Classes | Namespaces | Defines | Typedefs | Enumerations | Enumerator | Functions | Variables

MAVROS node implementation. More...

Collaboration diagram for Nodelib:


class  mavros::MavlinkDiag
class  mavros::MavRos
 MAVROS node class. More...
class  mavros::UAS
 UAS for plugins. More...


namespace  mavros


#define DEG_TO_RAD   (M_PI / 180.0f)
#define UAS_DIAG(uasobjptr)   ((uasobjptr)->diag_updater)
 helper accessor to diagnostic updater
#define UAS_FCU(uasobjptr)   ((uasobjptr)->fcu_link)
 helper accessor to FCU link interface
#define UAS_PACK_CHAN(uasobjptr)
 helper for mavlink_msg_*_pack_chan()
#define UAS_PACK_TGT(uasobjptr)
 helper for pack messages with target fields


typedef boost::array< double, 9 > mavros::UAS::Covariance3d
 Type matching rosmsg for covariance 3x3.
typedef boost::array< double, 36 > mavros::UAS::Covariance6d
 Type matching rosmsg for covarince 6x6.
typedef Eigen::Map< const
Eigen::Matrix< double,
3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor > > 
typedef Eigen::Map< const
Eigen::Matrix< double,
6, 6, Eigen::RowMajor > > 
typedef Eigen::Map
< Eigen::Matrix< double,
3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor > > 
 Eigen::Map for Covariance3d.
typedef Eigen::Map
< Eigen::Matrix< double,
6, 6, Eigen::RowMajor > > 
 Eigen::Map for Covariance6d.
typedef std::lock_guard
< std::recursive_mutex > 
typedef std::pair< const
std::string, const
Eigen::Quaterniond > 
typedef std::unique_lock
< std::recursive_mutex > 


 Orientation transform options when applying rotations to data. More...


void mavros::MavRos::add_plugin (std::string &pl_name, ros::V_string &blacklist, ros::V_string &whitelist)
bool mavros::UAS::cmode_from_str (std::string cmode_str, uint32_t &custom_mode)
 Lookup custom mode for given string.
bool mavros::UAS::get_armed ()
 Returns arming status.
geometry_msgs::Vector3 mavros::UAS::get_attitude_angular_velocity ()
 Get angular velocity from IMU data.
sensor_msgs::Imu::Ptr mavros::UAS::get_attitude_imu ()
 Get IMU data.
geometry_msgs::Quaternion mavros::UAS::get_attitude_orientation ()
 Get Attitude orientation quaternion.
enum MAV_AUTOPILOT mavros::UAS::get_autopilot ()
 Returns autopilot type.
uint64_t mavros::UAS::get_capabilities ()
void mavros::UAS::get_gps_epts (float &eph, float &epv, int &fix_type, int &satellites_visible)
 Returns EPH, EPV, Fix type and satellites visible.
sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::Ptr mavros::UAS::get_gps_fix ()
 Retunrs last GPS RAW message.
bool mavros::UAS::get_hil_state ()
 Returns HIL status.
static const Eigen::Affine3d & get_static_transform_affine (const UAS::STATIC_TRANSFORM transform)
uint8_t mavros::UAS::get_tgt_component ()
 Return communication target component.
uint8_t mavros::UAS::get_tgt_system ()
 Return communication target system.
uint64_t mavros::UAS::get_time_offset (void)
enum MAV_TYPE mavros::UAS::get_type ()
 Returns vehicle type.
bool mavros::UAS::is_ardupilotmega ()
 Check that FCU is APM.
bool mavros::MavRos::is_blacklisted (std::string &pl_name, ros::V_string &blacklist, ros::V_string &whitelist)
bool mavros::UAS::is_connected ()
 Return connection status.
bool mavros::UAS::is_my_target (uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid)
 Check that sys/comp id's is my target.
bool mavros::UAS::is_my_target (uint8_t sysid)
 Check that system id is my target.
bool mavros::UAS::is_px4 ()
 Check that FCU is PX4.
void mavros::MavRos::log_connect_change (bool connected)
static const OrientationPair make_orientation (const std::string &name, const double roll, const double pitch, const double yaw)
void mavros::MavRos::mavlink_pub_cb (const mavlink_message_t *mmsg, uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid)
 fcu link -> ros
void mavros::MavRos::mavlink_sub_cb (const mavros_msgs::Mavlink::ConstPtr &rmsg)
 ros -> fcu link
 mavros::MavlinkDiag::MavlinkDiag (std::string name)
 mavros::MavRos::MavRos ()
static const Eigen::Affine3d NED_ENU_AFFINE (NED_ENU_Q)
static int mavros::UAS::orientation_from_str (const std::string &sensor_orientation)
 Retrieve sensor orientation number from alias name.
void mavros::MavRos::plugin_route_cb (const mavlink_message_t *mmsg, uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid)
 message router
static Eigen::Quaterniond mavros::UAS::quaternion_from_rpy (const Eigen::Vector3d &rpy)
 Convert euler angles to quaternion.
static Eigen::Quaterniond mavros::UAS::quaternion_from_rpy (const double roll, const double pitch, const double yaw)
 Convert euler angles to quaternion.
static double mavros::UAS::quaternion_get_yaw (const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Get Yaw angle from quaternion.
static void mavros::UAS::quaternion_to_mavlink (const Eigen::Quaterniond &q, float qmsg[4])
 Store Quaternion to MAVLink float[4] format.
static Eigen::Vector3d mavros::UAS::quaternion_to_rpy (const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Convert quaternion to euler angles.
static void mavros::UAS::quaternion_to_rpy (const Eigen::Quaterniond &q, double &roll, double &pitch, double &yaw)
 Convert quaternion to euler angles.
void mavros::MavlinkDiag::run (diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &stat)
static Eigen::Quaterniond mavros::UAS::sensor_orientation_matching (MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION orientation)
 Function to match the received orientation received by MAVLink msg and the rotation of the sensor relative to the FCU.
void mavros::MavlinkDiag::set_connection_status (bool connected)
void mavros::MavlinkDiag::set_mavconn (const mavconn::MAVConnInterface::Ptr &link)
void mavros::UAS::set_tgt (uint8_t sys, uint8_t comp)
void mavros::UAS::set_time_offset (uint64_t offset_ns)
void mavros::MavRos::spin ()
void mavros::MavRos::startup_px4_usb_quirk (void)
 start mavlink app on USB
void mavros::UAS::stop (void)
static std::string mavros::UAS::str_autopilot (enum MAV_AUTOPILOT ap)
 Represent MAV_AUTOPILOT as string.
std::string mavros::UAS::str_mode_v10 (uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode)
 Represent FCU mode as string.
static std::string mavros::UAS::str_sensor_orientation (MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION orientation)
 Retrieve alias of the orientation received by MAVLink msg.
static std::string mavros::UAS::str_system_status (enum MAV_STATE st)
 Represent MAV_STATE as string.
static std::string mavros::UAS::str_type (enum MAV_TYPE type)
 Represent MAV_TYPE as string.
ros::Time mavros::UAS::synchronise_stamp (uint32_t time_boot_ms)
 Compute FCU message time from time_boot_ms or time_usec field.
ros::Time mavros::UAS::synchronise_stamp (uint64_t time_usec)
template<typename T >
std_msgs::Header mavros::UAS::synchronized_header (const std::string &frame_id, const T time_stamp)
 Create message header from time_boot_ms or time_usec stamps and frame_id.
void mavros::MavRos::terminate_cb ()
 fcu link termination callback
static Eigen::Vector3d mavros::UAS::transform_frame (const Eigen::Vector3d &vec, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Transform data experessed in one frame to another frame.
static Covariance3d mavros::UAS::transform_frame (const Covariance3d &cov, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Transform convariance expressed in one frame to another.
static Covariance6d mavros::UAS::transform_frame (const Covariance6d &cov, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_aircraft_baselink (const T &in)
 Transform data expressed in Aircraft frame to Baselink frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_aircraft_enu (const T &in, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Transform data expressed in aircraft frame to ENU frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from aircraft frame to ENU frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_aircraft_ned (const T &in, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Transform data expressed in aircraft frame to NED frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from aircraft frame to NED frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_baselink_aircraft (const T &in)
 Transform data expressed in Baselink frame to Aircraft frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_baselink_enu (const T &in, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Transform data expressed in baselink to ENU frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from basel_link to ENU frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_enu_aircraft (const T &in, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Transform data expressed in ENU to aircraft frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from ENU to aircraft frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_enu_baselink (const T &in, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Transform data expressed in ENU to base_link frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from ENU to base_link frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_enu_ned (const T &in)
 Transform data expressed in ENU to NED frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_ned_aircraft (const T &in, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q)
 Transform data expressed in NED to aircraft frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from NED to aircraft frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_ned_enu (const T &in)
 Transform data expressed in NED to ENU frame.
static double mavros::UAS::transform_frame_yaw (double yaw)
static double mavros::UAS::transform_frame_yaw_enu_ned (double yaw)
 Transform heading from ROS to FCU frame.
static double mavros::UAS::transform_frame_yaw_ned_enu (double yaw)
 Transform heading from FCU to ROS frame.
static Eigen::Quaterniond mavros::UAS::transform_orientation (const Eigen::Quaterniond &q, const STATIC_TRANSFORM transform)
 Transform representation of attitude from 1 frame to another (e.g. transfrom attitude from representing from base_link -> NED to representing base_link -> ENU)
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_orientation_aircraft_baselink (const T &in)
 Transform from attitude represented WRT aircraft frame to attitude represented WRT base_link frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_orientation_baselink_aircraft (const T &in)
 Transform from attitude represented WRT baselink frame to attitude represented WRT body frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_orientation_enu_ned (const T &in)
 Transform from attitude represented WRT ENU frame to attitude represented WRT NED frame.
template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_orientation_ned_enu (const T &in)
 Transform from attitude represented WRT NED frame to attitude represented WRT ENU frame.
static Eigen::Vector3d mavros::UAS::transform_static_frame (const Eigen::Vector3d &vec, const STATIC_TRANSFORM transform)
 Transform data experessed in one frame to another frame.
static Covariance3d mavros::UAS::transform_static_frame (const Covariance3d &cov, const STATIC_TRANSFORM transform)
 Transform convariance expressed in one frame to another.
static Covariance6d mavros::UAS::transform_static_frame (const Covariance6d &cov, const STATIC_TRANSFORM transform)
 mavros::UAS::UAS ()
void mavros::UAS::update_attitude_imu (sensor_msgs::Imu::Ptr &imu)
 Store IMU data.
void mavros::UAS::update_capabilities (bool known, uint64_t caps=0)
void mavros::UAS::update_connection_status (bool conn_)
void mavros::UAS::update_gps_fix_epts (sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::Ptr &fix, float eph, float epv, int fix_type, int satellites_visible)
 Store GPS RAW data.
void mavros::UAS::update_heartbeat (uint8_t type_, uint8_t autopilot_, uint8_t base_mode_)
 mavros::MavRos::~MavRos ()
 mavros::UAS::~UAS ()


static const Eigen::Quaterniond AIRCRAFT_BASELINK_Q = UAS::quaternion_from_rpy(M_PI, 0.0, 0.0)
std::atomic< uint8_t > mavros::UAS::autopilot
std::atomic< uint8_t > mavros::UAS::base_mode
std::atomic< bool > mavros::UAS::connected
diagnostic_updater::Updater mavros::UAS::diag_updater
 Mavros diagnostic updater.
std::atomic< uint64_t > mavros::UAS::fcu_capabilities
std::atomic< bool > mavros::UAS::fcu_caps_known
mavconn::MAVConnInterface::Ptr mavros::UAS::fcu_link
 MAVLink FCU device conection.
MavlinkDiag mavros::MavRos::fcu_link_diag
mavconn::MAVConnInterface::Ptr mavros::MavRos::gcs_link
MavlinkDiag mavros::MavRos::gcs_link_diag
float mavros::UAS::gps_eph
float mavros::UAS::gps_epv
sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::Ptr mavros::UAS::gps_fix
int mavros::UAS::gps_fix_type
int mavros::UAS::gps_satellites_visible
sensor_msgs::Imu::Ptr mavros::UAS::imu_data
std::atomic< bool > mavros::MavlinkDiag::is_connected
unsigned int mavros::MavlinkDiag::last_drop_count
< mavplugin::MavRosPlugin::Ptr
UAS mavros::MavRos::mav_uas
 UAS object passed to all plugins.
ros::NodeHandle mavros::MavRos::mavlink_nh
ros::Publisher mavros::MavRos::mavlink_pub
ros::Subscriber mavros::MavRos::mavlink_sub
< mavconn::MAVConnInterface::MessageSig, 256 > 
 fcu link interface -> router -> plugin callback
std::recursive_mutex mavros::UAS::mutex
static const Eigen::Quaterniond NED_ENU_Q = UAS::quaternion_from_rpy(M_PI, 0.0, M_PI_2)
< mavplugin::MavRosPlugin
static const std::array< const
OrientationPair, 39 > 
boost::signals2::signal< void(bool)> mavros::UAS::sig_connection_changed
 This signal emit when status was changed.
uint8_t mavros::UAS::target_component
uint8_t mavros::UAS::target_system
tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster mavros::UAS::tf2_broadcaster
tf2_ros::Buffer mavros::UAS::tf2_buffer
tf2_ros::TransformListener mavros::UAS::tf2_listener
std::atomic< uint64_t > mavros::UAS::time_offset
std::atomic< uint8_t > mavros::UAS::type
mavconn::MAVConnInterface::WeakPtr mavros::MavlinkDiag::weak_link

Detailed Description

MAVROS node implementation.

Define Documentation

#define DEG_TO_RAD   (M_PI / 180.0f)

Definition at line 19 of file uas_sensor_orientation.cpp.

#define UAS_DIAG (   uasobjptr)    ((uasobjptr)->diag_updater)

helper accessor to diagnostic updater

Definition at line 43 of file mavros_uas.h.

#define UAS_FCU (   uasobjptr)    ((uasobjptr)->fcu_link)

helper accessor to FCU link interface

Definition at line 37 of file mavros_uas.h.

#define UAS_PACK_CHAN (   uasobjptr)
UAS_FCU(uasobjptr)->get_system_id(),            \
        UAS_FCU(uasobjptr)->get_component_id(),         \

helper for mavlink_msg_*_pack_chan()

Filler for first arguments of *_pack_chan functions.

Definition at line 51 of file mavros_uas.h.

#define UAS_PACK_TGT (   uasobjptr)
(uasobjptr)->get_tgt_system(),                  \

helper for pack messages with target fields

Filler for target_system, target_component fields.

Definition at line 61 of file mavros_uas.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::array<double, 9> mavros::UAS::Covariance3d

Type matching rosmsg for covariance 3x3.

Definition at line 86 of file mavros_uas.h.

typedef boost::array<double, 36> mavros::UAS::Covariance6d

Type matching rosmsg for covarince 6x6.

Definition at line 88 of file mavros_uas.h.

typedef Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> > mavros::UAS::EigenMapConstCovariance3d

Definition at line 92 of file mavros_uas.h.

typedef Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6, Eigen::RowMajor> > mavros::UAS::EigenMapConstCovariance6d

Definition at line 95 of file mavros_uas.h.

typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> > mavros::UAS::EigenMapCovariance3d

Eigen::Map for Covariance3d.

Definition at line 91 of file mavros_uas.h.

typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6, Eigen::RowMajor> > mavros::UAS::EigenMapCovariance6d

Eigen::Map for Covariance6d.

Definition at line 94 of file mavros_uas.h.

typedef std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> mavros::UAS::lock_guard

Definition at line 82 of file mavros_uas.h.

typedef std::pair<const std::string, const Eigen::Quaterniond> OrientationPair

Definition at line 24 of file uas_sensor_orientation.cpp.

typedef std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> mavros::UAS::unique_lock

Definition at line 83 of file mavros_uas.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Orientation transform options when applying rotations to data.


will change orinetation from being expressed WRT NED frame to WRT ENU frame


change from expressed WRT ENU frame to WRT NED frame


change from expressed WRT aircraft frame to WRT to baselink frame


change from expressed WRT baselnk to WRT aircraft

Definition at line 422 of file mavros_uas.h.

Function Documentation

void mavros::MavRos::add_plugin ( std::string &  pl_name,
ros::V_string blacklist,
ros::V_string whitelist 
) [private]
static const Eigen::Affine3d AIRCRAFT_BASELINK_AFFINE ( AIRCRAFT_BASELINK_Q  ) [static]
bool UAS::cmode_from_str ( std::string  cmode_str,
uint32_t &  custom_mode 

Lookup custom mode for given string.

Complimentary to str_mode_v10()

[in]cmode_strstring representation of mode
[out]custom_modedecoded value
true if success

Definition at line 214 of file uas_stringify.cpp.

bool mavros::UAS::get_armed ( ) [inline]

Returns arming status.

There may be race condition between SET_MODE and HEARTBEAT.

Definition at line 162 of file mavros_uas.h.

geometry_msgs::Vector3 UAS::get_attitude_angular_velocity ( )

Get angular velocity from IMU data.


Definition at line 115 of file uas_data.cpp.

sensor_msgs::Imu::Ptr UAS::get_attitude_imu ( )

Get IMU data.

Definition at line 96 of file uas_data.cpp.

geometry_msgs::Quaternion UAS::get_attitude_orientation ( )

Get Attitude orientation quaternion.

orientation quaternion [ENU]

Definition at line 102 of file uas_data.cpp.

enum MAV_AUTOPILOT mavros::UAS::get_autopilot ( ) [inline]

Returns autopilot type.

Definition at line 152 of file mavros_uas.h.

uint64_t UAS::get_capabilities ( )

Definition at line 70 of file uas_data.cpp.

void UAS::get_gps_epts ( float &  eph,
float &  epv,
int &  fix_type,
int &  satellites_visible 

Returns EPH, EPV, Fix type and satellites visible.

Definition at line 145 of file uas_data.cpp.

sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::Ptr UAS::get_gps_fix ( )

Retunrs last GPS RAW message.

Definition at line 156 of file uas_data.cpp.

bool mavros::UAS::get_hil_state ( ) [inline]

Returns HIL status.

Definition at line 170 of file mavros_uas.h.

static const Eigen::Affine3d& get_static_transform_affine ( const UAS::STATIC_TRANSFORM  transform) [inline, static]

Definition at line 36 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

uint8_t mavros::UAS::get_tgt_component ( ) [inline]

Return communication target component.

Definition at line 187 of file mavros_uas.h.

uint8_t mavros::UAS::get_tgt_system ( ) [inline]

Return communication target system.

Definition at line 180 of file mavros_uas.h.

uint64_t mavros::UAS::get_time_offset ( void  ) [inline]

Definition at line 244 of file mavros_uas.h.

enum MAV_TYPE mavros::UAS::get_type ( ) [inline]

Returns vehicle type.

Definition at line 144 of file mavros_uas.h.

bool mavros::UAS::is_ardupilotmega ( ) [inline]

Check that FCU is APM.

Definition at line 298 of file mavros_uas.h.

bool mavros::MavRos::is_blacklisted ( std::string &  pl_name,
ros::V_string blacklist,
ros::V_string whitelist 
) [private]
bool mavros::UAS::is_connected ( ) [inline]

Return connection status.

Definition at line 125 of file mavros_uas.h.

bool mavros::UAS::is_my_target ( uint8_t  sysid,
uint8_t  compid 
) [inline]

Check that sys/comp id's is my target.

Definition at line 284 of file mavros_uas.h.

bool mavros::UAS::is_my_target ( uint8_t  sysid) [inline]

Check that system id is my target.

Definition at line 291 of file mavros_uas.h.

bool mavros::UAS::is_px4 ( ) [inline]

Check that FCU is PX4.

Definition at line 305 of file mavros_uas.h.

void mavros::MavRos::log_connect_change ( bool  connected) [private]
static const OrientationPair make_orientation ( const std::string &  name,
const double  roll,
const double  pitch,
const double  yaw 
) [static]

Definition at line 27 of file uas_sensor_orientation.cpp.

void mavros::MavRos::mavlink_pub_cb ( const mavlink_message_t mmsg,
uint8_t  sysid,
uint8_t  compid 
) [private]

fcu link -> ros

ros -> fcu link

MavlinkDiag::MavlinkDiag ( std::string  name) [explicit]

Definition at line 18 of file mavlink_diag.cpp.

MavRos::MavRos ( )

Definition at line 29 of file mavros.cpp.

static const Eigen::Affine3d NED_ENU_AFFINE ( NED_ENU_Q  ) [static]
int UAS::orientation_from_str ( const std::string &  sensor_orientation) [static]

Retrieve sensor orientation number from alias name.

Definition at line 100 of file uas_sensor_orientation.cpp.

void mavros::MavRos::plugin_route_cb ( const mavlink_message_t mmsg,
uint8_t  sysid,
uint8_t  compid 
) [private]

message router

Eigen::Quaterniond UAS::quaternion_from_rpy ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  rpy) [static]

Convert euler angles to quaternion.

Definition at line 25 of file uas_quaternion_utils.cpp.

static Eigen::Quaterniond mavros::UAS::quaternion_from_rpy ( const double  roll,
const double  pitch,
const double  yaw 
) [inline, static]

Convert euler angles to quaternion.

quaternion, same as tf::quaternionFromRPY() but in Eigen format.

Definition at line 378 of file mavros_uas.h.

double UAS::quaternion_get_yaw ( const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q) [static]

Get Yaw angle from quaternion.

Replacement function for tf::getYaw()

Definition at line 41 of file uas_quaternion_utils.cpp.

static void mavros::UAS::quaternion_to_mavlink ( const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q,
float  qmsg[4] 
) [inline, static]

Store Quaternion to MAVLink float[4] format.

MAVLink uses wxyz order, wile Eigen::Quaterniond uses xyzw internal order, so it can't be stored to array using Eigen::Map.

Definition at line 412 of file mavros_uas.h.

Eigen::Vector3d UAS::quaternion_to_rpy ( const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q) [static]

Convert quaternion to euler angles.

Reverse operation to quaternion_from_rpy()

Definition at line 35 of file uas_quaternion_utils.cpp.

static void mavros::UAS::quaternion_to_rpy ( const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q,
double &  roll,
double &  pitch,
double &  yaw 
) [inline, static]

Convert quaternion to euler angles.

Definition at line 392 of file mavros_uas.h.

Implements diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticTask.

Definition at line 24 of file mavlink_diag.cpp.

Eigen::Quaterniond UAS::sensor_orientation_matching ( MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION  orientation) [static]

Function to match the received orientation received by MAVLink msg and the rotation of the sensor relative to the FCU.

Definition at line 89 of file uas_sensor_orientation.cpp.

void mavros::MavlinkDiag::set_connection_status ( bool  connected) [inline]

Definition at line 34 of file mavlink_diag.h.

Definition at line 30 of file mavlink_diag.h.

void mavros::UAS::set_tgt ( uint8_t  sys,
uint8_t  comp 
) [inline]

Definition at line 191 of file mavros_uas.h.

void mavros::UAS::set_time_offset ( uint64_t  offset_ns) [inline]

Definition at line 240 of file mavros_uas.h.

void mavros::MavRos::startup_px4_usb_quirk ( void  ) [private]

start mavlink app on USB

void UAS::stop ( void  )

Stop UAS

Definition at line 40 of file uas_data.cpp.

std::string UAS::str_autopilot ( enum MAV_AUTOPILOT  ap) [static]

Represent MAV_AUTOPILOT as string.

Definition at line 261 of file uas_stringify.cpp.

std::string UAS::str_mode_v10 ( uint8_t  base_mode,
uint32_t  custom_mode 

Represent FCU mode as string.

Port pymavlink mavutil.mode_string_v10

Supported FCU's:

  • APM:Plane
  • APM:Copter
  • PX4
[in]base_modebase mode
[in]custom_modecustom mode data

Definition at line 153 of file uas_stringify.cpp.

std::string UAS::str_sensor_orientation ( MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION  orientation) [static]

Retrieve alias of the orientation received by MAVLink msg.

Definition at line 78 of file uas_sensor_orientation.cpp.

std::string UAS::str_system_status ( enum MAV_STATE  st) [static]

Represent MAV_STATE as string.

Definition at line 322 of file uas_stringify.cpp.

std::string UAS::str_type ( enum MAV_TYPE  type) [static]

Represent MAV_TYPE as string.

Definition at line 302 of file uas_stringify.cpp.

ros::Time UAS::synchronise_stamp ( uint32_t  time_boot_ms)

Compute FCU message time from time_boot_ms or time_usec field.

Uses time_offset for calculation

FCU time if it is known else current wall time.

Definition at line 32 of file uas_timesync.cpp.

ros::Time UAS::synchronise_stamp ( uint64_t  time_usec)

Definition at line 44 of file uas_timesync.cpp.

template<typename T >
std_msgs::Header mavros::UAS::synchronized_header ( const std::string &  frame_id,
const T  time_stamp 
) [inline]

Create message header from time_boot_ms or time_usec stamps and frame_id.

Setting frame_id and stamp are pretty common, this little helper should reduce LOC.

[in]frame_idframe for header
[in]time_stampmavlink message time
Header with syncronized stamp and frame id

Definition at line 272 of file mavros_uas.h.

void mavros::MavRos::terminate_cb ( ) [private]

fcu link termination callback

Eigen::Vector3d UAS::transform_frame ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  vec,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q 
) [static]

Transform data experessed in one frame to another frame.

General function. Please use specialized enu-ned and ned-enu variants.

Definition at line 139 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

UAS::Covariance3d UAS::transform_frame ( const Covariance3d cov,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q 
) [static]

Transform convariance expressed in one frame to another.

General function. Please use specialized enu-ned and ned-enu variants.

Definition at line 145 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

UAS::Covariance6d UAS::transform_frame ( const Covariance6d cov,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q 
) [static]
implement me!!!

Definition at line 158 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_aircraft_baselink ( const T in) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in Aircraft frame to Baselink frame.

Definition at line 531 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_aircraft_enu ( const T in,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q 
) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in aircraft frame to ENU frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from aircraft frame to ENU frame.

Definition at line 567 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_aircraft_ned ( const T in,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q 
) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in aircraft frame to NED frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from aircraft frame to NED frame.

Definition at line 549 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_baselink_aircraft ( const T in) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in Baselink frame to Aircraft frame.

Definition at line 540 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_baselink_enu ( const T in,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q 
) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in baselink to ENU frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from basel_link to ENU frame.

Definition at line 594 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_enu_aircraft ( const T in,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q 
) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in ENU to aircraft frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from ENU to aircraft frame.

Definition at line 576 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_enu_baselink ( const T in,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q 
) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in ENU to base_link frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from ENU to base_link frame.

Definition at line 585 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_enu_ned ( const T in) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in ENU to NED frame.

Definition at line 522 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_ned_aircraft ( const T in,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q 
) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in NED to aircraft frame. Assumes quaternion represents rotation from NED to aircraft frame.

Definition at line 558 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_frame_ned_enu ( const T in) [inline, static]

Transform data expressed in NED to ENU frame.

Definition at line 513 of file mavros_uas.h.

static double mavros::UAS::transform_frame_yaw ( double  yaw) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 637 of file mavros_uas.h.

static double mavros::UAS::transform_frame_yaw_enu_ned ( double  yaw) [inline, static]

Transform heading from ROS to FCU frame.

Definition at line 601 of file mavros_uas.h.

static double mavros::UAS::transform_frame_yaw_ned_enu ( double  yaw) [inline, static]

Transform heading from FCU to ROS frame.

Definition at line 608 of file mavros_uas.h.

Eigen::Quaterniond UAS::transform_orientation ( const Eigen::Quaterniond &  q,
const STATIC_TRANSFORM  transform 
) [static]

Transform representation of attitude from 1 frame to another (e.g. transfrom attitude from representing from base_link -> NED to representing base_link -> ENU)

Transform for vector3.

General function. Please use specialized enu-ned and ned-enu variants.

Definition at line 60 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_orientation_aircraft_baselink ( const T in) [inline, static]

Transform from attitude represented WRT aircraft frame to attitude represented WRT base_link frame.

Definition at line 495 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_orientation_baselink_aircraft ( const T in) [inline, static]

Transform from attitude represented WRT baselink frame to attitude represented WRT body frame.

Definition at line 504 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_orientation_enu_ned ( const T in) [inline, static]

Transform from attitude represented WRT ENU frame to attitude represented WRT NED frame.

Definition at line 486 of file mavros_uas.h.

template<class T >
static T mavros::UAS::transform_orientation_ned_enu ( const T in) [inline, static]

Transform from attitude represented WRT NED frame to attitude represented WRT ENU frame.

Definition at line 477 of file mavros_uas.h.

Eigen::Vector3d UAS::transform_static_frame ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  vec,
const STATIC_TRANSFORM  transform 
) [static]

Transform data experessed in one frame to another frame.

General function. Please use specialized enu-ned and ned-enu variants.

Definition at line 85 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

UAS::Covariance3d UAS::transform_static_frame ( const Covariance3d cov,
const STATIC_TRANSFORM  transform 
) [static]

Transform convariance expressed in one frame to another.

General function. Please use specialized enu-ned and ned-enu variants.

Definition at line 91 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

UAS::Covariance6d UAS::transform_static_frame ( const Covariance6d cov,
const STATIC_TRANSFORM  transform 
) [static]
implement me!!!

Definition at line 125 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

UAS::UAS ( )

Definition at line 23 of file uas_data.cpp.

void UAS::update_attitude_imu ( sensor_msgs::Imu::Ptr imu)

Store IMU data.

Definition at line 90 of file uas_data.cpp.

void UAS::update_capabilities ( bool  known,
uint64_t  caps = 0 

Definition at line 81 of file uas_data.cpp.

void UAS::update_connection_status ( bool  conn_)

Update autopilot connection status (every HEARTBEAT/conn_timeout)

Definition at line 53 of file uas_data.cpp.

void UAS::update_gps_fix_epts ( sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::Ptr fix,
float  eph,
float  epv,
int  fix_type,
int  satellites_visible 

Store GPS RAW data.

Definition at line 131 of file uas_data.cpp.

void UAS::update_heartbeat ( uint8_t  type_,
uint8_t  autopilot_,
uint8_t  base_mode_ 

Update autopilot type on every HEARTBEAT

Definition at line 46 of file uas_data.cpp.

Definition at line 38 of file mavros.h.

mavros::UAS::~UAS ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 98 of file mavros_uas.h.

Variable Documentation

const Eigen::Quaterniond AIRCRAFT_BASELINK_Q = UAS::quaternion_from_rpy(M_PI, 0.0, 0.0) [static]

Definition at line 31 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

std::atomic<uint8_t> mavros::UAS::autopilot [private]

Definition at line 616 of file mavros_uas.h.

std::atomic<uint8_t> mavros::UAS::base_mode [private]

Definition at line 617 of file mavros_uas.h.

std::atomic<bool> mavros::UAS::connected [private]

Definition at line 622 of file mavros_uas.h.

Mavros diagnostic updater.

Definition at line 113 of file mavros_uas.h.

std::atomic<uint64_t> mavros::UAS::fcu_capabilities [private]

Definition at line 635 of file mavros_uas.h.

std::atomic<bool> mavros::UAS::fcu_caps_known [private]

Definition at line 634 of file mavros_uas.h.

MAVLink FCU device conection.

Definition at line 108 of file mavros_uas.h.

MavlinkDiag mavros::MavRos::fcu_link_diag [private]

Definition at line 50 of file mavros.h.

Definition at line 45 of file mavros.h.

MavlinkDiag mavros::MavRos::gcs_link_diag [private]

Definition at line 51 of file mavros.h.

float mavros::UAS::gps_eph [private]

Definition at line 627 of file mavros_uas.h.

float mavros::UAS::gps_epv [private]

Definition at line 628 of file mavros_uas.h.

Definition at line 626 of file mavros_uas.h.

Definition at line 629 of file mavros_uas.h.

Definition at line 630 of file mavros_uas.h.

Definition at line 624 of file mavros_uas.h.

std::atomic<bool> mavros::MavlinkDiag::is_connected [private]

Definition at line 41 of file mavlink_diag.h.

unsigned int mavros::MavlinkDiag::last_drop_count [private]

Definition at line 40 of file mavlink_diag.h.

Definition at line 54 of file mavros.h.

UAS mavros::MavRos::mav_uas [private]

UAS object passed to all plugins.

Definition at line 58 of file mavros.h.

Definition at line 43 of file mavros.h.

Definition at line 47 of file mavros.h.

Definition at line 48 of file mavros.h.

fcu link interface -> router -> plugin callback

Definition at line 56 of file mavros.h.

std::recursive_mutex mavros::UAS::mutex [private]

Definition at line 613 of file mavros_uas.h.

const Eigen::Quaterniond NED_ENU_Q = UAS::quaternion_from_rpy(M_PI, 0.0, M_PI_2) [static]

Definition at line 26 of file uas_frame_conversions.cpp.

Definition at line 53 of file mavros.h.

const std::array<const OrientationPair, 39> sensor_orientations [static]

Definition at line 36 of file uas_sensor_orientation.cpp.

boost::signals2::signal<void(bool)> mavros::UAS::sig_connection_changed

This signal emit when status was changed.

boolconnection status

Definition at line 120 of file mavros_uas.h.

uint8_t mavros::UAS::target_component [private]

Definition at line 620 of file mavros_uas.h.

uint8_t mavros::UAS::target_system [private]

Definition at line 619 of file mavros_uas.h.

Definition at line 236 of file mavros_uas.h.

Definition at line 234 of file mavros_uas.h.

Definition at line 235 of file mavros_uas.h.

std::atomic<uint64_t> mavros::UAS::time_offset [private]

Definition at line 632 of file mavros_uas.h.

std::atomic<uint8_t> mavros::UAS::type [private]

Definition at line 615 of file mavros_uas.h.

Definition at line 39 of file mavlink_diag.h.

Author(s): Vladimir Ermakov
autogenerated on Thu Feb 9 2017 04:00:18