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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 Autovector.hThis file contains the public definition of the autovector classes
 AutovectorImpl.hThis file contains the internal implementation of the autovector
 BaseT.hDefinition of the BaseT class template
 Boolean.hDefinition of CBoolean
 BooleanT.hDefinition of BooleanT class template
 Category.hDefinition of CCategory
 ChunkAdapter.hDeclaration of the CChunkAdapter class
 ChunkAdapterDcam.hDeclaration of the CChunkAdapterDcam class
 ChunkAdapterGenDC.hDeclaration of the CChunkAdapterGenDC class
 ChunkAdapterGeneric.hDeclaration of the CChunkAdapterGeneric class
 ChunkAdapterGEV.hDeclaration of the CChunkAdapterGEV class
 ChunkAdapterU3V.hDeclaration of the CChunkAdapterU3V class
 ChunkPort.hDeclaration of the CChunkPort class
 CLAllAdapter.hC++ class wrapping CLSerialAll
 CLAutoBuffer.hC++ class wrapping CLSerialAll and CLProtocolDriver
 CLException.hCLProtocol exception type
 CLPort.hC++ class wrapping CLSerialAll and CLProtocolDriver
 CLProtocol.hExported C functions for camera link protocol drivers
 CLProtocolLinkage.hContains CLProtocol's linker directives
 ClSerial.hExported C functions as defined by the Camera Link standard v1.1
 ClSerialTypes.hTypes and constants as used by the Camera Link's API definition
 Command.hDefinition of CCommand
 CommandT.hDefinition of CommandT class template
 Compatibility.hDefinition of macros for cross-platform compatibility
 ConcatenatedWrite.hThis file contains the public definition of the node write concatenator classes
 Container.hPortable container classes for INode & IValue pointers
 Converter.hDefinition of the CConverter class
 Counter.hDefinition of a simple Counter class
 CVersion.hC++ class wrapping CLSerialAll and CLProtocolDriver
 DcamAccessCtrlReg.hDefinition of CDcamAccessCtrlReg
 Destructible.hDeclaration of of IDestructible base class
 DLLLoad.hDefinition of function for loading a DLL dynamically
 EnumClasses.hDefinition of enum classes for Sign, Endianess, Access mode and Visibility
 EnumEntry.hDefinition of CEnumEntry
 Enumeration.hDefinition of CEnumeratorBase and CEnumeration_Int
 EnumerationT.hDefinition of the EnumerationT class template
 EventAdapter.hDeclaration of the CEventAdapter class
 EventAdapter1394.hDeclaration of the CEventAdapter1394 class
 EventAdapterCL.hDeclaration of the CEventAdapterCL class
 EventAdapterGeneric.hDeclaration of the CEventAdapterGEV class
 EventAdapterGEV.hDeclaration of the CEventAdapterGEV class
 EventAdapterU3V.hDeclaration of the CEventAdapterU3V class
 EventPort.hDeclaration of the CEventPort class
 Filestream.hDefinition of ODevFileStream and IDevFileStream
 FirmwareUpdatableDevice.hDeclaration of IFirmwareUpdatableDevice
 FirmwareUpdateDefaultInfoCollector.hImplementation of FirmwareUpdateDefaultInfoCollector
 FirmwareUpdateDll.hDefines to be used for FirmwareUpdate library
 FirmwareUpdateExceptions.hImplementation of firmware update exceptions
 FirmwareUpdateInfo.hDeclaration of CFirmwareUpdateInfo
 FirmwareUpdateInfoCollector.hDeclaration of IFirmwareUpdateInfoCollector
 FirmwareUpdateLinkage.hHelpers for pragma linkage
 FirmwareUpdateProgressObserver.hDeclaration of IFirmwareUpdateProgressObserver and EFirmwareUpdateProgressStepType
 FirmwareUpdater.hDeclaration of CFirmwareUpdater
 FloatT.hDefinition of the FloatT class template
 FltReg.hDefinition of CFltReg
 GCBase.hCommon GenICam base include file
 GCCompatibility.hProject wide definitions for compatibility
 GCLinkage.hHelpers for pragma linkage
 GCNamespace.hGenICam versioned namespace
 GCRTSSUtilities.hGenICam RTSS utilities
 GCString.hPortable string implementation
 GCStringVector.hPortable string vector implementation
 GCSynch.hDefinition of Lock classes
 GCTypes.hPlatform-dependent type definitions
 GCUtilities.hGenICam common utilities
 GenApi.hMain include file for using GenApi with smart pointers
 GenApiDll.hDeclspec's to be used for GenApi Windows dll
 GenApiLinkage.hContains GenApi's linker directives
 GenApiNamespace.hGenICam versioned namespace
 GenApiUtilities.hGenICam common utilities
 GenApiVersion.hCentral versioning counters
 GenICamFwd.hForward declarations for GenICam types
 GenICamVersion.hCentral versioning counters
 GlobalPragmas.hThis file must be included FIRST
 IBase.hDefinition of interface IBase
 IBoolean.hDefinition of IBoolean interface
 ICategory.hDefinition of interface ICategory and types FeatureList_t :
 IChunkPort.hDefinition of interface IChunkPort
 ICommand.hDefinition of ICommand interface
 IDestroy.hDefinition of interface IDestroy
 IDeviceInfo.hDefinition of interface INodeMap
 IEEE1212Parser.hDefinition of CIEEE1212Parser
 IEnumeration.hDefinition of interface IEnumeration
 IEnumerationT.hDefinition of interface IEnumerationT
 IFloat.hDefinition of the IFloat interface
 IInteger.hDefinition of the interface IInteger
 INode.hDefinition of interface INode and types NodeList_t and CallbackHandleType:
 INodeMap.hDefinition of interface INodeMap
 INodeMapDyn.hDefinition of interface INodeMapDyn
 INodeMapPrivate.hDefinition of interface INodeMapPrivate
 INodePrivate.hDefinition of interface INodePrivate
 Int64Lexer.hDefinition of CInt64Lexer
 Int64MathParser.hDefinition of CInt64MathParser
 IntConverter.hDefinition of the CConverter class
 IntegerT.hDefinition of the IntegerT class template
 IntKey.hDefinition of CIntKey
 IntReg.hDefinition of CIntReg
 IntSwissKnife.hDefinition of CIntSwissKnife
 IPort.hDefinition of interface IPort
 IPortConstruct.hDefinition of interface IPortConstruct
 IPortRecorder.hDefinition of interface IPort
 IPortStacked.hDefinition of interface IPort
 IRegister.hDefinition of RegisterList_t type and the interface IRegister
 ISelector.hDefinition of ISelector
 ISerial.hExported C functions for camera link protocol drivers
 IString.hDefinition of interface IString
 IUserData.hDefinition of interface IUserData
 IValue.hDefinition of the interface IValue
 Lexer.hDefinition of CLexer
 LogDll.hDeclspec's to be used for Log Windows dll
 MaskedIntReg.hDefinition of CMaskedIntReg
 MathParser.hDefinition of CMathParser
 MathParserDll.hExport Macros
 NodeCallback.hImplementation helpers for CNodeCallback
 NodeMap.hDeclaration of CNodeMap
 NodeMapFactory.hDefinition of the node map factory
 NodeMapRef.hDefinition of CNodeMapRef
 NodeT.hDefinition of the NodeT class template
 Persistence.hDefinition of interface IPersistScript and class CFeatureBag
 Pointer.hDefinition of template CPointer
 PointerImpl.hDefinition of private drivates from CPointer
 PolyReference.hDefinition of polymorphical smart pointer
 Port.hDefinition of CPort
 PortImpl.hDefinition of CPortImpl
 PortStackedImpl.hDefinition of CPortImpl
 PortWriteList.hDefinition of interface IPort
 PrivateTypes.hCommon types used in the GenApi implementation
 Reference.hDefinition of template CReference
 Register.hDefinition of CRegister
 RegisterSetHelper.hDefinition of CRegisterSetHelper
 RegisterT.hDefinition of the RegisterT class template
 RTSSUtilities.hHelper functions
 SmartFeature.hInterface to the CSmartFeature class
 StringNode.hInterface to the CStringRegister class
 StringReg.hInterface to the CStringRegister class
 StringT.hDefinition of the NodeT class template
 StrMap.hDefinition of CStrMap
 SwissKnife.hDefinition of CSwissKnife
 SwissKnifeT.hDefinition of the SwissknifeT class template
 SymTable.hImplementation of CSymTable
 Synch.hDefinition of Lock classes
 Txtkey.hDefinition of CTxtKey
 Types.hCommon types used in the public GenApi interface
 Utilities.hHelper functions
 Value2String.hDefinition of value2string and string2value functions
 ValueArrayAdapter.hThe CValueArrayAdapter class and related utilities
 ValueCache.hDefinition of CValueCache
 ValueNode.hDefinition of CValueNode
 ValueT.hDefinition of the ValueT class template

Author(s): Heiko Hirschmueller
autogenerated on Wed Dec 4 2024 03:10:13