reference to a gcstring which can be either a gcstring variable, or a pointer to an IString. More...
class  CStringRefT
class  CStringRegister
class  CStringRegisterImpl
 Implements a simple string register. More...
class  CStrMap
class  CSwissKnife
class  CSwissKnifeImpl
 Specialized SwissKnife for float nodes. More...
class  CSymTable
class  CTestPortStruct
 Implements a register spaces based on a C++ struct. More...
class  CTestValueNode
 Generic Node with dummy IValue implementation. More...
class  CTxtKey
class  CTxtKeyImpl
 IString implementation for IEEE1212 string entries. More...
class  CValueArrayAdapter
 Adapter for accessing structured register known to include an array of selector-iterated values. More...
class  CValueArrayAdapterBase
 Base class wrapping internal implementation details of the value array adapter functionality. More...
class  CValueCache
 Cache for Registervalues. More...
class  CValueNodeImpl
class  CValueRefT
class  double_autovector_t
 Vector of doubles with reference counting. More...
class  EAccessModeClass
 EAccessModeClass holds conversion methods for the access mode enumeration. More...
class  ECachingModeClass
 ECachingModeClass holds conversion methods for the caching mode enumeration. More...
class  EDisplayNotationClass
 Holds conversion methods for the notation type of floats. More...
class  EEndianessClass
 EEndianessClass holds conversion methods for the endianess enumeration. More...
class  EGenApiSchemaVersionClass
 helper class converting EGenApiSchemaVersion from and to string More...
class  EInputDirectionClass
 Holds conversion methods for the notation type of floats. More...
class  EMethodClass
class  ENameSpaceClass
 Holds conversion methods for the namespace enumeration. More...
class  EnumerationT
 Implementation of the IEnumeration Interface. More...
class  ERepresentationClass
 ERepresentationClass holds conversion methods for the representation enumeration. More...
class  ESignClass
 ESignClass holds conversion methods for the sign enumeration. More...
class  ESlopeClass
 Holds conversion methods for the converter formulas. More...
class  EStandardNameSpaceClass
 Holds conversion methods for the standard namespace enumeration. More...
class  EVisibilityClass
 EVisibilityClass holds conversion methods for the visibility enumeration. More...
class  ExceptionReporterNode
class  EYesNoClass
 Holds conversion methods for the standard namespace enumeration. More...
class  FileProtocolAdapter
 Adapter between the std::iostreambuf and the SFNC Features representing the device filesystem. More...
class  FloatT
 Implementation of the IFloat Interface. More...
class  Function_NodeCallback
 Container for a function pointer. More...
 Header of a GenDC chunk trailing tag. More...
 header of a GVCP request packet More...
 layout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag not set) More...
 layout of a GVCP event item (common to all types) More...
 layout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag set) More...
 Layout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag not set) More...
 Layout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag set) More...
 Layout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag not set) More...
 Layout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag set) More...
 header of a GVCP request packet More...
class  IDestructible
 Destructible object to ensure destruction via interface. More...
class  IDevFileStreamBase
class  IDevFileStreamBuf
class  IFirmwareUpdatableDevice
 Represents a device that can be updated. More...
class  IFirmwareUpdateInfoCollector
 Represents a sink collecting all firmware updates contained in a guf file. More...
class  IFirmwareUpdateProgressObserver
 Represents a firmware update observer. More...
class  int64_autovector_t
 Vector of integers with reference counting. More...
class  IntegerT
 Implementation of the IInteger Interface. More...
class  LockableObject
 Instance-Lock for an object. More...
class  Member_NodeCallback
 Container for a member function pointer. More...
class  MyAlloc
class  NodeT
 Implementation of the INode interface. More...
class  ODevFileStreamBase
class  ODevFileStreamBuf
class  RegisterT
 Implementation of the IRegister interface. More...
struct  SingleChunkData_t
struct  SingleChunkDataStr_t
class  StringT
 Implementation of the IString interface. More...
class  SwapExtractor
class  SwapExtractor< 1 >
class  SwapExtractor< 2 >
class  SwapExtractor< 4 >
class  SwapExtractor< 8 >
class  SwissKnifeT
 Implementation of the SwissKnife Interface. More...
class  TypeConverter
class  TypeConverter< bool >
 header of a GVCP request packet More...
 U3V/GenCP command header. More...
struct  U3V_EVENT_DATA
 U3V/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data. More...
 Entire event data message (without the variable-sized data field) More...
class  ValueT
 Implementation of the IValue interface. More...


typedef struct GENAPI_NAMESPACE::AttachStatistics_t AttachStatistics_t
 Delivers information about the attached chunks and nodes. More...
typedef intptr_t CallbackHandleType
 the callback handle for nodes More...
typedef CPointer< IBaseCBasePtr
 SmartPointer for IBase interface pointer. More...
typedef CBaseRefT< IBaseCBaseRef
 Reference to an IBase pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IBooleanCBooleanPtr
 SmartPointer for IBoolean interface pointer. More...
typedef CBooleanRefT< IBooleanCBooleanRef
 Reference to an IBoolean pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< ICategoryCCategoryPtr
 SmartPointer for ICategory interface pointer. More...
typedef CCategoryRefT< ICategoryCCategoryRef
 Reference to an ICategory pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IChunkPortCChunkPortPtr
 SmartPointer for IChunkPort interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< ICommandCCommandPtr
 SmartPointer for ICommand interface pointer. More...
typedef CCommandRefT< ICommandCCommandRef
 Reference to an ICommand pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IDeviceInfo, INodeMapCDeviceInfoPtr
 SmartPointer for IDeviceInfo interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IEnumEntryCEnumEntryPtr
 SmartPointer for IEnumEntry interface pointer. More...
typedef CEnumEntryRefT< IEnumEntryCEnumEntryRef
 Reference to an IEnumEntry pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IEnumerationCEnumerationPtr
 SmartPointer for IEnumeration interface pointer. More...
typedef CFloatRefT< IFloatCFloatRef
 Reference to an IFloat pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IIntegerCIntegerPtr
 SmartPointer for IInteger interface pointer. More...
typedef CIntegerRefT< IIntegerCIntegerRef
 Reference to an IInteger pointer. More...
 CL/GenCP command header. More...
 CL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITHOUT event specific data. More...
 CL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITH event specific data. More...
 Entire event data message. More...
typedef CPointer< INodeMapPrivateCNodeMapPrivatePtr
 SmartPointer for INodeMapPrivate interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< INodeMap, INodeMapCNodeMapPtr
 SmartPointer for INodeMap interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IUserData, INodeMapCNodeMapUserDataPtr
 SmartPointer for IUserData interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< INodePrivateCNodePrivatePtr
 SmartPointer for INodePrivate interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< INodeCNodePtr
 SmartPointer for INode interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IUserDataCNodeUserDataPtr
 SmartPointer for IUserData interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IPortConstructCPortConstructPtr
 SmartPointer for IPortConstruct interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IPortCPortPtr
 SmartPointer for IPort interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IPortRecorderCPortRecorderPtr
 SmartPointer for IPortRecorder interface pointer. More...
typedef CPortRecorderRefT< IPortRecorderCPortRecorderRef
 Reference to an IPortRecorder pointer. More...
typedef CPortRefT< IPortCPortRef
 Reference to an IEnumEntry pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IPortReplayCPortReplayPtr
 SmartPointer for IPortReplay interface pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IPortStackedConstructCPortStackedConstructPtr
 SmartPointer for IPortStackedConstruct interface pointer. More...
typedef CPortStackedRefT< IPortStackedCPortStackedRef
 Reference to an IEnumEntry pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IPortWriteList, IPortWriteListCPortWriteListPtr
 SmartPointer for IPortWriteList interface pointer. More...
typedef INodeMap *(__cdeclCreate_f) (const char *pDeviceName)
 Function prototype for the create function implemented by GenApi DLLs. More...
typedef INodePrivate *(* CreateFunc_t) (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &)
typedef CPointer< IRegisterCRegisterPtr
 SmartPointer for IRegister interface pointer. More...
typedef CRegisterRefT< IRegisterCRegisterRef
 Reference to an IRegister pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< ISelectorCSelectorPtr
 SmartPointer for ISelector interface pointer. More...
typedef CSelectorRefT< ISelectorCSelectorRef
 Reference to an ISelector pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IStringCStringPtr
 SmartPointer for IString interface pointer. More...
typedef CStringRefT< IStringCStringRef
 Reference to an IString pointer. More...
typedef CPointer< IValueCValuePtr
 SmartPointer for IValue interface pointer. More...
typedef CValueRefT< IValueCValueRef
 Reference to an IValue pointer. More...
typedef _autovector_impl< double, double_autovector_tdouble_autovector_impl
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EAccessMode EAccessMode
 access mode of a node More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ECachingMode ECachingMode
 caching mode of a register More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ECallbackSuppressMode ECallbackSuppressMode
 typedef for callback suppression mod More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ECallbackType ECallbackType
 the type of callback More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EDisplayNotation EDisplayNotation
 typedef for float notation More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EEndianess EEndianess
 Endianess of a value in a register. More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EGenApiSchemaVersion EGenApiSchemaVersion
 GenApi schema version. More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EIncMode EIncMode
 typedef for increment mode More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EInputDirection EInputDirection
 typedef for link type More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EInterfaceType EInterfaceType
 typedef for interface type More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ELinkType ELinkType
 typedef for link type More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ENameSpace ENameSpace
 Defines if a node name is standard or custom. More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ERepresentation ERepresentation
 recommended representation of a node value More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ESign ESign
 signed or unsigned integers More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ESlope ESlope
 typedef for formula type More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EStandardNameSpace EStandardNameSpace
 Defines from which standard namespace a node name comes from. More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EVisibility EVisibility
 recommended visibility of a node More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EXMLValidation EXMLValidation
 typedef describing the different validity checks which can be performed on an XML file More...
typedef enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EYesNo EYesNo
 Defines the choices of a Yes/No alternatives. More...
 Header of a GenDC chunk trailing tag. More...
typedef void(__cdeclGetGenApiVersion_f) (Version_t &Version)
 Function prototype for checking the DLL's GenApi version. More...
 header of a GVCP request packet More...
 layout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag not set) More...
 layout of a GVCP event item (common to all types) More...
 layout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag set) More...
 Layout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag not set) More...
 Layout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag set) More...
 Layout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag not set) More...
 Layout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag set) More...
 header of a GVCP request packet More...
typedef IDevFileStreamBase< char, std::char_traits< char > > IDevFileStream
typedef _autovector_impl< int64_t, int64_autovector_tint64_autovector_impl
typedef std::list< int64_tInt64List_t
typedef std::list< IInteger * > IntegerList_t
 List of Integer-node references. More...
typedef char *(* MultiArgFunc) (int paramcnt, double *args, CStrMap *strparams, double *result)
typedef node_vector NodeList_t
 a list of node references More...
typedef std::vector< INodePrivate * > NodePrivateVector_t
 a vector of node references using the INodePrivate interface More...
typedef ODevFileStreamBase< char, std::char_traits< char > > ODevFileStream
typedef double(* OneArgFunc) (double arg)
typedef std::list< int64_t * > pInt64List_t
typedef int(* PrmSrchFunc) (const char *str, size_t len, double *value, void *param)
typedef std::list< uint64_t * > pUInt64List_t
typedef struct GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SingleChunkData_t SingleChunkData_t
typedef struct GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SingleChunkDataStr_t SingleChunkDataStr_t
typedef std::pair< bool, int64_tString2Value_ReturnType
 Converts a string to a byte array. More...
typedef GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector StringList_t
 A list of strings. More...
 header of a GVCP request packet More...
 U3V/GenCP command header. More...
 U3V/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data. More...
 Entire event data message (without the variable-sized data field) More...
typedef unsigned char uchar
typedef std::list< uint64_t > UInt64List_t
typedef void * UserData_t
typedef std::list< IValue * > ValueList_t
 List of EnumInt-node references. More...


enum  _EAccessMode {
  NI, NA, WO, RO,
  RW, _UndefinedAccesMode, _CycleDetectAccesMode
 access mode of a node More...
enum  _ECachingMode { NoCache, WriteThrough, WriteAround, _UndefinedCachingMode }
 caching mode of a register More...
enum  _ECallbackSuppressMode { csmOff = 0, csmActive, csmOnce }
 typedef for callback suppression mod More...
enum  _ECallbackType { cbPostInsideLock = 1, cbPostOutsideLock = 2 }
 the type of callback More...
enum  _EDisplayNotation { fnAutomatic, fnFixed, fnScientific, _UndefinedEDisplayNotation }
 typedef for float notation More...
enum  _EEndianess { BigEndian, LittleEndian, _UndefinedEndian }
 Endianess of a value in a register. More...
enum  _EGenApiSchemaVersion { v1_0 = 1, v1_1 = 2, _Undefined = -1 }
 GenApi schema version. More...
enum  _EIncMode { noIncrement, fixedIncrement, listIncrement }
 typedef for increment mode More...
enum  _EInputDirection { idFrom, idTo, idNone }
 typedef for link type More...
enum  _EInterfaceType {
  intfIValue, intfIBase, intfIInteger, intfIBoolean,
  intfICommand, intfIFloat, intfIString, intfIRegister,
  intfICategory, intfIEnumeration, intfIEnumEntry, intfIPort
 typedef for interface type More...
enum  _ELinkType {
  ctParentNodes, ctReadingChildren, ctWritingChildren, ctInvalidatingChildren,
  ctDependingNodes, ctTerminalNodes, ctValueChangingChildren
 typedef for link type More...
enum  _ENameSpace { Custom, Standard, _UndefinedNameSpace }
 Defines if a node name is standard or custom. More...
enum  _ERepresentation {
  Linear, Logarithmic, Boolean, PureNumber,
  HexNumber, IPV4Address, MACAddress, _UndefinedRepresentation
 recommended representation of a node value More...
enum  _ESign { Signed, Unsigned, _UndefinedSign }
 signed or unsigned integers More...
enum  _ESlope {
  Increasing, Decreasing, Varying, Automatic,
 typedef for formula type More...
enum  _EStandardNameSpace {
  None, GEV, IIDC, CL,
  USB, _UndefinedStandardNameSpace
 Defines from which standard namespace a node name comes from. More...
enum  _EVisibility {
  Beginner = 0, Expert = 1, Guru = 2, Invisible = 3,
  _UndefinedVisibility = 99
 recommended visibility of a node More...
enum  _EXMLValidation {
  xvLoad = 0x00000001L, xvCycles = 0x00000002L, xvSFNC = 0x00000004L, xvDefault = 0x00000000L,
  xvAll = 0xffffffffL, _UndefinedEXMLValidation = 0x8000000L
 typedef describing the different validity checks which can be performed on an XML file More...
enum  _EYesNo { Yes = 1, No = 0, _UndefinedYesNo = 2 }
 Defines the choices of a Yes/No alternatives. More...
enum  ECacheUsage_t { CacheUsage_Automatic, CacheUsage_ForceWrite, CacheUsage_ForceRead, CacheUsage_Ignore }
 Lists the cache usage strategies. More...
enum  EContentType_t { ContentType_Xml, ContentType_ZippedXml }
 Lists the processable file types. More...
enum  EFirmwareUpdateProgressStepType {
  ProgressStepType_CheckPreconditions, ProgressStepType_AcquireUpdateData, ProgressStepType_FeatureWrite, ProgressStepType_FeatureExecute,
  ProgressStepType_FeatureAssert, ProgressStepType_FileUpload, ProgressStepType_DeviceReset, ProgressStepType_Invalid
 The steps that can be performed in a firmware update. More...
enum  EMethod {
  meUndefined, meGetAccessMode, meToString, meFromString,
  meGetValue, meSetValue, meGetMin, meGetMax,
  meGetInc, meExecute, meIsDone, meSetIntValue,
  meGetIntValue, meSet, meGet, meGetIncMode,
  meGetListOfValidValues, meInvalidateNode
 denotes through which method call the node tree was entered More...
enum  ESetInvalidMode { simOnlyMe, simAll, simDependentsAfterWrite, simDependents }
 Three different modes of operation for INodePrivate::SetInvalid() More...
enum  hqCharType {
  CH_LETTER = 0x01, CH_DIGIT = 0x02, CH_SEPARAT = 0x04, CH_SYMBOL = 0x08,
  CH_QUOTE = 0x10, CH_UNKNOWN = 0x7E, CH_FINAL = 0x7F
enum  hqTokenType {


double abs (double x)
virtual EYesNo CacheChunkData () const =0
 Indicates if the chunk a adapter must hold a cached version of the chunk data. More...
virtual bool CanBeRead (bool Verify)=0
virtual bool CanBeWritten (bool Verify)=0
GENAPI_DECL IDestroyCastToIDestroy (INodeMap *pNodeMap)
 makes sure the dynamic_cast operator is implemented in the DLL (due to a Linux bug) More...
virtual bool closeFile (const char *pFileName)=0
virtual void CollectCallbacksToFire (std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbacksToFire, bool allDependents=false, bool always=false)=0
 Update the registered callbacks. More...
EAccessMode Combine (EAccessMode Peter, EAccessMode Paul)
 Computes which access mode the two guards allow together. More...
ECachingMode Combine (ECachingMode Peter, ECachingMode Paul)
 Computes which CachingMode results from a combination. More...
EVisibility Combine (EVisibility Peter, EVisibility Paul)
 Computes which visibility the two guards allow together. More...
virtual bool ConcatenatedWrite (CNodeWriteConcatenator *, bool featureStreaming=true, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector *pErrorList=NULL)=0
 Execute the transaction. More...
virtual bool Connect (IPort *pPort) const =0
 Connects a port to the standard port "Device". More...
virtual bool Connect (IPort *pPort, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &PortName) const =0
 Connects a port to a port node with given name. More...
virtual bool Connect (IPortStacked *pPort)=0
 Connects a port to the standard port "Device". More...
virtual bool Connect (IPortStacked *pPort, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &PortName)=0
 Connects a port to a port node with given name. More...
void DeAllocate (void *)
void DeleteDoubleCallbacks (std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbackList)
 deletes double callbacks from list More...
bool DeleteDoubleCallbacksCompare (GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeCallback *pA, GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeCallback *pB)
 Helper function for DeleteDoubleCallbacks. More...
virtual bool deleteFile (const char *pFileName)=0
GENAPI_DECL void Deregister (GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CallbackHandleType pCallbackInfo)
 Unregistering callback by handle. More...
virtual bool DeregisterCallback (CallbackHandleType hCallback)=0
 De register change callback. More...
std::istream & EatComments (std::istream &is)
 Helper function ignoring lines starting with comment character '#'. More...
virtual bool EntryIsStremable ()=0
virtual void ExtractIndependentSubtree (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &XMLData, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &InjectXMLData, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &SubTreeRootNodeName, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ExtractedSubtree)=0
 Extract independent subtree. More...
virtual void FinalConstruct ()=0
 Finalizes the creation of a node object. More...
virtual void FinalConstruct (bool DetermineDependencies)=0
 finalizes construction of the node map More...
virtual void FromString (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, bool Verify=true)=0
 Set content of the node as string. More...
GENAPI_DECL void GenApiTerminate ()
 Frees static resources hold by GenApi. More...
virtual void Get (uint8_t *pBuffer, int64_t Length, bool Verify=false, bool IgnoreCache=false)=0
 Fills a buffer with the register's contents. More...
virtual int64_t GetAddress (bool Verify=false)=0
 Retrieves the Address of the register. More...
virtual INodeGetAlias () const =0
 Retrieves the a node which describes the same feature in a different way. More...
virtual CounterGetBathometer ()=0
 Returns the object which counts the depth of SetValue() call-chains. More...
virtual int64_t getBufSize (const char *pFileName, std::ios_base::openmode mode)=0
virtual ECachingMode GetCachingMode () const =0
 Get Caching Mode. More...
virtual INodeGetCastAlias () const =0
 Retrieves the a node which describes the same feature so that it can be casted. More...
virtual void GetChildren (GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t &Children, ELinkType LinkType=ctReadingChildren) const =0
 Get all nodes this node directly depends on. More...
virtual int64_t GetCookie ()=0
 Gets the cookie a port implementation may have set for caching a command list. More...
virtual IEnumEntryGetCurrentEntry (bool Verify=false, bool IgnoreCache=false)=0
 Get the current entry. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetDescription () const =0
 Get a long description of the node. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetDeviceName () const =0
 Get a name of the device. More...
virtual void GetDeviceVersion (Version_t &Version)=0
 Get the version of the device description file. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetDisplayName () const =0
 Get a name string for display. More...
virtual EDisplayNotation GetDisplayNotation () const =0
 Get the way the float should be converted to a string. More...
virtual int64_t GetDisplayPrecision () const =0
 Get the precision to be used when converting the float to a string. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetDocuURL () const =0
 Gets a URL pointing to the documentation of that feature. More...
virtual void GetEntries (NodeList_t &Entries)=0
 Get list of entry nodes. More...
virtual IEnumEntryGetEntry (const EnumT Value)=0
 returns the EnumEntry object belonging to the Value More...
virtual IEnumEntryGetEntry (const int64_t IntValue)=0
 Get an entry node by its IntValue. More...
virtual IEnumEntryGetEntryByName (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &Symbolic)=0
 Get an entry node by name. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetEntryPoint ()=0
 Returns the node and the method the client call has entered the node map. More...
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring getEntryPoint (INodeMap *nodeMap)
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetEventID () const =0
 Get the EventId of the node. More...
virtual void GetGenApiVersion (Version_t &Version, uint16_t &Build)=0
 Get the version of the DLL's GenApi implementation. More...
virtual double GetInc ()=0
 Get the constant increment if there is any. More...
virtual EIncMode GetIncMode ()=0
 Get increment mode. More...
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetInterfaceName (IBase *pBase)
 Returns the name of the main interface as string DEPRECATED, use IBase::GetPrincipalInterfaceType() instead. More...
virtual int64_t GetIntValue (bool Verify=false, bool IgnoreCache=false)=0
 Get integer node value. More...
virtual int64_t GetLength (bool Verify=false)=0
 Retrieves the Length of the register [Bytes]. More...
virtual double_autovector_t GetListOfValidValues (bool bounded=true)=0
 Get list of valid value. More...
virtual CLockGetLock () const =0
 Returns the lock which guards the node map. More...
virtual double GetMax ()=0
 Get maximum value allowed. More...
virtual int64_t GetMaxLength (bool Verify=false)=0
 Retrieves the maximum length of the string in bytes. More...
virtual double GetMin ()=0
 Get minimum value allowed. More...
virtual GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ENameSpace GetNameSpace () const =0
 Get name space. More...
virtual INodeGetNode (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &Name) const =0
 Retrieves the node from the central map by Name. More...
virtual INodePrivateGetNodeByID (NodeID_t NodeID)=0
 Retrieves t Node given the NodeID. More...
virtual NodeID_t GetNodeID ()=0
 Reads back the node id. More...
virtual INodeMapGetNodeMap () const =0
 Retrieves the central node map. More...
virtual CNodeData::ENodeType_t GetNodeType ()=0
 Reads back the node type. More...
virtual double GetNumericValue ()=0
 Get double number associated with the entry. More...
virtual uint64_t GetNumNodes () const =0
 Get the number of nodes in the map. More...
virtual void GetParents (GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t &Parents) const =0
 Gets all nodes this node is directly depending on. More...
virtual int64_t GetPollingTime () const =0
 recommended polling time (for not cachable nodes) More...
virtual EInterfaceType GetPrincipalInterfaceType () const =0
 Get the type of the main interface of a node. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetProductGuid ()=0
 Get the Guid describing the product. More...
virtual bool GetProperty (CNodeDataMap *pNodeDataMap, CPropertyID::EProperty_ID_t PropertyID, CNodeData::PropertyVector_t &PropertyList) const =0
 Retrieves a property from the node map itself. More...
virtual bool GetProperty (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &PropertyName, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &AttributeStr)=0
 Retrieves a property plus an additional attribute by name. More...
virtual void GetPropertyNames (GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector &PropertyNames) const =0
 Returns a list of the names all properties set during initialization. More...
virtual ERepresentation GetRepresentation ()=0
 Get recommended representation. More...
virtual void GetSchemaVersion (Version_t &Version)=0
 Get the schema version number. More...
virtual void GetSelectedFeatures (FeatureList_t &) const =0
 retrieve the group of selected features More...
virtual void GetSelectingFeatures (FeatureList_t &) const =0
 retrieve the group of features selecting this node More...
virtual void GetSelectorList (GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FeatureList_t &SelectorList, bool Incremental=false)=0
 Retrieves an ordered list of selectors. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetStandardNameSpace ()=0
 Get the standard name space. More...
virtual void GetState (CSelectorState &state)=0
 Get the state of the selector. More...
virtual void GetSupportedSchemaVersions (GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector &SchemaVersions)=0
 Gets a list of supported schema versions. More...
virtual EYesNo GetSwapEndianess ()=0
 Determines if the port adapter must perform an endianess swap. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetSymbolic () const =0
 Get symbolic enum value. More...
virtual void GetTerminalNodes (NodeList_t &) const =0
 Returns the list of all terminal nodes a write access to this node will eventually write to. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetToolTip ()=0
 Get tool tip. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetUnit () const =0
 Get the physical unit name. More...
virtual bool GetValue (bool Verify=false, bool IgnoreCache=false) const =0
 Get node value. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetVendorName ()=0
 Get the vendor name. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetVersionGuid ()=0
 Get the Guid describing the product version. More...
virtual EVisibility GetVisibility () const =0
 Get the recommended visibility of the node. More...
virtual bool HasInc ()=0
 True if the float has a constant increment. More...
char Hex2Byte (uint8_t Hex)
 Converts an ASCII hex digit to a char value. More...
virtual void ImposeAccessMode (EAccessMode ImposedAccessMode)=0
 Imposes an access mode to the natural access mode of the node. More...
virtual void ImposeMax (double Value)=0
 Restrict maximum value. More...
virtual void ImposeMax (int64_t Value)=0
 Restrict maximum value. More...
virtual void ImposeMin (double Value)=0
 Restrict minimum value. More...
virtual void ImposeMin (int64_t Value)=0
 Restrict minimum value. More...
virtual void ImposeVisibility (EVisibility ImposedVisibility)=0
 Imposes a visibility to the natural visibility of the node. More...
virtual void InvalidateNode ()=0
 Indicates that the node's value may have changed. More...
virtual void InvalidateNodes () const =0
 Invalidates all nodes. More...
virtual EYesNo IsAccessModeCacheable () const =0
 True if the AccessMode can be cached. More...
template<class T , class B >
bool IsAvailable (const CPointer< T, B > &ptr)
 Checks if a node is Available. More...
bool IsAvailable (const IBase &r)
 Checks if a node is available. More...
bool IsAvailable (const IBase *p)
 Checks if a node is available. More...
bool IsAvailable (EAccessMode AccessMode)
 Tests if available. More...
virtual bool IsCachable () const =0
 Is the node value cachable. More...
bool IsCacheable (ECachingMode CachingMode)
 Tests Cacheability. More...
virtual bool IsCallbackSuppressed ()=0
 Returns True if callback have been disabled by the user for this current nodamap call. More...
virtual bool IsDeprecated () const =0
 True if the node should not be used any more. More...
virtual bool IsDone (bool Verify=true)=0
 Query whether the command is executed. More...
virtual bool IsFeature () const =0
 True if the node can be reached via category nodes from a category node named "Root". More...
virtual bool IsGenApiDeviceLoggingEnabled ()=0
 Indicates if the GenApi.Device logging is enabled. More...
virtual bool IsGenApiLoggingEnabled ()=0
 Indicates if the GenApi logging is enabled. More...
template<class T , class B >
bool IsImplemented (const CPointer< T, B > &ptr)
 Checks if a node is Implemented. More...
bool IsImplemented (const IBase &r)
 Checks if a node is implemented. More...
bool IsImplemented (const IBase *p)
 Checks if a node is implemented. More...
bool IsImplemented (EAccessMode AccessMode)
 Tests if implemented. More...
template<class T , class B >
bool IsReadable (const CPointer< T, B > &ptr)
 Checks if a node is readable. More...
bool IsReadable (const IBase &r)
 Checks if a node is readable. More...
bool IsReadable (const IBase *p)
 Checks if a node is readable. More...
bool IsReadable (EAccessMode AccessMode)
 Tests if readable. More...
virtual bool IsSelfClearing ()=0
 Indicates if the corresponding EnumEntry is self clearing. More...
virtual bool IsStreamable () const =0
 True if the node is streamable. More...
virtual bool IsTerminalNode () const =0
 Returns true, if this node is terminal. More...
virtual bool IsValueCacheValid () const =0
 Checks if the value comes from cache or is requested from another node. More...
bool IsVisible (EVisibility Visibility, EVisibility MaxVisiblity)
 Tests Visibility. More...
template<class T , class B >
bool IsWritable (const CPointer< T, B > &ptr)
 Checks if a node is Writable. More...
bool IsWritable (const IBase &r)
 Checks if a node is writable. More...
bool IsWritable (const IBase *p)
 Checks if a node is writable. More...
bool IsWritable (EAccessMode AccessMode)
 Tests if writable. More...
virtual void LoadXMLFromFile (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &FileName)=0
 Loads an XML from a file. More...
virtual void LoadXMLFromFileInject (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &TargetFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &InjectFileName)=0
 Loads an XML from a file with injection. More...
virtual void LoadXMLFromString (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &XMLData)=0
 Loads an XML from a string. More...
virtual void LoadXMLFromStringInject (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &TargetXMLData, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &InjectXMLData)=0
 Loads an XML from a string with injection. More...
virtual void LoadXMLFromZIPData (const void *zipData, size_t zipSize)=0
 Loads an XML from a ZIP data buffer. More...
virtual void LoadXMLFromZIPFile (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ZipFileName)=0
 Loads an XML from a ZIP file. More...
template<class Client , class Member >
CNodeCallbackmake_NodeCallback (INode *pNode, Client &client, Member member, ECallbackType CallbackType)
 make a new callback object for member functions More...
template<class Function >
CNodeCallbackmake_NodeCallback (INode *pNode, Function function, ECallbackType CallbackType)
 make a new callback object for C functions More...
virtual void MergeXMLFiles (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &TargetFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &InjectedFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &OutputFileName)=0
 Injects an XML file into a target file. More...
void * MyAllocate (std::size_t)
virtual CNodeWriteConcatenatorNewNodeWriteConcatenator () const =0
 Create a new write concatenator object. More...
virtual bool openFile (const char *pFileName, std::ios_base::openmode mode)=0
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator!= (const MyAlloc< T1 > &, const MyAlloc< T2 > &) throw ()
virtual bool operator() () const
 Get node value. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring operator* ()=0
 Get string node value. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CFeatureBag &FeatureBag)
 writes out persistent data to a stream More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CFeatureBagger &featureBagger)
 writes out persistent data to a stream More...
virtual IBooleanoperator= (bool Value)
 Set node value. More...
virtual IEnumerationoperator= (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr)=0
 Set string node value. More...
virtual IFloatoperator= (double Value)=0
 Set node value. More...
virtual IEnumerationoperator= (EnumT Value)=0
 Set node value. More...
virtual IIntegeroperator= (int64_t Value)=0
 Set node value. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator== (const MyAlloc< T1 > &, const MyAlloc< T2 > &) throw ()
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, CFeatureBag &FeatureBag)
 reads in persistent data from a stream More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, CFeatureBagger &featureBagger)
 reads back persistent data from a stream More...
virtual bool ParseSwissKnifes (GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector *pErrorList=NULL) const =0
 Parse all Swissknife equations. More...
virtual void PersistFeature (IValue &item, CSelectorSet *selectorSet=NULL)=0
 Stores a feature. More...
virtual bool Poll (int64_t ElapsedTime)=0
 Invalidates the node if the polling time has elapsed. More...
virtual void PreprocessXMLFromFile (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &XMLFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &StyleSheetFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &OutputFileName, const uint32_t XMLValidation=xvDefault)=0
 Loads an XML, checks it for correctness, pre-processes it, caches it, and optionally applies a style sheet, and optionally writes it to a file. More...
virtual void PreprocessXMLFromZIPFile (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &XMLFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &StyleSheetFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &OutputFileName, const uint32_t XMLValidation=xvDefault)=0
 Loads a Zipped XML, checks it for correctness, pre-processes it, caches it, and optionally applies a style sheet, and optionally writes it to a file. More...
virtual GenICam_streamsize read (char *buf, int64_t offs, GenICam_streamsize len, const char *pFileName)=0
template<class Client , class Member >
intptr_t Register (INode *pNode, Client &c, Member m, ECallbackType CallbackType=cbPostInsideLock)
 Register a C++-member function a callback. More...
template<class Function >
intptr_t Register (INode *pNode, Function f, ECallbackType CallbackType=cbPostInsideLock)
 Register a C-function as a callback. More...
virtual CallbackHandleType RegisterCallback (CNodeCallback *pCallback)=0
 Register change callback. More...
void ReplaceEnvironmentVariables (GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &Buffer)
virtual void Replay (IPort *pPort)=0
 Replays the write command to the given port interface. More...
virtual void ResetEntryPoint ()=0
 Sets the entry point to undefined. More...
virtual void Restore ()=0
 Restores the selectors' values found at creation. More...
int64_t round (double x)
void GENAPI_DECL SET_GUID (GUID &name, uint32_t l, uint16_t w1, uint16_t w2, uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2, uint8_t b3, uint8_t b4, uint8_t b5, uint8_t b6, uint8_t b7, uint8_t b8)
virtual void SetCookie (const int64_t Value)=0
 Sets a cookie in case the port implementation want to cache a command list. More...
virtual void SetEntryPoint (EMethod EntryMethod, const INodePrivate *pEntryNode, bool stremable, bool IgnoreCache)=0
 Sets the node and the method the client call has entered the node map. More...
virtual void SetGenApiPersistenceMode (bool)=0
virtual void SetIntValue (int64_t Value, bool Verify=true)=0
 Set integer node value. More...
virtual void SetInvalid (ESetInvalidMode simMode)=0
 Invalidate the node resp. the node and all of its dependents. More...
virtual bool SetNext (bool Tick=true)=0
 Sets digit to next value. More...
virtual void SetNumEnums (int NumEnums)=0
 sets the number of enum vallues More...
virtual void SetNumNodes (size_t NumNodes)=0
 Presets the number of nodes in order to resize the containers. More...
virtual void SetProperty (CProperty &Property)=0
 Sets a property to the node map itself. More...
virtual void SetSuppressCallbackMode (ECallbackSuppressMode)=0
 Set suppress callback mode. More...
virtual UserData_t SetUserData (UserData_t userdata)=0
 Stores user defined data without taking ownership. Returns the previously stored value. More...
virtual void StopRecording ()=0
 stops recording More...
GENAPI_DECL bool String2Value (const char *ValueStr, int64_t *Value, ERepresentation Representation=PureNumber)
 Converts a string to an int64_t property taking representation hints. More...
GENAPI_DECL bool String2Value (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, bool *pValue)
 Converts a string to a bool value. More...
GENAPI_DECL bool String2Value (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, CBooleanPolyRef *Value)
 Converts a string to a CBooleanPolyRef. More...
GENAPI_DECL bool String2Value (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, CFloatPolyRef *Value)
 Converts a string to a CFloatPolyRef. More...
GENAPI_DECL bool String2Value (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, CIntegerPolyRef *Value)
 Converts a string to a CIntegerPolyRef. More...
GENAPI_DECL bool String2Value (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, CStringPolyRef *Value)
 Converts a string to a CStringPolyRef. More...
GENAPI_DECL bool String2Value (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, GUID *Value)
 Converts a string to a GUID property. More...
template<typename T >
bool String2Value (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, T *Value)
 Converts a string to an T property. More...
GENAPI_DECL bool String2Value (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, uint8_t *pValue, const int64_t len, int64_t *filled)
GENAPI_DECL bool String2Value (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, uint8_t *pValue, int64_t len)
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ToString ()=0
 Returns a string representation of the digit. More...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ToString (bool Verify=false, bool IgnoreCache=false)=0
 Get content of the node as string. More...
char * TrimSpace (char *Name, std::istream &is)
 Helper function cutting off space characters. More...
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstringTrimSpace (GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &s, std::istream &is)
GENAPI_DECL void Value2String (CBooleanPolyRef Value, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr)
 Converts a CBooleanPolyRef to a string. More...
GENAPI_DECL void Value2String (CFloatPolyRef Value, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr)
 Converts a CFloatPolyRef to a string. More...
GENAPI_DECL void Value2String (CIntegerPolyRef Value, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr)
 Converts a CIntegerPolyRef to a string. More...
GENAPI_DECL void Value2String (const GUID &Value, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr)
 Converts a GUID property tp a string. More...
GENAPI_DECL void Value2String (CStringPolyRef Value, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr)
 Converts a CStringPolyRef to a string. More...
GENAPI_DECL void Value2String (int64_t Value, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, ERepresentation Representation=PureNumber)
 Converts an int64_t property to a string taking representation hints. More...
template<typename T >
void Value2String (T Value, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr)
 Converts an T property to a string. More...
GENAPI_DECL void Value2String (uint8_t *pValue, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, int64_t len)
 Converts a byte array property to a string. More...
template<typename T >
void Values2String (const T &Values, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr)
 Dump a value container into a string. More...
virtual GenICam_streamsize write (const char *buf, int64_t offs, int64_t len, const char *pFileName)=0
virtual void Write (const void *pBuffer, int64_t Address, int64_t Length)=0
 Writes a chunk of bytes to the port. More...
virtual void Write (PORT_REGISTER_STACK_ENTRY *pEntries, size_t numEntries)=0
 Writes a chunk of bytes to the port. More...
virtual ~IBase ()=0
 Virtual destructor enforcing virtual destructor on all derived classes. More...
virtual ~ISelectorDigit ()=0
 Virtual destructor enforcing virtual destructor on all derived classes. More...


const size_t CL_EVENT_BASIC_SIZE = sizeof (CL_EVENT_MESSAGE)
const uint16_t CL_EVENT_CMD_ID = 0x0C00
const uint16_t CL_EVENT_PREAMBLE = 0x0100
const uint8_t COMMAND_MAGIC = 0x42
const double DblErR
const double DblNiN
static const char eBrackets [] = "#Brackets do not match!"
static const char eCalcErr [] = "#Calculation error!"
static const char eExpAssign [] = "#Assignment expected!"
static const char eExpVarRet [] = "#Variable name or return expected!"
static const char eExtraOp [] = "#Extra operation!"
static const char eExtrnFunc [] = "#External function error!"
static const char eInfinity [] = "#Infinity somewhere!"
static const char eInternal [] = "#Internal error!"
static const char eInvArg [] = "#Invalid argument!"
static const char eInvForm [] = "#Invalid formula"
static const char eInvPrmCnt [] = "#Invalid parameters count for function call!"
static const char eLogicErr [] = "#Logical expression error!"
static const char eSyntax [] = "#Syntax error!"
static const char eUnexpEnd [] = "#Unexpected end of script!"
static const char eUnknFunc [] = "# %.*s - Unknown function/variable!"
static const char eValSizErr [] = "#Value too big for operation!"
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_Description = "Description"
 Key for the description of the update. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_PersistenceSupport_Full = "full"
 A possible value for the persistence support. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_PersistenceSupport_None = "none"
 A possible value for the persistence support. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_ReleaseNotes = "ReleaseNotes"
 Key for the release notes of the update. This key is optional and may not be present. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_ReleaseNotesURL = "ReleaseNotesURL"
 Key for a link to a web page with more release notes. This key is optional and may not be present. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_SequencerSetPersistence = "SequencerSetPersistence"
 Key for the support of sequencer set persistence. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_UserSetPersistence = "UserSetPersistence"
 Key for the support of user set persistence. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_Version = "Version"
 Key for the version of the update. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_VersionExtractionPattern = "VersionExtractionPattern"
 Key for the regular expression to extract the device version from the DeviceFirmwareVersion node value of a device. This key is optional and may not be present. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_VersionStyle = "VersionStyle"
 Key for the format name of the version value. This key is optional and may not be present. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoValue_VersionStyle_Dotted = "dotted"
 A possible value for the version style key. More...
static const char *const FirmwareUpdateInfoValue_VersionStyle_SemVer = "semver"
 A possible value for the version style key. More...
const uint16_t GENCP_EVENT_CMD_ID = 0x0C00
 Base interface common to all nodes. More...
 Interface for Boolean properties. More...
 Gives access to a category node. More...
 Interface for ports attached to a chunk. More...
 Interface for command like properties. More...
 Interface to destroy an object. More...
 Interface to get information about the device (= nodemap) More...
 Interface of single enum value. More...
 Interface for enumeration properties. More...
template<typename EnumT >
 Interface for enumeration properties. More...
 Interface to construct an enum reference. More...
 Adapter between the std::iostreambuf and the SFNC Features representing the device filesystem. More...
 Interface for float properties. More...
 Interface for integer properties. More...
 Interface common to all nodes. More...
 Interface to access the node map. More...
 Interface to access the node map. More...
 NodeMap functions used for initialization. More...
 Interface including the methods for node construction common to all nodes. More...
 Basic interface to persist values to. More...
 Interface for ports. More...
 Interface for ports. More...
 Interface for recording write commands on a port. More...
 Interface for replaying write commands on a port. More...
 Interface for ports. More...
 Interface for ports. More...
 Interface to construct a reference. More...
 Interface for registers. More...
 Interface for groups of features selected by a single one. More...
 Interface of a "digit" of the "counter" formed by the selector set. More...
 Interface for string properties. More...
 Interface to manage user data stored in nodes or nodemaps. More...
 Interface for value properties. More...
const hqCharType MathCharTypeTable [256]
const uint32_t U3V_EVENT_PREFIX = 0x45563355

Detailed Description

Lexical analyzer for CIntSwissKnife.

Part of the generic device API.

Map for variables in swissknife expression.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CallbackHandleType

the callback handle for nodes

Definition at line 58 of file INode.h.


CL/GenCP command header.


CL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITHOUT event specific data.


CL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITH event specific data.


Entire event data message.

◆ CreateFunc_t

typedef INodePrivate*(* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CreateFunc_t) (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &)

Definition at line 55 of file NodeMap.h.



◆ double_autovector_impl

◆ ECallbackType

◆ EGenApiSchemaVersion


Header of a GenDC chunk trailing tag.


header of a GVCP request packet


layout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag not set)


layout of a GVCP event item (common to all types)


layout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag set)


Layout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag not set)


Layout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag set)


Layout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag not set)


Layout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag set)



header of a GVCP request packet

◆ IDevFileStream

typedef IDevFileStreamBase<char, std::char_traits<char> > GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IDevFileStream

Definition at line 752 of file Filestream.h.

◆ int64_autovector_impl

◆ Int64List_t

Definition at line 41 of file PrivateTypes.h.

◆ IntegerList_t

List of Integer-node references.

Definition at line 45 of file PrivateTypes.h.

◆ MultiArgFunc

typedef char*( * GENAPI_NAMESPACE::MultiArgFunc) (int paramcnt, double *args, CStrMap *strparams, double *result)

Definition at line 44 of file MathParser.h.

◆ NodeList_t

typedef node_vector GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t

a list of node references

Definition at line 55 of file INode.h.

◆ NodePrivateVector_t

a vector of node references using the INodePrivate interface

Definition at line 58 of file INodePrivate.h.

◆ ODevFileStream

typedef ODevFileStreamBase<char, std::char_traits<char> > GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ODevFileStream

Definition at line 751 of file Filestream.h.

◆ OneArgFunc

typedef double( * GENAPI_NAMESPACE::OneArgFunc) (double arg)

Definition at line 43 of file MathParser.h.

◆ pInt64List_t

Definition at line 42 of file PrivateTypes.h.


◆ PrmSrchFunc

typedef int( * GENAPI_NAMESPACE::PrmSrchFunc) (const char *str, size_t len, double *value, void *param)

Definition at line 46 of file MathParser.h.

◆ pUInt64List_t

typedef std::list<uint64_t*> GENAPI_NAMESPACE::pUInt64List_t

Definition at line 40 of file PrivateTypes.h.

◆ SingleChunkData_t

◆ SingleChunkDataStr_t

◆ String2Value_ReturnType

Converts a string to a byte array.

Definition at line 127 of file Value2String.h.


header of a GVCP request packet


U3V/GenCP command header.


U3V/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data.


Entire event data message (without the variable-sized data field)

◆ uchar

typedef unsigned char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::uchar

Definition at line 33 of file Lexer.h.

◆ UInt64List_t

typedef std::list<uint64_t> GENAPI_NAMESPACE::UInt64List_t

Definition at line 39 of file PrivateTypes.h.

◆ UserData_t

Definition at line 24 of file IUserData.h.

◆ ValueList_t

typedef std::list<IValue *> GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ValueList_t

List of EnumInt-node references.

Definition at line 49 of file Register.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _ECallbackType

the type of callback


callback is fired on leaving the tree inside the lock-guarded area

Definition at line 45 of file NodeCallback.h.

◆ _EGenApiSchemaVersion

GenApi schema version.


Indicates schema version 1.0.


Indicates schema version 1.1.


Indicates undefined version.

Definition at line 238 of file Types.h.

◆ EFirmwareUpdateProgressStepType

The steps that can be performed in a firmware update.

Can be used to display localized information to the user.


Compares all conditions of the update with the device.


Checks that everything required for the update is available.


Writes the value to a GenICam feature of the device.


Executes the given GenICam feature.


Asserts a GenICam feature's value matches a regular expression.


Uploads a file to the device using the GenICam FileAccess feature.


A device reset is executed.


Invalid value.

Definition at line 43 of file FirmwareUpdateProgressObserver.h.

◆ EMethod

denotes through which method call the node tree was entered


Definition at line 40 of file Exception.h.

◆ ESetInvalidMode

Three different modes of operation for INodePrivate::SetInvalid()


Invalidate only the node itself.


Invalidate the node and all of its dependents.


Definition at line 91 of file INodePrivate.h.



Definition at line 129 of file EventAdapterGEV.h.

◆ hqCharType


Definition at line 35 of file Lexer.h.

◆ hqTokenType


Definition at line 42 of file Lexer.h.

Function Documentation

◆ abs()

double GENAPI_NAMESPACE::abs ( double  x)

Definition at line 61 of file PolyReference.h.

◆ CacheChunkData()

virtual EYesNo GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CacheChunkData ( ) const
pure virtual

Indicates if the chunk a adapter must hold a cached version of the chunk data.

◆ CanBeRead()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CanBeRead ( bool  Verify)
pure virtual

◆ CanBeWritten()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CanBeWritten ( bool  Verify)
pure virtual

◆ CastToIDestroy()

GENAPI_DECL IDestroy* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CastToIDestroy ( INodeMap pNodeMap)

makes sure the dynamic_cast operator is implemented in the DLL (due to a Linux bug)

◆ closeFile()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::closeFile ( const char *  pFileName)
pure virtual

◆ CollectCallbacksToFire()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CollectCallbacksToFire ( std::list< CNodeCallback * > &  CallbacksToFire,
bool  allDependents = false,
bool  always = false 
pure virtual

Update the registered callbacks.

◆ ConcatenatedWrite()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ConcatenatedWrite ( CNodeWriteConcatenator ,
bool  featureStreaming = true,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector *  pErrorList = NULL 
pure virtual

Execute the transaction.

◆ Connect() [1/4]

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Connect ( IPort pPort) const
pure virtual

Connects a port to the standard port "Device".

◆ Connect() [2/4]

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Connect ( IPort pPort,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring PortName 
) const
pure virtual

Connects a port to a port node with given name.

◆ Connect() [3/4]

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Connect ( IPortStacked pPort)
pure virtual

Connects a port to the standard port "Device".

◆ Connect() [4/4]

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Connect ( IPortStacked pPort,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring PortName 
pure virtual

Connects a port to a port node with given name.

◆ DeAllocate()

void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::DeAllocate ( void *  )

◆ DeleteDoubleCallbacks()

void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::DeleteDoubleCallbacks ( std::list< CNodeCallback * > &  CallbackList)

deletes double callbacks from list

◆ DeleteDoubleCallbacksCompare()

bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::DeleteDoubleCallbacksCompare ( GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeCallback pA,

Helper function for DeleteDoubleCallbacks.

◆ deleteFile()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::deleteFile ( const char *  pFileName)
pure virtual

◆ Deregister()

GENAPI_DECL void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Deregister ( GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CallbackHandleType  pCallbackInfo)

Unregistering callback by handle.

◆ DeregisterCallback()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::DeregisterCallback ( CallbackHandleType  hCallback)
pure virtual

De register change callback.

Destroys CNodeCallback object

true if the callback handle was valid

◆ EatComments()

std::istream& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EatComments ( std::istream &  is)

Helper function ignoring lines starting with comment character '#'.

Definition at line 171 of file Persistence.h.

◆ EntryIsStremable()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::EntryIsStremable ( )
pure virtual

◆ ExtractIndependentSubtree()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ExtractIndependentSubtree ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring XMLData,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InjectXMLData,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring SubTreeRootNodeName,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ExtractedSubtree 
pure virtual

Extract independent subtree.

InjectXMLData> The XML data the subtree is extracted from.
SubTreeRootNodeName> Optional XML data that is injected before extracting the subtree. No effect if an empty string is passed.
ExtractedSubtree> The name of the node that represents the root of the subtree that shall be extracted.> The returned extracted subtree as string.

◆ FinalConstruct() [1/2]

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FinalConstruct ( )
pure virtual

Finalizes the creation of a node object.

◆ FinalConstruct() [2/2]

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FinalConstruct ( bool  DetermineDependencies)
pure virtual

finalizes construction of the node map

◆ FromString()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FromString ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
bool  Verify = true 
pure virtual

Set content of the node as string.

ValueStrThe value to set
VerifyEnables AccessMode and Range verification (default = true)

◆ GenApiTerminate()


Frees static resources hold by GenApi.

Frees all dynamically loaded DLLs held by the DLLManager

◆ Get()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Get ( uint8_t *  pBuffer,
int64_t  Length,
bool  Verify = false,
bool  IgnoreCache = false 
pure virtual

Fills a buffer with the register's contents.

pBufferThe buffer receiving the data to read
LengthThe number of bytes to retrieve
VerifyEnables Range verification (default = false). The AccessMode is always checked
IgnoreCacheIf true the value is read ignoring any caches (default = false)

◆ GetAddress()

virtual int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetAddress ( bool  Verify = false)
pure virtual

Retrieves the Address of the register.

◆ GetAlias()

virtual INode* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetAlias ( ) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the a node which describes the same feature in a different way.

◆ GetBathometer()

virtual Counter& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetBathometer ( )
pure virtual

Returns the object which counts the depth of SetValue() call-chains.

◆ getBufSize()

virtual int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::getBufSize ( const char *  pFileName,
std::ios_base::openmode  mode 
pure virtual

◆ GetCachingMode()

virtual ECachingMode GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetCachingMode ( ) const
pure virtual

Get Caching Mode.

◆ GetCastAlias()

virtual INode* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetCastAlias ( ) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the a node which describes the same feature so that it can be casted.

◆ GetChildren()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetChildren ( GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t Children,
ELinkType  LinkType = ctReadingChildren 
) const
pure virtual

Get all nodes this node directly depends on.

[out]ChildrenList of children nodes
LinkTypeThe link type

◆ GetCookie()

virtual int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetCookie ( )
pure virtual

Gets the cookie a port implementation may have set for caching a command list.

◆ GetCurrentEntry()

IEnumEntry * GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetCurrentEntry ( bool  Verify = false,
bool  IgnoreCache = false 
pure virtual

Get the current entry.

◆ GetDescription()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetDescription ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a long description of the node.

◆ GetDeviceName()

pure virtual

Get a name of the device.

Get device name.

The device name identifies a device instance, e.g. for debugging purposes. The default ist "Device".

◆ GetDeviceVersion()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetDeviceVersion ( Version_t Version)
pure virtual

Get the version of the device description file.

◆ GetDisplayName()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetDisplayName ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a name string for display.

◆ GetDisplayNotation()

virtual EDisplayNotation GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetDisplayNotation ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the way the float should be converted to a string.

◆ GetDisplayPrecision()

virtual int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetDisplayPrecision ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the precision to be used when converting the float to a string.

◆ GetDocuURL()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetDocuURL ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets a URL pointing to the documentation of that feature.

◆ GetEntries()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetEntries ( NodeList_t Entries)
pure virtual

Get list of entry nodes.

◆ GetEntry() [1/2]

virtual IEnumEntry* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetEntry ( const EnumT  Value)
pure virtual

returns the EnumEntry object belonging to the Value

◆ GetEntry() [2/2]

virtual IEnumEntry* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetEntry ( const int64_t  IntValue)
pure virtual

Get an entry node by its IntValue.

◆ GetEntryByName()

virtual IEnumEntry* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetEntryByName ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring Symbolic)
pure virtual

Get an entry node by name.

◆ GetEntryPoint()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetEntryPoint ( )
pure virtual

Returns the node and the method the client call has entered the node map.

true it this information is available, false otherwise

◆ getEntryPoint()

GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::getEntryPoint ( INodeMap nodeMap)

◆ GetEventID()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetEventID ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the EventId of the node.

◆ GetGenApiVersion()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetGenApiVersion ( Version_t Version,
uint16_t &  Build 
pure virtual

Get the version of the DLL's GenApi implementation.

◆ GetInc()

int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetInc ( )
pure virtual

Get the constant increment if there is any.

Get increment.

◆ GetIncMode()

pure virtual

Get increment mode.

◆ GetIntValue()

virtual int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetIntValue ( bool  Verify = false,
bool  IgnoreCache = false 
pure virtual

Get integer node value.

VerifyEnables Range verification (default = false). The AccessMode is always checked
IgnoreCacheIf true the value is read ignoring any caches (default = false)
The value read

◆ GetLength()

virtual int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetLength ( bool  Verify = false)
pure virtual

Retrieves the Length of the register [Bytes].

◆ GetListOfValidValues()

int64_autovector_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetListOfValidValues ( bool  bounded = true)
pure virtual

Get list of valid value.

◆ GetLock()

virtual CLock& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetLock ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the lock which guards the node map.

◆ GetMax()

int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetMax ( )
pure virtual

Get maximum value allowed.

◆ GetMaxLength()

virtual int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetMaxLength ( bool  Verify = false)
pure virtual

Retrieves the maximum length of the string in bytes.

◆ GetMin()

int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetMin ( )
pure virtual

Get minimum value allowed.

◆ GetNameSpace()

virtual GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ENameSpace GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetNameSpace ( ) const
pure virtual

Get name space.

◆ GetNode()

virtual INode* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetNode ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring Name) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the node from the central map by Name.

◆ GetNodeByID()

virtual INodePrivate* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetNodeByID ( NodeID_t  NodeID)
pure virtual

Retrieves t Node given the NodeID.

◆ GetNodeID()

virtual NodeID_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetNodeID ( )
pure virtual

Reads back the node id.

◆ GetNodeMap()

virtual INodeMap* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetNodeMap ( ) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the central node map.

◆ GetNodeType()

virtual CNodeData::ENodeType_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetNodeType ( )
pure virtual

Reads back the node type.

◆ GetNumericValue()

virtual double GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetNumericValue ( )
pure virtual

Get double number associated with the entry.

◆ GetNumNodes()

virtual uint64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetNumNodes ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the number of nodes in the map.

◆ GetParents()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetParents ( GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t Parents) const
pure virtual

Gets all nodes this node is directly depending on.

[out]ParentsList of parent nodes

◆ GetPollingTime()

virtual int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetPollingTime ( ) const
pure virtual

recommended polling time (for not cachable nodes)

◆ GetPrincipalInterfaceType()

virtual EInterfaceType GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetPrincipalInterfaceType ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the type of the main interface of a node.

◆ GetProductGuid()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetProductGuid ( )
pure virtual

Get the Guid describing the product.

◆ GetProperty() [1/2]

bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetProperty ( CNodeDataMap *  pNodeDataMap,
CPropertyID::EProperty_ID_t  PropertyID,
CNodeData::PropertyVector_t &  PropertyList 
) const
pure virtual

Retrieves a property from the node map itself.

Gets all properties from a node which map a given PropertyID.

◆ GetProperty() [2/2]

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetProperty ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring PropertyName,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring AttributeStr 
pure virtual

Retrieves a property plus an additional attribute by name.

If a property has multiple values/attribute they come with Tabs as delimiters

◆ GetPropertyNames()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetPropertyNames ( GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector &  PropertyNames) const
pure virtual

Returns a list of the names all properties set during initialization.

◆ GetRepresentation()

ERepresentation GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetRepresentation ( )
pure virtual

Get recommended representation.

◆ GetSchemaVersion()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetSchemaVersion ( Version_t Version)
pure virtual

Get the schema version number.

◆ GetSelectedFeatures()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetSelectedFeatures ( FeatureList_t &  ) const
pure virtual

retrieve the group of selected features

◆ GetSelectingFeatures()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetSelectingFeatures ( FeatureList_t &  ) const
pure virtual

retrieve the group of features selecting this node

◆ GetSelectorList()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetSelectorList ( GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FeatureList_t &  SelectorList,
bool  Incremental = false 
pure virtual

Retrieves an ordered list of selectors.

Incremental> List to contain the selector pointer> if true only seletor changed since the last GetNext are contained

◆ GetStandardNameSpace()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetStandardNameSpace ( )
pure virtual

Get the standard name space.

◆ GetState()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetState ( CSelectorState state)
pure virtual

Get the state of the selector.

◆ GetSupportedSchemaVersions()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetSupportedSchemaVersions ( GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector &  SchemaVersions)
pure virtual

Gets a list of supported schema versions.

Each list entry is a string with the format "<Major>.<Minor>" were <Major> and <Minor> are integers Example: {"1.1", "1.2"} indicates that the schema v1.1 and v1.2 are supported. The SubMinor version number is not given since it is for fully compatible bug fixes only

◆ GetSwapEndianess()

EYesNo GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetSwapEndianess ( )
pure virtual

Determines if the port adapter must perform an endianess swap.

◆ GetSymbolic()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetSymbolic ( ) const
pure virtual

Get symbolic enum value.

◆ GetTerminalNodes()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetTerminalNodes ( NodeList_t ) const
pure virtual

Returns the list of all terminal nodes a write access to this node will eventually write to.

◆ GetToolTip()

pure virtual

Get tool tip.

Get a short description of the node.

◆ GetUnit()

pure virtual

Get the physical unit name.

◆ GetValue()

GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetValue ( bool  Verify = false,
bool  IgnoreCache = false 
) const
pure virtual

Get node value.

VerifyEnables Range verification (default = false). The AccessMode is always checked
IgnoreCacheIf true the value is read ignoring any caches (default = false)
The value read

◆ GetVendorName()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetVendorName ( )
pure virtual

Get the vendor name.

◆ GetVersionGuid()

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetVersionGuid ( )
pure virtual

Get the Guid describing the product version.

◆ GetVisibility()

virtual EVisibility GENAPI_NAMESPACE::GetVisibility ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the recommended visibility of the node.

◆ HasInc()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::HasInc ( )
pure virtual

True if the float has a constant increment.

◆ Hex2Byte()

char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Hex2Byte ( uint8_t  Hex)

Converts an ASCII hex digit to a char value.

Definition at line 137 of file Value2String.h.

◆ ImposeAccessMode()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ImposeAccessMode ( EAccessMode  ImposedAccessMode)
pure virtual

Imposes an access mode to the natural access mode of the node.

◆ ImposeMax() [1/2]

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ImposeMax ( double  Value)
pure virtual

Restrict maximum value.

◆ ImposeMax() [2/2]

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ImposeMax ( int64_t  Value)
pure virtual

Restrict maximum value.

◆ ImposeMin() [1/2]

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ImposeMin ( double  Value)
pure virtual

Restrict minimum value.

◆ ImposeMin() [2/2]

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ImposeMin ( int64_t  Value)
pure virtual

Restrict minimum value.

◆ ImposeVisibility()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ImposeVisibility ( EVisibility  ImposedVisibility)
pure virtual

Imposes a visibility to the natural visibility of the node.

◆ InvalidateNode()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::InvalidateNode ( )
pure virtual

Indicates that the node's value may have changed.

Fires the callback on this and all dependent nodes

◆ InvalidateNodes()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::InvalidateNodes ( ) const
pure virtual

Invalidates all nodes.

◆ IsAccessModeCacheable()

virtual EYesNo GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsAccessModeCacheable ( ) const
pure virtual

True if the AccessMode can be cached.

◆ IsCachable()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsCachable ( ) const
pure virtual

Is the node value cachable.

◆ IsCallbackSuppressed()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsCallbackSuppressed ( )
pure virtual

Returns True if callback have been disabled by the user for this current nodamap call.

◆ IsDeprecated()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsDeprecated ( ) const
pure virtual

True if the node should not be used any more.

◆ IsDone()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsDone ( bool  Verify = true)
pure virtual

Query whether the command is executed.

VerifyEnables Range verification (default = false). The AccessMode is always checked
True if the Execute command has finished; false otherwise

◆ IsFeature()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsFeature ( ) const
pure virtual

True if the node can be reached via category nodes from a category node named "Root".

◆ IsGenApiDeviceLoggingEnabled()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsGenApiDeviceLoggingEnabled ( )
pure virtual

Indicates if the GenApi.Device logging is enabled.

◆ IsGenApiLoggingEnabled()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsGenApiLoggingEnabled ( )
pure virtual

Indicates if the GenApi logging is enabled.

◆ IsSelfClearing()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsSelfClearing ( )
pure virtual

Indicates if the corresponding EnumEntry is self clearing.

◆ IsStreamable()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsStreamable ( ) const
pure virtual

True if the node is streamable.

◆ IsTerminalNode()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsTerminalNode ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns true, if this node is terminal.

◆ IsValueCacheValid()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::IsValueCacheValid ( ) const
pure virtual

Checks if the value comes from cache or is requested from another node.

◆ LoadXMLFromFile()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::LoadXMLFromFile ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring FileName)
pure virtual

Loads an XML from a file.

◆ LoadXMLFromFileInject()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::LoadXMLFromFileInject ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring TargetFileName,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InjectFileName 
pure virtual

Loads an XML from a file with injection.

◆ LoadXMLFromString()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::LoadXMLFromString ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring XMLData)
pure virtual

Loads an XML from a string.

◆ LoadXMLFromStringInject()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::LoadXMLFromStringInject ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring TargetXMLData,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InjectXMLData 
pure virtual

Loads an XML from a string with injection.

◆ LoadXMLFromZIPData()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::LoadXMLFromZIPData ( const void *  zipData,
size_t  zipSize 
pure virtual

Loads an XML from a ZIP data buffer.

◆ LoadXMLFromZIPFile()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::LoadXMLFromZIPFile ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ZipFileName)
pure virtual

Loads an XML from a ZIP file.

◆ MergeXMLFiles()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::MergeXMLFiles ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring TargetFileName,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InjectedFileName,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring OutputFileName 
pure virtual

Injects an XML file into a target file.

InjectedFileName> Name of the target XML file to process
OutputFileName> Name of the Injected XML file to process> Name of the oputput file

◆ MyAllocate()

void* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::MyAllocate ( std::size_t  )

◆ NewNodeWriteConcatenator()

virtual CNodeWriteConcatenator* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NewNodeWriteConcatenator ( ) const
pure virtual

Create a new write concatenator object.

◆ openFile()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::openFile ( const char *  pFileName,
std::ios_base::openmode  mode 
pure virtual

◆ operator!=()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator!= ( const MyAlloc< T1 > &  ,
const MyAlloc< T2 > &   
throw (

Definition at line 103 of file gcmemory.h.

◆ operator()()

GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator() ( ) const

Get node value.

Execute the command.

Definition at line 79 of file IBoolean.h.

◆ operator*()

pure virtual

Get string node value.

Get node value.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

std::ostream& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const CFeatureBag FeatureBag 

writes out persistent data to a stream

puts the bag into a stream

Definition at line 315 of file Persistence.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

std::ostream& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const CFeatureBagger featureBagger 

writes out persistent data to a stream

puts the bags into a stream

Definition at line 440 of file Persistence.h.

◆ operator=() [1/5]

virtual IBoolean& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator= ( bool  Value)

Set node value.

Definition at line 64 of file IBoolean.h.

◆ operator=() [2/5]

IString & GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator= ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr)
pure virtual

Set string node value.

Set node value.

Note : the operator= is not inherited thus the operator= versions from IEnumeration must be implemented again

◆ operator=() [3/5]

virtual IFloat& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator= ( double  Value)
pure virtual

Set node value.

◆ operator=() [4/5]

virtual IEnumeration& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator= ( EnumT  Value)
pure virtual

Set node value.

◆ operator=() [5/5]

virtual IInteger& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator= ( int64_t  Value)
pure virtual

Set node value.

◆ operator==()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator== ( const MyAlloc< T1 > &  ,
const MyAlloc< T2 > &   
throw (

Definition at line 98 of file gcmemory.h.

◆ operator>>() [1/2]

std::istream& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
CFeatureBag FeatureBag 

reads in persistent data from a stream

fills the bag from a stream

Definition at line 220 of file Persistence.h.

◆ operator>>() [2/2]

std::istream& GENAPI_NAMESPACE::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
CFeatureBagger featureBagger 

reads back persistent data from a stream

reads the bags from a stream

Definition at line 462 of file Persistence.h.

◆ ParseSwissKnifes()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ParseSwissKnifes ( GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector *  pErrorList = NULL) const
pure virtual

Parse all Swissknife equations.

◆ PersistFeature()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::PersistFeature ( IValue item,
CSelectorSet selectorSet = NULL 
pure virtual

Stores a feature.

◆ Poll()

void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Poll ( int64_t  ElapsedTime)
pure virtual

Invalidates the node if the polling time has elapsed.

Fires nodes which have a polling time.

true : fire callback of that node

◆ PreprocessXMLFromFile()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::PreprocessXMLFromFile ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring XMLFileName,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring StyleSheetFileName,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring OutputFileName,
const uint32_t  XMLValidation = xvDefault 
pure virtual

Loads an XML, checks it for correctness, pre-processes it, caches it, and optionally applies a style sheet, and optionally writes it to a file.

StyleSheetFileName> The name of the XML file to process
OutputFileName> Optional name of a style sheet which is applied after the pre-processor (can be empty string)> This has no effect if the OutputFileName is an empty string
XMLValidation> Optional name of an output file into which the processed data is written (can be empty string)> Optional bit mask formed from EXMLValidation enumeration indicating which tests should be performed on the XML file

◆ PreprocessXMLFromZIPFile()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::PreprocessXMLFromZIPFile ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring XMLFileName,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring StyleSheetFileName,
const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring OutputFileName,
const uint32_t  XMLValidation = xvDefault 
pure virtual

Loads a Zipped XML, checks it for correctness, pre-processes it, caches it, and optionally applies a style sheet, and optionally writes it to a file.

StyleSheetFileName> The name of the XML file to process
OutputFileName> Optional name of a style sheet which is applied after the pre-processor (can be empty string)> This has no effect if the OutputFileName is an empty string
XMLValidation> Optional name of an output file into which the processed data is written (can be empty string)> Optional bit mask formed from EXMLValidation enumeration indicating which tests should be performed on the XML file

◆ read()

virtual GenICam_streamsize GENAPI_NAMESPACE::read ( char *  buf,
int64_t  offs,
GenICam_streamsize  len,
const char *  pFileName 
pure virtual

◆ RegisterCallback()

virtual CallbackHandleType GENAPI_NAMESPACE::RegisterCallback ( CNodeCallback pCallback)
pure virtual

Register change callback.

Takes ownership of the CNodeCallback object

◆ ReplaceEnvironmentVariables()

void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ReplaceEnvironmentVariables ( GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring Buffer)

◆ Replay()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Replay ( IPort pPort)
pure virtual

Replays the write command to the given port interface.

◆ ResetEntryPoint()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ResetEntryPoint ( )
pure virtual

Sets the entry point to undefined.

◆ Restore()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Restore ( )
pure virtual

Restores the selectors' values found at creation.

◆ round()

int64_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::round ( double  x)

Definition at line 51 of file PolyReference.h.


uint32_t  l,
uint16_t  w1,
uint16_t  w2,
uint8_t  b1,
uint8_t  b2,
uint8_t  b3,
uint8_t  b4,
uint8_t  b5,
uint8_t  b6,
uint8_t  b7,
uint8_t  b8 

◆ SetCookie()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetCookie ( const int64_t  Value)
pure virtual

Sets a cookie in case the port implementation want to cache a command list.

◆ SetEntryPoint()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetEntryPoint ( EMethod  EntryMethod,
const INodePrivate pEntryNode,
bool  stremable,
bool  IgnoreCache 
pure virtual

Sets the node and the method the client call has entered the node map.

◆ SetGenApiPersistenceMode()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetGenApiPersistenceMode ( bool  )
pure virtual

◆ SetIntValue()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetIntValue ( int64_t  Value,
bool  Verify = true 
pure virtual

Set integer node value.

ValueThe value to set
VerifyEnables AccessMode and Range verification (default = true)

◆ SetInvalid()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetInvalid ( ESetInvalidMode  simMode)
pure virtual

Invalidate the node resp. the node and all of its dependents.

◆ SetNext()

virtual bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetNext ( bool  Tick = true)
pure virtual

Sets digit to next value.

Tickif false the counter does not tick (but realize it could have)
true if the resulting value is valid

◆ SetNumEnums()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetNumEnums ( int  NumEnums)
pure virtual

sets the number of enum vallues

◆ SetNumNodes()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetNumNodes ( size_t  NumNodes)
pure virtual

Presets the number of nodes in order to resize the containers.

◆ SetProperty()

void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetProperty ( CProperty &  Property)
pure virtual

Sets a property to the node map itself.

Sets a property to the node.

◆ SetSuppressCallbackMode()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetSuppressCallbackMode ( ECallbackSuppressMode  )
pure virtual

Set suppress callback mode.

◆ SetUserData()

virtual UserData_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::SetUserData ( UserData_t  userdata)
pure virtual

Stores user defined data without taking ownership. Returns the previously stored value.

◆ StopRecording()

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::StopRecording ( )
pure virtual

stops recording

◆ String2Value() [1/10]

GENAPI_DECL bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const char *  ValueStr,
int64_t Value,
ERepresentation  Representation = PureNumber 

Converts a string to an int64_t property taking representation hints.

◆ String2Value() [2/10]

GENAPI_DECL bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
bool *  pValue 

Converts a string to a bool value.

◆ String2Value() [3/10]

GENAPI_DECL bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
CBooleanPolyRef Value 

Converts a string to a CBooleanPolyRef.

◆ String2Value() [4/10]

GENAPI_DECL bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
CFloatPolyRef Value 

Converts a string to a CFloatPolyRef.

◆ String2Value() [5/10]

GENAPI_DECL bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
CIntegerPolyRef Value 

Converts a string to a CIntegerPolyRef.

◆ String2Value() [6/10]

GENAPI_DECL bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
CStringPolyRef Value 

Converts a string to a CStringPolyRef.

◆ String2Value() [7/10]

GENAPI_DECL bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
GUID *  Value 

Converts a string to a GUID property.

◆ String2Value() [8/10]

template<typename T >
bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
T *  Value 

Converts a string to an T property.

Definition at line 72 of file Value2String.h.

◆ String2Value() [9/10]

GENAPI_DECL bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
uint8_t *  pValue,
const int64_t  len,
int64_t filled 

◆ String2Value() [10/10]

GENAPI_DECL bool GENAPI_NAMESPACE::String2Value ( const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
uint8_t *  pValue,
int64_t  len 

◆ ToString() [1/2]

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ToString ( )
pure virtual

Returns a string representation of the digit.

◆ ToString() [2/2]

virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ToString ( bool  Verify = false,
bool  IgnoreCache = false 
pure virtual

Get content of the node as string.

VerifyEnables Range verification (default = false). The AccessMode is always checked
IgnoreCacheIf true the value is read ignoring any caches (default = false)
The value read

◆ TrimSpace() [1/2]

char* GENAPI_NAMESPACE::TrimSpace ( char *  Name,
std::istream &  is 

Helper function cutting off space characters.

Definition at line 189 of file Persistence.h.

◆ TrimSpace() [2/2]

std::istream &  is 

Definition at line 199 of file Persistence.h.

◆ Value2String() [1/8]

GENAPI_DECL void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Value2String ( CBooleanPolyRef  Value,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr 

Converts a CBooleanPolyRef to a string.

◆ Value2String() [2/8]

GENAPI_DECL void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Value2String ( CFloatPolyRef  Value,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr 

Converts a CFloatPolyRef to a string.

◆ Value2String() [3/8]

GENAPI_DECL void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Value2String ( CIntegerPolyRef  Value,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr 

Converts a CIntegerPolyRef to a string.

◆ Value2String() [4/8]

GENAPI_DECL void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Value2String ( const GUID &  Value,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr 

Converts a GUID property tp a string.

◆ Value2String() [5/8]

GENAPI_DECL void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Value2String ( CStringPolyRef  Value,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr 

Converts a CStringPolyRef to a string.

◆ Value2String() [6/8]

GENAPI_DECL void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Value2String ( int64_t  Value,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
ERepresentation  Representation = PureNumber 

Converts an int64_t property to a string taking representation hints.

◆ Value2String() [7/8]

template<typename T >
void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Value2String ( Value,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr 

Converts an T property to a string.

Definition at line 62 of file Value2String.h.

◆ Value2String() [8/8]

GENAPI_DECL void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Value2String ( uint8_t *  pValue,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr,
int64_t  len 

Converts a byte array property to a string.

◆ Values2String()

template<typename T >
void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Values2String ( const T &  Values,
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring ValueStr 

Dump a value container into a string.

Definition at line 48 of file Value2String.h.

◆ write()

virtual GenICam_streamsize GENAPI_NAMESPACE::write ( const char *  buf,
int64_t  offs,
int64_t  len,
const char *  pFileName 
pure virtual

◆ Write() [1/2]

virtual void GENAPI_NAMESPACE::Write ( const void *  pBuffer,
int64_t  Address,
int64_t  Length 
pure virtual

Writes a chunk of bytes to the port.

◆ Write() [2/2]

size_t  numEntries 
pure virtual

Writes a chunk of bytes to the port.

◆ ~IBase()

inlinepure virtual

Virtual destructor enforcing virtual destructor on all derived classes.

Definition at line 67 of file IBase.h.

◆ ~ISelectorDigit()

ISelectorDigit::~ISelectorDigit ( )
inlinepure virtual

Virtual destructor enforcing virtual destructor on all derived classes.

Definition at line 77 of file ISelectorDigit.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ Address


Definition at line 57 of file IPort.h.



Definition at line 102 of file EventAdapterCL.h.



Definition at line 103 of file EventAdapterCL.h.


const uint16_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CL_EVENT_CMD_ID = 0x0C00

Definition at line 101 of file EventAdapterCL.h.



Definition at line 100 of file EventAdapterCL.h.



Definition at line 127 of file EventAdapterGEV.h.

◆ DblErR

const double GENAPI_NAMESPACE::DblErR

Definition at line 39 of file MathParser.h.

◆ DblNiN

const double GENAPI_NAMESPACE::DblNiN

◆ eBrackets

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eBrackets[] = "#Brackets do not match!"

Definition at line 13 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eCalcErr

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eCalcErr[] = "#Calculation error!"

Definition at line 22 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eExpAssign

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eExpAssign[] = "#Assignment expected!"

Definition at line 25 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eExpVarRet

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eExpVarRet[] = "#Variable name or return expected!"

Definition at line 24 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eExtraOp

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eExtraOp[] = "#Extra operation!"

Definition at line 16 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eExtrnFunc

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eExtrnFunc[] = "#External function error!"

Definition at line 20 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eInfinity

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eInfinity[] = "#Infinity somewhere!"

Definition at line 17 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eInternal

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eInternal[] = "#Internal error!"

Definition at line 15 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eInvArg

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eInvArg[] = "#Invalid argument!"

Definition at line 18 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eInvForm

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eInvForm[] = "#Invalid formula"

Definition at line 28 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eInvPrmCnt

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eInvPrmCnt[] = "#Invalid parameters count for function call!"

Definition at line 27 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eLogicErr

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eLogicErr[] = "#Logical expression error!"

Definition at line 21 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eSyntax

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eSyntax[] = "#Syntax error!"

Definition at line 14 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eUnexpEnd

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eUnexpEnd[] = "#Unexpected end of script!"

Definition at line 23 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eUnknFunc

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eUnknFunc[] = "# %.*s - Unknown function/variable!"

Definition at line 19 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ eValSizErr

const char GENAPI_NAMESPACE::eValSizErr[] = "#Value too big for operation!"

Definition at line 26 of file MathParserTypes.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_Description

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_Description = "Description"

Key for the description of the update.

Definition at line 40 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_PersistenceSupport_Full

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_PersistenceSupport_Full = "full"

A possible value for the persistence support.

Definition at line 52 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_PersistenceSupport_None

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_PersistenceSupport_None = "none"

A possible value for the persistence support.

Definition at line 51 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_ReleaseNotes

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_ReleaseNotes = "ReleaseNotes"

Key for the release notes of the update. This key is optional and may not be present.

Definition at line 47 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_ReleaseNotesURL

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_ReleaseNotesURL = "ReleaseNotesURL"

Key for a link to a web page with more release notes. This key is optional and may not be present.

Definition at line 48 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_SequencerSetPersistence

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_SequencerSetPersistence = "SequencerSetPersistence"

Key for the support of sequencer set persistence.

Definition at line 50 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_UserSetPersistence

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_UserSetPersistence = "UserSetPersistence"

Key for the support of user set persistence.

Definition at line 49 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_Version

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_Version = "Version"

Key for the version of the update.

Definition at line 41 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_VersionExtractionPattern

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_VersionExtractionPattern = "VersionExtractionPattern"

Key for the regular expression to extract the device version from the DeviceFirmwareVersion node value of a device. This key is optional and may not be present.

Definition at line 45 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_VersionStyle

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoKey_VersionStyle = "VersionStyle"

Key for the format name of the version value. This key is optional and may not be present.

Definition at line 42 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoValue_VersionStyle_Dotted

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoValue_VersionStyle_Dotted = "dotted"

A possible value for the version style key.

Definition at line 43 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.

◆ FirmwareUpdateInfoValue_VersionStyle_SemVer

const char* const GENAPI_NAMESPACE::FirmwareUpdateInfoValue_VersionStyle_SemVer = "semver"

A possible value for the version style key.

Definition at line 44 of file FirmwareUpdateInfo.h.



Definition at line 82 of file EventAdapterU3V.h.



Definition at line 83 of file EventAdapterU3V.h.



Definition at line 81 of file EventAdapterU3V.h.

◆ IDestroy

Initial value:
virtual void Destroy() = 0

Interface to destroy an object.

Definition at line 35 of file IDestroy.h.

◆ Invalidate


Definition at line 72 of file IPortRecorder.h.

◆ IPersistScript

Initial value:
virtual void SetInfo(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &Info) = 0

Basic interface to persist values to.

Definition at line 47 of file Persistence.h.

◆ IPortWriteList

Initial value:
virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int64_t Address, int64_t Length) = 0

Definition at line 45 of file IPortRecorder.h.

◆ ISelectorDigit

Initial value:
virtual bool SetFirst() = 0

Interface of a "digit" of the "counter" formed by the selector set.

Definition at line 43 of file ISelectorDigit.h.

◆ IUserData

Initial value:
virtual UserData_t GetUserData() const = 0

Interface to manage user data stored in nodes or nodemaps.

Definition at line 34 of file IUserData.h.

◆ Length


Definition at line 57 of file IPort.h.

◆ MathCharTypeTable

const hqCharType GENAPI_NAMESPACE::MathCharTypeTable[256]

◆ NodeID


Definition at line 59 of file INodeMapPrivate.h.

◆ NodeType


Definition at line 59 of file INodeMapPrivate.h.


const uint32_t GENAPI_NAMESPACE::U3V_EVENT_PREFIX = 0x45563355

Definition at line 80 of file EventAdapterU3V.h.

◆ Verify


Definition at line 61 of file IBoolean.h.

A string class which is a clone of std::string.
Definition: GCString.h:52
virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int64_t Address, int64_t Length)=0
Writes a chunk of bytes to the port.
Definition: IPort.h:57
void * UserData_t
Definition: IUserData.h:24
Definition: IPort.h:57
void Destroy(SerialPortMap &portList)
Definition: CLAllAdapter.h:164
__int64 int64_t
Definition: config-win32.h:21

Author(s): Heiko Hirschmueller
autogenerated on Wed Dec 4 2024 03:10:12