IInteger implementation for a masked register. More...
#include <MaskedIntReg.h>
Public Member Functions | |
CMaskedIntRegImpl () | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual void | FinalConstruct () |
Initializes the object. More... | |
virtual bool | GetProperty (CNodeDataMap *pNodeDataMap, CPropertyID::EProperty_ID_t PropertyID, CNodeData::PropertyVector_t &PropertyList) const |
virtual int64_t | InternalGetLength (bool Verify=false) |
Retrieves the Length of the register [Bytes]. More... | |
virtual EInterfaceType | InternalGetPrincipalInterfaceType () const |
Implementation of IBase::GetPrincipalInterfaceType() More... | |
virtual void | SetProperty (CProperty &Property) |
![]() | |
CIntRegImpl () | |
Constructor. More... | |
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virtual bool | CanBeWritten (bool Verify) |
CRegisterImpl () | |
Default Contructor. More... | |
virtual void | SetInvalid (INodePrivate::ESetInvalidMode simMode) |
Initializes the object. More... | |
![]() | |
CNodeImpl () | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~CNodeImpl () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | Initialize (GENAPI_NAMESPACE::INodeMapPrivate *const pNodeMap, CNodeData::ENodeType_t NodeType, NodeID_t &NodeID) |
virtual CNodeData::ENodeType_t | GetNodeType () |
virtual NodeID_t | GetNodeID () |
virtual void | CollectCallbacksToFire (std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbacksToFire, bool allDependents=false, bool always=false) |
virtual bool | IsTerminalNode () const |
virtual void | GetTerminalNodes (GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t &Terminals) const |
virtual bool | Poll (int64_t ElapsedTime) |
virtual bool | CanBeRead (bool Verify) |
virtual bool | IsSelector () const |
virtual void | GetSelectedFeatures (FeatureList_t &list) const |
virtual void | GetSelectingFeatures (FeatureList_t &) const |
INodeMapPrivate * | GetNodeMapPrivate () |
Retrieves the INodeMapPrivate interface. More... | |
void | SetParent (INodePrivate *pParent) |
Sets a parent : CAVE : for internal use only... More... | |
void | add_child (CPropertyID::EProperty_ID_t PropertyID, CProperty &, INodePrivate *pNode) |
void | add_orphan_child (CPropertyID::EProperty_ID_t PropertyID, CProperty &, INodePrivate *pNode) |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual int64_t | InternalGetValue (bool Verify=false, bool IgnoreCache=false) |
Get feature value. More... | |
virtual void | InternalSetValue (int64_t Value, bool Verify=true) |
Set feature value. More... | |
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virtual int64_t | InternalGetInc () const |
Get increment. More... | |
virtual const int64_autovector_t | InternalGetListOfValidValues () |
Get list of valid value. More... | |
virtual int64_t | InternalGetMax () const |
Get maximum value allowed. More... | |
virtual int64_t | InternalGetMin () const |
Get minimum value allowed. More... | |
virtual ERepresentation | InternalGetRepresentation () const |
Get recommended representation. More... | |
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | InternalGetUnit () |
Get the unit. More... | |
void | ReadReg (uint8_t *ValueBytes, bool Verify=false, bool IgnoreCache=false) |
helpers to handle the register access incl. swapping More... | |
virtual void | SetInvalid (ESetInvalidMode simMode) |
void | UpdateMasks () const |
pre-computes some masks More... | |
void | WriteReg (uint8_t *ValueBytes, bool Verify=true) |
helpers to handle the register access incl. swapping More... | |
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virtual void | InternalFromString (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &valueString, bool Verify=true) |
Set value of the node as string. More... | |
virtual void | InternalGet (uint8_t *ppBuffer, int64_t pLength, bool Verify=false, bool IgnoreCache=false) |
Retrieves a pointer to a buffer containing the register's contents. More... | |
virtual EAccessMode | InternalGetAccessMode () const |
Get the access mode of the node. More... | |
virtual int64_t | InternalGetAddress (bool Verify, bool IgnoreCache) |
Retrieves the Address of the register. More... | |
virtual ECachingMode | InternalGetCachingMode () const |
Get Caching Mode. More... | |
virtual void | InternalSet (const uint8_t *pBuffer, int64_t Length, bool Verify=true) |
Set the register's contents. More... | |
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | InternalToString (bool Verify=false, bool IgnoreCache=false) |
Implements interface IValue (called by IValueT) More... | |
void | UpdateAddress (bool Verify, bool IgnoreCache) |
Recomputes the Address. More... | |
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EAccessMode | InternalGetAccessMode (IBase *pValue) const |
Default implementation of GetAccessMode taking into account another node. More... | |
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | InternalGetName (bool FullQualified=false) const |
Get node name. More... | |
virtual GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ENameSpace | InternalGetNameSpace () const |
Get name space. More... | |
virtual EVisibility | InternalGetVisibility () const |
Get the recommended visibility of the node. More... | |
virtual void | InternalInvalidateNode (std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbacksToFire) |
virtual bool | InternalIsCachable () const |
Is the node value cachable. More... | |
virtual int64_t | InternalGetPollingTime () const |
recommended polling time (for not cachable nodes) More... | |
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | InternalGetToolTip () const |
Get a short description of the node. More... | |
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | InternalGetDescription () const |
Get a long description of the node. More... | |
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | InternalGetDisplayName () const |
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | InternalGetDeviceName () const |
Get a name of the device. More... | |
virtual void | InternalGetChildren (GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t &Children, ELinkType LinkType) const |
Get all children of the node. More... | |
virtual CallbackHandleType | InternalRegisterCallback (CNodeCallback *pCallback) |
Register change callback. More... | |
virtual bool | InternalDeregisterCallback (CallbackHandleType hCallback) |
Deregister change callback. More... | |
virtual INodeMap * | InternalGetNodeMap () const |
Retrieves the node map. More... | |
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | GetEventID () const |
Get the EventId of the node. More... | |
virtual bool | IsStreamable () const |
True if the node is streamable. More... | |
virtual void | GetParents (GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t &Parents) const |
virtual void | GetPropertyNames (GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector &PropertyNames) const |
Returns a list of the names all properties set during initialization. More... | |
virtual bool | GetProperty (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &PropertyName, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &AttributeStr) |
Retrieves a property plus an additional attribute by name. More... | |
virtual void | ImposeAccessMode (EAccessMode ImposedAccessMode) |
Imposes an access mode to the natural access mode of the node. More... | |
virtual void | ImposeVisibility (EVisibility ImposedVisibility) |
Imposes a visibility to the natural visibility of the node. More... | |
virtual INode * | GetAlias () const |
Retrieves the a node which describes the same feature in a different way. More... | |
virtual INode * | GetCastAlias () const |
Retrieves the a node which describes the same feature so that it can be casted. More... | |
virtual void | InternalCheckError () const |
Checks for an explicitly via the <pError> element defined error. More... | |
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | InternalGetDocuURL () const |
Gets a URL pointing to the documentation of that feature. More... | |
virtual bool | InternalIsDeprecated () const |
True if the node should not be used any more. More... | |
virtual bool | IsFeature () const |
True if the node can be reached via category nodes from a category node named "Std::Root". More... | |
virtual EYesNo | InternalIsAccessModeCacheable () const |
True if the AccessMode can be cached. More... | |
bool | IsAccessModeCached () const |
returns true, if the AccessModeCache is valid More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | GetNodeType () const |
CLock & | GetLock () const |
Acquire central lock. More... | |
Counter & | GetBathometer () const |
The bathometer is a counter used to measure the depth of SetValue-like call chains. More... | |
void | PreSetValue () |
Invalidates all nodes which will become affected by a SetValue call into the node tree. More... | |
void | PostSetValue (std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbacksToFire) |
Fires callback on all nodes which became affected by a SetValue call into the node tree. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | GetQualifiedName (GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring Name, ENameSpace NameSpace) const |
Creates the full qualified name. More... | |
void | CacheAccessModeIfPossible (EAccessMode AccessMode) const |
virtual bool | InternalIsValueCacheValid () const |
Checks if the value comes from cache or is requested from another node. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
uint32_t | m_LSB |
least significant bit of the integer with respect to the register More... | |
uint32_t | m_LSB_property |
the property belonging to m_LSB More... | |
uint64_t | m_Mask |
Mask with 1 were the integer is located; 0 otherwise. More... | |
uint32_t | m_MSB |
most significant bit of the integer with respect to the register More... | |
uint32_t | m_MSB_property |
the property belonging to m_MSB More... | |
![]() | |
EEndianess | m_Endianess |
endianess of the register More... | |
bool | m_MasksAreValid |
if true the masks are valid More... | |
int64_t | m_Max |
maximum value to be stored in the Register More... | |
int64_t | m_Min |
minimum value to be stored in the Register More... | |
ERepresentation | m_Representation |
representation of the integer More... | |
ESign | m_Sign |
sign of the integer More... | |
uint64_t | m_SignBit |
The bit indicating the sign of the number to be retrieved. More... | |
uint64_t | m_SignMask |
The bit to be set to -1 if the number is negative. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | m_Unit |
the physical unit name More... | |
![]() | |
EAccessMode | m_AccessMode |
the access mode More... | |
int64_t | m_Address |
Address of the register. More... | |
std::list< CIntegerPolyRef > | m_Addresses |
List of Addresses or pointer to address supplying nodes. More... | |
int64_t | m_AddressValid |
TRue if m_Address is valid. More... | |
std::list< CIntegerOffsetPolyRef > | m_Indexes |
List of Indexes or pointer to address supplying nodes. More... | |
CIntegerPolyRef | m_Length |
Length of the register. More... | |
CPort * | m_pPort |
pointer to Port node providing access to the port More... | |
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NodePrivateVector_t | m_Parents |
All nodes for which this node is at least a DependecyChild. More... | |
NodePrivateVector_t | m_ReadingChildren |
all nodes which can be read from For details see GenICam wiki : GenApi/SoftwareArchitecture/NodeDependencies More... | |
NodePrivateVector_t | m_WritingChildren |
all nodes which can write a value further down the node stack For details see GenICam wiki : GenApi/SoftwareArchitecture/NodeDependencies More... | |
NodePrivateVector_t | m_InvalidatingChildren |
All directly connected nodes which invalidate this node For details see GenICam wiki : GenApi/SoftwareArchitecture/NodeDependencies. More... | |
NodePrivateVector_t | m_AllDependingNodes |
All directly or indirectly connected nodes which are invalidated by this nodes (i.e. which are dependent on this node) For details see GenICam wiki : GenApi/SoftwareArchitecture/NodeDependencies. More... | |
NodePrivateVector_t | m_AllTerminalNodes |
All indirectly connected terminal nodes For details see GenICam wiki : GenApi/SoftwareArchitecture/NodeDependencies. More... | |
NodePrivateVector_t | m_VariableChildren |
All node use as variable by this node. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | m_Name |
The name of the node. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | m_Extension |
The metadata from the extension. More... | |
ENameSpace | m_NameSpace |
The namespace of the node. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | m_DeviceName |
The device name of the node tree. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | m_DisplayName |
The display name string of the node. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | m_ToolTip |
The ToolTip for the node. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | m_Description |
The Description of the node. More... | |
EVisibility | m_Visibility |
recommended visibility; More... | |
CBooleanPolyRef | m_IsImplemented |
Reference to a Node, which indicates if the node is implemented. More... | |
CBooleanPolyRef | m_IsAvailable |
Reference to a Node, which indicates if the node is available. More... | |
CBooleanPolyRef | m_IsLocked |
Reference to a Node, which indicates if the node is locked (i.e. not writable) More... | |
CBooleanPolyRef | m_BlockPolling |
Reference to a Node, which indicates if the node is not cached. More... | |
IEnumeration * | m_pError |
Pointer to a Error class. More... | |
INode * | m_pAlias |
Pointer to a Node, which describes the same feature as this one. More... | |
INode * | m_pCastAlias |
Pointer to a Node, which describes the same feature as this one so that it can be casted. More... | |
ECachingMode | m_CachingMode |
indicates that the node has changed More... | |
FeatureList_t | m_Selected |
List of selected features. More... | |
FeatureList_t | m_Selecting |
List of selecting features. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | m_EventID |
The EventID. More... | |
EYesNo | m_IsStreamable |
indicates if the node is streamable More... | |
EAccessMode | m_ImposedAccessMode |
Access mode imposed on the natural access mode of the node. More... | |
EVisibility | m_ImposedVisibility |
Visibility imposed to the natural visibility of the node. More... | |
int64_t | m_PollingTime |
recommended polling time in [ms] More... | |
ETerminalPropagationState | m_propagationState |
Current state for propagating terminals. More... | |
NodeList_t | m_Invalidators |
List of references to nodes which may invalidate this node. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring | m_DocuURL |
A URL pointing or the documentation of this featrues. More... | |
EYesNo | m_IsDeprecated |
indicates that the feature should not be used any more More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector | m_PropertyNames |
Helper: A list of all properties belonging to this node. More... | |
EYesNo | m_IsFeature |
indicates that the node is a feature that is reachable from the Root node via categories More... | |
INodeMapPrivate * | m_pNodeMap |
Pointer to the node map. More... | |
int64_t | m_ElapsedTime |
time elapsed since the last poll More... | |
bool | m_DontDeleteThisCache |
indicates that the cache has been filled and should not be cleared at the end of the operation More... | |
bool | m_TerminalNodeWritten |
indicates that this terminal node was written and not yet invalidated. More... | |
std::list< CNodeCallback * > | m_Callbacks |
List of callbacks. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * | m_pAccessLog |
Logger for messages concerning the AccessMode. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * | m_pValueLog |
Logger for messages concerning the getting and setting values. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * | m_pRangeLog |
Logger for messages concerning the range check. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * | m_pPortLog |
Logger for messages concerning the port access. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * | m_pCacheLog |
Logger for messages concerning the caching access. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * | m_pPreProcLog |
Logger for things done during pre-processing of the node map, e.g. determining dependencies. More... | |
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * | m_pMiscLog |
Logger for messages concerning miscellaneous access which does not fit to the other categories. More... | |
NodeID_t | m_NodeID |
The node's ID. More... | |
CNodeData::ENodeType_t | m_NodeTypeEnum |
EYesNo | m_ExposeStatic |
UserData_t | m_pUserData |
Storage of user defined data. Ownership remains by the user!. Use IUserData interface to access the data. More... | |
ECachingMode | m_CachingModeCache |
stores the cached value of the CachingMode More... | |
EAccessMode | m_AccessModeCache |
cache access mode More... | |
bool | m_ValueCacheValid |
true if the value cache is valid More... | |
bool | m_ListOfValidValuesCacheValid |
true if the list of valid value is cached More... | |
EYesNo | m_AccessModeCacheability |
indicates if the AccessMode is cacheable More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | ETerminalPropagationState { eNotVisited, eBeingVisited, eTerminalPropagationDone } |
States when propagating terminals. More... | |
typedef AutoLock | Lock |
shortcut for the lock type More... | |
IInteger implementation for a masked register.
Maps an integer (signed or unsigned) to a masked register
Definition at line 46 of file MaskedIntReg.h.
GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CMaskedIntRegImpl::CMaskedIntRegImpl | ( | ) |
virtual |
Initializes the object.
Reimplemented from GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CRegisterImpl.
virtual |
Reimplemented from GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntRegImpl.
virtual |
Retrieves the Length of the register [Bytes].
Reimplemented from GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntRegImpl.
inlinevirtual |
Implementation of IBase::GetPrincipalInterfaceType()
Reimplemented from GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntRegImpl.
Definition at line 53 of file MaskedIntReg.h.
protectedvirtual |
Get feature value.
Reimplemented from GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntRegImpl.
protectedvirtual |
Set feature value.
Reimplemented from GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntRegImpl.
virtual |
Reimplemented from GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntRegImpl.
protected |
least significant bit of the integer with respect to the register
Definition at line 102 of file MaskedIntReg.h.
protected |
the property belonging to m_LSB
Definition at line 105 of file MaskedIntReg.h.
protected |
Mask with 1 were the integer is located; 0 otherwise.
Definition at line 114 of file MaskedIntReg.h.
protected |
most significant bit of the integer with respect to the register
Definition at line 108 of file MaskedIntReg.h.
protected |
the property belonging to m_MSB
Definition at line 111 of file MaskedIntReg.h.