File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
src/aib.c [code]
vl/aib.c [code]
aib.h [code]AIB (Agglomerative Information Bottleneck (AIB))
array.c [code]
array.h [code]Array
check.h [code]Unit test utilties
covdet.c [code]Covariant feature detectors - Definition
covdet.h [code]Covariant feature detectors (Covariant feature detectors) [code]
dsift.c [code]Dense SIFT - Definition
dsift.h [code]Dense SIFT (Dense Scale Invariant Feature Transform (DSIFT))
fisher.c [code]Fisher - Declaration
fisher.h [code]Fisher encoding (Fisher Vector encoding (FV)) [code]
generic-driver.h [code]
generic.c [code]Generic - Definition
generic.h [code]Generic (General support functionalities)
getopt_long.c [code]Getopt_long - Definition
getopt_long.h [code]Getopt_long
gmm.c [code]Gaussian Mixture Models - Implementation
gmm.h [code]GMM (Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM))
heap-def.h [code]Heap preprocessor metaprogram
hikmeans.c [code]Hierarchical Integer K-Means Clustering - Declaration
hikmeans.h [code]Hierarchical integer K-Means clustering
hog.c [code]Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) - Definition
hog.h [code]Histogram of Oriented Gradients (Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features)
homkermap.c [code]Homogeneous kernel map - Definition
homkermap.h [code]Homogeneous kernel map (Homogeneous kernel map)
host.c [code]Host - Definition
host.h [code]Host
ikmeans.c [code]Integer K-Means clustering - Definition
ikmeans.h [code]Integer K-Means clustering
imopv.c [code]Vectorized image operations - Definition
imopv.h [code]Vectorized image operations
imopv_sse2.c [code]Vectorized image operations - SSE2 - Definition
imopv_sse2.h [code]Vectorized image operations - SSE2
kdtree.c [code]KD-tree - Definition
toolbox/misc/kdtree.h [code]
vl/kdtree.h [code]
kmeans.c [code]K-means - Declaration
kmeans.h [code]K-means (K-means clustering)
lbp.c [code]Local Binary Patterns (LBP) - Definition
lbp.h [code]Local Binary Patterns (LBP) descriptor (Local Binary Patterns (LBP) descriptor)
liop.c [code]Local Intensity Order Pattern (LIOP) descriptor - Definition
liop.h [code]Local Intensity Order Pattern (LIOP) descriptor (Local Intensity Order Pattern (LIOP) descriptor)
mathop.c [code]Math operations - Definition
mathop.h [code]Math operations (Mathematical operations)
mathop_avx.c [code]Mathop for AVX - Definition
mathop_avx.h [code]Mathop for avx
mathop_sse2.c [code]Mathop for SSE2 - Definition
mathop_sse2.h [code]Mathop for sse2 [code]
mexutils.h [code]MEX utilities
src/mser.c [code]
vl/mser.c [code]
mser.h [code]MSER (Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER))
pgm.c [code]Portable graymap format (PGM) parser - Definition
pgm.h [code]Portable graymap format (PGM) parser
qsort-def.h [code]QSort preprocessor metaprogram
quickshift.c [code]Quick shift - Definition
quickshift.h [code]Quick shift (Quick shift image segmentation)
random.c [code]Random number generator - Definition
random.h [code]Random number generator (Random number generator)
rodrigues.c [code]Rodrigues formulas - Definition
rodrigues.h [code]Rodrigues formulas
scalespace.c [code]Scale Space - Definition
scalespace.h [code]Scale Space (Gaussian Scale Space (GSS))
shuffle-def.h [code]Shuffle preprocessor metaprogram
src/sift.c [code]
vl/sift.c [code]
sift.h [code]SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT))
slic.c [code]SLIC superpixels - Definition
slic.h [code]SLIC superpixels (Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC))
stringop.c [code]String operations - Definition
stringop.h [code]String operations
svm.c [code]Support Vector Machines (SVM) - Implementation
svm.h [code]Support Vector Machines (Support Vector Machines (SVM))
svmdataset.c [code]SVM Dataset - Definition
svmdataset.h [code]SVM Dataset
svms_common.h [code]
test_gauss_elimination.c [code]
test_getopt_long.c [code]
test_gmm.c [code]GMM test
test_heap-def.c [code]Test heap-def.h
test_host.c [code]
test_imopv.c [code]
test_kmeans.c [code]K-means test
test_liop.c [code]
test_mathop.c [code]
test_mathop_abs.c [code]
test_nan.c [code]
test_qsort-def.c [code]
test_rand.c [code]
test_sqrti.c [code]Test integer square root algorithm
test_stringop.c [code]
test_svd2.c [code]Test SVD on 2x2 matrices (mathop.h)
test_threads.c [code]Test threaded VLFeat client
test_vec_comp.c [code]Test vector computations
vl_aib.c [code]
vl_aibhist.c [code]
vl_alldist.c [code]Vl_alldist - MEX implementation
vl_alldist2.c [code]
vl_binsearch.c [code]
vl_binsum.c [code]
vl_covdet.c [code]
vl_cummax.c [code]Vl_cummax MEX defition
vl_dsift.c [code]
vl_erfill.c [code]Maximally Stable Extremal Regions - MEX implementation
vl_fisher.c [code]Vl_fisher MEX definition
vl_getpid.c [code]
vl_gmm.c [code]Vl_gmm MEX definition
vl_hikmeans.c [code]
vl_hikmeanspush.c [code]
vl_hog.c [code]Vl_hog MEX definition
vl_homkermap.c [code]
vl_ihashfind.c [code]
vl_ihashsum.c [code]
vl_ikmeans.c [code]
vl_ikmeanspush.c [code]
vl_imdisttf.c [code]
vl_imintegral.c [code]
vl_imsmooth.c [code]
vl_imwbackwardmx.c [code]
vl_inthist.c [code]
vl_irodr.c [code]
vl_kdtreebuild.c [code]
vl_kdtreequery.c [code]
vl_kmeans.c [code]Vl_kmeans MEX definition
vl_lbp.c [code]
vl_liop.c [code]
vl_localmax.c [code]
vl_mser.c [code]
vl_quickshift.c [code]
vl_rodr.c [code]
vl_sampleinthist.c [code]
vl_sift.c [code]
vl_siftdescriptor.c [code]
vl_simdctrl.c [code]
vl_slic.c [code]Vl_slic
vl_svmtrain.c [code]Vl_svmtrain MEX definition
vl_threads.c [code]Vl_threads MEX definition
vl_tpsumx.c [code]
vl_twister.c [code]
vl_ubcmatch.c [code]
vl_version.c [code]Vl_version MEX definition
vl_vlad.c [code]Vl_vlad MEX definition
vlad.c [code]VLAD - Declaration
vlad.h [code]VLAD encoding (Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) encoding) [code] [code]

Author(s): Andrea Vedaldi
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:26:24