Class SickScanCommonNw

Class Documentation

class SickScanCommonNw

Public Functions

bool init(std::string ipAddress, unsigned short portNumber, Tcp::DisconnectFunction disconnectFunction, void *obj)
bool setReadCallbackFunction(Tcp::ReadFunction readFunction, void *obj)
bool connect()

Connects to a sensor via tcp and reads the device name.

bool isConnected()

Returns true if the tcp connection is established.

bool disconnect()

Closes the connection to the LMS. This is the opposite of init().

Switches this device from the CONNECTED state back in the CONSTRUCTED state.


True if the device is now in the CONSTRUCTED state

bool sendCommandBuffer(UINT8 *buffer, UINT16 len)
uint64_t getNanosecTimestampLastTcpMessageReceived(void)

Protected Types

enum State


enumerator CONSTRUCTED

Object has been constructed. Use init() to go into CONNECTED state.

Object is now connected. Use run() to go into RUNNING state, or disconnect() to go back into CONSTRUCTED state.

enumerator CONNECTED

Object is connected and emitting data. Use stop() to go back into CONNECTED, or disconnect() to go back into CONSTRUCTED state.

Protected Attributes

State m_state