pose_graph::AllEdges | Dummy predicate that always returns true for edges |
pose_graph::AllNodes | |
pose_graph::CachedNodeMap< M > | A map<unsigned, M::ConstPtr> backed by a warehouse collection |
pose_graph::ConstraintGraph | |
pose_graph::ConstraintGraphVisualizer | Class used to visualize constraint graph |
pose_graph::DataNotFoundException | Could not find exactly one entry for a given topic-node pair |
pose_graph::DiffPublisher | |
pose_graph::DiffSubscriber | |
pose_graph::DisconnectedComponentException | Exception when trying to optimize a disconnected graph |
pose_graph::DuplicateEdgeIdException | Exception for trying to add an EdgeId that already exists |
pose_graph::DuplicateNodeIdException | Exception for trying to add a NodeId that already exists |
pose_graph::NodeDuplicateDataException | Node n already had data |
pose_graph::NoOptimizedPoseException | Exception for when there's no optimized pose associated with a graph node |
pose_graph::NoPathException | Exception when no path found in graph between two nodes |
pose_graph::OptimizedDistancePredicate | |
pose_graph::PoseGraphException | A base class for all pose_graph exceptions; provides a handy boost::format parent constructor |
pose_graph::Spa2DConversionResult | |
pose_graph::UnknownDBTopicException | Topic doesn't exist in the graph db |
pose_graph::UnknownEdgeIdException | Exception for unknown EdgeId |
pose_graph::UnknownNodeIdException | Exception for unknown NodeId |
pose_graph::Visitor< G > |