AboutDialog.cpp [code] | |
AboutDialog.h [code] | |
BayesFilter.cpp [code] | |
BayesFilter.h [code] | |
CalibrationDialog.cpp [code] | |
CalibrationDialog.h [code] | |
Camera.cpp [code] | |
Camera.h [code] | |
CameraEvent.h [code] | |
CameraModel.cpp [code] | |
CameraModel.h [code] | |
CameraRGBD.cpp [code] | |
CameraRGBD.h [code] | |
CameraThread.cpp [code] | |
CameraThread.h [code] | |
CameraViewer.cpp [code] | |
CameraViewer.h [code] | |
CloudViewer.cpp [code] | |
CloudViewer.h [code] | |
Compression.cpp [code] | |
Compression.h [code] | |
ConsoleWidget.cpp [code] | |
ConsoleWidget.h [code] | |
ConvertUTF.c [code] | |
ConvertUTF.h [code] | |
DatabaseViewer.cpp [code] | |
DatabaseViewer.h [code] | |
DataRecorder.cpp [code] | |
DataRecorder.h [code] | |
DBDriver.cpp [code] | |
DBDriver.h [code] | |
DBDriverSqlite3.cpp [code] | |
DBDriverSqlite3.h [code] | |
DBReader.cpp [code] | |
DBReader.h [code] | |
DetailedProgressDialog.cpp [code] | |
DetailedProgressDialog.h [code] | |
dmatrix.hh [code] | |
EpipolarGeometry.cpp [code] | |
EpipolarGeometry.h [code] | |
ExportCloudsDialog.cpp [code] | |
ExportCloudsDialog.h [code] | |
ExportDialog.cpp [code] | |
ExportDialog.h [code] | |
Features2d.cpp [code] | |
Features2d.h [code] | |
Graph.cpp [code] | |
Graph.h [code] | |
GraphViewer.cpp [code] | |
GraphViewer.h [code] | |
Image.h [code] | |
ImageView.cpp [code] | |
ImageView.h [code] | |
KeypointItem.cpp [code] | |
KeypointItem.h [code] | |
Link.h [code] | |
LoopClosureViewer.cpp [code] | |
LoopClosureViewer.h [code] | |
app/src/main.cpp [code] | |
examples/BOWMapping/main.cpp [code] | |
examples/RGBDMapping/main.cpp [code] | |
examples/WifiMapping/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/Calibration/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/Camera/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/CameraRGBD/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/ConsoleApp/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/DatabaseViewer/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/DataRecorder/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/EpipolarGeometry/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/ExtractObject/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/ImagesJoiner/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/OdometryViewer/main.cpp [code] | |
tools/VocabularyComparison/main.cpp [code] | |
utilite/resource_generator/main.cpp [code] | |
MainWindow.cpp [code] | |
MainWindow.h [code] | |
MapBuilder.h [code] | |
MapBuilderWifi.h [code] | |
MapVisibilityWidget.cpp [code] | |
MapVisibilityWidget.h [code] | |
Memory.cpp [code] | |
Memory.h [code] | |
ObjDeletionHandler.h [code] | |
Odometry.cpp [code] | |
Odometry.h [code] | |
OdometryBOW.cpp [code] | |
OdometryEvent.h [code] | |
OdometryICP.cpp [code] | |
OdometryInfo.h [code] | |
OdometryMono.cpp [code] | |
OdometryOpticalFlow.cpp [code] | |
OdometryThread.cpp [code] | |
OdometryThread.h [code] | |
OdometryViewer.cpp [code] | |
OdometryViewer.h [code] | |
Parameters.cpp [code] | |
Parameters.h [code] | |
ParamEvent.h [code] | |
PdfPlot.cpp [code] | |
PdfPlot.h [code] | |
posegraph.hh [code] | The template class for the node parameters. The graph of poses with support to tree construction functionalities |
posegraph2.cpp [code] | Defines the graph of 2D poses, with specific functionalities such as loading, saving, merging constraints, and etc |
posegraph2.hh [code] | Defines the graph of 2D poses, with specific functionalities such as loading, saving, merging constraints, and etc |
posegraph3.cpp [code] | Defines the graph of 3D poses, with specific functionalities such as loading, saving, merging constraints, and etc |
posegraph3.hh [code] | Defines the graph of 3D poses, with specific functionalities such as loading, saving, merging constraints, and etc |
PostProcessingDialog.cpp [code] | |
PostProcessingDialog.h [code] | |
PreferencesDialog.cpp [code] | |
PreferencesDialog.h [code] | |
Rtabmap.cpp [code] | |
Rtabmap.h [code] | |
RtabmapEvent.h [code] | |
RtabmapExp.h [code] | |
RtabmapGuiExp.h [code] | |
RtabmapThread.cpp [code] | |
RtabmapThread.h [code] | |
SensorData.cpp [code] | |
SensorData.h [code] | |
Signature.cpp [code] | |
Signature.h [code] | |
SimpleIni.h [code] | |
sqlite3.c [code] | |
sqlite3.h [code] | |
sqlite3ext.h [code] | |
Statistics.cpp [code] | |
Statistics.h [code] | |
StatsToolBox.cpp [code] | |
StatsToolBox.h [code] | |
Transform.cpp [code] | |
Transform.h [code] | |
transformation2.hh [code] | Definition of the 2d transformations |
transformation3.hh [code] | |
treeoptimizer2.cpp [code] | Defines the core optimizer class for 2D graphs which is a subclass of TreePoseGraph2 |
treeoptimizer2.hh [code] | Defines the core optimizer class for 2D graphs which is a subclass of TreePoseGraph2 |
treeoptimizer3.cpp [code] | Defines the core optimizer class for 3D graphs which is a subclass of TreePoseGraph3 |
treeoptimizer3.hh [code] | Defines the core optimizer class for 3D graphs which is a subclass of TreePoseGraph3 |
treeoptimizer3_iteration.cpp [code] | |
UConversion.cpp [code] | |
UConversion.h [code] | Some conversion functions |
UCv2Qt.h [code] | |
UDestroyer.h [code] | |
UDirectory.cpp [code] | |
UDirectory.h [code] | |
UEvent.h [code] | |
UEventsHandler.cpp [code] | |
UEventsHandler.h [code] | |
UEventsManager.cpp [code] | |
UEventsManager.h [code] | |
UEventsSender.cpp [code] | |
UEventsSender.h [code] | |
UFile.cpp [code] | |
UFile.h [code] | |
UImageView.h [code] | |
ULogger.cpp [code] | |
ULogger.h [code] | ULogger class and convenient macros |
UMath.h [code] | Basic mathematics functions |
UMutex.h [code] | |
UObjDeletionThread.h [code] | |
UPlot.cpp [code] | |
UPlot.h [code] | |
UProcessInfo.cpp [code] | |
UProcessInfo.h [code] | |
USemaphore.h [code] | |
UserDataEvent.h [code] | |
UStl.h [code] | Wrappers of STL for convenient functions |
UThread.cpp [code] | |
UThread.h [code] | |
Posix/UThreadC.h [code] | |
UThreadC.h [code] | |
Win32/UThreadC.h [code] | |
UThreadNode.h [code] | |
util3d.cpp [code] | |
util3d.h [code] | |
util3d.hpp [code] | |
UtiLite.h [code] | |
UtiLiteExp.h [code] | |
UTimer.cpp [code] | |
UTimer.h [code] | |
UVariant.h [code] | |
UWin32.h [code] | |
VisualWord.cpp [code] | |
VisualWord.h [code] | |
VWDictionary.cpp [code] | |
VWDictionary.h [code] | |
WifiOSX.h [code] | |
WifiThread.h [code] | |